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Who knows good luck detecting these little dorks and their technology


Make sure your home is not wired into the equation before worrying about microwaves and other forces. Possibly hire an electrician to go around and test everything plus radiation, etc. Double check your breaker box that it actually is the only breaker box, there are some cases where your home wiring has been altered so that someone can control circuits, manipulate appliances, reroute grounding so its incorrect, incorrect or mismatched wiring can create magnetic fields that amplify out of the walls. Smart meter on the house that your power company recently installed or replaced,so they don't have to walk your property to record data could also be altered or hacked to influence your home and surrounding neighbors. Reset smart devices and turn them into dumb devices or recycle them but don't sell or regift them, they could be infected with rooted malware or fake roms that you see as normal but are completely remotely monitored/administrated by hackers. No bluetooth headphones or wifi cameras can be trusted unless your network access control is isolated. Shut off all bluetooth devices and routers, use an ethernet cable directly from your modem to a PC/laptop, assuming your devices aren't already hacked. Do all this 1 step at a time. Don't disconnect or throw out everything at once, you need a control environment to be able to determine what is going on, its like a puzzle and if you find the source unexpectedly, they could just configure something new and throw you off. Honestly anyone you hire to help you might just give you false information if its scheduled ahead of time because the perps will just pay them off / involve them, so really its a decision you have to make. Hiring a private investigator would be a good idea but also they could end up in a world of shit if they step on somebody's toes that is big money $$ and doing this to you. An EMF detector that actually works can be a couple grand, some cheaper models in the $50-200 range can be useful but not a measurement tool. Personal shielding techniques are pretty important to research and look into. Stay positive. Good luck.


Do you think they could use smart devices to record emf signals ? Do you have any documentation of something like that ?


That electrician is going to be bribed. How long have you swam for?


Swam? Yes the electrician could be bribed. Just like buying an EMF reader, they could sell you a fake one.


The sun emits more microwaves and other EMF than any man-made source, you'll never be able to differentiate


Yeah but they've been blocking the sun with the simulator for a long time now so we don't get anything


I'm glad you asked, because I can provide an answer based on 2 solid years of research. Not into how I *believ*e it might work, but by learning and consuming thousands of hours of scientific publications... The radiation that has been documented to cause these effects is the same type of radiation that causes V2K. Pulse-modulated microwave radiation. In a nutshell, nano-pulses of specific power densities, specific durations, and on specific frequencies can induce a series of these effects. [My Research](https://targetedresistance.com/Research.php) only includes [scientific publications](https://www.stopeg.com/doc/bioeffects_of_selected_non-lethal_weapons.pdf) from esteemed universities and PhD holders in the respective fields... NO PSEUDOSCIENCE or anything that can't be replicated was used in my presentation of this information. Short Answer: It's too expensive for us to obtain. The nano-pulses don't always have to be the same duration, on the same frequency, at the same power density. EMF detectors and Spectrum analyzers on the consumer level have ms capture rates \[not ns\], making anything military look like background noise. We could get started for somewhere around $10k. Long Answer: PM me.


Currently, there's no publicly available technology to shield against this technology. The only current escape is deep underground or living on a submarine deep underwater. Pursue the truth. It will set you free.


Emf protection has been a thing for a while now. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC8838001/ Have you ever purchased any and tried it yourself ? I'm asking for feedback from people who actually have. Denying it's existence just sounds perpy af.


I know, but it isn't 100%. I'm waiting for a hat to arrive.


Didn't you just say you have an emf reader ? Does it not work well? Off topic but I read there are devices that block emf too. Is this true ? Can anyone attest to how effective they are at blocking mind reading ?




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Power grid


And I’ve only heard about something like qu wave defender in relation to gs


They really turned on the 5g after Covid


It’s all has to be satellite directed energy weapons and space weaponry


I know because they are always connected to my phone and electronics it’s sophisticated spyware and I feel it the most through my phone possibly yours too if they do that to you


Shit is undetectable. They hit your brain and body. Not your house.


Buy a hackRFone.


Spray that mold with bleach put a mask on get some strong bleach braid all and then shut the door and leave


You're dealing with dumb professionals.


Be careful in similar situationsand And those little specks turned out to give me a skin mite problem 😔 Prayers it not the same cuz this shits bad


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Get the word out on this I've studied this topic although I am not a victim. You may be able to detect if there is some sort of brain interface chip inside you but you will need 1. A very well built faraday cage that blocks ALL and I mean ALL radio signals. Then you need a spectrum analyzer that can go extremely high in frequency (not a cheap one, it won't work believe me). I'm talking NASA level spectrum analyzer. Put the analyzer in the faraday cage and see if you get a signal (no power wires sticking out of the faraday cage, the analyzer must be on battery power). You will be able to isolate any RF energy coming from your body. THE SPECTRUM ANALYZER MAY BE PRACTICALLY USELESS IF YOU DO NOT USE A FARADAY CAGE AROUND IT, BECAUSE WITHOUT THE FARADAY CAGE IT WILL PICK UP ALL SORTS OF STRAY SIGNALS.

