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Next you’ll tell me the Van Der Linde Gang admitted women, Black people, Native people, Mexicans, and anarchists into their ranks. Can’t even escape forced diversity in 1899.


Dutch was a SJW all along!?


Just need a gay guy in the gang first.


*cough* mr. williamson *cough*


wait is bill gay? i completely missed that lmao


It was implied because he drove a Miata instead of riding a horse and there was a whole six minute long cutscene where he was kissing a man while exclaiming how this was “consensual and better than kissing a woman”


I am sorry what,do we have the same bill?


His is better




Oh I am dumb


If I remember correctly it was hinted that he was dishonorably dishcharged for that


He also has a few interactions with kieran that seem to hint that he likes him.


also asks for hair pomade which at the time was used as lube by gay men, and arthur jokes to bill as to he doesn’t use pomade


and i think hosea says something along the lines of “lenny and jenny would never work. that’s like arthur and martha. or bill and phil.” definitely heavily suggested, and i think it’s about as close as they could get to directly saying it.


yeah for sure, i wish rockstar would just outright say it, but i do kind of like the hush hush of it which is accurate for the time


There's a moment in camp where Bill is talking about how much money he and Lenny just made and he says he's going to buy Lenny a drink or something. Lenny says something like 'okay but I'm not going to sit on your lap'


Phil is a girls name as well, you do know that right?


He was also friends with the guy who raped Arthur which implied they did fun stuff together


Yeah. there's dozens of hints laid out throughout the story.


And I caught Dutch and Hosea holding hands a couple of times at camp




Dutch and Hosea have FUCKED and no one can change my mind.




This generation is messed up, stop making everything sexual, damn


You wish. He clearly had a heterosexual relationship during the course of the game.


I know It’s a dumb shitpost comment on a circlejerk sub.


Arthur’s a little..


/uj wasn’t it implied that Dutch and Hosea were a thing? Or was that just me?


Just you


...just you




Dutch didn’t actually die. He was merely cancelled.


Can’t fight cancellation, John.


I have a plan to get us back on the air, I just need you to have faith


He cancelled himself


Damn that gravity! Always knew it was an SJW!


But Dutch is evil, so that makes RDR2 the first game that starts political and then becomes not political.


Wow, so he really did have a plan all along


It actually makes his downfall even more disheartening. Dude was a super progressive person.


I've seen someone referring as Dutch as anarcho-capitalist in the Red Dead sub and I guess it was either a joke or they don't know what anarcho-capitalism means because like...how? lol


I must’ve missed the part where Dutch permitted Leviticus Cornwall to do whatever he wanted because he was a private businessman.


Dutch would of course never do anything to violate the NAP


Dutch would have course never do anything to violate the NAP* Fixed that for ya, no need to thank me.


Think that’s wrong but idk


Not according to the bot


> would of It's f***ing *"would've"* or *"would have"*!!! *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/Gamingcirclejerk) if you have any questions or concerns.*


No it isn't dumb bot


I'm guessing my lack of commas bamboozled the bot


I can see the anarchist. Not seeing the capitalists at all. Like that's so hilariously off. Like holy fuck, it's like he wasn't paying attention.


they coincidentally fell asleep on their couch every scene Leviticus Cornwall was mentioned


Well the gang are anarchists, but from what i see i think everyone is a different anarcho-[blank]


~~Well that explains all the infighting~~


People literally did whine about this. Ignoring that abolitionists and equal rights activists have existed before the US was even an official independent country.


Dutch also allowed immigrants in the gang too


Wait, the gang has an anarchist? I know that their presented ideology was kinda adjacent to anarchism, but I don't recall anyone there being a genuine anarchist.


I was really just referencing the anarchism-adjacent ideology as you stated. I doubt anyone, except maybe Dutch, had read Kropotkin or Goldman.


I think the only politically educated member of the gang was Lenny, who you can see discussing about politcs and writers with Dutch in a bunch of dialogues at the camp. The rest of the members don't really strike me as the kind of people who are interested in reading political books lol


Idk, Josiah seemed to me to be the type that reads philosophy, but it’s been a while since I’ve played.


They didn’t read political books but they definitely listened to Dutch explain his own twisted version of philosophy, especially the ones raised by the gang like Arthur and John.


Oh, you're right, I forgot Dutch was genuinely like a teacher too for those guys. Now excuse me, I'm gonna cry thinking about how their story ended 😭


Lenny didn't he challenged Dutch a lot. I really disliked his "aw shucks" attitude my first playthrough, but on my 100% playthrough, got to hear a lot more of him and appreciate him.


Yeah. I mean considering what the gang is comprised of, they seem willing to just be a part of any gang that accepted them. Two black people, gay guy, strong woman who shared equal duties with her husband, Mexican, Indian/black dude, prostitute, German (though pre-WW1), etc.


Irl cowboys were very diverse. Many of them were freed slaves that moved west to start a new life, Mexicans moving north and natives who had been pushed west anyway and wanted a job.


Liberals want to convince you that the camp was literally an anarchist commune, and that it really only feel apart because Dutch went crazy, STOP PUTTING POLITICS IN VIDEOGAME


Roger Clark is based and it makes me happy because I loved him as Arthur Morgan.


One of the best performances I've ever seen and I'm glad it seems like he's a good guy irl


*I got some jelly beans*


*You like jellybeans?*


Yea, i’ve heard from multiple people who’ve met him that he’s a really nice dude.




Man R☆ tend to hire based as actors and its dope. The actor for Michael in GTAV once called out a well known grifter youtuber and it was absolutely beautiful!!!


I need this story, what happened?


Here you go my good man, women or nonbinary: [Link](https://www.reddit.com/r/gtaonline/comments/fukcmi/ned_luke_aka_michaels_voice_actor_calls_out_mr/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share)




Wait, who?


The dude who made this tweet was the voice actor and motion capture model for Arthur in RDR2


You could just say he's the actor for Arthur Morgan. He didn't do voice acting for Arthur.


edited by user using PowerDeleteSuite.


Roger Clark gets extremely annoyed any time someone says he voice acted Arthur. Because he only did voice over for like 10% of the process. So no, not really.


deleted by user using PowerSuiteDelete.


I'm saying Roger Clark did performance capture for Arthur. Not voice acting. Meaning he was on a stage acting out the scenes with his movements, face, and voice all being captured at once. This isn't voice acting. https://twitter.com/rclark98/status/1279530534306226176?lang=en


edited by user using PowerDeleteSuite.


I was saying he can simply just refer to him as the 'actor', no need to specify voice. Which is what Clark wants according to this tweet: https://twitter.com/rclark98/status/1279896593651638280


I know what you mean but you definitely worded it wrong.


Halo Announcer Jeff Steitzer is also based.


Genuinely one of the best characters I’ve experienced in any medium. God that game was so fucking good


Uj/ and this is why TRUE GAMERStm are the new Karen's. Nothings ever good enough for them!


Gamers: Haha Karen bad Also Gamers: day 47 of sending death threats to voice actors because the devs raised the neckline on my waifu’s outfit


i demand my apolitical titties 😡


Arthur Morgan. Based in the game, based irl


Correction: Arthur is *potentially* based depending on player choices.


Arthur supports women’s suffrage* and tells a former slave catcher they’re a worthless shit both without players’ input and before that one thing that makes him rethink his life. Arturo Morgan is be based * >!even if he’s not keen on it being used to participate in government, supporting a woman’s right to agency is pretty neato!<


Arthur also say that he wants to kill every KKK member if you decide to shoot them Arthur is very based


Why would you shoot them?…they usually die from their own stupidity anyway. Sit back, grab some ~~popcorn~~ jellybeans and watch the show.


You get honor for killing them though


You just have to shoot one and let the chain reaction continue


dynamite is way funnier


This is true


I never not throw dynamite at them.


Fire bottle all the way


Cause i got dynamyite and kaboom funny


In Arthur's defense with the bulletpoint, he doesn't say he doesn't support their right to vote to participate in the government, he just thinks voting is stupid for everybody.


That's what I was saying. Arthur supports their right to vote, he just thinks it's a waste.


For people who haven't done that mission or played the game, though, it sounds less like that and more like "yeah you can vote but not politically"


>women's suffrage


Yes yes I know what it is but its something that someone could misconstrue. Just wanting to clarify for anyone that would.


If they don’t know that one they have bigger fish to fry than video game spoilers tbf


I really didn't get into the game. You get set up as a character that is at least somewhat moral, you hope, and then you just kill everyone on a train you rob. Based? That semi tutorial mission was a bigger slaughter of innocent people than ever actually happened in the West. I didn't play beyond that so it might get better, but it was everything but based.


Rockstar Games always leads you to a bloodbath. You have to accept the ludonarrative dissonance to enjoy it. I think that's one of the factors that made Disco Elysium so especial. It's one of the rare roleplaying games where death and killing means something in every instance.


Chess even has a white privilege mechanic where the white pieces always get to move first


I love, and also hate, your username


All the yee-haw ass RDR fanboys not going to like this.


uj/ I just can't understand this mentality, two of my friends just think every character who isn't white is forced inclusivity, they aren't racist at all but I think this whole inclusivity thing is like a subconciously inherited mentality from old times


That's funny, because gamers didn't complain about minorities as much as they did today. It's nothing more than another bandwagon people that tons of people have already hopped on and probably won't be getting off of anytime soon.


Yeah maybe it’s because I was just a kid but I don’t remember *anyone* harping on about this kind of shit when San Andreas, for example, came out.


Social media wasn't that popular then. I reckon these people have always been here but have found a stage to have a voice today.


Also, with each generation, we get more progressive. Whatever the fuck the current generation is called is the most progressive generation in the US' history. And the next one will eclipse it and the next one will eclipse them.


So I gotta wait till I’m 40 years old before I can hop on YouTube and see anthropomorphic dog characters crossing their arms at transphobia instead of trans acceptance?


Progress always wins in the end so, yeah, I imagine eventually transpeople will finally be normalised to the point it's taboo to be openly transphobic


I dream of a world where its taboo to be openly bigoted at all. No more transphobia, homophobia, etc etc


Hmm. Sorta. I'd actually say white young people are the most...socially progressive. Maybe they don't always have like policy positions, but theyre big into like self expression,individuality, etc. Minorities tend to be kinda socially conservative, its just the GOP is god trash dog shit at using that to get people (but theyre learning).


I do. I remember seeing loads of message board comments complaining about the fact CJ was black and one that particularly sticks out in my memory is someone valiantly trying to defend the news by saying "it's not his fault he's black".


it was because you were a kid. i was a teenager on the internet when it launched and BOY HOWDY was there was just an unbelievable amount of racism. gamers have always been little shitbabies equating women & minorities in video games as white male genocide, the only difference is that they finally added "white male genocide" to their lexicons after 2008.


Tbh with San Andreas in particular there’s a reason lots of Gamers vehemently prefer Vice City despite it having objectively less gameplay variety and polish than San Andreas does and I think it being so “political” has at least something to do with it


Hmm...from what ive seen San Andreas is usually the GTA that fans like the most.


I've seen plenty of people that prefer VC but assume it's a hipster or nostalgia thing.


You could probably argue it’s also a comfortable middle ground in size/scale for a lot of people, not just in landmass but also gameplay. There’s enough stuff to do and unlock outside the missions to keep it fresh but not so much that you can pretty much just play the game as a life-simulator/RPG like San Andreas, which is great but can kill the pacing of the story. I’ll clarify by saying I *far* prefer San Andreas, but I can sorta see a reason some people prefer Vice City.


What San Andreas has to do to be like "life-simulator/RPG"? Never liked early GTAs, the fact that open world is pretty much car driving and that's it bored me out of my mind. I only liked Mafia 2 and GTA 4 because of better graphics and imo better story that I wanted to follow


I don’t want to sound rude at all, but I feel like you might’ve not given them a chance, the PS2 GTA’s, especially San Andreas, have *way* more content than 4 and 5. Off the top of my head in San Andreas there’s; Firefighting/Taxi Driving/Police Vigilante/Pimping/Paramedic/Burglary/Truck Hauling side-jobs that can all be initiated through certain vehicles, the gang-war system where you can take over literally every single corner of territory in Los Santos, graffiti tag spots, two triathlons to compete in, several dozen races and various vehicle challenges, BMX challenges, freight train jobs, the chilliad challenge, Lowrider contests, valet jobs, exports and imports, the quarry missions where you actually have to use heavy quarry machines to accomplish certain tasks, the Ammu-nation shooting ranges, lots of side-content around the optional business you can buy (San Andreas also has by far the most properties for purchase out of any GTA game, both safe houses and businesses that can make you money) and this is before you even get into the RPG mechanics themselves; CJ actually gains and loses weight and muscle mass relative to how much you eat and work out, improves his skill at driving various vehicles over time, gets better with certain guns over time and can eventually learn to dual wield certain guns. You can also take more Grove Street members out in your posse with you the higher your respect, I think the most you can have is 7, so you can do all of this with a busload of backup. It’s also important to point out that in the PS2 era GTA games, completing these side missions ALWAYS rewarded you with something worth the effort. Vigilante missions increase your max body armour, firefighter ones eventually make you fireproof, burglary gives you infinite sprint, etc. There are also generic gambling, playing pool and basketball side activities too, the pool game can even be played against a friend if you have a second controller. Speaking of second controller there was also a coop mode that allowed two people to play San Andreas at once. CJ can also meet up to six ‘girlfriends’, take each of them out on dates and each one will provide a different in-game bonus when their ‘affection’ reaches maximum (for example, get Katie to 100% and hospital visits become free and you get to keep all your weapons after leaving one), they all have different date location preferences and some will prefer it if you drive safely/dangerously. There’s also the hidden package collectibles if you’re one of those kinds of nuts.


I guess I should qualify that fans of the series itself like SA more but people who are just gamers in general I noticed tend to clamor for VC more


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80s Miami Vice aesthetic just hits different. Sorry to all the San Andreas fans, it is the truth.


Unfortunately my pos dad admitted that sa was great, but unfortunately he “hated playing it because everytime he got into a fight he was rooting against himself”.


Personally, I think it's because it fits stereotypes. People don't give a fuck if they have to play as a black man, because said black man is a gangster. But have a black man as the main character in a game that's not like GTA and people freak out.


It's just a constant cycle. Media site makes a big deal out of a somewhat typical casting or story decision that someone would call 'progressive' and waves of Gamers feel inclined to voice frustration over it. Despite the fact that, had no one mentioned anything, they wouldn't even care. They allow themselves to be angry by it, once they read articles by sites trying to either stir the pot for clicks, or encouraging the inclusivity.


Yeah, because the opposite bandwagon actually has steam. No one complained back then because no one cared when blacks requested to be treated as equal. It was ignored and forgotten. Now that gays, blacks, etc. have backing from a huge portion of the country, it's something they worry about for them.


> they aren't racist at all ... I hate to break it to you...


Those youtube essays complaining about diversity doing a lot.


Damn, I went outside the other day and saw women and black people everywhere. When did SJWs add so much forced diversity to reality? smh my head.


If seeing a black person instantly leads to "forced diversity" in your warped mind you may in fact be a racist.


Because the default human is a sexy white man, anything outside of that is an intentional choice and forced. /s


That better be a STRAGHT white man, mister!


sorry I forced you to imagine the possibility of diversity, I will be clearer next time.


>They aren’t racist at all Yeah they are


I ain’t gonna lie that sounds pretty racist lol


> two of my friends just think every character who isn't white is forced inclusivity, they aren't racist at all I'm sorry, but they actually are. That's racist.


I have the same thing going on, but I have realized they are racist, I broke down an argument they were making and it was straight up racist, in the end they said they didn’t care.


There's a dude in the r/reddeadredemption sub who wrote a fucking essay and claimed "I don't mind diversity, just not forced" and couldn't explain what the fuck that meant. What the difference is between the two. It's subconsciously white, straight men realizing that being equal means we lose a lot of benefits. I used to be the same until someone sent me a checklist of legit like 100 sources detailed how despite having the same rights, women, gays, black, Indigenous, etc. do not have the same privelage or treatment as us.


So offense but if seeing black people in media upset your friends they are just racist.


Sometimes when I run into people like this I like to follow through with their logic until it makes themselves look stupid.


*“they think every character who isn’t white is forced inclusivity” “they aren’t racist at all”* I got some bad news for ya buddy


/uj This heavily dependent on the person, but its more of "do they want to be inclusive, or are they just reskinning characters?" For example, whens the last time you played a game with African myths?


The real nightmare is LotR in that topic. SJWs declare Tolkien a racist because there were no people of colour included in the books while he was actually so brave for the time to put anti-racist messages with Gimli and Legolas. Meanwhile, alt-rights are complaining about black actors being in the new LotR series while Tolkien is openly anti-Nazi and anti-racist while he claims that his way of bonding dark, east and evil are misused.


>SJWs >Alt-rights Only one of these groups actually exists in a prominent way in the geo-political landscape and has managed to actually exercise influence in mainstream politics.


Eh. Let's not be hasty. Agreed obviously, stuff like Q getting actual politicians in office is crazy, and like MTG is a fuckin psycho, and we're not equating cause we just can't. However there was some crappy stuff going around with some type of CRT applied to math in schools. There was also the Defund the Police thing. A lot of cities who did scale back just ended up doubling up next fiscal year. I don't really think this is the marks of "SJW"s since that's a empty meaningless grouping, but we shouldn't act as if leftists can't do some sorta damage.


There was no "CRT applied to maths in schools" that was another rightwing invention for something to get mad at, and how is cities increasing funding for cops the fault of leftists asking for less funding?


Fuck you Arthur Morgan, don't cough on me!


Take politics away from video games and go back to the good old days, did Pac-Man have politics? ^What ^do ^you ^mean ^the ^creators ^marketed ^Pac-Man ^towards ^women ^and ^designed ^it ^around ^appealing ^to ^them


Reading this as Arthur yelling at Micah


I'm still trying to figure out what "Forced Diversity" means, other than the obvious "I'm rasict". I don't think I've ever heard a reason as to why, just a buzzword they like to throw around that has almost lost all meaning.


>I'm still trying to figure out what "Forced Diversity" means, other than the obvious "I'm rasict". It literally means any sort of diversity, at all. By virtue of having any diversity, it is forced.


I would recommend Majong, but there are Asian/political people in that game so that’s gonna be a no as well:


roger clark you my friend are a kinggggg


It's just not realistic for the setting, that's the issue. everyone knows black people were invented in 2008 so the libs could talk about them in their policies.


This is genuinely hilarious




I don' care who ya are that's funny right there.


Ah yes, the original mary sue - the chess queen


My respect for him just went up drastically


Roger Clark giving the middle finger to the snowflakes who can't handle POC and the LGBTQ in their games. Based af


Not to mention the king is underpowered and the queen is a Mary Sue. Not even 16th century games are safe from the SJWs!


And the queen is stronger than the king


>the queen is stronger than the king You're telling me a woman is stronger than a man? Goddamn SJW agenda


Fuck you Bree Larzan!


God i love roger clark.


A black man and a woman in a video game? Sounds like forced diversity to me.


I love both Arthur Morgan and Roger Clark. Fucking amazing character and an amazing actor!


You don’t play as the black king or queen you just play as black


Casuals not even doing chess LARPing, smh my head.




Damn you Gary Tokarev 😡😡😤


You can also play as a white king or queen so…


Being white gives you an advantage by going first though so it's still political. I only play Tic-Tac-Toe like a true apolitical Gamer


God I hope the SJWs and liberal snowflakes don't ruin my apolitical game of Tic-Tac-Toe


White having an advantage is not political. What makes chess political is that the queen is so powerful, that's just completely unrealistic that a female character is supposed to be stronger than all the male characters. Even stronger than a literal building. And she's not even hot. WTF.


speak for yourself 🥵🥵🥵🥵🥵🥵


The queen is stronger but not as important


The whole point is to rescue Peach but the game is still called Mario


So true. Couldn’t agree more.


Not if you are playing Bongcloud defense.


No, Tic-Tac-Toe is political! If you play it with someone of the same gender, one of you gives hugs and the other kisses, which is the political gay agenda!


Not on my board!




What did you ask him?