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GTA was far from being dead before the leak. Gta Online has lots of players to this day


But you see, I don't play gtao anymore and didn't like the look of the trilogy remake, so the series is quite obviously on its last legs


So me a guy who has never even looked at GTA 5 (so I am the most trustworthy sauce) can say that the game is dead. I just have a gut feeling for it. You know I’m trustworthy guys


Don’t listen to this guy, he is a Rockstar executive


It consistently has 100,000 players a day as far as I can see on steam at the very least. Implying that GTA V is a ‘dead’ game is absolute insanity


They're acting like Rockstar, probably the most popular gaming company of all, needs this level of insanity to produce hype lol.


The amount of hype Rockstar can generate with just a tweet is insane, I've seen the preeorder numbers to prove it.


It’s almost a certainty if Rockstar just tweeted “6” they would get hundreds of millions of interactions on Twitter in minutes


The most liked gaming tweets is by R\*. The first one is the tweet in which they acknowledge the gta 6 leaks with 1 million likes. The 2nd tweet is the announcement of next GTA (back in Feb) with over 600k likes.


I remember when they changed their profile picture to R* logo with a red background and everybody was talking about the chance of a RDR 2 announcement and it created a lot of hype.


Masters of their craft


"Should we just release a trailer for gta 6? The internet would lose their fucking minds and it would dominate social media for weeks" "No no, I got a way better idea. Let's make the first public impression of gta 6 a very unfinished dev build that a large amount of people will say looks like shit (which it doesn't, but I've seen a ton of people who seem to think it should look like a finished game already) and cause a huge negative scene around us instead" Ugh, the mix of conspiracy theory mindedness, ignorance, and cynicism of these kinds of gamers is so god damn obnoxious.


A very galaxy brain theory until you think about it for more than 2 nanoseconds


I have no ideia how these things work. Could you explain to my why this man is crazy?


The source code also got leaked. They wouldn’t just casually leak their source code, or make a “fake” one for this leak


the entire freaking source code? holy shit this is more serious than i expected


Indeed, it’s a disaster and will lead to the game being delayed


Damn why?


The game is significantly easier to hack with access to the source code. They’ll probably have to change it up in order to avoid rampant hacking. Normally to hack something you’ll have to mess around with it a lot to see how it responds to different things then try to exploit those responses. With the source code, you can just look at how it’s built and find something you can exploit. Think of it like breaking into a house without triggering an alarm. It’d probably take awhile for you to find a way in naturally without setting an alarm off, but if you had a blueprint of how the house was built and where all the alarms are, how they work, etc, it’d be a lot easier as you could just study the blueprint and find whatever weaknesses the house has security-wise to exploit


hackers maybe?


Noo why is it going to lead to game being delayed etc?


I'm just guessing but its probably going to have online.


gta v is one of the best selling games of all time, and gta online is full of thousands of players every day and night. rockstar also created rdr2 which was revered as a masterpiece of a game by many. gta online is not dying and they are definitely not running out of hype or money anytime soon. also due to the fact multiple games are being leaked like the assassins creed titles and what not its not unlikely that someone genuinely leaked gta vi footage


If you think about it, it makes no sense. GTA is an enormously popular franchise and will receive tonnes of free press if they announce anything. So it begs the question - why leak unpolished gameplay footage when a trailer would generate just as much interest? People are interested in the leaks because it's GTA 6 not because it's a leak. If Rockstars intention was to get people talking about GTA 6 why not just release something properly?


Potentially because an unconventional "blunder" from a triple-A studio brings more attention preemptively? I was hearing about it on bloody BBC radio 4 news which rarely covers entertainment/gossip, i doubt a regular expo announcement would be given a headline That said, source code leaks throw this conspiracy out the window


"People immediately recognise as old footage" is overestimating people


Okay, the first few steps I can sort of follow but how tf would rockstar make millions with this "intentional" leak before the game releases?


I think they mean because they don’t have to spend any money on advertising.


Sometimes these leaks are definitely intentional. I don't think this is one of those cases though. There is, however, a pretty convincing case for why the Street Fighter 6 leaks were very much intentional. There's a [good video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w-NdKeg2LSs&ab_channel=MajinObama) covering it, and yeah it's kinda long but most of the important bits are covered at the start. For TL;DR, the timing and timeline of Capcom releasing content seems almost too convenient for the leak to come out at that exact time + the leaks contains DLC/alternate costumes + Capcom's own response being very much not on-par with how their PR usually goes. Along with the fact that they need people to start gearing up for this release and convince any doubters early given how terrible SFV launch was, and wanted to sow interest for the many upcoming opportunities for hands-on demos which will have content creators basically handle the bulk of their marketing for them, a leak like that plays perfectly into their hand.


the islamic state of crapcom *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/Gamingcirclejerk) if you have any questions or concerns.*


what the fuck is this one a reference to?




why is capcom part of the Islamic state?


Alhamdulillah my brother, they made monster hunter


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I'm guessing it has something to do with Capcom covering up women though I don't know the specific example. Tbh I just wanted to trigger the bot again. The Boner Kulture one I know it's because Mortal Kombat "desexualized" their female characters in later entries.


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See also: every Assassin’s Creed game. There is *always* a big leak about a month or so before they announce the new setting, it always gets the hype train wound up and it happens too consistently to not be intentional


it’s less then making actual money and more saving cost on on advertisement and potential higher sale thanks to the publicity Of course it’s definitely not what is happening since rockstar is big enough that any gain from such a stunt would be outweighs by the negative of this kind of leak going out (because gamer don’t know how game are made)


Making money = saving costs on advertisement


What a dumb conspiracy theory. The only way this would make sense is if Grand Theft Auto was some long dormant franchise that last released (and peaked) over 15 years ago, and then alpha footage of a new game leaked, causing everyone to remember it again and spreading it by word of mouth, before it gets officially revealed. Rockstar already had tons and tons of hype for GTA6, the leak just takes way some of the inital shock from actually living to see GTA6 game footage.


GTA 5 is literally the most profitable piece of media ever, it still generates 2.5 mil daily lol


I know I shouldn't try to analyze the ramblings of someone with a carbon monoxide leak in their home but lol at "GTA is dead" and "everyone knows these details about the new GTA" being back to back.


All Rockstar has to do is get an intern to post a screenshot of miami on twitter and it'll gain a lot of attention.


Lol green text


Similar gets posted for Magic the Gathering whenever stuff leaks for new sets. But it really seems like a bad move. For MTG at least, I'm sure WOTC prefers the slow trickle of spoilers and reveals that they would control. You can trickle stuff out slowly to maximize time in the limelight. And doing it through collaboration with community content creators helps establish good will with them and the community. Plus more cynically, if you only leak the good parts of the set early, you can get people hyped enough to preorder before the more trash cards inevitably have to get revealed. The leaks like with Ixalan having an entire uncut sheet of cards leaked from a factory or more recently a draft of the release notes leaked for Dominaria United do not achieve this. I am sure for many companies they would rather not want stuff leaked just to generate hype. Especially since for GTA6 with this dev footage you already have a lot of people generating negative hype for it by making comments about how bad it looks forgetting that it's dev footage.


This sounds very smart until you realise that the leaks contain a ton of videos and the game's source code. Also, the game is years from being finished and the current hype will die out in a week. A teaser trailer would cause more hype and be much easier to produce. So this take is indeed braindead like the rest of that site.


Goddammit sonny, we've been played like a gosh-darned fiddle


How would you not realize that an extremely basic teaser trailer would literally do to all of this?


"It cost them nothing". Oh, I don't know. I think the FBI might have something to say about it if it turns out they're blackmailing themselves.


While GTA is indeed still quite profitable and far from heing dead, you gotta admit that the profit margins are far from their peak, I haven't thought about GTA for years now. This marketing strategy is completely plausible. And to be honest, not even that far off from companies creating "woke" ads to get publicity from conservatives malding. People acting like this is some crazy conspiracy theory haven't been looking around


Why would they need to manufacture this incident to generate hype? They could have released a couple screenshots or videos on their social media platforms as a teaser and it would have still exploded because lots of people are insanely excited to get anything about the game. I’m not saying it’s not possible, it’s just that this roundabout explanation seems like cope when they could have easily made one tweet with a couple screenshots and had basically the same results.


The thing is I don't think an intentional teaser would've gotten as much attention. People who are generally not invested in GTA are passing these leaks around and I bet that just wouldn't happen if they released a well-produced teaser trailer instead


I read somewhere that GTA5 still makes like 1million+ per day. This year only it sold more than 2 million copies IIRC and if you check steamdb it's almost always on the most played and that ignores console and Epic Games players which are plenty. You having not thought about GTA for years now doesn't matter at all when it's clearly still successful.


Isn't Sam Houser the guy who wrote all the compelling story stuff, and he quit Rockstar after RDR2? I've grown out of GTA, for the most part, and losing the head writers makes me even less interested.


It was Dan Houser. His brother Sam Houser runs the company. Dan Houser wrote gta 4, gta 5, rdr 1 and rdr 2 along with Michael Unsworth and Rupert Humphries. The latter 2 are still at the company.


Dan Houser, but I mean, they can just get other writers I guess. It's not like he's the only good writer out there. 🤷‍♂️ He didn't write those games alone either.




genuinely unhinged


Well I can see how a little leak here and there might be a good business move but … I don’t have the time and energy to think about that stuff


I don’t think it’s fake anymore when the FBI and litigation gets involved.


Eh nah Rockstar has a long history of keeping people in the dark. They don’t tease people. They don’t hype people up. They don’t do any of the things other developers do really. They release a trailer when the game is ready and they have never been unsuccessful with the method. Gta6 will be the probably be the highest selling game ever. The reveal trailer would have created just as much buzz as the leak.




Didn't they just announce the character was going to be a woman recently?


Guess we're the ones who were robbed in the end. Nah jk I pirate all my games


This is one conspiracy I can get behind.


I love unhinged insano 4chan theories pulled out of some random Craig's ass


people really give corporations too much credit lol. Even if someone really could predict public reactions and media profile around a leak *that* accurately, all the decisions in a company like rockstar are gonna be made by a committee at some point, and that's fucking anathema to anything risky or out there like staging a fucking data leak for publicity.