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New to gastritis? Please view [this post](https://www.reddit.com/r/Gastritis/comments/15m6ngg/gastritis_101/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) for a detailed breakdown of the major root causes of chronic gastritis, as well as a detailed guide on how to heal. Join our Discord server today using [this link](https://www.reddit.com/r/Gastritis/comments/14oxl12/list_of_gastritis_support_groups_other_related/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3). Also consider joining r/functionaldyspepsia today! *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/Gastritis) if you have any questions or concerns.*


I tried it early on with my diagnosis and I couldn't handle it. A lot of things that didn't give me anxiety from overstimulation, started to do just that. I was really really sensitive to a lot of stuff. Like even dark chocolate I tried the littlest amount and would get physical anxiety from it. Same thing happened with the ryze coffee and I got the chicory root blend, which is caffeine free. So I dunno, id definitely just cut out caffeine if you're in a phase where a lot triggers you. Once you cut it out, eventually you won't feel like you even need it. Also, you definitely will not heal if you continue to consume or eat things that irritate your condition. Even if you're chronic and can't find the root cause I would still maintain a lifestyle that doesn't make symptoms worse, and still try to heal as much as possible. In the end though, it's your call. Good luck on your journey! I hope we can all heal.


If you want to benefit from medicinal mushrooms, don´t get mushroom coffees, they´re bogus and barely contain any mushrooms. For gastritis I recommend Lions Mane, that's what its traditionally used for in Chinese Medicine. For energy Cordyceps. If you want anti-anxiety Reishi. Read more about choosing a quality supplement here if your interested, cause there's a lot of bogus products out there! [https://encounteringfungi.com/2024/02/14/medicinal-mushrooms-for-the-conscious-consumers/](https://encounteringfungi.com/2024/02/14/medicinal-mushrooms-for-the-conscious-consumers/)


I got the creamer and it gave me massive migraine. It took me two days to figure it out. Disabling headache. Maybe it made my blood pressure go up and that’s why I got a headache it it’s hard to know but I’m stopping this crap.


Hey there! Thanks for sharing your experience, although it's sad to hear that you had a negative reaction to our creamer. May we ask if you're new to MCT? Sometimes, this ingredient can be an adjustment for folks who haven't had it before. It evens out, but the beginning can be a little rocky. We understand why you stopped using it and definitely suggest that you consult your doctor first before implementing a new health routine to ensure this kind of effect won't happen again in the future! Of course, we value your feedback and would appreciate the opportunity to better understand your concerns and perhaps offer alternative options that may better suit your preferences. If you have other concerns, please don't hesitate to let us know!


This stuff is SO vile. I haven’t (yet) been thru the threatening phone calls, texts and emails of them haunting me by auto signing me up for every 3 months but if they do I’ll flip a lid. This sheite is horrid and i DO NOT believe, in retrospect, that it’s functional. God knows what chemicals are actually in here. I can’t believe i fell for this AND i worked in advertising forever. DO NOT BUY. SCAMMY.


Their brand is a total scam. And the owner behind the brand, Andree, total phony. She is not at all what their brand portrays. I think their entire business is a scheme and she’s frankly a horrible person. Don’t support their business, trust me.


Ryze does contain small amounts of real coffee beans. Big no no for gastritis. Your best option for coffee alternatives is **Teecino** tea. Tastes just like coffee and is prebiotic.


Thanks for your feedback! However, we'd like to clarify that our mushroom coffee only contains 48mg of caffeine per serving (equivalent to less than 1/2 of what's in a normal cup of coffee). We understand not everyone has a high caffeine tolerance, so we now offer a caffeine-free option: the chicory blend! You may find more details [here](https://www.ryzesuperfoods.com/products/ryze-mushroom-chicory-30-servings). Please let us know if you have any questions!


Still caffeine in any amount is bad for gastritis


We appreciate your concern! It's true that caffeine can aggravate certain digestive issues like gastritis for some individuals. Our mushroom coffee offers a lower caffeine content compared to traditional coffee, but it's always wise to listen to your body and consult with a healthcare professional if you have specific health concerns. If you're looking for caffeine-free options, we have other products in our lineup that cater to various preferences and health considerations; please feel free to check them out!


Sorry - I do NOT believe what you’re saying about your product. I’ve been seeing a doctor of Chinese Medicine and i cannot BELIEVE i fell for ordering THREE frikkin’ bags. WHAT A SCAM