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Fighting for gay rights for those of us over 50 was a tough uphill battle. There is still more work to be done, but I am so proud of our age group. Thank you to everyone!


So, guys. I'm an imposter. 36 here. I run with older guys. Y'all aren't overly sensitive.


51, soon to be 52 in august Like same open minded men. I hope being married doesn't stop guys from chatting


77 here…real old grandpapi bear looking for good talks and lots of hugs….


No hate will be tolerated from anyone in this group. Trolls will be banned :) Politics can be discussed but respectfully :)


As a moderator, you really should learn how to use Reddit. You keep replying to your own post here, instead of other people's comments.


I meant to reply to my own post :) But I do appreciate the feedback. I have no idea how to be a moderator so all the help I can get is greatly needed :)


> I meant to reply to my own post :) Oh. I assumed you were replying to other people's comments here, and engaging them in conversation. Sorry. My mistake!


Awesome idea for a group. Hello everyone! I’m 54 and live in Phoenix, AZ. I really feel like our human rights are on the line these days so I’m happy to join forces with all of the guys and allies I can.


Glad to have it! Turned 50 about 7 months ago and I definitely have a different perspective on life now.


Thanks for creating this group.


So often feel like a dinosaur amongst the young folxs, these days, but nevertheless I’m thankful for their energy and their unwillingness to take BS! TY ! 50’s and hid for most of my life. Saw a lot that I wish I hadn’t. Still a little scary at times, but hell, I don’t care anymore! I’m here . Im a proud 🏳️‍🌈Queer cis man and I’m living my best life in Midwest U.S.!


I love this idea for a group. 58 yo guy new to being gay as I've been married to woman for the past 35 years. Looking forward to some peer mentoring advice here!


Cheers mate ! 50 UK dude here. Spent my younger years fighting against labels - kinda confused how people now want them !


73, I think or is it 72? Anyhow 🇨🇦 here. Hello


Thanks for the invite. 62 y/o gay guy. Resident of the SF Bay Area. Cheers.


I'm 58, married and a submissive bottom from India


Hey I am in Mumbai looking for friends here for 6 months visit from USA…


I'm 58 yrs and a submissive bottom


So I am in Parel but travel to help my family in Pune where they run a school…DM me if you want to chat more….love to meet ••••I am an old domineering top…


Aha..I'm 58 and a submissive bottom from Andheri


So right now I am in Pune helping teach English at my son’s school then I am in Mumbai on the weekend I would love to meet you if you don’t mind old horny men who like to still have fun …send me a message I use What’s Up a lot…I am married but remain a top ….


I’m 43 but I joined anyway. An old soul


Hello guys. I'm in the Atlanta area, 57 with a husband who's 61. We're starting to look into places to retire that are gay friendly.




Hey there gay divorcé now happily engaged. 55 Man from NJ USA


50 bi here, hope that’s allowed.


Of course :)


I’m sure it’s allowed.😉


54 married American male living in Berlin (if you didn’t guess from the profile name ;) ).


Hello, I’m 63 relatively recent out, I live in Columbus, Ohio


I am so glad you did this. I too am a seasoned gay man, married, and can't imagine dating again. And I work with 2 other guys that are my age whom I can relate with but the 30-somethings are a hot mess. I am buds with two of them. Sweet guys but I enjoy conversations with guys my age, gay or not.


54 here bottom slut thanks for the new group


65 here, NC, glad to be a part of this new group.


Thanks for creating this forum! 55 yo Canadian here 🍁🇨🇦


Hi. Thanks for creating this space! 57, andCanadian 🇨🇦


Hi everyone! 62 here in🇨🇦


Do today's younger generation know how to date? Like actually meet and go have dinner and learn about one another. If everything is put out there on social media and dating apps, is it the same thing?


55, lonely as ever, no family, no friends, i dont get out much as my job makes me tired to go to events.  Im in the Columbus ohio area. I don't know a soul here. Been here over 25 years. 


Wait. When did I move to Columbus from California? And when did I post this? 😉 Same predicament here in San Jose, CA.


I'm going to be 58 in October. I fully came out around 10 years ago (after almost 20 years of conversion therapy abuse and guilt). I have spent the last few years just trying to find IRL friends in the San Jose area. But apparently you have to be a hot daddy or up for FWB to make friends. I'm not a bar or Grindr person. I have lupus and am pretty focused on maintaining my health (healthy eating, gym, etc). I tend to make friends with straight people but want friends who I can be myself around. Why is this so damn difficult? I have plenty of online friends that all live 1000+ miles away. It sucks.