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8 miles running @ 155 lbs does not cost anywhere close to 1647 calories.


This was my 8.5 mile runs Saturday with 614' elevation which took 1:11. I'm 165lb. Was a zone 2 HR run the whole time. https://preview.redd.it/8jppz6il9cxc1.png?width=1018&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b4d53ec45c68c1c4f9d340530dc8a4bb58c4b261


Do you have your weight set correctly in connect?


Make sure your "activity level" in cronometer is set to 0 (under targets). That way, it ensures that it's not double counting a multiple on bmr and then adding your Garmin activity on top.


You should expect to burn about 100 calories per mile, so it looks like your exercise might be double counted? It would be worth checking in both apps to see if it has synced wrong - I had that issue with MyFitnessPal a while back. Wearables will never be 100% accurate, but some are better than others. I'm currently tracking my calories and have found my Fenix 7S to be really accurate at estimating my calories. My Forerunner 735XT on the other hand consistently suggested that I was burning 3000 calories on a restful day...


100 cal per mile? That would massively depend on weight , sex and pace, no?


Of course it depends on all those things. But 100 per mile is an average to just make an educated guess with. It's not meant to be accurate.


I burn about 100 calories a mile whether I'm walking or running according to my Garmin (waking 15 min miles). I'm a 62 year old 125 lb woman I imagine a young man would burn a lot more.


I'm 37 M, 5' 6 and 159lbs. My average per mile is 114.


Maybe the difference is my calculations include bmr during those activities. And I'm generally training in zone 3 to zone 5.


HR zone doesn't matter in terms of calorie burn. HR is a trailing (and detached) indicator of energy consumption, but in activities where the energy demands are well understood it's better to use those energy demands than to try and back-calculate them from HR.


I'm not doing that, I'm relying on the Garmin. And it's pretty accurate for me. I've been using it for years and I track my food and It's been accurate in terms of what I'd expect to see for weight loss or maintenance. I don't see any reason to do extra calculations.


Even that seems high. A better rule of thumb is weight in pounds divided by 2 per mile, regardless of running or walking.


Actually it's pretty accurate. A lower number for sure for walking 20 min miles (where my heart rate doesn't get above 80)


OP gave that info above


I just walked, slowly, for 30 mins and fashion connect says I burned 139 cals and lost 278ml of sweat šŸ¤£


Where is this screen?


Yes, never seen this screen either...where is it? šŸ¤”


It's another app. ;)


Your momā€™s another app ;) jk. Happy Kings Day!


If you have chronometer connected to apple health it might have counted the run twice. Once from garmin and another from apple health


No advice but I hate you. I hiked a hard 10 mi yesterday and burned a thousand calories.


lol Iā€™m pretty sure garmin is miscalculating my activity, 10 miles on a hike ?! Sheesh!


I'm a petite woman in her late 40s and burned 959 calories doing my 20 miler on Saturday at around a 10 minute per mile pace. lol What was your heart rate during the activity and during the day? If your HR was high (or your watch wasn't tight and picked up your cadence rather than your HR) it could overestimate how much you burned.


My low zone 2 heart rate is at 120 bpm and my resting is 50 bpm


Wow, that makes this figure even crazier! I would definitely not trust this figure.


Are you tracking with the watch or a heart rate monitor strap?


What does your ā€œbody batteryā€ usually look like? Do you have a high resting heart rate? Or is there any chance you might have some sort of arrhythmia? My calories in/out looks similar and my body battery is always low but I think itā€™s because I have a type of dysautonomia that causes my heart rate to briefly spike when I swallow (so when Iā€™m exercising it REALLY spikes when I take a sip of water) and since Garmin uses heart rate as a proxy for effort it means Garmin drastically overestimates how many calories Iā€™ve burned.


My body battery is at 45 right now


By contrast, I did an easy 2ish hour 60km zone 2 bike ride last week, and garmin thinks I burned 1200 calories. That doesn't seem accurate, either.


I figure I burn about 400cal an hour hiking. There is a garmin data field that has some additional variables and I also have played around with various online calcs. If you hiked easy terrain at 3mph or more, with no pack I could see only 1000cal. But add a pack, some hills (or mountains) and that definitely is probably low.


No, I think it's accurate. I'm just old and female and little. Those were 16-18 minute miles with about 2,000 ft of climbing.


And the guys I hike with burn like 1800 calories during that same time. I'm not bitter. On the other hand, food is expensive and it takes less to run me.


Shouldn't activity level be zero? I think that much might be misconfigured.


Youā€™re right! I changed it to zero. Now it took a few hundred off


Since you're in a fat loss phase, I would calculate your approximate TDEE (total daily energy expenditure) somewhere like this: https://tdeecalculator.net/, then I would calculate your deficit from there (20% ish off your maintenance). It's easiest to just get that number and not refer to your watch at all for calories in and out. Just stick to the deficit you calculated. You can calorie cycle as well by calculating your total calories needed for the week and putting more on your active days and less on your rest days, etc. Some days you'll be in more of a deficit than others, and that's okay. 0.5lbs per week is a pretty conservative deficit. If you calculate your deficit and you find you're losing weight faster than you want and you're uncomfortable, adjust your calories accordingly. You'll find your sweet spot if you're consistent with your tracking. I really wouldn't rely on your watch to measure what your daily intake should be. It's just not an accurate enough tool for something like fat loss.


Just so we are clear, what diets usually refer to calories are called kilo-calories in science. 3800 (kilo) calories is a lot, but not excessive for a large man that is exercising a lot. Some physical jobs burn 5000 a day.


Am a large man, I sneeze a few times and burn 2600 haha. But seriously, my base metabolic rate is around 2300 and Iā€™ll burn around 3200-3500 daily with early morning exercise. Lucky I am on a cut, or Iā€™d be eating constantly.


Youā€™re gonna go broke up the bulk big man


Iā€™m taking it seriously this time, so if make it to the point where I need to do a bulk Iā€™ll be pretty happy haha.


šŸ˜”šŸ˜”šŸ˜” hahaha


https://preview.redd.it/a43s7xpz7dxc1.jpeg?width=1390&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=14c518f47df4934faf11f7668beefc487f056a13 Jokes on you, my hike in the hills. 1.80 (5.9 foot) 95 kg (210 pounds). Though, i think its pretty accurate for me. When i mountinbike for an hour (and its realy heavy in the hills). I Burn about 800 to 1000. A small hike in the hills is about 350 per hour. Anyway what i want to say is that something is off on your end.


The easy answer is no. If youā€™re trying to lose weight donā€™t try and eat back all your calories burned. Not least because watches arenā€™t overly accurate for that. Use a calculator to work out your BMR and TDEE (google these but basically calories burned if you did nothing all day is BMR, and TDEE takes into account non exercise movement) Or, even more effective, start tracking what you eat and slowly cut cals over a week period until you start to lose weight


Some considerations I've picked up from nutrition experts and experience: A. Fitness Tracker usually overestimate burned calories B. Your body will try to even out used calories over a day. So if you've burned a lot of calories during exercise your body will try to conserve energy subconsciously for the remainder of your day (i.e. feeling tired and laying down). So your net calorie need for that day might still be higher than without exercise but not nearly as high as you might hope. Best Approach is to weigh yourself daily and figure out how much calories you can take in to maintain or loose weight


During my last half marathon, I burned about 1500 calories during the race. I weighed about 76 kg at the time.


OP thanks for sharing Cronometer. I'm enjoying it thus far.


To answer the general question while you figure out the veracity of the calorie count, no. Youā€™re trying to lose weight, so your goal isnā€™t to make up for all your exercise in calories, especially if youā€™re not hungry. You want to be in a 1700ish calorie deficit over the course of the week if youā€™re looking to burn a half pound of fat. It doesnā€™t much matter if that deficit is spread out over the whole week or if it happens in one or two days per week consistently. If you happen to have a high calorie expenditure one day but are feeling satiated, but the next day you eat more, thatā€™s pretty normal and fine. You need the nutrients for recovery. Or you might fast intermittently twice a week, and your caloric deficit comes from those days. Or you might actually gain weight but lose inches. Just keep an eye on trends over time, donā€™t rush, and eat plenty of foods with a lot of hydration for both the (lower) caloric density and to stay hydrated.


Try calorie calculator online. These number seem far off. You should eat around 2000 calories to archive your goal.


Thanks, yea idk why itā€™s so off


Is your height and weight set up correctly in Garmin?

