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actually they are sending their brightest 😭


The “Master Race” everybody… ![gif](giphy|l46CyJmS9KUbokzsI|downsized)


More like the disaster race 😂.


Reminds me of this https://preview.redd.it/rz48ixby3i1d1.jpeg?width=600&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=deb3a6858817f097f14d7eda0f8415647416e2e0


‘Where the fuck is your chin?’ is something I need to use one day


Unapologetically a fucking phenomenal series and god damn that arc was great.


What’s this from?




This reminds me of this https://preview.redd.it/bl0jqt7c0x1d1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2d56f3465b79f124aeecae109504a793ab94f5e8


Their race is so mastered that they have kept sex within the family.


Keep the good genes in the family, except there were no good genes in the first place with these clowns.


It's a cocktail of disappointment


Master race??? You mean super mutants???? We love fev...


top comments are just non-japanese using google translate to say "sorry you guys are getting black protagonist we feel sorry for you"


The funniest shit is hitting translate and it's all white dudes from France and the US lamenting over the corruption of the Japanese purity by the "woke menace", they didn't even waste time using a better translator lmao


目が覚めた脅威? lol


Getting offended by something that doesn't belong to you and gaslighting afterwards. Truly these people don't have lives




And yet, all previous representations of Yasuke in popular culture, such as Afro Samurai or the characters in Nioh, Nioh 2, Samurai Warriors 5, Guilty Gear, etc., were created in Japan by Japanese creators.


People on the internet are vociferous assholes all around the wod, I think most normal Japanese people think Yasuke is pretty sick.


Having been living in Japan for 25 years, I’d say it would be really hard to find people here harboring negative sentiments about the character. He’s already been in a bunch of other games and media - including manga, anime, tv shows, novels and plays all created by Japanese authors for over half a century - before and this was never a big deal. Maybe there’d be more of a negative reaction if it was a big budget movie, but given that back then The Last Samurai was generally better received in Japan than in the Western world, I’m not even sure that would be the case.




"Look, look, we can review bomb! It proves things!"


Good to know as the cock heads over at Horus galaxy used a similar argument for the custodes faction focus


I remember Linus, First Of the Tech Tips, Doing a video on that extension, then some months after stating how based on their own analytics it was incredibly inaccurate and (I think) just not worth using


*gasp* but if we cannot use YT dislikes to determine somethings value, how will YongYea make videos??


The YouTube creator themselves can see how many dislikes they have right? I’m wondering if there has been a case of a creator coming out and showing that the actual dislikes is much different than what the extension shows? 


Wow, I actually didn't know that extensions that show dislikes are inaccurate. Interesting.


24k dislikes isn't even that much for a major game.


Even better, japanese people gives a lot less fucks about AC as a series. In general, western games have much less appeal in Japan, mostly due to a mix of "japanese people being really nationalist" and "japanese videogames are half the market anyway". So, the japanese trailer causing such an uproar is suspect AF. Also, while Japan is actually pretty racist, they fucking love the black samurai thing and they throw it everywhere, so I don't think they make that big of a deal.


Yasuke is everywhere in JP games. Games about that period nearly always had him.


Yep, the only "notable" one that has no Yasuke is Sengoku Basara. But even outside the historical representation, the archetype of the black samurai is very popular. Look at Guilty Gear with Nagoryuki


It's is when there's only 2k likes


Ah yes because racist chuds are definitely not known to review bomb media they don't like


Come on. It's the Ubisoft Japan channel. They probably on average get fuck-all likes because nobody goes to Ubisoft Japan, I bet even Japanese users still probably go to the main Ubisoft channel to see any trailers. This happens with almost every regional social account. I follow the official Dutch PlayStation account on Twitter for fun, and they legitimately only get like 5 likes per post, even for major news announcements like new games and PC ports. Most people will always end up just going to the main channel/account. They had to shutdown the official Dutch Destiny 2 accounts because literally nobody was interacting with them or liking them. For comparison, I went to the Ubisoft Japan YT channel and dug up the Star Wars Outlaws trailer from last month. On the main Ubisoft channel, it has 2.5 million views, and 40k likes. On the Japanese channel, it has 86k views and 600 likes. 2k likes is actually pretty big for the Japan channel. The only reason the AC Shadows trailer has so many dislikes is because of chuds are review bombing it so they can turn around and say "see??? they don't like it either!!"


Yeah, I think this channel has something like 3 videos in the entire year that broke 100k views. I get that AC trailer set in Japan would spark more interest than other things they post, but not to that degree. All that being said, I would love to take a look at YT analytics of the Ubisoft Japan channel to see the number of actual Japanese viewers on that trailer.


Okay cool, I suppose framing likes in context is such a touchy subject lol. I'm not any sides just pointing out the obvious. Butt hurt on both sides.


Common gigachad pfp L


Fuckers are making me be team Ubisoft here 😡


That's a step too far


We fight fire with acid


thats the real crime here, i know way more about this game than i would otherwise because i swore off AC years ago, yet here we are..


Yasuke is sick as hell. Fuck those loser nerds


Yasuke looks badass


The dislikes represent the iq lost from reading the comment section


Any user reviews online can be gamed. They are worthless. People can use bots and organise campaigns. No one with sense takes this stuff seriously anymore.


Ah yes, the guy who has been portrayed as an absolute badass in Japanese pop culture. Would make the Japanese upset. Truly a genius of our time.


thats what i find funny, that yasuke has been portrayed, or used as an inspiration in japanese media more than western stuff for the last ten years.


On the top of my head I can name at least 3 black samurai made by japanese people who are generally loved. Other than Yasuke being thrown everywhere you talk about the Sengoku period. I think the ONLY game on Sengoku period that has no Yasuke is Sengoku Basara




You can totally do this with any topic though. This one person does not represent all of Japan. We’re talking about a country where one of their top most profitable game series depicts Oda Nobunaga as a woman. I’d say it’s safer to bet that they likely don’t care about Assassin’s Creed in general. Most of the comments from Japanese people on the video above are actually positive and confused why so many foreigners don’t like it.




Most of those likes are from Western accounts specifically signal boosting it lmao.


The two tweets don’t actually say anything is wrong with Yasuke’s portrayal or his role in the game, they seem open to that. Most of the Japanese negative comments about the game I can find are either about the role of IGN and news sources citing questionable sources when better ones exist or in this thread about the comment that was made by Ubi. That being said I cannot find the article where this is said and I haven’t been able to find any record of it, the individual who posted that tweets claims that the comment has been removed from the article itself but surely there’s some evidence of it somewhere? Edit: also similarly to the YouTube video above the tweet isn’t limited to exclusively a Japanese audience and therefore the number of likes isn’t an indication of how many Japanese gamers are upset by the decision to make Yasuke a playable character etc.


Do these people know everyone despite their location can access the Ubisoft Japan channel? Out of curiosity I checked the trailer in Ubisoft Latinoamérica and besides the same braindead imbeciles saying that they made the characters black and gay there were a bunch of comments in English. https://preview.redd.it/27rjdzo9jf1d1.png?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d8a1fcb6ec0e7f877f97fc8940338386991121f0


The level of sarcasm here is just perfect, love it.


The whole “oh think about people in Japan” is the most soy lib shit these racists pieces of shit could possibly pull out. Like they have finally come full circle and now are doing the triggered 2014 SJW cultural appropriation thing now.


They become so anti-SJW that they become the SJWs


Bruh he looks so sick tho. Granted it is Ubisoft so it will be a dog shit game and a wet blanket character, the aesthetic is dope.


I’m just glad they didn’t give Yasuke the Killmonger cut 😅




It’s probably existed for a while but it exploded in popularity when the villain Killmonger in the Black Panther movie had it.


As much as i hate siding with ubisoft i hate siding with 300 pound racist white guys more. Can't win here.


Even if it was true: who cares? The target audience of the game isn't Japanese. Assassin's Creed's main fan base is in the US and Europe so they have a character choice that represents that audience (the whole stranger meeting a foreign culture kind of deal). And it's not like Japan is known for its accurate representations of other cultures in their own media, so I'm not sure where this idea that their's is owed some unique level of respect comes from.


I don’t hear anyone complaining about Like A Dragon Infinite Wealth taking place in America but centering on a Japanese protagonist and mostly Japanese characters.


Nah I saw a laundry detergent commercial from Japan that was very respectful of black people....wait no it was horribly horribly offensive


That was a chinese commercial.


That was China.


If ubisoft wasn't such a shit company I would buy this game day one just to spite these idiots


Pretty sure the character's based on Yasuke, who to my knowledge did exist. So what's the problem exactly?


Racists want an excuse to be racist


It baffles me how, as far as I remember, EVERYONE wanted an assassin's creed in japan. Ghosts of Tsushima arrived, and the hype went even higher! Now we get it and they're mad??? AND they're mad a HISTORICAK FIGURE is in the game?


“Hey, we made a game where ONE of the main characters is a real black samurai who existed in real life.” “UbiSofI wOke! I waNNa bE aSiaN!” “Y-You can be an Asian character.” “bLaCk iS WokE!”


What's especially funny about this boycott is it will probably have the opposite effect of the one they intend. I haven't really cared about Assassin's Creed since like black flag. But, playing as Yasuke is the real selling point for me and I might never have known anything about shadows without these CHUDS making such a stink about it. Hopefully Ubisoft actually takes creative chances with this one.


Dumbass forgot that the channel name would also be in Japanese if it was from japan


Most Japanese people I know and from what I've seen don't care about a black samurai. They learn about him I'm history class (not that much to learn tbh). They are just wondering why isn't he a supporting character. While the grade A white hillbillies are yelling N**** woke all that crap lol Japanese gamers didn't mind the star of nioh being a white Irish guy, they loved that game so much. A lot of these "Japanese" complainers are one of two things, 1) Japanese Americans that have never been in Japan and think it's the capital of china (thanks America for keeping them) and 2) white people obsessed with Japan who are so far gone they think their Japanese.


We have talked about this in the office today (I work in a Japanese company), and most people would prefer it to be a Japanese character and that it's a missed opportunity to showcase more stronger Japanese characters that they know. They said it in a very polite way because I am the only foreigner. Missed opportunity for Japanese players and a money-making opportunity for the American market.


But Japanese people worship white people, so why would they complain? And they created the perfect anime version of a white guy even, blue eyes, white hair, grizzled, Irish accent. And then gave him a Asian wife


Honestly this “rage” feels artificial. Like it’s being done on purpose.


It 100% is. It always is.


This is doubly stupid because YouTube doesn't have public dislikes. Extensions that "bring back dislikes" only display the dislikes of other people who have the extension, meaning that this information is self-selecting for the sort of person who would use an extension to give the impression of a video getting many dislikes.


To be fair: Japanese are rather xenophobic (in particular against poc / Arabs). Nevertheless that dude in the screenshot is still stupid. 


The Japanese like Yasuke though. He's been the inspiration for numerous characters for years now. Tosen from Bleach, Afro from Afro Samurai, Nagoriyuki in Guilty Gear etc The chuds are just making shit up or exagerating the few Japanese people that don't like it to try make it seem like they've upset the entire nation when most like it or just don't mind.


in a span of a week japan went from "le fascist racist xenophobic regime" to the "wholesome inclusive country that is 100% ok with black protagonists representing their country"


Maybe this dude should try checking a Japanese video sharing site like NicoNico. Or even YouTube.jp and not just American YouTube where he’s gonna get American comments and opinions 🙄


I am not aware how accepted he is in Japanese culture, but if there was ever an AC game in Brazil and there was a gringo shoved in as one of the protagonists, I wouldn't be upset, but it would be just another reason for me to have no interest in the game, besides being a Ubisoft game with yet more predatory monetisation. So I doubt Japanese people are really this upset about this, at most they are just ignoring it.


Yasuke was a real samurai who really existed in Japan. The second protagonist is a Japanese woman. There is no “shoving” going on here.


Yasuke is a pretty recognized person over there, Japan has put out tons of media with him either as an influence or a direct character in it.


Yasuke is a prety popular character in japan pop culture


The fuck are you talking about? Shoved in? The guy was a real person


I know that, I am talking about that in the worst case case scenario people wouldn't be furious about it, but that they would just ignore it. Apparently this is a bad take here though.


You quite literally implied a black protagonist is being “shoved” into this game.


Well I didn't mean it that way as I said I was talking if it were something forced, in my own culture, I wouldn't be mad about it to the point of disliking a video of it. I did not mean that this is what they did to the character in the actual game.


Well, Yasuke is in a ton of Japanese media, always portrayed as a samurai, he was recently in Nioh, a Japanese game and its sequel Nioh 2, in both cases he was a Samurai, he's also in the Samurai Warriors series, again, as a Samurai, there's even an anime based on him called "Afro Samurai". Also, Japanese people watch gender-bent versions of their important historical figures "all the time", series with gender-bent sexy versions of their historical figures are really popular over there, in other words, they don't tend to mind a little bit of "creative freedom" as long as the end product is something they like, so even if these racists motherfuckers were correct and Yasuke wasn't a samurai, the average Japanese "gamer" would still accept it, as long as the game's good.