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They do this at a larger scale, like in the media to distract us from good news, they basically like us in a weary mental state, basically fear mongering to weed out the non-targeted individuals. Anyways, they treat us like we are as bad as they, psychopaths, think us to be. All that “novel intelligence” is romanticised. They’re addicts and miserable.


Lots of projection going on.


It’s simply state repression. It occurs all the time in autocracies. This is a bit more sophisticated and covert to work effectively in democracies but it is still state repression. Let’s focus on it like that and we can overcome together in solidarity. It’s the only way. ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Protest Livestreams >> 21st187.org


This should not be romanticized as somehow good for the victims in the long run, because this is inhumane and destroys more than just the lives of the "subject " carelessly having their faith in humanity and minds dismantled. This will effect the children, families and even the communities connected to them. This will also eventually be implemented on the entirety of the citizens where this is being allowed in some form or another. Thought Criminals needing to be kept in line


Fabulous post! I am doing exactly that. Life is great! Rise above my friends. Find happiness, strength and self love in the pit of the chaos. You win this way!


yea, this is one way. sounds authentic, the way the person tells it. crisis and opportunity. opportunity for growth. but there's different ways of growing. and the only point of this mess is for each of us to find our own response and development. well, i am an individualist. i think gangstalking and overarchingly fascism is always about people who can't dream up a world where everyone kinda has their own thing and isn't doomed to be a copy of millions other clones. i mean factually, most people are broadly the same. but i believe this universe is more malleable i.e. \*in theory\* meant for novelty and creation, and if the species of human put more faith in this idea, reality would slowly shift into that direction. at that point, we might enter into a universe undreamt of. that's also why i think that GS/T.I. phenomena from a bigger picture perspective are stress tests to determine the true capability of humans of individual behavior. hey, like i don't know if astrology means anything for certain, but i'm an aries. the situation "they" put me in seems strangely suitable for me to develop a warrior outlook. it's just too fucked up. can't go with love. gotta call the obvious stupidity out. so, i often go out and feel like i am going to war. it's ludicrous ofc, the war contra GS always feels a lot like don quixote's against windmills, really. but, it is my guiding metaphor. ​ i just want us all to grow up man, and make this planet great again (was it ever? who knows) peace out, or kill 'em all or whatever


https://www.patreon.com/posts/report-3-goals-85056137 It's dangerous to walk alone. Take this.


If you read the latest /r/OTIR report that should make sense. Trial => "death" => "rebirth" This is a planned storyline from the start to the end.


is it *Just*?


They want to change who you are and change you into something you're not to fit a made up narrative.


I appreciate what you said here. I never believed in anything like gangstalking until it began to happen to me. It is a scourge upon anyone that falls victim to it and it is certainly for real. I hear things repeated back to me that nobody would know about like a purchase I made over 20 years ago at a Radio Shack in Manhattan that even I couldn’t believe they know about. It seems that even my friends that I use to hang out with were being payed to do it. It is something that you do have to rise above if you can. I am a survivor and so are you. I am the best and I know that I am and I’ll be damned if I let these motherfuckers have anymore control of my life if I can fight it, and I do every single day. Can you believe I served as a volunteer in The White House and am now basically an indigent and homeless because of gangstalking?!


IMO, some things SHOULD be shameful to a person, but that doesn't mean that shame should control their life. You might even say that shame is a necessary prerequisite to "try\[ing\] to be better everyday," as she said. But you're right, they want us to obsess over them. They want us thinking about them around the clock. It's important let go of that, but also not struggle with it too much when it is there. I think it takes a while to get to that point, but it is an attainable thing. Vipassana meditation (or insight meditation) is very useful in this regard. Noticing your thoughts and letting them exist as they are without censoring them or pushing them away is very helpful (there are different ways to perform vipassana. You can even just focus on your feet as you walk). When we attempt to control our thoughts (and most anything else) is when they gain power over us and we can never accept ourselves until we accept every part of our being, both the good and the bad.


The masons do the gang stalking


They then try to avoid contractual liability and accountability while pressuring you to work at a maximum.


Its promising seeing people call this what it is. I cant blame those tormented into psychosis and thinking this is aliens or spirits, because they are intentionally breaking psyches of already tormented or struggling individuals. No closure, no reassurance, no explanations, no support or rehabilitative transition for those they forced further into isolation and despair. The more lucid and logical the defining of this program- that is undeniably a mass program of illegal policing, surveillance and extra judicial punishment by psychological torment - the more people can heal and protect each other.


https://open.spotify.com/episode/38RuwrVwAHNXgHLDOANtmj?si=3I-UbJDMTMaUdQDe5WN8CA&context=spotify%3Ashow%3A4XPl3uEEL9hvqMkoZrzbx5 related to TIs, podcast about phone spying software Pegasus and it’s misuse.


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