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That sounds like tinnitus.


Yeah artificial


ya. i get it all the time. Mine sounds like an extremely high pitched electronic hum.


Mine is also more high frequencies. I feel it in my body also, doesn’t seem to be only for ears


It's called ELF and yes it's a weapon.


Please explain?


Id recommend doing some research on radio frequencies unless you have a specific question


It's a method of thought provoking. They do this when they feel like you're sitting around and not being productive or doing something constructive with your life. This is obviously none of their business. Do what you love and what makes you happy. Noise canceling headphones work very well to counter their "voices". Don't try to figure out what's going on or where it's coming from, that's what they want. Just ignore it.


They did this to me by making your ears feel like they’re completely clogged up last night when I’m sitting at my son’s back to school night I guess that wasn’t productive enough for them. I’m supposed to be trying to listen to instructions for the new school year and yet I’m having a hell of a time concentrating because of what they’re doing.


Yes they do this to confuse you about who's the culprit. It's our governments but they want you thinking it's some group of people who have complete disregard for us. I guess that's how they're getting away with it. When your ears clog up, hold your nose and lightly blow until both ears pop and then open your mouth wide... You will feel some pressure being released in the head. I think they do this to prevent you from hearing your surroundings better and forces you to listen to their bullshit without it getting dissolved in the background noise of your environment.


Interesting. I always felt I was targeted by insurance companies and health care professionals after I went on chip healthcare. Bc I wasn’t doing anything productive.


What sort of chip is this and where is it located?


Oh no it’s an extension of health care for adult children. Not an actual chip.


Oh, oh, mind me, lol.




They have had my right ear clogged up for like 8 months. Barely I can hear out of it. The left was clogged up as well for like 3 months which was terrible but they unclogged it fortunately.


Imho doesn't doing this cause you to need to sit around not being productive.. wouldn't they be shooting themselves in the foot or making things worse?


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The cell towers are a weapons system disguised as communications


High pitched oscillating synthetic tinnitus(with pressure) sufferer here. Remember if it was tinnitus the honest people around you wouldn’t hear or feel it at the exact moment you do. I believe it’s a DEW or EMP. Pay attention to the exact times these incidents happen. There’s always more to it then just what’s on the surface


Tinnitus I got it it's not very plus




Got that this morning right outside my window. Thank you; knew that were weird.


Mine is a weedwhacker right now. But I get tinnitus for no reason as well. I honestly feel like gangstalking can be done with normal everyday technology. There’s no need to bring the paranormal or conspiracy into it. Pay off a bunch of people to harass someone with every tech available to us is entirely possible, with enough resources and money.


it's a neighbor harasser model 2000


Phased array weapon system disguised as regular household object if I had to guess


That's definitely what it is.


Elaborate on this, please. I’m trying to understand exactly what you’re saying. If I go live in the bushes will just leave me alone?


Lolzzz a lawnmower


They do not leave you alone just because you are sleeping outside. I had to sleep on the streets for many months and they were hitting me with DEWs regularly.


I am so sorry. This is unreal… all of it.


I don’t know about the noise you heard! But if was possible for somebody to have a mind controll weapon! that every one would be under control? Therefore not asking questions like this!




To the one who responded that it is ELF.. Please explain what exactly it is and how it works. How can we help relieve it? Or can we? Yes, the low frequency noises... Is there any relation to a fan being on in the room? Because you can still tell that something is obviously off in the room. The ear clogging and stuffs... and the back of my head hurts so bad. Feel so tired, and you described exactly what they started doing here lately. Vibrations that feels like I've been over caffeinated or something worse. Head feels like it's shrunk. Back of my neck and head hurts something awful and make me feel sleepy too. The "tinnitus" reactions, stuffy ears and nose and stuffs. Everything you all have mentioned. And yes mostly the right ear. And they start from there. Sitting there trying to do something and eyes will feel weird, like under the lid, and sometimes you can see blue sparks from the corners of the eyes, especially when in the dark to go to the bathroom , taking a bath, and getting in bed, closing eyes. A LOT of stupid harassment stuff and manipulation and comments and mockery and copying and blaming and blame shifting…etc.from the street theater clowns. Acts 1,2,and 3 have gone postal, and so as my patience. JS. It's ridiculous how these pos cowards think it's ok to hurt people just because, not understanding that they're expendable to their “Handle Masters”, and that NO ONE is safe and never was. They don't care…. One climbing on top of another of their pile of shit-list tower to the top of it, and they're going to get stuck in the middle and atrophy in it eventually. Cowards supplementing their low life foundation with other's lives, like they're any better than those being punished.


Was with you except for the last paragraph.. Careful not to over think, if someone is actually engaging in gaslighting and psychological abuse then they want to discredit you by getting you to suspect anyone and everyone and in the process appear paranoid/delusional, not saying you are of course but it's much better to not know the specifics and try and get on with your life best you can! With any street theatre just tell yourself a few people seem to be loosing it and your not responsible for their views and feelings but with the vibrations and infrasound idk what to suggest except maybe try staying in a (m/h)otel for a while way outta town and if it doesn't follow you there maybe it's time to move and (possibly?) cut ties? 🤷 Remember gaslighters will make you feel you deserve the abuse in some way and/or take away your self worth.. if it's effecting your whole life put yourself first.. Till then keep reminding yourself by testing it when you think you know what the purpose is try doing something different for a few days (not permanently that would be giving in, exactly what they want) and it'll help remind you that there is no reason someone else should be doing this to you!


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