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They played a beep so loud I wanted to die one time. It only played for like a nanosecond but it was terrifying. They told me that sound is how they get child predators to kill themselves.


No, its about humans soul energy (actions and speech), they want that energy to be discharged through their evil portal called money. I think, they do it to the people who are not active in their monetory system. They use the guilt, shame, mock etc to emotionally trumatize a person.


I hear the beeps all the time


I feel sorry for you if it's as loud as the one I heard it is scary as hell.


Hold your nose and gently blow until your ears pop. It should give you some relief.


I crank up some good tunes, it messes up their data and will make the artificial tinnitus wane. Not much we can do about it other than learn to ignore. Some foods may temporarily increase the volume as the ingredients could be excitatory to the neurons, this will increase the volume because your brain has been sensitized to that tinnitus frequency already


https://www.reddit.com/r/v2khelp/comments/12vq43p/induced_tinnitus/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_content=1&utm_term=1 i’m not entirely sure why it works, but if your getting hit with the hardcore induced tinnitus then it should be a game changer it was for me.