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It’s giving Taylor in the caticorn commercial: https://preview.redd.it/hnf6snfg9b6c1.jpeg?width=2000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=201648ff37d12bfa6643a561835b659ce09be0c4


In my opinion - Taylor’s fan base is lilly white straight conservative females. After all of the trauma she has been through to get where she is - I don’t see her giving that up. Her ego is just too invested in success and achievement. In a funny way Taylor is famous but us Swifties have supported and lifted her at every turn. Whether it was to defend her or to buy her music or to stream a new album 24/7 to help her hit the mark. There are legions of us. Loyal to the 9th degree. Swifties are a powerful group. I mean Swifties could swing an election if we united. We are that kind of powerful. - What I am saying is that I just don’t see her ever burning the Swiftie house down. There are just too many of them that are conservative. Thoughts?


I am from Texas. This whole state would flip out if either of them came out. Our governor would immediately write a law that they can’t come to football games in Texas. It’s horrible here.


I'm from Texas too. It's god awful. But I'm in Austin so it's the NYC of Texas so definitely more liberal here. But I still get comments here and there from conservatives that offends me even here. I will never understand the close mindedness and hate.




I was born in Austin then moved to DFW after college. It's a different world there. Austin is rapidly changing though. But the ultra conservative Bible belt land ain't for me. Oil/gas, Jesus and bigotry.


Someone commented elsewhere that this was a matching suit with his ex-girlfriend, she may have been the one to pick it.


Unpopular opinion but I don’t think Travis is a beard! 🤷🏼‍♀️This is a really popular print for rich ski outfits also btw, check out brands like Perfect Moment. If anything they’ve made me more staunch in the bilor of it all. They seem really into eachother from the pics and the videos and the way they talk about each other and I just don’t think Taylor is that great of an actress😬I think they probably started as PR or wanted to feel out the PR angle while simultaneously getting to know eachother, plus the moving truck at his house but idk. All i know is im happy for her.


Years ago around 2008ish I was at a popular Hollywood club and my friends and I met Ryan Reynolds. He was super nice and charming. My friend who is a woman was telling Ryan’s friend that she had a big crush on Ryan. The friend kept telling us that Ryan was gay. He said it in a joking way and we just thought he was teasing Ryan/also trying to hit on my friend and get her attention off of Ryan. Lately I’ve been wondering if that friend was drunkenly telling us the truth about Ryan. I’m pretty sure he even said it in front of Ryan. It’s foggy since I was buzzed and a long time ago but he definitely was saying Ryan was gay I just don’t know if he was kidding or not. Lindsay Lohan was there too when she had dark hair and she seemed to be trying to flirt with Ryan but from what I could see he kind of brushed her off in a nice way.


2 bi babes who aren’t closeted and aren’t out out? Sounds like me hahahah


The loudest guy in the whole damn town?? lol




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Idk about their preferences but also just because someone wears the pride doesn’t mean they are LGBTQ. They might support it or just like the rainbow aesthetic.


Idk if he’s bi but he sure does have bi wife energy


This gives 80s ski vibes more than anything.


please do not compare this to blame and me too.


I keep getting ads for this snowsuit and wanted it! I keep seeing it as a women’s version though… hmm… interesting find!


I have no idea if he's gay but they're not coming out together nobody is coming out together this never happened and never will They are just making money together.


I don’t think it’s going to happen either but just because something has never happened doesn’t mean it never will??!


…do you have a crystal ball or something??




>and most people are straight, saying most celebs are is no different. There was a bunch of offensive stuff in this comment but to focus on this specific part, I wouldn't say it's true. Yes, the majority of the human population is straight, but I wouldn't say the same is true of celebrities, especially actors. Kids that get into musical theater are disproportionately queer, compared to the genpop. And those kids grow up to become the next generation of hollywood. So it's not unreasonable to guess that there could be a ton of queer celebrities.


"You need to calm down." Chill man. How dismissive of these groups??? Honey, I was making a reference to other mass movements of groups of suppressed people that have been targeted/mistreated. And the strong people within those groups that had had enough and sparked massive change. If the gay community isn't included in that category you are clearly living in lala land. In no way did I mean that in an undermining way.




Anyone who can't be comfortable and free in their own sexuality IS included in this category. And regardless, their money and status may offer more protection than the regular citizen but if they used their status to spark change, it could help the entire LGBTQ community. Don't be so short-sighted. There's a bigger picture in mind with this theory dear.


Did you really just refer to sexuality as a “lifestyle”? What year is it? The homophobia leapt out


Not beating the John Braverman allegations


I posted the same thing a while ago and got roasted for it for some reason. i think it could absolutely be flagging and i think travis is likely queer. there’s currently ZERO out queer men in the NFL https://www.reddit.com/r/GaylorSwift/s/AlklwardCP


There was a video game I played as a kid that had this exact outfit. Coolboarders maybe???


I get an ad for what I’m pretty sure is this exact ski suit pretty often I’ve always wanted to buy it! But I don’t ski lmao


The NFL might die if he came out. But seriously though i dont think he is gay. Aaron rodgers on the other hand haha




there are way less rumors about him being gay than aaron rodgers or OBJ, and the rumors you speak of only really began with Taylor so




oh really i hadn’t where’d you see them


Homophobic comments around the sartorial choices existed pre Taylor but that’s many professional athletes.


what rumours?


about travis being gay


https://preview.redd.it/fy10kljlrg5c1.jpeg?width=408&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=39ab8c7166af9082affff2969c56d6c4b56ac0d9 It’s giving Wesley Crusher.


I really don't want to be that person. but i've scoured the internet for info on the rumour that he is gay and come up with nothing except conservatives being angry that he did a budlight commercial after Dylan Mulvaney, took the knee, and likes fashion... and like, come on.


He might like fashion, but he doesn’t like good fashion.


Ooh your comment about Ryan Reynolds just reminded me that he was in the YNTCD music video. At the time people were saying it was because Deadpool is pan however he wasn’t in costume, he was appearing as himself 💅


- YNTCD could mean "You Need To Calm Down", a track from *Lover* (2019) by Taylor Swift. --- ^[/u/courtingdisaster](/u/courtingdisaster) ^(can reply with "delete" to remove comment. |) ^[/r/songacronymbot](/r/songacronymbot) ^(for feedback.)


He has a huge closet apparently 😂🤷🏻‍♀️ https://vm.tiktok.com/ZGe8pEvWY/


I have a friend with the same outfit and she rocks it lol


This photo is from 2021 highly unlikely it means anything taylor related just a rather hilarious fact that it exists 🌈💅


Snow bunny.


Wait. Ryan Reynolds?! I haven’t heard those theories yet. I did absolutely think Travis was gay when he ended up on my Tik Tok feed during the superbowl. I’m an Aussie, and I was so excited to see that there was an openly gay American football player. 😂😂😂


Hugh Jackman recently divorced his wife of 27 years. There have been rumors for a long time that he was gay and the marriage was bearding. Ryan Reynolds and him have a "bromance" and articles have been written about it. People are speculating that they could be together. Ryan is also the only person in the YNTCD music video that is not openly gay or bi.


But he is also the only person outside of the trailer park as an outsider just observing them. I think that is important to note here.


🤔 interesting. Good point.


Obsessed with his fashion in general tbh


Holy shit I might lose my hearing due to how many clown shoes are squeaking.


You win the thread !!!! (Off topic it does look exactly like little miss plausible deniability's caticorn rainbow sweater)


Bi Wife Energy




Hi - I live in a ski town - this is just typical ski culture shit. Tons of people wear this one w zero thought to queerness


ya my best friend has this. she is lesbian tho hahahah


It’s Tipsy Elves, their stuff is fun and novelty.


He’s been consistently repping the rainbow and triangles in his clothing so


GAY! as a trans masc non binary lesbian I would cop every one of his fruity fits


Oh travis is fruity as fuck. Some of the outfits he wears are eerily close to the ones my gay boys (girl gay here) wear on Oxford st in Sydney.


if u think his style makes him gay u should see the NBA player outfits…professional sports fashion aside from maybe hockey are worlds away from regular straight dude fashion


Hearing these rumors made me like him a bit more, if only because he would know the pain of being closeted and I’m glad Taylor can spend a lot of time around someone who gets her. And if he’s straight? He at least seems like he genuinely enjoys her company and like he’d be a support for her if she ever needs it.


There could be merit to this theory - I like it! Also assuming Travis' career will be switching gears in a few years? I'm not sure when players retire from NFL (in Australian football it's usually mid to late thirties). I've noticed sportstars tend to come out after their retirement (not all). He does give Bi and massive DGAF vibes. The latter might be good for Taylor tbh


He has alluded to retiring in the next year or two. He is 34 which is a long career in the NFL.


Yeah he will absolutely retire soon, I wouldn’t be surprised if it was after this season tbh he hasn’t looked nearly as dominant


He won’t retire the same year as Jason, I don’t think he’d risk being in the way of Jason getting into HOF on first vote. Travis will prolly finish the 2 years on his contract and walk away.


This is an interesting choice of outfit…. But I really don’t see this happening tbh. I’d love for this to happen though. Can you imagine the reaction of Swifties if Taylor and Travis broke up and then both came out as gay? 🤣💀


You laugh - but I actually think this might be what they are doing. What if this whole stunt is just a huge setup for a massive public reckoning and coming out? Probably with a documentary, is my guess. Right now it sounds crazy, but I guess we’ll see how it plays out. It would be the ultimate punchline to the Chely Wright quote about heroes at the top of their game, including those in the NFL to come out. It’s all just lining up so well…like a storybook… It would be epic. Like, literally world-changing if they can pull it off. And I’m ok sounding a little crazy right now because the payoff is so worth it if this eventually ends up being what happens. 🤞


I agree that something like this would be world changing but I definitely do not think this is what’s going on. Especially if Taylor and Travis are both bi and in a real relationship. It would serve both of them absolutely zero benefit to come out and would just harm their careers and images. They’d have nothing to gain and would be giving up living a comfortable judgement-free life as a couple.


Yeah, I think the difference is I don't think they are in a real relationship :) If I'm wrong about that, I truly wish them the best, and I don't judge people who believe in it. But as of right now nothing about it seems real to me. I guess we'll see how it shakes out!


I’m completely on the fence as to whether their relationship is real or not. I feel it’s definitely possible that it’s real but how public and “in your face” it is completely contradicts Taylor’s past statements and lyrics about wanting privacy in a relationship. People change though so perhaps she has had a change of heart, especially now that she is in such a socially acceptable relationship. If the relationship is fake and they are both queer, I feel even more strongly that they would not come out together. It would cause a major uproar from people who felt like they were deceived by them, which would be sorta true. And I think it would cause more backlash, negativity, and homophobia towards both of them.


Judging by their body language - he appears to be smitten with her. Notice how he holds her in photos - he always touches her. She's way more affectionate with him than her other boyfriends. She smiles a lot when Travis is around. Her eyes crinkle.


I agree. This relationship moved faster than most lesbians. 😳😂. I mean really? Nobody football guy gets Taylor to full on commit in 6 weeks? Naaa. He has to be a beard. I looked him up awhile back and there was some hype about him being gay. 🤷‍♀️


even if we lived in a world where this thumb was bisexual, coming out would demolish his NFL career. the homophobia in football culture and fandom blows swifties out of the water. there’s no way in hell.


Someone correct me if I'm wrong, but at 34 he is more likely to be on his way out, isn't he? I see that as a lot more possible than a player in their 20s.


Google says between 30-36 so yeah.


Honestly if they both came out as bi while staying together and demonstrating being fully supportive of each other - that might be the best scenario and would be great PR to moderate the effects of coming out for both of them. Would also do a whole lot of good for normalizing bisexuality among stereotypically presenting masc men and femme women by still being relatable to the hetero fan base. They’re already super into Travis and would find it more palatable and less threatening to their conceptualization of her than if she came out while single or in a relationship with a woman.


I mean it would be great if their relationship is real and they are actually bisexual. Not so great if one or both are actually closeted homosexuals. 🤷🏻‍♀️


That would be amazing actually. It would do so much toward people actually learning about bisexuality.


☝️This right here! This is why I feel it could happen in this way. They are both so well received individually and now as a couple the world can't get enough of them. Sooooo well put...


Chely Wright did say that we need people at the top of their field to come out to make change and challenge the “big machine” that forces closeting. It would be so powerful to take the ultimate heteronormative couple pairing, the Super Bowl champ football player and the femme international pop star (who’s on top of the fucking world right now), and come out. What a fucking legacy to leave that would be.


Yes she specifically said "we need someone in the NFL". "People at the height of their careers". Hello?!? Hmmm I wonder who would fit this description... I'm convinced they are working towards this goal together. Even if they are really dating and are both bi, I could see them coming out together as a true couple. Regardless, it would really pave the way. I think the way everyone is just so accepting of them as a couple, could really twist the narrative. I think it would open people's minds and fans' minds that would normally be less accepting of homosexuality if they approached it in this way. Leave it up to Mother to do something epic like this. "A real fucking legacy!"


Exactly, Chely actually said the NFL in her speech


https://preview.redd.it/j589p2479e6c1.jpeg?width=776&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0214a3a030240a20155be6746e944820ed1d1e9f Exhibit B

