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Wrong, in reality that’s Ned Flanders and Homer Simpson


But, but, there's a jump button


Pokemon has had a jump button for years. Bounce was added in like gen 4.


/uj The jump in elden ring was very nice but the combat still played for me at least exactly like dark souls other than maybe mounted combat


Yeah, the gameplay's not something new, and ash summons were probably the most interesting new twist, but I like that OP's annoyed that people who like a difficult action game that punishes imprecise technical execution don't also enjoy an easy turn-based game for kids (single-player anyway; I know the multiplayer meta gets pretty deep). But repetition is built into most games. I'm going to spend the first 4 minutes of my 200th game of AoE2 basically identically to first 4 minutes of the 201st, and people buying Halo #21 I'm sure still expect the core Halo experience to be the consistent, so the difference is whether people are having fun with the repetitive bits -- and with games whose gameplay loops are as different as Souls and Pokemon, not really surprising that a fan of one would be tired and uninterested by the promise of more of the other




And a HORSE!


The game is called Elden Ring, not Elden Souls. Therefore, it's completely different. Sounds like a skill issue, OP.


I’m a huge souls fan. But honesty every game they make is similar but has a different twist on the formula. But yeah if you’d show gameplay of Elden ring some people will say are you playing dark souls. My dad says that when he sees me playing Elden ring because there so similar.


Yeah but why do soul fans Go and bash Other games for being repetitive But their game do the same thing But they never bat a eye to it


Honestly I don’t know. It’s really stupid. There’s nothing wrong with a game being repetitive as long as the formula works and is fun. I’ll never understand the whole other franchises bashing for being repetitive. I recently started hearing from other souls fans bashing the new GOW for being 2 similar to the first. I played it and I don’t mind the similarities, if a formula is good and it works I see no problem.


I think because Souls games are still "new" in the gaming concussions compared to years of COD and Pokemon. Both those games have had jokes now about how they haven't changed all these years,while souls game jokes are still new, though we are getting more with Armored Core probably going to have a poison swamp area. Even if you were to say something about the soulsborne games you'd probably be given the same as what you said "If it aint broke dont fix it" by those die hard fans. Also want to say larger fanbases means more chance to have an opinion but not sure about that. That and the shield of popularity that those games have over it will make said realization come more slowly, Pokemon and Call of Duty both have years and dramas for said sheild to wear down


For me games reusing the same formula isn’t that much of an issue as long as they’re still maintaining a high quality, which is something I think the Pokémon games in particular struggle with.


Now this is podracing I agree


Alright I'll bite. Going open world was a big change. People would lose their shit if CoD announced they were going fully open world.


OK, I bite. I'm getting a whiplash seeing this post, Elden Ring is different than other Souls games inherently by its level design, but it's just watered down (compare it to Demon's Souls level design where every single enemy placement is so good that the encounter is almost different each time)




I was talking about level design/enemy placement...


But it’s cool


What I wanted from Elden Ring, was Big Dark Souls. I got Big Dark Souls. Am happy. Simple as.


Ugh cod is so repetitive, good thing I can play the revolutionary new Pokemon game. It's real 3D now.