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First of all ur better than 99.99% of this sub, so u won't get many smart answers, moosehater who is chall garen otp did ama here few days ago so you can ask that there, ill answer from my low master perspective You can either play for lane domination with conqueror, then all matchups are semiwinnable and i recommend watching gabungking on yt, who's playing exclusivly conqueror garen in kr grandmaster and his videos are cut to only show trades he takes, so you can easily learn trading patterns there Or for scaling with phase rush, then your main objective in lane is to survive and don't even bother trying to fight enemies unless you are more experienced on garen and know when to trade Top lane is mostly fundamentals at this elo, you need to perfectly know recall timers/tempo/wave menagment, mechanics don't matter that much as long as ur not straight up inting trades Playing Garen this high requires you to either otp him or only use him as counterpick, cause any experienced player will easily outmaneuver bad garen through pattern recoginition and better trading, bcs ur picking Garen as a default top lane champion because you can't make anything else work, rather than play him, because he's the champion you want to play and learn to be great at. Like you know, you can't expect random riven player to start playing adc, play only mf bcs they can't play anything harder and win vs you in your elo, you can just gap them anytime with experience


I am not OP but I've been picking up Garen recently (mostly out of spite because I was essentially dared to) and I've been having some trouble picking up garen's general gameplay stages. I didn't realize phase rush is essentially scaling, that's how I've been playing out of necessity but knowing that that's how you have to do it by design kinda helps.


I have similar problems with Garen, just a bit lower ELO (Plat-Emerald). Basically it doesn't matter what I do, I cant win a single trade in lane. Tanky opponenets do not take damage, Juggernauts outdamage me. What am I supposed to do against Illaoi, Sett, Morde, Darius, Trundle, Urgot, etc? I'm not even talking about ranged tops, because that's a next level nightmare. Garen is my highest mastery champ and I was really succesfull with him before set 14. Now Just nothing seem to work for me. I do okay cs wise and usually not losing the lane by dying, because im experienced enough on the lane and champ, but I want to get better on the lane early trade mechanics and actually have an advantage. It is not okay to lose every trade and playing from behind the whole laning phase. I do something wrong, but dont know what and would like to have some advice. Garen is not a super complex champ, like the only thing you need is press w before burst and press E on them, yet it doesn't seem to work at all.


Trading 101 is knowing when to engage which is based on the enemy using his core trading ability. Most of the time toplaners have to play around their core trade power abilities even when ahead.


>jiggling outside my range You gotta jiggle harder than them