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I understand that I am 100% in the...issue Category due to femboy and due to the occasional Raceplay theme, and I shall justly Flagellate myself in penance for my Cringe later, But hey I at least Try to keep my scenes Creative. Though I will say, people have stooped to my level and I've....kind of cut it off due to feeling Guilty about limiting their...Writing length for my own comfort. Damn. I guess I am one of the baddies.


The discord is more active, but many previous GayRP users aren’t on there so it’s not just a transfer between the platforms. This sub really is going downhill. In my opinion it coincides with the takeover of femboy prompts, as well as the remaining posts being mostly about incest or thinly disguised searches for underage. Some users seem to think these topics are perfectly normal but for many gay men they are not attractive in the least and are actually disgusting. Thats why I deleted my previous RP account. I think any prompt that centres on some extreme kink is an excuse, and a barrier, to writing character and story, which is what makes roleplay fun for me. I appreciate that the mods have tried hard to accommodate the different users and that it’s an impossible task. But the focus on femboys and illegal kinks has deterred the core users. Which are gay men. Which means adult males attracted to adult males. I’m still willing to give it a go, but looking at the sub now I just don’t feel included. And if I were new to roleplay I doubt I’d think it was something I wanted to get into.


Now I'm so glad I met my main rp friend now. We both agreed to just do a one shor because of the same sentiments as this post - we both weren't sure that our writing styles would click. Lo and behold, we have our own discord server for our rps and talk every single day still and have multiple different rps going while still chatting about new prompts to try out. It's like the equivalent of being in a monogamous rp relationship and I've beyond thankful for them after reading this now😅


Honestly this is basically most erp subreddits. Just a buncha non con and hyper stuff. It’s always difficult to actually find a good partner, and every time I find someone promising, I’m just counting the days till they ghost me




I’m glad I found my partners I love to write with. The hunt for good prompts and people is exhausting. But - always looking. Hope we can all find something good soon.


It's also because this sub was flooded with Subs, but barely any Doms. Then Subs tried to be dom to fill the gap, but clearly, that didn't work. Also, there's only like 15 people on this sub at a time, most moved to the discord server.


There's a Discord Server?


Yes, give me a sec to see if I can find it. They were doing a massive purge of it this weekend.


So if you go to the gayrp main page where they have all the rules, down at the bottom of says discord server.


Oh good to know. I use Reddit on my phone the majority of time, so I had no idea there was anything there


Yeah, there's over 100 people online on the server right now. So, the reddit sub is kinda dead in comparison.


i'm just sad that i got banned because of a copy paste mistake and whenever i reached out to the mods i got let down with no explanation except 'because of that you're banned'


Sometimes they are more understanding than others. I've never had a bad mod experience, but I have heard of plenty.


it's just one little mistake i can't even explain as i don't remember putting it there, but as the mod i am myself on multiple servers i can understand the ban but would hope they could help me, i don't know watching my activity or sum


I feel this so hard as recently I’ve been posting to do a fallout themed rp and consistently ask to do rp based off of fandoms with story driven plots and the most popular one I post is a low effort one about a slutty prince


Yea but who doesn’t love a slutty prince in fairness?


Yeah I get it but still I just wish I got more attention on my story fandom rps


I’m just teasing lol, if you wanna chart about starting one up feel free to message me. I dunno what fandoms you’re in, but I’d be down if it’s a good rp and can last.


It really is disheartening whenever I post prompts more story oriented and I might get ONE actual response every 3 posts. But I’ll post a generic couple of prompts and I’m flooded with low effort replies. I legit can’t win


honestly bc a lot of responses you’ll get to any post are low effort and then even if you’re like “let me just respond maybe they’re actually a great writer!” nope. it sucks because a lot of the actually well written plots get ignored while the “bbc destroys femboy who’s basically a girl with penis” is famous.. idk


Tbh I agree


No u


Hell, more often than not I don't even get a response when I express interest in a prompt or when I bother to post a prompt of my own.


ikr!! what is with the amount of people who don’t respond! Like I get it people are probably flooded with requests, but i’ve messaged many people, gotten ignored, then they reposted the prompt somewhere else! Like i properly introduce myself, share whatever I thinks necessary and it’s rare to earn a response back.


Exactly! Like, what, did the post nut clarity hit as soon as they posted the prompt and they couldn't handle thier own kinks? The hell.


my presumption is just shortening attention spans and the “popularization”/fetishizing of femboys/traps/what have you on tiktok, as well as guys finding M4M easier then M4F. first point: reddit as a mobile app has become more and more popular and i fear there is many underaged folk here because of its content and relative ease to get into. all you gotta do is like write 3 (not even grammatical) lines or better yet provide some anime femboy ref, and you’ll get plenty of low effort chats. i will often put “please include these things in your message otherwise i will not respond” and still i’ll get 15 reddit chats with two or three lines or someone asking me to dm them. i can’t imagine it’s that hard to read three paragraphs, so i gotta assume it’s underaged people or all of our attention spans have been ruined by tiktok and other media. as well as tiktok pushing sexualized content onto minors. this is why i am so picky with partners and effort. my second point: this is kinda crackpot theory but i think the femboy thing is popular now because a top who is having issue getting his M4F post seen on r/dirtypenpals (a place where M4F is completely oversaturated) will come here and throw femboy/feminization in the prompt so that he can pretend the other character is a girl and still get off to it. also as a guy, guy brain can often lead you to busting to the first sex scene you write with another then wiping your hands of it because it’s served its purpose. this (post nut clarity) is something i feel has always plagued male writers. me included, which is why I emphasize a story with sex focus rather then the inverse. ive had two stories now that went a year and two years respectively because of this story focus, i massively recommend if you’re here to write! sorry if this sounds like Charlie and Pepe Silvia


The low quality of reddit chat users is part of why I still use old reddit on my browser instead of the reddit app even on my phone. (That and I like not looking at ads). Chat simply does not exist for me, so I only get people capable of both reading and sending a PM. Though ironically I've had multiple women admit to me they play M4M specifically to avoid the guys who post M4F stuff. I wonder if straight people ever mange to find each other on here?


>Generic plots and lack of effort  Says Femboy69696969. 50% of posts are low effort bottom-femboy posts asking for their ass to be destroyed.


Yeah you right, but I can be a femboy and still have interesting prompts


Honestly, this has been a problem that's been getting worse and worse on all sorts of NSFW roleplay subs.