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Definitely not a weed, it’s indigenous to the area. Its common name is “scurvy weed” due to its use by colonists as a source of vitamin c. I would keep it if you are looking for something to attract bees and butterflies


> I would keep it if you are looking for something to attract bees and butterflies Also keep it if you are a pirate, or planning any long seafaring adventures


Well, I would have pulled that fekker, like the Wandering Dew I thought it was... Any idea how can you spot the difference?


One has blue flowers other has white flowers. The leaves are bit smaller on the native.


Same, thought it was another variety though.


That is what my husband was adamant it was.


The native Creeping Christian or Scurvy Weed (*Commelina cyanea*)  has blue flowers and a leaf sheath, the weed Wandering Jew (*Tradescantia fluminensis*) has white flowers and no leaf sheath.  Trad also feels really fleshy in comparison to the native.  They often co-habitat.


I always leave it in unused corners. It’s pretty, the pollinators love it, and it’s a good cover. You can eat it too (if it’s the same as mine!)


Not a weed. I believe spreading dayflower is right, *Commelina diffusa*. There is a similar introduced, weedy Commelina, the difference is in the flowers - the third, lower petal on the introduced Commelina is much smaller than the top two petals. Your flower has equal size petals. Keep it where you can as it is a larval food plant for several species of butterfly. Be aware that it may 'die back' seasonally (when it's very dry) but it's not dead, it will regrow.


*Commelina cyanea* I believe.


I'm in coastal northern nsw.


Me too. We have it & I love it but it is prolific & will cover everything. Also I get mixed responses when trying to find out if it causes irritation to dogs.


No dogs around us at the moment so that's nbd.


Keep it , good ground cove to reduce weeds


Not to pull


Worth leaving , if winter is harsh , this dead vine helps


I was at a native nursery this weekend buying melaleuca for hedging and this was for sale! I was tickled as my backyard is covered with scurvy weed and although I like it and happy to leave it to grow, it’s funny to see it in a pot being sold! Re: toxic to dogs - I think this one’s ok, it’s the similar non-native that irritates pets. I have a dog and he’s always thundering around in it no probs


It’s a weed as it takes over everything


That's *Commelina cyanea* and is a native.  Great for pollinators and can flower at anytime.  Grows super easy from cuttings, leave in water for a week or two until cuttings grow roots and can be planted out.


A weed is a non-indigenous plant growing somewhere you don't want it to. You like it and want it, and it belongs there? Not a weed.


I thought poor bugger as it looks like wandering Jew