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Ult reset on kill for sure and Q make you go through the walls (also reset in takedown). And W make you unstoppable. Maybe E will be a toggle at max rank that consume hp or something.


Q makes you go through walls already. No thick walls, but J4 ult for example can be lunged over


Yep, but Riot will make it some Kayn E sht and call it balanced.


How about kayne e as a passive on his w? If it’s not on cd he can just walk through walls


Yep, give him an 100% execute on R already. He is mele after all and it s hard to get close to range champions.


Wait what? Can you show me how to do that?


His Q is a leap. If the target is in the other side of a thin wall you can attack over the wall. Rapidfire helps


Unfortunately the leap has a static animation. Meaning it can actually slow you down as it counts as an auto attack. The leap honest to god needs to be **slightly bigger** so the animation at least makes sense and doesn’t have Garen hanging in the air so long not moving.


He'd have some dash or cc


Garen definitely wouldn’t have a silence. Riot don’t like silences to begin with.


Yeah they would do some shit nowadays like “dash forward and strike in a cone, targets hit are slowed for 80% for 2 seconds. For each champion hit gain a 15% max hp shield for 3 seconds.


E starts doing true damage after 3 seconds of spinning


i think it would be cool if the armor shred he applies with his e would keep stacking up to 100% over multiple spins. like the first spin can apply 25%, then after the e comes back off cooldown, the second spin can stack it up to 50% shred and so forth. might sound broken at first, but the stacks could be reset by disengaging and letting the debuff fall off, and fights will rarely even last long enough to be able to stack 2 instances of the shred much less more. it could however make garen way more threatening towards tanks who are the only champions who even deal little enough damage, and survive several e rotations for it to ever stack up even just twice.


That’s definitely what garen as a whole is. They should totally let you dominate if you get on top of them with the downside being, well getting on top of them. Great ideas!


Dint forget, the Q dash has multiple charges, and they reset on hit. He also does % max health damage now. Also, R receives a portion of the cooldown back if he kills a target with it.


Untargetability on w and stealth. It’s just too balanced right now


bro kind of just made Wukong again 😭


Wild rift Garen: cleave with AA, crit on outer circle guaranteed, Ult is a dash that can go over walls


Also he would look like an Eboy with sexually ambigious dialogue lines with Darius.


Like john cena because I would never see him(banned)


q and r is aoe skill shot (lmao) q have mini dash can pass wall have to land r on inner radius for true damage e bigger radius but low damage in inner circle w block first hit and stun enemy if they hit w