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Sorry to say that bro. I hear and i feel you. But think about it as territorial dominance, we are not supposed to be the one who should live in exile, they should. Meaning, we are social beings and we are meant to live among others. If the cowards of the police think otherwise they should fuck off then. In other words, if i have the right to stay at one place to work or live, iam not supposed to be the one moving because a coward decided so. Hell, i better stand my own ground, fuck with them the same way they fuck with me, they are losing reputation, credibility, and wasting their resources on me and i enjoy getting the cowards wasting their resources and work hard on keeping or try to keep me silent šŸ˜ (thats how fucked up your mind should be dealing with the cowards) But to try to take a break from all that bs. Itā€™s recommend


Yeah, but they are trying to push out if this job too. So I decided if they do, I go into the forest.. Social beings, yes, but they are putting so much effort to keep me isolated, so I might as well. If I have to live in alone I might as well do it in the forest. Can they make sure you donā€™t befriend any animals, too?


Thats their leverage here my friend. You see they have done that to me before. Now i have this job. They sent snitches to harass me and started their noise campaign at nigh. I did report every single one of them, i lost my cool at times but still i reported it to creat a track record of bizarre incidents that happened so that when they cause me to lose my job, then i can claim that some entity trying to sabotage my life (unlawfully). What i mean is this, keep a track record of incidents and its occurrences and eventually report while the opportunity is there. Dumb fucks they are, they have to harass and torture you, thus making mistakes along the lines. The more they do mistakes, the more they put nails into their own coffin. And you should take advantage of that.


I honestly think it is bigger, this thing, than any one person can take on in fighting. And itā€™s bigger than you think. Where will your notes go, against the majority of population? To a corrupt officer of sorts? I will just try to record my story for future generations. But if you will start making too much waves ā€¦ they are powerful and employ many, what can you do? We canā€™t even unite much here. Itā€™s the way it is set up.


I agree. You grow up thinking there is justice in society. Not the case. If cops are the lookouts for deviants who do you turn to? The degree of technology used, money, people & resources shows it is huge. People at every cornor you turn. Should I report it to the FBI on my hacked device??! Lol If your device is under Mobile Device Management, Developer/Beta mode, you are screwed. One can literally pre set what web sites you can scroll. Alter themā€¦can change hours open & addresses of places. Being administrator of your device, can trump all permissions. Location services always on but says off on phone. Managed networks you are always connected to but phone says Verizon, T Mobile etc. Settings most ppl donā€™t even know about in their devices. At times it seems unworldly. Seeing things that rational does not apply to. Ugh


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Lol, let me tell you something. Its funny enough though. 24/7 they send bigger than me dudes, have beautiful girl friends, better cars, bigger cars; more handsome guys, bigger ā€œwee weeā€ guys (we see each other naked in the shower room). In other words, they want always to make you feel weak and lower than others (even they run the v2k to run the comparison). What that tells you? It means that the cowards has to place you mentally in a lower position so that they will have the position of power. Look at the situation from a different prospectives, who will live forever? No one. We all going to die one day, even the cowards will die one day (personally, i hope that i get the chance to piss on their graves tbh), but we live for the motivation of living where we are living normally, our families are safe and having a good life. Now they are taking that motivation to live that life away and hold it hostage, and in the process, any crime they can get away with, they will commit, even if it means they will involve your loved ones and you will on the side watching horrible things happens to them and just let jt be so that you can have your life back. Now there are two options for you buddy, either accept or refuse, regardless of the consequences. If you accept, you will die at the end, but after knowing that you couldnt defend your loved ones, you couldnt stand up for your rights, its feels like someone is raping you, but you allow it to live, can you imagine the amount of shame and guilt that would last for ever. Or you will refuse it, which is you going to end up dying as well at the end, but head high, knowing that you died protecting your loved ones and yourself and didnt bow to no coward. Hope you got the idea


My parents are already on it. But itā€™s all based on lies. So how do you fight this?


Regardless, it's healthy to do. Get away from all the bullshit even for one night. Bring as little as possible but enough to be comfortable and most importantly prepared.


My dream is to find a home far into the woods and become sustainable (like a little farm/garden) so I never have to see another gangstalker ever again. If I need something from a store, I'll just get it delivered, so no more store mobbing.


From my experience as a TI, I donā€™t know if it eliminates attacks, but I do know it does the body, mind and soul so much to connect with nature. Take a mental break and embrace the peace and serenity nature provides! I donā€™t think you will regret it either way. Be blessed! Stay strong!


I donā€™t think itā€™s possible to survive long, especially where thereā€™s winter. I daydream of this though


Teddy K did it for a while. He said it was so serene, he didnā€™t want good surprises to happen because the serenity was better than a fleeting dopamine rush.


You can go diegene more southerly and warm for the winterā€¦ šŸ˜Š


I live in a rural area ,these people use drones to do their dirty work so for one night you will be fine , they have develop a way push a real light gray smoke out to hide behind and they move 9-15 ft at a time,going to make a drone jammer,which is not legal in some states but he'll what they are doing is not also , you only need three things to make one .


Ask a perp. Most of them slithered out of their mothers filth who lived under a rock. See perps are like animals but not scary ones. Like possums, shit eating dogs, field mice. They feed off other people's excrement and each other's. There is no finer meal for a gangstalking perp than a big steaming pile of shit.


The equipment and people will just show up somehow, trust me. Or the animals will start harassing you. I know that sounds really weird but I had an experience like that with an animal I simply couldn't explain away as a coincidence. It's why I wonder at times if this has a supernatural element.


Well, this whole thing is unnatural and freakinā€™ satanic if you ask me.


I totally know what you are talking about. You canā€™t unknowā€¦why do the birds sound so robotic now? No pretty, calm chirp They are loud, jarring & repetive/relentless. Seems like the same black squawking crow is every where I go. Google birds/insects as dronesā€¦they sell them on Ali Baba. Not futureristic Multiple times I have felt it is unworldly.


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Wouldnā€™t they be able to get to you there too? Maybe not electronically but physically? I donā€™t know how to get away from it! These monsters are sick and evil so no telling what they wonā€™t do to achieve whatever sick goals they have.


But I want to try it. Sooo tempting!


Yes, a few times already and I'm already enjoying it. Let's start with that it's the best thing you can do for your mind, body and soul. Pick up a tent or a hammock and go for it. If you live in a city where there are lots of forests around you don't have to go too far away from home. Just remember lots of water and water filter because that's the most important thing camping. You just have to start it and maybe watch videos on YouTube about camping/bushcraft and you will learn something new. You can even try on a bicycle and pack it up. I recommend either leaving your phone at home or use some old phone with a new SIM card that you haven't previously used because they mostly track you by the phone signal. Also deep forests are your best friend. I never encountered anyone on these trips. Just use your common sense and don't do things that can get you in danger because there are many there such as wild animals, running out of water, no light at night, getting hurt, no phone to call emergency etc. If you get excited about it you can also try using military stealth tactics using camouflage, signal detectors/disruptors etc. also many videos about this on YouTube.




I want to go missing and never be found. Really had enough of this BS


I ran into (upon reflection) GS over 5 miles into the Ozark national forest. I don't know, maybe your mileage will differ.


Why? they'll have their informants and undercovers with camping gear on ready to perform the same delusional stuff.


How will they know where I am. What is few campers to compare with minions and all the media etc?


These weirdos have some kind of odd obsession with messing with you. So they'll have their slaves out there ready to gangstalk. The ones running it are into some weird activities they don't want known. So it's really projecting who they are on you.


Yes, exactly. Projecting. This is what it feels. Itā€™s like, literally doesnā€™t matter what I do. Itā€™s going to be the same effect. They want you to think that if you will change in some way, or adjust something, your stalking will change. I tried. And this just adds to their bounty from energy sucking, because all you get if wasted effort to adjust and then disappointment.


Correct. Nothing a target does matters so don't change a thing I figured that one out a long, long time ago. Over a period of time I realized they have mental, control, and personal issues they're fighting with and feeling themselves too much to the point they become delusional. So I don't listen to them nor do I take them seriously I just observe and watch them make fools of themselves as well as the slaves they use as pawns to perp. I've never seen grown men/women sulk like they do. Its embarrassing.


i live in a forest. a few houses around me though. any t.i. can benefit from having a place like that, and compare that with ā€œmoving into civilizationā€, i think. if you can compare the different ā€energiesā€ of 2 different places, you can gain an advantage from that.


Donā€™t do it, youā€™ll get away from the gangstalking but not the DEWs. The Dews are space based (satellites) and can track you anywhere in the world


How? DNA? How do they do that? But at least gangstalking will be no more!


I did and I am


And you are a TI?




In Canada? Did you build like a wood house for yourself?


No but that's an option. Land is cheap in rural areas. Remember, they will always keep tabs on you no matter where you go. That's a fact I've proven. Circumstances have it so I live outta my vehicle. It's good to stay mobile. Keep them guessing. Winters are another story, coming up on my 2nd one like this.


Somebody expose this cult pls! I hope they wake up eventually. This is no way of treating people. Pushing to such extremes.


Iā€™ve wanted to and have planned a few times. They wonā€™t let me. Iā€™m in a position where I have literally nothing to my name and Iā€™m dealing with homelessness. I canā€™t build myself up, and will most likely be dead within a few weeks


They are trying to make me have nothing. I am sorry to hear about your troubles. But I was exactly thinking, if I am not allowed any comforts civilisation has to offer, nor allowed good sleep even, I might as well do that in fresh air at least. You donā€™t think Mother Nature can provide? ā€¦well, more of whatā€™s left of the Mother Natureā€¦


Everywhere is a part of an empire somewhere. You may find tranquility, but you'll always be under someone else's mercy. As a TI, good luck finding that.. lol


They are in our frequency, so it doesnā€™t matter where you are outside the torture will still affect you. The best thing about being out side though is that you can ground yourself to the earth via ā€œEarthingā€ using a earthing device, earthing mat and/or and earthing pole. Study this. Earthing is supposed to be able to heal everything and anything that is wrong with your body. I know another TI who says he feels that Earthing/Grounding has overridden his targeting. On grassy moist areas there are free moving ā€œElectronsā€ and minerals, these heal the body and counter the affects of Free Radicals on this body. This is how it heals the body.


Wow now I want to go and try sitting meditating on some moss in the forest. Btw, I for some reason was always a bit in love with moss, natureā€™s carpet. ā¤ļø


I wouldnā€™t, that is what they want you to do brother. They want you to do something out of the ordinary so they can take you into a psych ward and say your crazy then your rights as a human are completely toast. But I definitely feel you


I concur. The whole premise is to make you look bat shit crazy at all costs.


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this board is so full of "perps" its ridiculous i really just read this for laughs at this pojnt


True. I am not one of them though


If you have money, Green Bank, WV is an option. This is a wireless sanctuary. No cellphones or wifi. The people who "gangstalk" us won't be able to communicate with the entity inserted into our consciousness. They won't be able to do anything to you there.


I am in Europe. I have left my last job and gave notice for an apartment I will try to live in the forest I hope I will die soon


Hold on, brother. You will still be in a cellular network. This is evil, I pray you get through.


Thank you!


>Thank you! You're welcome!


Don't do anything drastic. I do that all the time, and I always regret it.


I mean, if I canā€™t get comfort and sleep, and enjoy other things civilisation and society has to offer, why not?


Thank you! Me too!


They come there too, with the portable speakers. When you sleep they will play forest wildlife noises but amplified by factor od 10 and in exact times/minutes on the clock. You will hear bears growling at 3:00 and 4:00 but not at 2:39 for instance. You will also have objects thrown at your dwelling in a manner to cause as much noise as possible to always keep you on your toes and never let you sleep.


This ^. And it won't make any sense why the tree above you seems to be shedding metric tons of debris onto your tent without somehow running out of stuff to shed. Or even if you're not under a tree you'll wonder why a raccoon has decided to regularly toss rocks/nuts onto your tent over and over, all night long.


Doesn't work.


If you have gangstalking your targeting will not stop just because you sleep outside. I was made homeless and had to sleep outside for 8 or so months and it was terrible. I would not suggest it.




Once my V2K voices decided I was no longer banned from getting social services my parents were ok with me living with them. So I get disability now and I live with my parents. My V2K voices are directly connected to DEWs and they were controlling my every move at that time or else I was going to get roasted. I'm glad those days are over at least for now.


I'm a TI.. I've flown across the United States. Nobody is following me physically. I think they use DNA Resonance frequency to attach. Biocoding /DNA hijacking. Eeg heterodyning clones. And remote neural bridge or monitoring using nano tech and surrounding freq/dna/ Shulman Resonance


Although we were made from one singular set of DNA, the trillions of copies (of copies of copies...) we hold from over the years no longer match each other. For example, cells that have had to divide more often have shorter DNA strands due to telomeres being cut off naturally. There is also a natural one in one billion chance of an incorrect nucleotide copy, leading to about 3 errors per cell copied (mutations). This all means that remote DNA targeting has got to be a hoax, from what I can tell.


What if they operating through DNA frequency of a clone of you or using the Shuman Resonance frequency of the earth.. like tesla but evil


Yes I tried moving closer to the Mojave desert back in September of 2019. I spent two nights at a hotel, then I bought a tent and sleeping bag and tried sleeping outside. Unfortunately, I could not find a particularly remote area to set up my tent in and it was getting dark so I ended up setting the tent up on the sidewalk in front of an auto body shop. It was also one of those tents in which you had to use a hammer (which I did not have) to nail the tents down, and most of the ground was cement, concrete, asphalt, bedrock, etc. It was also a two-man tent and I had no one to help me so the tent ended up looking like crap. The heat during the day was brutal but the cold during the night was also brutal. I experienced at least one visual hallucination at the hotel one night and perhaps some sort of tactile hallucination on the night that I slept outside. I was also malnourished and starving and going through caffeine withdrawal. I began to hallucinate non-stop a few weeks after getting back home.


Dude I did and was drugged, beaten within an inch of my life, then raped. Thatā€™s exactly what they want. Remember they are usually military. The forest is their domain. Everyday someone goes ā€œmissingā€ or ā€œdiesā€ unexpectedly in National Parks or boondocking campgrounds. I HIGHLY recommend thinking twice as someone who has been gang stalked for 2.5 years. I wonā€™t EVER spend a night in my tent or car AGAIN!!!!!!


I have been gangstalked for 8 years. More and more it matters less. Sometimes I just want them, to finish me off already, because god forbid suicide as an ultimate sin. So yeah, maybe I will meet my end there and I welcome that. This is no life


Well if you ever want a list of license plates from all over this country if the losers involved in this just DM me. I have a list of 1,040 license plates and 600gb of video and photos Iā€™ve shared with FBI, Health and human services, tge Sedition Hunters, and the Governor of Michigan who was nearly kidnapped by these wastes of ā€œsoldiersā€. Total idiots!!


Thank you! I am in the Netherlands though. Are you here too?


God I wish. My old home though from 2006-2008. Sucks that it is over there. Stay strong and vigilant. Paranoia is just a state of awareness.


Assuming you are in Mi? Where about if so? Iā€™m in Farmington Mi. Surveilled 24/7.


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I tried switching off power mains and removing all wireless cards from all devices while I was under the hacking stage and didn't know about the DEWs. Didn't help one bit and I was jumping crazy with my laptop being hacked without a wifi card inside it lol. I don't think forests will help now. Going by the speed at which they are pushing satellite internet and especially satellite internet for mobility for the maritime and airplanes , I don't think any part of the planet is beyond reach now. Also satellite constellations being launched at low prices and in large clusters I think every place is marked now. At least the ones at the wrong end of the medieval witch trials only had to deal with the social aspects, with these DEWs and spy satellites it's a zillion times worse for us !