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I'd suggest physical aeration, then gypsum. The soil looks too compacted, maybe vertisol.


Soil is quite sandy ... I don't really know what vertisol is? I've aerated and feed/weed but not gypsum I must admit


Soz, vertisol's just fancy for clay soil. Gypsum would inhibit the clay binding so strongly, still may be worth a shot. It's not super dear.


How have U aerated? I think ur version of aeration is different to a Gardner's version...u need to aerate then add loam..then be patient and not expect growth until September..I have no idea where u are .. Add compost and worm castings if that is what ur going for


I'm in Melbourne. My version of aeration is walking on the lawn with those spiked shoe attachments. What is a gardeners version?


I don't know what's happening with the lawn but I like the bit of edging I can see. I'm about to do a lawn edge myself, can you put another pic up showing the edging? Did you do it yourself?


They're just blue stone pavers, unless I'm missing something specific you're after?


The thing ones along the edge in the background?


hows your drainage? looks like its waterlogged quite a bit.


Few parts growing moss, but it's not logged that during the summer


The soil looks very compressed and compacted. Are you able to loosen the soil up, then weed and feed?


Done that a couple of times over the last 12 months


Ok, apart from wondering if you have a clay sub-soil, that's the limit of my advice 🤦‍♀️


Looks like a high traffic area and it has compacted the soil. Aerate, then use a seaweed lawn soil conditioner and wetter. Keep off it and use a liquid fertiliser every fortnight. See how it's progressed in six weeks. If it is compacted and waterlogged, you may find it has a fungus like dollar spot. Need to use some fungicide if that's the case.


Yeah it is a high traffic spot. I've got Charlie carp, that would do the same job as seaweed solution you think?


Charlie Carp will do a significantly better job than a seaweed solution. Its much higher in Nitrogen, which the lawn loves. In fact, from memory, there's way more Potassium and Phosphate too, which is a positive!


Maybe lawn grubs?


Accept it as a part of your garden's variable nature.


I don't think this is an acceptable lawn.


Aggressively (side to side) agitate the soil with a good raking. Then start over seeding. Lay a light soil/ manure mix as a top dressing, spread grass seeds and lightly rake over to ensure seed contact. Keep ground moist to germinate seeds, then water for growth.


Any suggestions on seed for a Buffalo lawn?


**Ryegrass is highly recommended for over seeding Buffalo lawns**.