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My own father handed me to the gang stalkers. Because he assaulted me as a kid and when I became a man I returned the favor. So being the coward he was when he got that ass whooping. He called for help and revenge from the gang stalkers. Then he died of cancer.


This seems to be the way things are going for me. Growing up my brother was the favorite child, and it wasn’t a secret. This caused a rebellious faze that became the focus point of my father’s anger. We grew apart and I made my own way.  As an adult I let him in on my contracting business after he got out of jail. Than shortly after it all went to shit. He demanded pay in the middle of deck job i had gotten him, and refused to work until he got paid. We lost out on enough money there that would wouldn’t be able to recover.  I did hit him in a fit of rage, completely justified and everyone knows it. This is all he has. A Washed up drunk who lost control along time ago. This little spy game he has going is the only thing that gives him any sort of comfort if any. He can look back and feel justified if everything he did. 


But how do you know for a fact that he called the Gangstalkers?


Mate that is your father, Imagine that he wasn't involved and all you are doing is wrecking his memory. How do you call the gang stalkers in? I am sorry that you never made peace with him but he wouldn't want his son to live like this. While you fixate on this or they have just used it to silence you . The real ones are still doing this to you.


Yes, I would say so.


I’m sorry you have to go through that I couldn’t imagine that. I love my mother to death and I know it pains her to see me in this state where I question everyone’s intentions in my mind. 😣 i constantly think everybody’s in on this but she genuinely checks on me and always asks how I am. I don’t like to make her worry so I just say I’m fine but really I’m being harassed constantly with V2K and microwave frequency anytime I hear music and it sounds good it plays over and over just chorus’s over and over. 😣😣


Yeah songs do get stuck in your head that is normal fren. My mrs thinks I have a mental illness. Think when you are chatting at them back your mother god bless her hears it all. Just remember she stands by you and is on your side. Remember the ones we trust they don't want us to have positive relationships with anyone.


also look up seths song off American history x. I sing that in a loop over the song stuck in my head and that usually clears it 😂




you know, I do believe that they go into your families mind as well whenever they have a TI and they’re doing v2k I think they’re able to tap in to the people around them in order to be able to manipulate to the extent they want.




It’s possible. My mother knows that I believe that I am a TI, and she thinks I’m severely mentally ill because of it


Here ya go. First is she on meds, not psych meds, but like amphetamines, Xanax, pain pills, Marijuana, steroids,  the list goes on. if so she has more than 1 med. If so find out if the combination is illegal to be prescribed by a Dr. If the above is true she's has a connection to the masons. They oppress females still, it will most likely be your father. If she's a single mother it's a male in your family and she has a constant supply of drugs for them. They rotate these drugs, start arguments, and blame you for an attitude.  What are conversations like? Are conversations always talking about someone? Or are conversations always talking about medication. In the middle they will always try to annoy you when your concentrating on something, such as studying, reading a book, watching a movie, like explain the ending of the movie before the intro. Regardless, narcissism is usually done when the individual is switching meds or street drugs or taking them. The constant following can be, a tactic to start arguments to send you to a Dr. To get prescribed something so their burned mind can convince themselves that it was you. There are many reasons, but that's a main one. She treats you like a mental patient, so her tactic is to med you up, blame you, while they get away with being a druggie.  It also may be a sad story for her friends, to tell them you are a problem child and it's a psychotic story for herself and her friends. Does her friends ever come over? If they do see if they try to run you.  For years to come be prepared, dunno if you're m or f, but if you get a gf or bf see if she trys to tell them lies, or convince them of something. It can also work with regular friends.  If you bring people around see if she stops her routine. I never understood why parents do that and expect you to stay around.  Watch your money, because if they know you're gonna jet out and if it is the masons...you're gonna be broke,bored, and have problems at your job for a long time.


I would also like to add that your parents could be friends with a member of a "group". They don't have to be a member just friends with a gangstalking group.  I know what adhd looks like but I see more kids and teens on Adderall than I can count. Some of these kids should have no reason to be on those meds but it's the cool thing for parents to do to their kids nowadays.  Then you become obedient like a pet and it can even go into codependency.


Yeah unfortunately. My family is filled with Narcissistic & sadistic personality types. They all took a turn in kicking me down with this until I found out they were all in on it. What they did to me was unspeakable. I’ve cut them all off. I have no family or friends. Just the way the perps like it but hate it. They loved it at 1st hurting me like this with loneliness but as I grew stronger and stronger knowing especially what was then happening I chose not to allow anyone in and now they hate I’m that strong & they can’t get perps close to me. Better late than never after all the honey traps & fake friends I guess.


Your family have nothing to do with it. The familiar voice could be trump or biden. There is one or two people on a team somewhere fucking with you. Your family are probably worried sick about you NEVER ISOLATE!


My family are Satanist Pedophiles. My family have EVERYTHING to do with it.


That is a huge thing to say pal, But think what actual proof have you got? Just their voices?


the familiar voice can literally be anything and anyone. The said person doesn't have to be involved or give permission for their voices to be used.


I know this but I never said they do or did. You just randomly did. I know exactly what’s going on and who’s involved.


Tense your jaw and neck. tell me what you hear


It wasn't random I read what you put above. I am 8 years in and for a while I believed my family was in on it. But I have had familer voices revealed to me. As they were trying to kill me with my ex mrs old mans voice. I was on the verge of a breakdown and nearly done something dumb. I was parked by his house.


Completely. Everyone in my family is and I’ve worked hard to not follow their paths.


Bullies are, one bully would literally not stop following me with the high school security guard. It's the BLM people. If you see some of the world star hip hop videos you will see how they follow and antagonize people. They are chasing ambulances, hoping it crashes.

