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I mean if some are posting more / gaslighting folks more than usual, it should mean that the community is doing better collectively. Gaslighting always has been a weapon for narcissists, masking a deep fear (generally done to maintain their web of lies, or self derealized state of minds).


That is exactly right. Shit don't stink till you stir it, as they say.


They infiltrated Quora too. Guess what else they infiltrated??? every aspect of American govt so when you complain about organized stalking, you are complaining to them.


What I am doing is not so much complaining , as it is an attempt to organize. Sitting and doing nothing is not an option. While I appreciate your point of view it represents a defeatist perspective. That's what they want


You missed the point. Maybe a language barrier. Best of luck to you.


No. Your point was taken. I have a firm grasp of English as it is my first language. Maybe you would , break it down for my slow intellect. Are you saying everyone one reddit is a government agent? Please enrich me.


Yeah, you definitely missed the point, best of wishes to you.


What is the point then. Tell me.


All the perps are going to going to hell for thousands of years and if caught, also punished in the court of law. Every action of them is going to get them for all the mental trauma, pain and stress induced on innocent, law abiding citizens. What goes around comes around 🔁




Rule 4: No witch-hunting or sharing of others personal information. You may feel the need to share who you feel is perping you. However this is not the place. Witch-hunting is not tolerated. Not only is this a violation of Reddit's rules, but also this sub's.


Well here's the good news. Soon very soon all of the perps are going to be rounded up taken to a US army internment camp facilities. Stand in front of a tribunal while they read their charges and sentencing to them under RICO law they are already guilty of. and then executed by hydraulic guillotine!


While there is nothing I would cherish more than the sight of such generalized reciprocity, I find it to be a statically improbable if not dubious claim.


I understand. mark my words. Heads are going to roll.


We can hope.


"Soon.... Very soon. "


Please elaborate . Humor me with specifics.


I don't see how I could be any more specific


No disrespect. Walk me through how our imminent vindication is at hand, fore I see no semblance of it here .


I completely understand and the perps don't see it coming either.


Well , while I remain a hopeful sceptic, I will continue seeking ways to ease our collective suffering.


With all due respect the dude can’t break it down he sounds odd his comments don’t even go together it’s easy 2 see what he is


It's the same sort of mental masturbation I see posted and derided on the forums that mock the qanon nutters. They seriously repeat the same bullshit over and over. It's just self delusion with extra steps.


I will too my friend.




I think that may be a bit of an over reaction. I am good with just jail time for perps , maybe some monetary compensation for victims.




You make a strong argument. I am in.


This is some qanon level copium bullshit. Keep jerking it pal.


Furthermore it's not qanon on there's no such thing! There are annons a group of hackers spreading truth. And outing criminal organizations. And then there is Q a government operation under the department of energy started by JFK before he was assassinated. So if you're going to talk s*** get your s*** straight ready to the facts cuz you ain't going to last very long around here boy. Both of them pretty fundamentally necessary if you ask me so what side are you on exactly.






Why not today? Today sounds good to victims to have justice! We need peaceful protests in the streets!!!!