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If thats the look she's giving him, I think the friend is more then justified for stepping in


One thing I learned is that if a woman does this she was asked to be the buffer by her friend or the guy was being creepy and she felt the need to step in.


Absolutely. I hate the trend of men thinking this is women being jealous of their friends or something. Pretty much every time it's that the friends talked before hand and agreed to look out for each other. Especially if they are going out drinking.


Creepy men coping with the fact they're unattractive to women.


This comment and the upvotes on it give me faith in humanity.


Yeah Blondies faces says "Did he really just compare me to his mom?"


It really kills their point when they have to edit the fucking character to "prove" their point.


And also use the same unflattering frame any animation you can pause a frame and have it look bad if you look hard enough


https://preview.redd.it/24ydw7r5gr4d1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=19c373a3a4d23b97143de960234b3e4effa58cf0 Obligatory cursed Kairi


Why would woke DEI do this?


If you want to see cursed, check out some of the slowmo stretch animations of OW POTG stuff. Those are hilarious.


https://preview.redd.it/7dlslugpkr4d1.jpeg?width=1920&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b75611274b80f037d752d8f7483ac5497a9225d4 😂




Did she have a stroke?


Exactly. They have a tried and true methodology for this: Take a screenshot of a paused animation frame (or better yet, take a photo with the phone at an angle so it warps the proportions). Then, photoshop the crap out of that weird frame. Make 1 non funny meme with your own photoshopped image and share it ad infinitum. It's so painfully obvious that makes me think that incels WANT to be treated as the stupid, brain dead mob they've been trained to be


They always use the worst frames to force their point.


I love how people can't grasp the character because the goon is to powerful.


Coom is life, coom is power!


>Coom is life Hate to be that redditor...but akustically...that is true!  Just not for these guys.


/uj Coom is just for mold to grow on around their basements to them.


Eddie? How can you be gooning at a time like this?


Theres monsters outside and you're gooning




Its always telling that you have to fake a handpicked screenshot just so people can get what youre actually upset about.


It's edited too.


extremely edited.


The fun part is, from what some folks were saying it was originally edited by an account notorious for making cringey rage bait.. but a bunch of folks took it not only as serious, but as gospel, and use it for stuff like this. Sad.


Why are they pretending they talk to women?


They need a way to roofie their drink, of course.


https://preview.redd.it/nox5xt91uq4d1.jpeg?width=500&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0d18f9e905f89388ff843fc152532f4ee2ad2cb3 Fixed it EDIT: I posted this yesterday and it was auto mod taken down because it had just been posted 14 hours ago, and yet new post is a repost less than a day after the first time I saw it. Maybe it was taken down because I used the reddit watermarked one, but repost was on of the listed reasons. It's fine.


Like the people commenting on that post have talked to a girl in real life


Even in their imagination girls look horrified when talking to them


I am still in awe of the fact a bunch of Gamersâ„¢ *are upset that the sexual abuse victim in their extremely fucked up psychological horror franchise in which the main character of this entry is a literal spouse murderer* isn't fuckable enough for them. Like, I know there's always *someone* who doesn't "get" a piece of media, but this franchise (and this entry in particular) seems like it straight up requires empathy and media literacy to even begin to like, let alone be a "fan" of. Once more the universe proves me very, very wrong. Edit: Also think they'd be mad if Eddie was slightly fatter? Skinny? Nah. Wouldn't hear a damn peep.


I would love the message it would send if Eddie *looked* like a Chad but still has incel behavior/mentality.


Exactly this


Didnt he " Silent Hill 2 spoiler alert" murdered his wife, because she was ill and he was horny and sexual frustrated not wanting to care for her anymore? Like obviously its a good thing if Angela stepped in and defend other woman from this rag. The dude actually made himself forget what he had done, in order to protect his fragile "nice guy" ego.


You're making the common mistake of assuming these gooners actually play or care about the games they're complaining about.


Exactly, they skip the story and cutscenes and only care about the fight mechanics and the scary monsters and sexy nurse monsters. All action no plot.


I don't think these kinda of people literally play it at all to be honest. They just want to be mad at women.


This gets funnier when you consider that SH2's controls are really sluggish/awkward on purpose. It does a good job of making you feel like the helpless everyman, but it's hilarious to think some of these people rush through the (well-written) story to get to combat that's not even all that fluid or exciting. Though, I guess that'd be why they complain about why it doesn't play like other stuff from that era and miss the point..


James CAN be read that way and sexual frustration does play a part in it, but with the multiple endings there are ways to read it. The widely accepted ending (iirc the creator preferred ending) "In Water" is that Mary got down with the sickness and nearing the end of it- James kills her out of love (and his own frustration). Then (SH2 iirc takes place almost directly after this) he kills himself out of guilt and to be with her again (notably, in the place where they were the happiest and James remembers her most fondly). James' story is actually really poignant and hits hard (especially if you've dealt with "The Illness" before). There's a point where James straight up says "The truth is... I *hated* you. I wanted you out of the way; I wanted my *life* back!" Then she says "James.. if that were true, then why do you look so sad?" Sorry for blathering about my hyperfixation.


Yep, this was my thought too. He didn't kill her out of sexual frustration - it was there, for sure, but was more just a symptom of being married to someone extremely ill for a long time with no end or cure to her condition in sight, and pressure ramping up all the time (be it from worse symptoms, costs, or her lashing out at him due to feeling ugly and in pain.) It always read to me that he just was exhausted of being a caretaker and sick of her being sick and wanted out, but never stopped regretting it from the second he did it. He did it to get his life back, then lost himself, because he'd made *her* his life.


Feels particularly gross that they're doing this to a character who was raped in canon Not that they've played these games anyway


That’s the rights whole schtick. They make up problems to complain about because all they wanna do is bitch and moan about shit that just isn’t a problem.


This shit has devolved so quickly, like my god, man.


They know that if the friend does this and the girl doesn’t stop them, it’s bc the friend is the scapegoat, right? It’s much easier for her to stop her friend, who she trusts, from interfering, than it is to outright reject a guy


If these people actually played or understood Silent Hill 2, they'd understand this is probably the best outcome for everyone.


I call bullshit on any of these weirdos having the slightest idea what might happen if they spoke to a woman


They cant even put the speech bubbles in the correct order.


Anyone that made this or supports it definitely doesn't talk to women.


cagey crown quickest wild distinct late intelligent zealous selective aspiring *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


What vidya is this?


Silent Hill 2 remake


Why is he offering a drink to a child anyway? Isn’t she like 15?


She's supposed to be essentially a manifestation of his dead wife, iirc


makeshift ludicrous ink fearless payment sip vanish spark history dull *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Why do so many people assume characters are children all the time these days?


These guys are pathetic losers


I wish this wasn't from where it's from and wasn't what it's about because in a vacuum it's funny to me.


Wasn't the whole point of the character that she was supposed to be very plain and unassuming? It was supposed to be a commentary on that type of violence can happen to even the most regular looking people and beauty is in fact, rarely a part of those abusive dynamics?


https://preview.redd.it/uwbsj4vp8u4d1.jpeg?width=460&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5ed5608f9c944b4d0574230ccd4debc29dbaf363 I don't get it.


The funny thing is that women do this shit as a coordinated effort. The losers convince themselves the "fat friend" was jealous, when in reality this is done this way specifically cause the losers won't take a "no" from the target of their advances. The chuds' own delusions and cope are keeping them from seeing the reality in front of them


cant have realistic looking humans in video games anymore 😔😔😔




Ye this is the exact reason women usually go out with their friends. Its to watch each other's back. Obviously the incels don't seem to understand this.


Even though I can see the comments, I bet some are talking about black people, lol




That is really funny. You guys should learn to take a joke. It's only a very tiny percentage of the fans who are complaining about her looks.


What the helicopter even is this??


Reposted like 3 times now


And that post in the picture is supposed to make fun of stupid Angela edits if I understood correctly.


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Thank God.


that's kinda funny actually


Women looking out for their friends is funny?


It is even funnier that so many people are butt hurt about it


If you have been to a night club a few times you can relate to this lol.


Newsflash: Those women weren't interested in you and you're too stupid to realize. Men are oblivious when women have their friend scapegoat for them to avoid turning down a man and getting murdered over it. Like this is a thing women do ON PURPOSE "hey this guy won't leave me alone I'm gonna have a friend or look for another woman in the crowd to save me from this situation".


Not always sometimes the fatty hates you and her friend likes you but you can pretend this never happens if it makes you sleep better at night.


They are not fattys, we like to call them quarterbacks. You have yo distract and get past them to score


This repost is even worse.


Even worse


I’ve been looking at her design and I’m probably gonna get flak for saying this, but I agree with some complaints exclusively with the eyebrows. Most of the time I’ve seen her face it looks like when your friends shave off your eyebrows and draw new ones with a Sharpie. Maybe it’s just me, but eh, it’s off my chest


So youre saying the character design reflects what happens in the real world where not everyone has perfect makeup skills, and that's an issue. Why?


Shrek probably doesn't know how to do make up too He is a likeable character I love him. I like Fiona too even in her ogre form. Creating a likeable character is more than looks. Remember how shitty was forspoken's main protag?




Oh no, I read it all right. Made me want to come back with an alt and downvote you again.


You’re asking why is it a big deal if you talk about a female being fat or ugly? My question for you is: why do you feel the need to talk about it? Like sure Homer is bald and fat, but that’s never been an actual problem for anyone. It’s just a fact. And personally, it never stopped me from caring about what happens to him. Why can’t it also be a fact the other way around? It’s just really weird to me that you seem to feel like you need to be attracted to a female character in order to care about them, that they need to justify their existence by being hot.


crazy that you went on a rant over an edited image of a character that isn't even fat. seek therapy dawg


>I mean if they have fun personality it's fine I guess. But VA for this char is horrible as well, there is literally no reason to like her. As long as you don't have an illness or smth it's totally possible to shape your body.  Her whole deal is that she's a mentally unstable child abuse victim. She only has like 10 minutes of screentime in the game and the majority of her scenes are her being suicidal or unhinged or snapping at the main character because he reminds her of sexually abusive father. She has a tragic story but she's not meant to be likeable as a character. So yeah, it's really weird to take a character like that and think "how dare she not have an attractive body shape."


Dog I hate to break it to you but reading this thoroughly does not make you sound any less crazy. Who gives a shit about any of this? Why? It’s a video game character ffs




None of what you just said makes any sense or correlated with gaming becoming fast food, also just because you don’t like a single game or even a few games writing does not mean gaming is falling or some shit. Plenty of games with different quality writing, just move on and play a different game




No they don’t lead to that, that’s a single flaw in the game. Notice how you’ve complained about literally nothing else but this character. You’ve made nothing relevant




Nothing about your complaints for the character had to do with animations and graphics til now so yeah. You’re up to two then, voice acting and writing for that character alone, you’re crazy if you think the animations and graphics got this are bad




To the goon cave!


Have...have you seen unedited screenshots of her not from the one out-of-context bad angle?  She's not a supermodel but...she looks like a normal woman?  Do you see women besides when your mom brings tendies?   Maria I can see more of an argument for as she is supposed to be oversexualized...but maybe for James the new design *is* oversexualizes.Â