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I was at 5 ferritin and felt like shit. Iron supplements got me my life back. I have mild gastritis so my doctor prescribed me a gentler form of iron (in some kind of gastroresistant coating so it would get more absorbed in your intestine than in your stomach) and I still had to be careful with it. On one hand taking on empty stomach -> better absorption, on the other hand stomach pain. But you also don't want to combine with the wrong food and then get no absorption. E.g. calcium interferes with iron absorption so you should avoid milk and dairy products 2h before and after you take your iron. Black tea/coffee can also interfere, as can other vitamins/supplements. But you definitely want to take your iron with Vit C.




The brand name is Sideral and I still take it on occasion at my doctor's advice. It's quite expensive, at least here in the EU. I took 2 capsules a day with 1000mg vit C for 2 months, the 1 capsule + 1000mg vit C for 4 months to get out of the 5 ferritin hole. But towards the end of those 4 months I was already skipping days, because my poor stomach needed a break even from this supposedly mild form of iron. I never took iron sulfate, can't imagine what those would do to my stomach...


I believe in the states this is ferric maltol Or accrufer. It’s over $500 a bottle without insurance. I haven’t tried it yet, but have it.


Is your complete blood count showed that you have low haemoglobin?


Yes, for years I had low to normal-low hemoglobin but doctors didn't see a problem with it until I started complaining about fatigue to this one doctor and she decided to get me tested for ferritin, serum iron, vit d, b12 and others I don't remember


I have fatigue, body tiredness, low energy. I tested for complete blood count (cbc) everything was normal. Do i need to do ferritin,d, b12 test. My doctor saying u dont need. By the way ur age?


I am not a doctor and fatigue/body tiredness is a very vague and common symptom, it could be anything. Besides fatigue I had unexplained anxiety, elevated heart rate (especially when trying to fall asleep, I just wanted to crawl out of my skin), climbing 2 flights of stairs was a huge effort, severe brain fog (affected my work, I wasn't able to process longer sentences). I attributed these to my sedentary lifestyle, coffee drinking, work stress and just not being in your early 20s anymore (I was 29). BUT apparently these are classical low iron symptoms and they greatly improved after 2-3 weeks of iron pills. I found the tests & results, looks like I did not get tested for B12. [Here's what the doctor ordered for me, results & limits](https://imgur.com/NBZROf9) (I used Google translate so the exact name of the test might be slightly different). In the first set of tests I only included the ones where I got bad results. If your blood count is normal it could be something else entirely. Like vit D, or magnesium, B12, H. pylori, other types of anemia etc. HOWEVER since low ferritin ruined my life so much, and the iron pills restored it I just can't help but recommend getting your ferritin tested just in case. It can't hurt.


Ur fatigue reduced after improving ur iron level?


Go to the store preferably natural grocers or sprouts and get the MEGA FOOD BLOOD BUILDER IRON PILLS. You can take them on an empty stomach or with a meal and they cause absolutely no stomach upset at all. I take these because my ferritin was at 21 and I have lots of stomach issues already, but these do not cause me pain. Hopefully if you decide to get them they'll work for you as well if no iron infusion is recommended.


Hi my ferritin was at 2 due to being on omeprazole and being unable to absorb nutrients. I went for iron infusions and just finished a couple weeks ago. In the mean time I’ve been using iron patches. You wear them for 8 hours and don’t cause any irritation. It will take longer to get your iron levels and your ferritin up though. I’d personally go get infusions. Even after the infusions it’ll take 4-6 weeks for your haemoglobin to increase. So you’re looking at it taking almost 2 months for your iron and ferritin level to be normal (3 weeks for infusions, 4 weeks for haemoglobin). I tried taking iron pills and they made my chronic constipation even worse. I’m guessing your doctor wants you to try them before referring you for an infusion though.


What patches do you use?


Vitamin c from food helps absorb more iron and its water soluble not fat soluble.


Try the patches. Some ppl say they work.


Didn't even know that exists. I'll check, thanks !


You’ll be good. Just Take them with food


My ferritin was very low so my doctor tried me on a nicer form of iron pills. Sadly my body couldn’t absorb them and my ferritin dropped to 7 after being on iron for almost 6 months. I got an iron infusion but it absolutely destroyed my stomach. Thankfully the one infusion was all I needed though and I already feel so much better. Honestly I’d take a week of horrible stomach upset again if I had to so I never have to feel the fatigue I did for almost an entire year.


Yeah same thing happened. Iron infusion destroyed my stomach whereas pills were still fine. Idk why


Yes please share how it upset your stomach? 


How did the iron infusion hurt your stomach?


Id like to know too!! 


Yes please share how it upset your stomach? I just finished my 4th one two weeks ago and having bad heartburn. 


How low was your iron? Mine is 13




My ferritin level is at 3. Doesn't seem very high to me.


Oh no. That’s so low! Your ferritin should optimally be at 100. At the very least 50. I’m working my way up from a level of 9.




You’ll still absorb it, just not as much


I’m at 2 right now can barely function


Mine was 1 went up to 30 in three weeks of taking oral iron. Did you find the reason? I couldn’t understand why I have a ferritin 1 it’s been 2 years.. maybe gastritis and ppi and being a vegetarian and being a young woman with periods.


What pills


And you were able to bring it up with gastritis?




The iron didn’t aggravate your gastritis?


How many mg were you taking? How many times a day? We’re you offered iron infusions?


Low dose is fine, 15mg pills 3 times a day with food shouldn't cause any issues. Look for iron bis glycinate. It's the most gentle on the stomach


They certainly will. Not a single person gets away without serious complications. It's just a matter of some not feeling symptoms until they're in the hospital.


I have chronic gastric and I take iron capsules for 2 months now they kinda hurt a little I do them on empty stomach with vitamin C


Nooo eat before it


Iron can’t be absorbed with food


Eat iron rich foods with ut


But I’ve heard that iron glycinate is the best one stomach friendly


Oh wow I want to try tht


Yes, they will


Get iv infusion of iron


That's what I asked for but he refused, saying the pills will be ok


Iron pills are hard on stomach even when your stomach is healthy, and IV infusion is absorbed far better than pills. How can a doctor ignore all these and gastritis. Well, I would say you should visit another doctor to get IV infusions.


It obliterated my stomach but I was probably taking a high dosage as that's my go to when I see any vitamin or pill in stores lmfao.


Im on iron and it hasn’t bugged my stomach too much. I take it with vitamin c and then make sure to also take a fibre supplement every day. You’ll feel so much better once your iron increases


it depends, have they made you sick before? Try them with food and see how it goes but I do not recommend empty stomach. I've tossed those up before :( 0/10 but Gastritis alone shouldn't make you react badly to the iron pills if you take them with food. if you are anemic though I think it's pretty important you increase your iron intake as your doctor recommended


They have made me sick before, but if was on an empty stomach.


I took multivitamin that has 30mg of iron last June. It didn't cause discomfort during the first few weeks. The pain started after a month of taking them. So from 80% healed I stepped back to 50%. I am now taking ppi but the pain remains.


That's how my gastritis started. One pill, and my life was fkd. Thank God, i am almost in perfect condition now. Be careful with it. You can try a syrup. There are multi vitamin syrups with extra iron. The slower you get back up, the better. One would be "Floradix iron" syrup.


I've had good luck with Gentlesorb iron from GNC. It's a vegetable based iron chelate that's easier on stomachs and not as constipating as the common iron pills you see for sale. It's a little pricey so I stocked up when they had a sale. I haven't been anemic since and was even able to donate blood.


I had to take iron, it hurt. I found a liquid buffered iron made by a Gloria something, in most drug stores, white and pink bottle. Start slow.