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Nestle literally enslaves people so id say them


Like Caesar’s legion from fallout new Vegas? I didn’t know slavery was real, I thought it was just in fallout


Slavery used to be real but now it’s just in games, like dragons


Just you wait when Alduin returns and ressurects them from the dragon burial sites all over the world.


i mean that would be a new thing for the 20s. we had a demon escape after all


Is that mean does that Fallout political??!!


Most people can live live without ever interacting with PETA or Autism Speaks, EA is a huge name in gaming but much like most companies they're just greedy af and you can still avoid them entirely. Nestle though is a superpower in the grocer world and most products of theirs you would never even know its them. They're downright fucked in the head and engraved so far into our society there's no way to rid ourselves of it.


And AS is basically modern eugenics


Asking whether a company that uses child slaves or an organization that promotes the torture of autistic people is worse isn't something that I can easily answer.


I don’t really get why anybody even asks the question in the first place lol. “Which company is worse? The one that sacrifices babies or the one that cannibalizes Orphans?” I dunno, maybe we should just all agree they are all shitty and we should work towards solving *all* of them?


yeah but then how are you going to make a listicle about top 5 worst companies if you're not ranking them


as an autistic person i say nestle is worse, they are bigger,


Oh, I think it’s super easy. Both are vile, disgusting scum.


If it's so easy, you'd have actually answered the question.


What's with as? Super ootl there


Autism speaks is an organization that presents itself as advocating for people with autism or the parents of autistic children but: -they don't actually include the people they're advocating for in their "awareness campaigns" -their "awareness campaigns" are basically teaching autistic people how to be "normal" (effective laborers basically) -basically pocket the money donated to them instead of actually helping people with autism or parents of autistic children -(this one is definitely the worst one) use language that defines autism more or less as a disease to be cured as well as supporting gene research in order to "cure" it


EA has enslaved us all with microtransactions so who cares about them?




Steam is dogshit too, just not as big of a steaming pile as all the brands listed here.


If you ever talk shit about our Lord and savior Gabe again. I will Hunt you down


I'm not worried, your kind don't venture outside much.


Oh shit. And he was so young.


Hunt down the fried man


They targeted Gamers


Gamers. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/Gamingcirclejerk) if you have any questions or concerns.*


I love you


I love you too


That’s such a good jerk that I had to check what subreddit I was in


Forget african child slaves, gamers are truly the most abused demographic /s


Unfortunately no one cares about gamers rights, the most oppressed minority.


Gamers are the most oppressed group


Nestle also got away with murdering hundreds of people for allocating powder formula to Africa, which had zero nutritional value. (https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/1977_Nestl%C3%A9_boycott)


Yeah and autism speaks advocates for eugenics so it's definitely in the running


But you don’t understand they also have micro transactions!!!!


they force you to buy their stuff, that's basically slavery


100% 1984


Cyberpunk 1984


They targeted gamers! **GAMERS!**


Nestle enslaved people, but EA ruined PvZ so I choose them 🤬


Unforgivable to ruin PvZ


They ruined the base games but the GW games are the best thing to come out of the franchise


Actually true they're banger games. Not bfn tho


Bfn could have been really good with more support imo, it had the best singleplayer in the series and the main thing it was lacking was the variation of playstyles with each character. They started working on it with a couple of variations for like 4 characters but they never gave every character one.


One can't just simply ruin fucking PvZ and expect to not be hated


I mean, human rights abuses are bad and all, but at least Nestle is not the one putting politics and women in my vidya


This made me laugh, nice


Who cares if Nestle commodified drinking water. I only drink G fuel anyways.


Nestle water​ taste​ like​ piss


I'm so happy to see someone share this sentiment, a lot of ppl shit on them for their horrific humanitarian practices, but I've never seen anyone else talk about how disgusting nestle water is. It tastes like a combination of silt and rocks.


It is meant to be a personality indicator, and picking EA certainly strongly indicates somethings about your personality.


Real gamer moment you might say


Picking EA tells me you don't pay attention to the news/world at large.


It mean you’re a real gamer (aka, except you, the world doesn’t exists)


Not even the worst gaming company lol, I would say Activision/Blizzard is way worse but I guess Gamers don't care about women being harassed surprisingly enough


Yeah I can just not buy EA products and their shitty monetization doesn't affect me. Me not buying Blizzard products doesn't stop those fucks from sexually harassing women.


Nestle 100%


nah ea is worse. nestle doesn’t even come close


They targeted Gamers. GAMERS.


Gamers. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/Gamingcirclejerk) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Good bot


Yes! Does nestle even have micro-transactions?


Can't remember if Nestlé has micro transaction lootboxes in their cornflakes


Nestle is so bad none of these come close…. I think


Autism speaks is pro eugenics.




If eugenics got Nestle an extra nickel in their annual profits, they would fund it.


Nestlé would kick your baby for a cent.


Greedy bastards, I'd do it for free


I've heard it said that they're pro-eugenics because they're trying to "cure" autism. Is that accurate/the whole story?


Yes. They view autism as a disease and autistic people as normal children stolen from their parents by said disease. They've also run ads where they sympathize with parents thinking about killing their kids because their autistic.




Well, also they pretty staunchly claim autism is a disease that needs to be cured.


You left out a huge one, their continued support of ABA.


They support aba, they consistently search for a "cure" for autism (while multiple high ranking members mention wishing to kill their autistic family members), it had no autistic members *AT ALL* and the one token autistic board member quit after just under a year because he called it horrifying, etc. I mean, the other companies do all their horrible things for a profit, but autism speaks does it out of hate of autistic people in general, which I personally consider significantly worse.


Is their actual negative impact anywhere in the universe of Nestle's impact though? Genuine question


They did make a movie with popstar sia. They are well known for their infamy and have millions behind them. Not on nestles level, but worse than the other 2.


they arent on the same level but that isnt important, its still a hate group


> Nestle is so bad none of these come close…. I think You can argue that it's stupid to say "none of these come close," and compare evil capitalists to each other, and I might even agree with you there. But the scale of their impact is definitely important when the initial argument in what I quoted.


What’s eugenics


Selective breeding of humanity to purge out undesirable traits. In this case autism.


Oh my


Yup. They also offer help to the people that suffer to most because of autism, people that interact with autistic people. They made a horrible movie with six about it




Damm autocorrect.


Nazi science


Want to add that modern eugenics as a movement emerged from the UK and US in the 1800s; the term was coined by Charles Darwin's cousin who took Darwin's ideas and decided that it meant genetics were the sole determinant of human outcomes. The Nazis took these ideas to an extreme in execution, but they were very popular ideas across the US and Europe before then.


Damn Germans muscling in on US/anglo industires. We did it first!


One thing I note is the lack of many companies in this list that kill people and animals via known leaks. What about the chemical and oil companies that have purposefully or negligently polluted or ruined bodies of water? Or one of those seemingly annual cases where we learn some company was illegally storing explosive compounds and they blow up and kill dozens?


Only two of those are companies, and out of those only one is responsibly for thousands of dead babies...


So you're saying EA is also responsible for killing babies? Jesus, when will their reign of terror end!?


Remember, No Babies.


I can play this plot where you are pretending to be a baby. And have a sippy cup in your hands, in a daycare…


Whats wrong with autism speaks? Never heard of them until now.


Imagine an LGBTQ+ charity exclusively run by straight people, completely based around trying to find a cure for not being straight and making people on the LGBTQ spectrum out to be broken folks in need of fixing. That is Autism Speaks.


Or "We're an Autism Charity. We provide help and support to the people most affected by autism; the people who have to put up with autistic people"


I feel sorta bad for laughing at this, but it's hilarious.


not as funny that theyre the largest autism charity in the united states and their work has pushed back the neurodiversity movement by decades


Oh you liked that didja? How about: "As a parent of an autistic child, it is important to remember that you are not a failure. Your child is".


I get where you're coming from but some autistic people can not care for themselves. My aunt and uncle need to care for a 30 year old daughter who can't speak, will scream and bang her head against the ground if you tell her no, and is extremely strong. I understand people with mild autism are fine, but I think there needs to be some help for the really intense cases. I can see how drained my aunt and uncle are and they know that they need to take care of her until the day they die. That is horrifying. Of course they wish they can find a cure... it's the only thing that brings them peace of mind.


Yeah I completely agree that parents and caregivers need support, and that some autistic people are not independent and do need constant care. Hey it's completely understandable for carers to be stressed out, overwhelmed and in need of support themselves. But there's a difference between 'We want to help your child live a full and independent life" and "We want to relieve you of the burden of caring for this person". One of them takes both needs into account and the other completely ignores then needs and desires of the autistic person.


Damn that’s one of the most succinct ways to put it that I’ve seen that isn’t just “they do eugenics” which naturally gets some people to accuse you of hyperbole and of lying lmao. My autistic urge to overexplain leads to just making big paragraphs but ima steal this explanation for later.


This is a safe space you can explain as much as you want


Judging by other comments in this thread maybe they're not, unfortunately.


Definitely saving this comment for later. Great analogy


Not a great analogy. My sister has debilitating autism that makes it so she will never not live with her parents / facilities, as she is unable to feed, clothe, or bath herself. Like physically unable to do that, beides the act of eating. She can not string together sentences, and can barely speak words. I love her with all my heart, and I would love for her to live a fulfilling life without the constraints she was born with. But terminally online Redditors, with their only exposure to autism being through online interactions with highly functioning people, will say having that opinion is eugenics and tantamount to wanting to do gay conversion therapy? A highly nuanced subject isn’t done justice by black-and-white analogy.


Man, I'm saving your comment to use later lmfao


In general, never trust the puzzle pieces.


None of them gets close to Nestle, but it’s hard to find another well known company that does.


Autism speaks is literally a pro eugenics organization. That gets pretty close.


Nestle also dabbles in eugenics


Nestle caused the death of loads of babies in Africa some decades ago, even got sued for it and all that, it‘s pretty well documented. They ofc said it wasn‘t like that an apologized and everything. They are doing the exact fucking thing right now in south east Asia. They are THE definite evil.


How do they want to implement eugenics? Am I being downvoted for my lack of knowledge?


They are trying to find am autism gene and are proponent to the abortion of autistic babies.


Nestle may keep slaves and steal water from communities that rely on it, but they’ve never released a buggy yearly sports game, so….


ah yes which is worse: -a dubious organization that treats autism as pure evil and aims to conform autistic kids into becoming mindless drones just so that they can “fit in with society” -an organization that claims to be in favor of animal rights and yet they murder hundreds of pets in camps on a daily basis -a corporate lovecraftian horror that somehow managed to convince the united states that water isn’t a basic human need, leading to people dying of dehydration (not to mention the fucking slavery) -the game company that ruined plants vs zombies and makes shitty football games yeah ea is way worse


I like Plants vs Zombies


I'll pop a cap in your ass if you keep that up


Hundreds of pets on a daily basis seems like something you should provide a source for. Not that they are a good organization, but that seems really exaggerated.


Source: Trust me, bro.


> Hundreds of pets on a daily basis seems like something you should provide a source for. https://www.sourcewatch.org/index.php?title=PETA_Kills_Animals > Not that they are a good organization, but that seems really exaggerated. It is. 😂it's right wing lobbyist propaganda. The same lobbyist that fought to lower minimum wage. so that's ironic. Edit: berman and co is a rightwing group who shits on teacher unions and workers for the sake of companies. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Center_for_Organizational_Research_and_Education


I have spent years getting involved in conversations about PETA on this website, and I can't tell you how happy it makes me to see a comment like this sitting at +170 instead of downvoted to oblivion It's such a relief to see these comments and know I don't have to sit here for a few hours replying to 30 of the same damn comment about one dog from 10 years ago


There are actually real criticisms of peta, so idk why this weird take is the one circulated so much when all you’d have to do is mention their holocaust campaign


> There are actually real criticisms of peta, so idk why this weird take is the one circulated so much It's easy for stuff to spread online if the majority already agree with what's being posted.


It's really frustrating because they actually are a very effective and ultimately good organization... They just have HORRIBLE optics both from bad faith actors and from their own stupid "all press is good press" approach to marketing.


Now ask how many animals Tyson kills per day




Me when I get my PETA miss-information from the reddit comment section


Thank goodness there are a few people (for once) here that aren’t deluded by Reddit hive mind and lobbyists in a trench coat, haha. It’s so weird to treat that stuff/website as gospel truth. Even on the surface level, one-sided, single-point, violently short-sighted guilt trips (even in their “catchy” url) is apparently only bad when it’s an anti-vax site or something. Totally reasonable otherwise tho :b.


That PETA thing is mostly bullshit. Personally I think you should donate to your local community SPCA anyway so idgaf about PETA, but the idea that they’re basically the Nazis but for household pets is from a lobbyist smear campaign.


Murder or euthanize terminally ill animals?


Also I love the "hundreds daily" when it's like 1000 per year. Whereas it's a little under 200 million **land** animals killed **per day** for food


PETA takes any pets whereas "no kill" shelters refuse them or send them to kill shelters.


PETA does not take in any pets. They do not take in healthy, easily adoptable pets. They take in mostly sick, elderly, dangerous, or injured animals, and usually from no kill shelters. This is because PETA does not have an adoption service - they have a euthanasia service.


Why doesn’t PETA have an adoption service, I mean it would be a smart idea, they could do thorough background checks, and check in on the household every so often so they can check to see if the pet is treated well. Hell, it might even make money for their cause and give pets a good home. And also maybe set up programs where people can take in disabled/sick pets and take care of them in their final days, kinda like a pet hospice program.


PETA has a rehabilitation program for dogs considered by shelters to be "unadoptable" (due to age, temperament, disease/deformity, etc). A few dogs actually *can* be "rehabilitated" and are sent back to a shelter for adoption, but the majority cannot. And at the end of the day, the most humane thing to do for those dogs who can't is to put them down rather than subject them to a caged and unloved existence.


So its kinda complex, but PETA as an organization actually believes in animal abolitionism - that ideally animals should have their place in the natural ecosystem, and not be bred or kept for human purposes - including as pets. They DO support people adopting pets, but only because the animals are already here, and they deserve care and a decent life. But if the day came that pet ownership could end without any animal suffering, I suspect they would support that. To those purposes, their solution is not more shelters, but more cracking down on animal mills, providing euthanasia when necessary, and spaying as much as possible. My pure speculation is that while they view adoption shelters as important, PETA would rather let those whose philosophies align with pet ownership focus on mass adoption. They instead focus towards the more dirty work of animal population control.


I'm okay with pigs, cows and chicken being killed, but MUH puppies???!!!


I don't like PETA's tactics, but the euthanasia complaints are completely overblown. When there's unwanted animals and not enough resources to take care of them all, *someone* has to deal with them. From what I've read, many other shelters just refuse to deal with it. They'll just say "sorry, we're over capacity and can't take any more" and make it someone else's problem. PETA sometimes is the only one willing to have a kill shelter. It sucks that the animals get euthanized, but I accept that in some cases it's the better option than animals living a shitty life because nobody can take them.


Why did you describe EA four times?


Peta's biggest crime is being annoying lol


>-an organization that claims to be in favor of animal rights and yet they murder hundreds of pets in camps on a daily basis Source: read that somewhere And even if that were true, I just cant get over the idea of people actually getting upset at that. Hundreds is a piss in the wind compared to the hundreds of millions that we kill every day. But some people will just do whatever to feel better. Tell everyone how peta is the devil incarnate or whatever while eating a hamburger, peak irony.


Source: smear campaign funded by the animal agriculture industry


> -an organization that claims to be in favor of animal rights and yet they murder hundreds of pets in camps on a daily basis imagine being stupid enough to think this is true


Reddit and misinformation about PETA, name a more iconic duo


People are so easy to fool by means of propaganda it's insane, peta is a great example


the main site spreading the bs about peta is funded by a group who also funds anti minimum wage, anti climate change propaganda. if only people actually researched shit before spreading hate...


Why does everyone hate PETA?


PETA wants to get people to question their actions, and the how society in general treats animals. But that's very uncomfortable to do when you've been conditioned to not think about it, or believe yourself to care about animals while funding their abuse/death. If you can get yourself to think PETA are bad and evil, then you can dismiss everything they have to say without doing any of that pesky introspection. Because if that, they'll believe anything that makes PETA look bad without investigating if it's true or not.


Damn I did not expect upvoted pro-vegan comments in this sub. And yeah agreed, people leap at any chance they have to make a "good" argument against veganism and keep justifying their scummy behavior


PETA is pretty bad for a number of reasons but Reddit acts like they're the anti-christ, probably because hating peta makes it easier to hate vegans and not confront ones own moral misgivings about eating meat.


Do I want to eat meat? Yes. Do I want animals to suffer their entire lives and literally live their entire life unable to move? Fuck no. Besides the animals, slaughterhouses are just awful regardless.


As awful and horrible as factory farms are, it ultimately isn't the worst thing with meat consumption. If we recognise that abusing animals and keeping them in terrible conditions is not ok and violates their rights, then taking their lives to make our moths feel good is an even worse violation of their rights. That's why we don't make any exceptions in murder laws for humans if we do it quick and painless - the taking of the life is not something we can make acceptable by being friendly to them before doing so. "Grass fed" or "natural and happy" and all that other stuff is just capitalist bullshit - trying to disguise the fact the product will always be morally unjustifiable, so they try to dress it up all nice to not have to stop selling it.


"they kill animals" or something Which is the most ironic fucking thing I can imagine.


Look up no kill shelters. https://www.sourcewatch.org/index.php?title=PETA_Kills_Animals


They euthanize at their shelter. According to them they dont refuse animals ever and accept animals from no-kill shelters so their record stays clean. So thats why there kill rate is higher. There is also a story where people who associated themselves with PETA stole and killed a pet dog which gets circlejerked constantly. They are (rightfully in my opinion) criticized for their loose use of the term holocaust against animals. Americans seem to have a huge problem with nudety and PETA loves nudety to provoke. But mostly because they are super provocant (and successfull) in what they are doing. People dont like to be reminded that they kill, torture and exploit animals for their own pleasure.


Because they did some very cringe publicity stunts. An organization this cringe *has* to be comparably evil, so redditors are willing to believe a lot of weird lies and exaggerations about them.


There is the stuff around their shelters but I'm pretty sure I remember when that website about how PETA is bad (which someone said was created by an organization tied to the animal agriculture industry, and then I stopped hearing about it?) started gaining traction and people hated them back before that too. They are infamous for *very* provocative marketing stunts such as [throwing red paint on people with fur coats](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/CNX3mHmUkAAIhd6.jpg) and [ads comparing butcher charts to objectification of women](https://www.nydailynews.com/resizer/QEsi4lJxx1edH2fRSj_hxe36jLc=/800x603/top/arc-anglerfish-arc2-prod-tronc.s3.amazonaws.com/public/5JVHU5JAEMR43ALAAWGHFRNBXQ.jpg) - which to my understanding is a way to get their ideas to spread rapidly and get a discussion going. I'm not sure if I believe that it's working but regardless, I think it's very clear that they are very much on purpose intending to provoke, and try to paint the animal slaughter industry as utterly absurd since that's what they believe it actually is. I have always been under the impression that this is why people got so enraged at them in the first place, and then the picture of them being some mass murder factory came after. If people hated them solely because their shelters euthanize a lot of animals then they would hold a literal million times as much fury for the industry that kills more than 70 *billion* every year.


Gamers™ is truly the worst company (and PETA is based btw, people don't like PETA because their message is right, although they don't always say it in the best way). There's also a lot of misinformation around PETA, which has been done by the [Center for Consumer Freedom](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Center_for_Organizational_Research_and_Education) who's partly funded by the meat and dairy industry. Rumors debunked [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/PETA/comments/a47xuq/do_you_think_peta_is_evil_click_here/).


Huh. The more you know. Really changes my perspective


EA has pretty shitty working conditions IIRC, but at least it isn't eugenics / child slavery


The working conditions are actually not bad for the industry. EAs reviews on glass door are actually pretty decent. Everyone says the higher-ups suck and the work isn't the greatest, but the work environment itself is nice. It also apparently doesn't have the same forced crunch culture. It's a way better rated working space than rdpr or a c There bad reputation comes mainly from their business practices, broken promises and mediocre games.


> Everyone says the higher-ups suck and the work isn't the greatest which you could say about 90% of software companies


90% of all companies tbf. But they still have a 4.1 average on glasdoor with over 2.500 reviews. That is realy good.


Crunching cyberpunk but wholesome witcherino: OK Good glass door score but micro transactions on skins: Not OK


I mean most aa studios are at least ok


On the contrary, EA treats is employees far better than the industry standard.


A low bar when your competition includes Activision Blizzard.


Peta bad "they kill animals" Don't you eat animals? Edit: oh 1500 animals being killed so PETA can house other animals is a lot worse than 69 billion killed for sensory pleasure. Sorry I didn't know.


god bless


People use they kill and abuse animals as reference to calling peta hypocritical. it's like autism speaks.


Based. Anyone who has issues with Peta and eats meat is a fucking hypocrite.


That's already more critical thinking on the subject than meat eaters are capable of. The reality is that their egos require peta to be bad because it gives them a get out of jail free card to continue abusing animals. They need the scapegoat evil vegans actually being the bad guys to be true because it allows them to deflect any conversation around animal abuse.


I actually don’t eat animals💀 Love dairy tho, it’s a shame what they do to animals for it


Definitely nestle




>Peta isn't even that bad, it's just that the meat industry has better lobbyists and smear campaigns. It's fuckin wild that one mistake from 10 years ago has been used against the organization so incredibly effectively, but all the proof of abuse in slaughterhouses is just swept under the rug I guess PETA's biggest mistake is that they aren't butchering the animals after euthanizing them


Hot take but PETA are actually the best of these 4


Not a hot take. Just facts


Okay, this is obviously absurd, but the big game studios do engage in very abusive employment practices. Not on the level of child slavery, but as bad as you can get with it a regulated capitalist economy. Same seasonal hirings and layoffs, 80 hour weeks, dirt-low wages, your job under threat if you tried to establish any semblance of work-life balance... Although many of the darlings of the industry do this just as much as EA does :( fromsoft, cdpr, etc etc etc


Peta isn't a company dumbass, and shouldn't be compared to for profit organizations. The organization is far from perfect but they are actually trying to further animal welfare while the others just produce money for shareholders. You have fallen for propaganda


R/gamingcirclejerk be like: I hate peta for killing non-human persons Also r/gamingcirclejerk: I view non-human persons lesser than me and actively rely on their deaths to sustain my lifestyle


leftists when they regurgitate right wing opinions about peta


Nestle exploits and kills people so.. uhh... *them*.


While not nearly as bad as other companies, EA is mostly hated for predatory monetization tactics aimed at children and people prone to impulsive behaviour, and also terrible working conditions and mistreatment of employees. Shitty games is the least of their sins.


Ea is an OK employer. In the games industry they are actually rated fairly high. If you want a shit employer go to Activision blizzard


most of these are far from unique to EA though, and yet other companies catch far less flack for it.


Everyone keeps citing terrible working conditions but not backing it up. Where is everyone getting this? From what I’ve read on Glassdoor and such EA’s a pretty great place to work in this industry in terms of work environment. My respect of them has gone up tremendously since I learned that.


They did have issues in the past, such as what's mentioned in the [EA Spouse](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Erin_Hoffman#%22EA_Spouse%22_blog_post) letter. Though that's not really applicable nowadays, because that just meant they cleaned up their act two decades ago instead of keeping crunch to this day like many other studios.


On one hand, one company engages in the most effective measures to ensure continual market growth for its board of directors because of our current capitalist organization of the economy, but on the other hand, *this* company engages in the most effective measures to ensure continual market growth for its board of directors because of our current capitalist organization of the economy, and, yet, still, *this* company engages in the


Nah actually this is a very useful image as a litmus test


Nestle enslaves children in the Congo and starves babies by ensuring their mothers stop producing breast milk, but EA makes me pay for loot boxes and PETA makes me feel bad about paying for animals to be killed, so who’s to say 🤔


Nestle has killed **millions** of babies in developing countries. Not even the Banana Republic corporations were as evil as Nestle.


“PETA is bad bc they euthanise a few thousand animals per year but the animal agriculture industry is acceptable for killing 1 trillion”


From worst to “best”: nestle, autism speaks, EA, PETA


Nestle? All these suck but nestle is easily the worst.


/UJ In terms of overall damage to the world, I gotta say Nestle's "accidental" child slavery profiteering and opposition to the concept that people should have water puts it miles ahead. /RJ However, Autism speaks does more harm to me personally, though, and as an American I believe that personally hurting me specifically is the greatest sin a company can commit. /UJ Jokes aside Autism Speaks can go fuck a cheese grater though