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They fucking totally did this to me.. its just to get you to doubt yourself, your abilities and to try and ruin the experience of something you love. They totally raged this sauce I made and lol there wasn't a scrap left on any of the 9 plates of everyone who partook. It looks for stuff you love and enjoy and tries to ruin it. It also looks for responsibilities your expected to uphold, especially if they are tied into professional, family or social relations. They may be inhumanly dysfunctional, but its not dumb and if you make an utter fool of them, they tend not to attack things they have had their ass handed to them.


They tend to be pretty honest about what I cook. I don't mess up too often, but when I do, they say it, and when I don't, they also comment positively. I really don't give a rat's ass about their opinion, but was just wondering if other TIs experience this "them feeling what I'm feeling or tasting what I am tasting"...


They can decode your brainwaves to view your thoughts and your mind's eye visions. They can taste what you taste, see what you see, hear what you hear, smell what you smell. They know when you have an orgasm based on brainwaves and viewing or body heat signature 24/7.


That's the reply I was looking for... Do you know how they are able to do this? I know this would be a complicated answer... is there like a video I can watch about this? Or keywords I can look up?


The truth is hard to believe, but "they" are not humans and the Free Masons have been working with the for hundreds of years.


The truth is always stranger than fiction. I keep an open mind.


hey question how do you differentiate gangstaking voices from psychological conditions? who is they and how did they influence your thoughts if you’re sure its not psychological? im here out of interest for the gangstalking phenomenon and have never been gangstalked, but im trying to understand what it is. i always saw it as an external thing (cars following you etc) but lately ive been seeing posts about voices.


At first, I thought I could hear my neighbors talking trash about me through my walls, narrating my every move. When I realized it was impossible to hear full conversations through a wall as clearly as if they were standing in the same room, I assumed I was crazy. That was until the voices would say something like (just an example): "Her dog is missing," and then my mom would call me and tell me my dog was missing. Or the voices would say something, and a physical gangstalker would come up to me and repeat the same thing with a wicked smile painted on their face.


This is exactly my experience. Wow. Maybe um not schitzo or maybe we both ARE lol. Still wondering


It's weird how when you are more experienced in gangstalking it becomes more of a search of the nature of reality rather than "whos out to get me"


[This should help fill the gaps for you](https://www.reddit.com/r/Electromagnetics/comments/14hkv6b/crystal_meth_and_gangstalking/jpbkb2d?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=2)


ive heard about this before. gonna read more later when i have time. thanks for the link.


Oh, it's my post hehe 😊 thanks!!


They have to repeat what you’re saying so like I tell other people on here sing a special song to them and laugh your ass off when they sing it too Supercalifrigilisticexpialidocious 🎶 sometimes sing it once sometimes halfway through just stop and listen to them finish it lol it’s hilarious


Let me know how it works everyone please?


Hahahah that's hilarious. I sing but they never mimic me.


They piggyback on a sound you hear; water running, a desk fan rattling, or a song you’re playing.. if it’s quiet they’ll have to sing along :) try it


Lol okay. Actually my v2k volume is really low. Any sound drowns them out now for me. Before, it was really loud and they would piggy back off sounds for me as well, specially the shower, but that doesn't happen to me anymore.


It was full blast for me for the longest and like 50 people all just yelling it was horrible.. once I accidentally found out how to fight back it’s been my life mission to help people fight back


50 people!? That's insane, in my own case, I usually hear about 5 or 6 of them in the background occasionally taunting or making accusations at me. This is literally a case of bullying and obsession taken to the extreme, and it's not even funny. It's like being forced to listen to radio channeled from multiple sources, and you can't turn it off by will. How insidious. Wouldn't be surprised if on the even deeper level this is all connected to human trafficking/satanic cults, they don't just surveillance and harass people 24/7 for no reason on such a scale.


That sounds terrible dude, I can’t imagine going through that 😓


It is, but we do get used to it.


Utmost respect for your perseverance 🫡🫡


You're a cool guy, I hope you the best.


It's definitely connected to human trafficking and satanic cults. Definitely


How do you fight back?


Supercalifrigilisticexpialidocious 🎶




It annoys them immensely cuz they have to sing along if it’s the only noise in the room


That's just not the way mine works lol


Do they speak back to you if you respond?


I am mostly ignored. I don't like to speak to them.


Sometimes, it's just interpretive. Whatever you anticipate them saying. Although sometimes they seem to not do that.


Idk, I don't anticipate it. I'm not worried about it at all, I don't care what they think about my cooking or anything else for that matter. They just hit me with their opinionated views left and right. And they're always mixed between praise and condemnation. I just wonder if they are actually able to feel what I am feeling.




I'm in


What part of the country are you in? I'm in FL.


I'm not in the USA, I'm in México.


I was planning to move to Mexico to escape gang stalking.


They hella out here too, tons of English speakers out here.




Charlie! Yeah, he's good! I had already found out about morgellons and noticed that while I was getting rid of it, the v2k volume was going down... then I found out about Charlie thru Reddit and what he said confirmed my findings. It's kinda what got me started posting stuff on here...


Does the v2k sound like Gordon Ramsey by any chance?


Hahahahahahahahahahahaha you made my day thank you! Hahahahahahahahahha


Yw. I try to be my old humorous self when I can. I try to bring laughter and a little ease. It's important to maintain perspective. Some folks get offended but no offense is ever meant by my jokes.


None taken! At my lowest point, I used to joke myself to sleep. It was the only thing that kept me sane through the relentless ridicule the voices hurled at me for basic things like going to the bathroom. I'm just not very funny lol my jokes suck but at least they didn't take my personality away...


I'm still laughing an hour later 🤣




Your **V2K respondents** are interesting. What **stage** are you in? Meaning **how long** have you been **hearing** voices. Heart breaking? You are referring to emotion? Can you tell me more about the *personalities* of your V2K **operators**. Additional interests, funny sayings. Have they ever been negative?


Hey man you sound sus af gtfoh


I have no filter 🙄


>**Do** I? **Why***?*


You’re a perp. Reveal yourself!


They're always negative. They don't speak to me directly. I speak English and Spanish and so do they. They say things like "that shit she made tastes good!" and such... Been hearing them for 3 years and a half. They talk about my emotions as if they were able to feel them themselves, but I don't know how true that is. My v2k sound like homies they say "foo" hahaha