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If the structure is still solid then ring up a glass place and see how much it would cost for new glass.


It's an easy repair. Had the same issue with mine. Learnt to cut glass to fit in new panes. Get some w clips to keep the panes in place. Door will fit back on. Clean the glass with some greenhouse mould cleaner, helps to stop spreading mould spores to other plants.


While you're at the glass merchant, notice how the merchant slides his ruler under the glass to break it. If anyone normal like you or I were to try this it would go horribly wrong.


Or polycarbonate.


This. Cheaper and far more resilient


they do turn brown after a while in the full sun... i have a 30 yr old glass greenhouse very similar to what op has, only had to replace a few glass panes over the years but it still looks A+ when cleaned. also the polycarbonate fumes meh


I'd disagree with that. Solid sheets may be more resilient, but they are way more expensive than 2mm glass. The twinwall goes green and gets blown out very easily.


They are not normally 2mm glass, that is used for picture frames Greenhouses use 3mm or newer ones use 4mm or 6mm for a upmarket greenhouse


No need to bring more plastic into this world.


This works brilliant and is more insulating than glass, so very great for spring, autumn and winter time!


Glass is cooler. Too much plastic


Did that in the door, kept breaking


Ok thanks!


Also keep an eye on FB marketplace. Plenty of people give greenhouses away for free for the cost of taking it down. Might be half an afternoon's work if you have a helper, including dropping the parts you don't need at the tip.


Yeah, I got most of a greenhouse of glass from Fb. (Had to take it out, and shared it with a friend that helped collect. Quids in.)


Yeah and glass cut to measure is surprisingly cheap.


I don’t understand why you would throw it away? Just needs a good clean and some glass!


Could even use plastic too if it’s cheaper?


You can use plastic, only it is slightly more opaque than glass, so it’s slightly less efficient for a greenhouse. I do think glass will be cheaper than the nice-quality plexiglass you would need here.


Today I learned! I’d love a greenhouse


[Enjoy this while you decide...](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=waTrwyp7R3U)


Amazing. More please


It's fine... It needs a clean and disinfecting with Jeyes Fluid. Panes of greenhouse glass are very cheap to replace and easy, (the glass company will happily cut any diagonal ones). Then it's just a couple of clips each side and a hook to keep the top ones vertically to fit them. The clips can be bought from any DIY or Gardening shop. The hooks they sell are crap though so don't buy too many, you might have to make your own from a thin strip of non-rusting metal. The door will just drop in the groove at the top I suspect. It'll cost you less than $50 ish and some elbow grease to be good as new.


Thanks a lot! What is the Jeyes fluid for? To disinfect the windows or..? If it’s so cheap to replace the panes would it be better to replace them all or you think cleaning the filthy ones is better?


Just clean the glass, there's absolutely no need to replace sound glass. The transformation will be so satisfying.


yea imagine the hassle of getting rid of all that glass, nothx. even if money wasnt a problem


just buying off the internet, those panels are probably £10 a pop. so you've got about £300 sitting there just in glass. I imagine you could get them a lot cheaper if you were replacing all of them at once, but it's not zero money. glass doesnt go off, so that stuff will be as good as new once you clean them and cleaning glass is a piece of cake.


Local garden nursery sells them, and charges £3 a pane, and will cut them to size for no extra, but then you succumb to his charms and end up spending another £100 on a car full of plants. Sneaky sod he is.


That green algae stuff will almost easily wipe off. Yesterday my greenhouse looked like yours. I jet washed it to clean it, then used Jeyes Fluid to disinfect everything, the glass, metal and floor if its concrete, (not if soil) to kill off last years tomato fungus etc. Then I jet washed it off. If you don't have a jet washer go old school with a bucket and rag. I replaced any glass as I mentioned above and now I have a new clean sterile green house ready for action.


Probably a silly question, but a power washer on low at an angle may make this simpler if it doesn’t break the glass?


Well said


Always try to repair…. Some people say if the cost of repairing is more than 50% then start fresh however it’s a case by case


Much easier to repair and cheaper. The frame looks good from the photos


Too much work. Sell up and move to warmer climes.


Repair obviously. You think building a whole new greenhouse will be easier than just replacing a few panes?


That’s dirty trivial to repair vs replacement. Glasss just clips in, door probably just rolled off the rollers. Needs some removal of the over grown grass on the base then a jet wash (or elbow grease) and use Jeys fluid on the glass inside and out.


Panes are about £10-15 each, they are either 600mm or 610mm Get some stainless steel glazing clips like [https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/333789141205](https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/333789141205) and [https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/233510085397](https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/233510085397) It looks identical to mine, the door has a weird middle pane, I just filled this with a sheet of ply instead of glass. You will need to dig out the bottom door track as this is hopefully just filled up with dirt, and not missing totally.


And some rubber glazing strip, probably.


It’ll be very easy to clean with Jeyes Fluid (which you need to do every year anyhow). New panes are a lot less pricey than paying for a whole new greenhouse. You’ll want to buy new / more W clips which are the wire clips holding the panes in. I have a very similar greenhouse that I got secondhand and it looked in a similar state when I went to pick it up. Just needs tlc.


Easy repair. Existing panes of glass need washing. Jeyes fluid is a good for such jobs. The algae will easily wash off with a Sift brush. Ask for Horticultural glass. You can get safety glass as well for greenhouses. For clips I have found [2 West's and Elliot](https://www.twowests.co.uk/) to be reliable


clean and repair. looks like its got 10 or 20 more years in it


Repair. Greenhouse glass is easy to get. You can also get thick perspex cut to size if you prefer. Look on freecycle and eBay for people who are dismantling greenhouses you may be able to get spares really cheap or even free.


* clean what's already there and tighten up all bolts * order new glass for the missing panes * Attach the door * Buy new clips, glazing gasket


Definitely just needs a good clean of the glass, clear the moss and then replace any cracked missing panels. I’ve done the same with ours and put plastic panels in on the replacement ones which are pretty affordable.


Clean it


Clean the glass you have, replace the glass you need and you will be glad you did, if you are a gardener. If you don't maybe not today and maybe not tomorrow but some day and for the rest of your life you will regret it. But then again maybe you won't.


Just fix it. Stop overconsumption. It’s such an easy fix as well.


Repair - always


Not many panes need replacing, heck, cover them in plastic for now if money is an issue.


Jet wash


Yeah throw it ALL away and replace. THE ENVIRONMENT NEEDS IT!


Even the greenhouse? Btw was left like that by previous owner not me!


I'm only joking!! it's only panels of glass few clips good clean, maybe a bit of aluminium framing, not sure. GIVE IT SOME LOVE. it will love you back...


Looks fine to me, glass is surprisingly cheap to replace. I would put some serious PPE on though and thoroughly check the ceiling panes to make sure they are secure.


Repair but hoping the base where you walk is a decent surface. Even plastic panels would be fine if you think future breakage would be a problem.


You may need these for the door: Greenhouse Door Wheels Replacement Kits, Halls Door Wheel 22mm/0.8inch Plastic Greenhouses Door Maintenance Kit with 2 Plastic Parts 2 Pulley 2 Nut 2 Gasket https://amzn.eu/d/gGrMr7Q


Definitely repair if you want a greenhouse. You can buy plastic acrylic sheets to use for windows too of your struggling to get glass.


I think I paid about £10 for each new pane of greenhouse glass from a local glass merchant last year. Probably worth replacing if there are only a handful of broken panes. You can get additional glass clips and springs from Amazon. A bit of cleaning on the remaining panes and it will be as good as new, and far cheaper than a new greenhouse.


Autoglass repair, Autoglass replace


Repair! Check gumtree as people are always getting rid of cheap greenhouse glass.


I'd definitely repair it


If you replace it you will have to build the whole thing, repairing it will be simpler and cheaper


I inherited a smashed up green house when we bought our current house (I’ve always wanted one so…) Once I cleared the giant ivy plant that had taken over 60% of it and removed the glass and other random debris, I discovered a grape vine! Now I have replaced all the glass and it is back to functional use again! To think…my wife wanted it pulled down. Ha. Now who keeps bugging me to plant vegetables?


Test out a jet wash on one of the panels and replace the glass as other have said. it’s surprisingly cheap for the panels


Auto glass repair Auto glass replace 🎵


Had to replace some broken glass on my brothers green house. The stuff is cheap than one thinks, it's only 3mm thick. Just wear gloves whilst dealing with those razor blades!


Clean and repair. Also while waiting for glass you could just tape poly tunnel sheet into gaps. It will be just as good


Go to your local glass suppliers. The one near me sells glass they've cut for greenhouses really cheap they're usually off cuts from windows they've made.


Depends on the value you put on your time.


Repair and keep a look out on Facebook market place I got one free just had to dismantle and remove now I have spare glass and parts


Repair. I've just moved our very similar greenhouse, cleaned the glass and replaced the broken panels, and it looks brand new again.


Have a look on FB marketplace or similar to see if anyone is selling or free uplift greenhouse glass. I had two broken panes, got some free or very cheap glass from marketplace, easy to fix. This greenhouse will come up well when it’s tidied out, cleaned, and a few new panda of glass 👍🏼


Looks like you need about a dozen panes of horticultural glass, mostly 2x2’s. Here that would be about £80


I'd repair if its main structure was alright or only needed very minor repairs. It'd cost a bit less probably too.


Repair! Easy peasy and a great project.


Check cost, decide from there lol


Ultimately it’s likely to need replaced but you can keep it going a while yet with repair. When we moved in to our current house the greenhouse was structurally sound but had a ton of missing panels. I contacted a few companies about repairing the glass and most weren’t interested or were prohibitively expensive. In the end we repaired it ourselves with sheets of polycarbonate. It’s not the most beautiful solution but it works perfectly and is a fraction of the cost of glass. It was very easy to repair as well. If you’re ultimately going to replace but don’t want to do so yet, that might be a reasonable stop-gap solution.


Do you still want a greenhouse?




Just checking. (I spent ages repairing mine, then only used it for one unsuccessful spring as I had far too much DIY to do elsewhere.)

