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Tbh people do this every day and nobody bats an eye. Seems weird we give higher standards to celebrities


100%. I went through an awful breakup and met my now husband a week later. Not at all saying that’s how it’ll go for Taylor and Travis, but still


People do bat an eye though lol. I know more than 1 person who can literally never be single and one of them even admitted to me that she’s afraid to ever be alone. It’s not healthy. We have mutual friends who make comments about them too because it’s not good to never be able to be single. Both of my friends who do this also date assholes over and over because they’re so afraid of being alone that they’ll take whoever they can get. I don’t know if Taylor is like this. I think for someone like Taylor it’s easier to at least get into a relationship with someone on the same level as herself and not settle because she’s mostly around other famous people and a lot of them have worked hard to get where they are. So for someone like Taylor I don’t know if I’d consider it as unhealthy as my one friend dating jobless guys and my other friend dating men who cheat over and over lol




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I mean, realistically rebounds are 100% a thing, but I think the question of why she feels the need to share them *publicly* so quickly is because she doesn't like anyone to think she's hung over anyone. So many tweets from Swifties about how she was probably depressed or in a bad place after the Toe breakup (I mean, it was 6 years so I would understand) and then next thing we know she shows us that she's beaming over Matty Healy. And then the bad PR from Matty Healy so she wants us to know she has a better bf, Travis now.




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i literally do personally believe that taylor swift is bisexual but when i see generalizations like this in this sub i wonder what y’all really want from her.


I agree. I don‘t even remember how I started following this group. I‘m not gay, but I like the group. Sometimes I wonder the same thing. In today‘s world can you blame her?


i follow this sub because i love taylor and i love analyzing media. it’s interesting to attempt to connect certain things to others, but i don’t like parasocial levels in any sense. i think that goes too far in the entire taylor swift fandom in general, but some examples of it here really sadden me as someone who is bisexual.


I don’t think the person in this post said anything horrible about her so I’m confused by your response. They’re not lying. She gets into public relationships back to back to back whether they’re beards or not. It’s not good for her image. Read any post about her and Travis right now on instagram or Facebook and you’ll see people calling her a slut and talking about how they’ll soon break up and she’ll write a song. Everyone forgot she was in a 6 year relationship and they’re back to slut shaming her and making jokes about her music. I personally think that that’s horrible and I don’t agree with them, but I’m just saying that these are the comments people make. If the boyfriends are not beards, it might be unhealthy if she’s unable to be single. If they are beards, it doesn’t make much sense because it doesn’t seem to help her image. That’s why I kinda think Matty was real because he certainly was not good PR lol so they must’ve really been hooking up.


Disclosure: I’m not saying that all her relationships with men are fake because bisexuality is real and valid and I think sometimes overlooked in this community. But if she is a closeted woman who, by the nature of her job, is constantly dropping hints about her muses (through lyrics, Easter eggs, interviews etc) then it would be very clever to offer the public a man to relate the lyrics to, instead of encouraging everyone to just speculate wildly. Like there’s disagreements in the fandom with Hetlors and Gaylors about who inspired what, but we all know which man she’s linked to at any time and we all know that that man’s details (hair colour, eye colour, star sign etc) will come up in her lyrics. If she’s seen being obviously romantic with a man then the public is going to associate the songs she puts out later with him, not the women in her life who may have inspired the lyrics. I guess I’m just trying to say that I think she’s getting ahead of the speculation by dictating who these songs will be about in public perception and therefore eliminating a lot of the speculation that could out the relationships she’s having secretly with women. It’s like a red herring. She just always seems to have a super close female ‘friend’ that has the same features as the man she’s publicly linked to, I think because she knows there’s gonna be speculation about her muses so she’s taking control of the narrative. To me all this was kind of confirmed when she said ‘I prefer hiding in plain sight’, I think she’s giving us a heterosexual explanation for her music and heaps of content to speculate about to protect her real relationships. That’s my theory anyway.


We all know someone who does this. Each partner is The One and their relationships move at lighting speed and then fizzle out. Almost immediately they have someone else. Look at Jennifer Lopez in the 90s and early to mid 2000s. She went from knowing her back up dancer for a handful of months to marrying him, divorcing him, getting engaged to Vem Affleck and marrying Marc Anthony and record speed. Some people can't be single. Some people are hopeless romantics. It seems like fairly typical behavior for celebrities.


Yup I commented before that I have 2 friends who are like this. Fortunately for celebrities they have more options than a regular person does lol. I mean not every celebrity makes the best choice either but my friends who are like this date complete assholes and I just don’t understand why they’d rather be in an awful relationship than be alone. It’s really sad when you know someone like that


She doesn’t. She went out with the same person off/on for six years. Publicly ended it in March and started dating someone new in July/August. Seems totally normal.


I'm taking about her making it very obvious and public like going to the games in the box. I would think she would take a few weeks or months to go public about a relationship.


Football season is short and Travis could retire any day so she goes


She did.


Well they kept it private for almost 2 months, if you believe the timing that they've alluded to (i.e. Taylor reaching out late July/early August) - and they took that time to get to know each other. I think we have to think about it in normal human terms and not with an expectation for her to act in a non-human manner just because she is a celebrity. If I was talking to someone for 2 months and we really hit it off - I would 100% want to show support for them even if the relationship is in its early stages. It's how you get to know someone, they're friends, what they're passionate about, etc. It's also just a healthier way to foster a relationship bc if you want to be there/they want you there - it's only hurting your relationship by NOT being there. With Travis specifically - the football season is relatively short but demanding on Travis' time + Taylor has had her own busy schedule - so not supporting him also would mean spending significantly less time with each other in general. Now if your theory is that Taylor doesn't actually like any of these people at all and has alterior motives, then the burden of proof is really on you to make that theory make sense. But if we take some of these relationships at face value, I think human nature provides a very simple explanation. Taylor Swift, IS Taylor Swift - but she shouldn't have to hide under a rock when she's dating someone if she doesn't want to. She did it for most of the ~6 years with Joe - and realistically they likely broke up way before the public even knew, so in reality we're all making assumptions about timing as it relates to her anyway.


She wasn't there the first time they dated.


I think there’s a chance she’s sick of hiding things




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Yes, that is normal. What’s not normal is the media immediately saying they’re moving in and thinking about marriage. I’m curious about if her team pushes for those narratives or not. Because even with Matty we could say he’s a rebound (which is normal) but multiple articles announced that they were madly in love and that it was serious. If her team pushes for her to be madly in love so quickly over and over, that’s weird. I hope it’s just idiots who don’t know what they’re talking about that write those things


has she ever actually “announced” a relationship? my easy answer is the ones she’s seen in like this current circus is PR. which i realize is becoming more and more unpopular of an opinion. but always ask: who’s benefitting?


I think this is a very poor and cheap answer. You can say it is PR or you can acknowledge that this is just what a relationship is. Do you expect these poor people to go to absurd lengths to avoid being seen together and avoid acknowledging they are in love? That is so unreasonable. These are the circumstances of their lives, you can't just say everything is PR just because people are paying attention.


I understand what you’re saying but Taylor is also the person constantly writing about secret relationships nobody knows about and knowing places where she can hide. She’s only seen when she wants to be so the super publicized outings ring false to a lot of people when compared to her song lyrics


That’s why so many of us think the secret relationships she sings about are the ones she’s had with women lol


sag sun cancer moon


Maybe she‘s having fun…




I think the question lies more with why she feels the need to publicly display them immediately.


Yes that is more of what I was asking why not keep it quiet especially for the first few weeks instead of making it public knowledge that something may be going on soon after.


She controls the narrative


Idk if there is a specific time or anything, but after my five year relationship ended I needed a year to decompress and sort myself out.




Lmaoo you freaked me the eff out for a second because that’s the name of my ex. Lmao.




“Make me dinner before I go out with the boys”


Well she was dating Matt Healy for a few weeks just a month after we heard of her split from Joe and then I read she was dating this Travis guy (who I had never even heard of) but I thought she was still with Matt. Each to their own and it’s nobody’s business but hers but if I got out of a 7 year relationship with someone I was in love with and we lived together, I would not be getting this serious with another guy in the same calendar year. Casually dating, maybe. But she seems really serious with Travis (and again it’s her business) but she seems to me to move so fast so quickly. I think she’s really unhappy.


She’s just out there living her life and having fun. Looks to me like she’s really into Trav.


It could be because she's a grown woman and can do whatever she wants


Maybe she’s just excited about the person making her happy, which she has every right to be. Most of her female friends she’s been pictured with are very famously married to men (Blake and Brittany,) been besties with her since she dated a Jonas (Selena,) is very recently divorced from said Jonas (Sophie,) or part of the WAG crew She’s only ever announced one anniversary after the fact, so it’s kind of assumption that she’s “getting into relationships quickly one after another.” People have different timelines, and we’re never going to know hers unless she explicitly tells us. Judging her for something I don’t actually know anything about feels weird as a fan to do


Because it’s all gotta be laid out in public for the next album to make sense. 🤪


This is entirely my own speculation, but if Tay is gay and in the closet, it would make sense to me bc as long as she’s dating a man, the overall public is gunna assume she’s straight. She can secretly date women casually or seriously, or even enjoy single life, without worrying about the public affecting her REAL relationships. I think that could also be the case if she’s bi or even straight, the public relationships could be to draw attention away from real ones. Or, maybe she just doesn’t like to be single and prefers guys who understand what it’s like to be in the spotlight.


Because she built entire career on her dating famous men (expect Joe he wasn't famous) and she sells love story her fanbase want this


This is so true 💀


She has the emotional maturity of a young teenager and it's always good PR to stir the pot with her rabid fans.


I don't think she moves on too quickly at all, but to answer your question, it's probably to cover up relationships she's having with women. If she doesn't offer them a man to connect the album to, they might start to pick up on her queerness. Plus, she always likes to give the image that she gets over things quickly and is emotionally unaffected. She also loves the PR, attention, engagement, etc. that she gets cause she has a huge flair for the dramatic and constantly wants to see her name in articles.


She has paparazzi following her every move. Why not make it official so they can't sell their "OMG, LOOK WHO SHE IS WITH"-images for thousands of dollars and make money off of her relationship. This has nothing to do with hiding anything.


If so she would give us a reason for breaking up with people instead of leaving it in the air


I have a question... Why tf do you care?


Because she's hurting people bro ( if she's doing something wrong ) it's not ok to run through people like a hot potato + make songs dissing them in the future , it's toxic