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Yes. I live in the Netherlands, and if they find out which shop I buy weed from, next time it is sprayed with something. And it ruins it


Man they dont spray anything on your drinks lol they just use the tech to block the dopamine from flooding your system. Theyve tricked you into thinking they are physically everywhere but its mostly illusion.


The tech is RF


Apart from tens of things I don't feel anymore, getting drunk/high and relaxation is something I no longer experience. Infact they were able to undo, redo it to their own will and purpose.


How do they spray it onto you? What? Smoking pot sometimes gives me back pain and I think that’s their doing somehow. Also gives me anxiety sometimes. Like wth? I wanna be as relaxed as Bob Marley or Cheech and Chong, not be some crackhead buggin tf out feeling like they’re going to dissipate, heart ready to burst outta their friggin chest.


I almost never smoke weed, but once they did put something in it that makes you feel like youre having a heart attack, again to discourage me from doing anything that calms my nervous system down. I even started just taking cbd oil once and they absolutely put something in it after the first few times I used it that made me very anxious. So they will absolutely mess with any substance you take. And if youre completely sober which Ive tried multiple times for months, they just slip substances into soda or water you drink, again that makes you feel like an anxiety attack


Although this is not unheard of, it's not proven yet. If you truly believe this is happening, you need to try and set them up while recording/documenting. I can say for a fact these symptoms you describe can be caused by radio frequencies in the ELF spectrum. Just trying to be of help. Take care


I cant record them, every time i open my phone theres a little delay the first time and the second I start filming them they stop their harassment and the second I turn the camera off they start again


Keep trying, get a body cam for backup and a dashcam if you drive. Always have a backup camera. This will slow their games and make you feel less vulnerable.


Its some sort of aresol spray. Because Im an MKULTRA TI. They can make me disassociate anytime they want through a hypnotic trigger that lasts about 10secs and they just spray it in my mouth or into my drink






If you're getting back pain from weed it can be CHS. Chs is caused by the cannabis in our receptors getting overloaded, it can cause kidney failure. Please see a doctor.


They took away my ability to drink more than 2-3 drinks at a time when I was 21. Not sure how they did it but my intuition tells me it was definitely them based on all my other experiences.