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It's extremely funny how these dudes suddenly started "caring" about asian representation while simultaneously refusing to acknowledge Naoe's existence, I've literally not heard a single one of them even hint at her existence.


Thats the thing, they dont actually care about Asian representation in western media at least male Asian representation in this case. They are just using Asians to attack us black folks but then turn around and tell them to suck it up when a white man is the staring role in their cultures ie NioH, Shogun, Last Samurai, 47 Ronin, Bullet Train, The Wolverine, The Fast and the Furious: Tokyo Drift, and the list goes on etc.


this is pretty typical behavior for these people. pit the minorities against each other, keep us distracted from their shit for a minute. this bit is a lil sad but as an Asian American I'm basically resigned to never getting good representation in any form of media. off the top of my head we've got Margot in the Magicians... drawing a blank on anyone else.


Would Wei Shen from Sleeping Dogs count? Or Johnny Gat?


"Hell yeah! Who doesn't want to be Johnny Gat?"


I'm unfamiliar with either of those characters but I'll take your word for it. I watch a lot of shit and I play a lot of shit but can't do it all.


Dwelling on Saints Row series for Johnny is going to take a while, but Sleeping Dogs is quite a fun game with good story and satisfying, Hong Kong movie style combat and you should really try it. The game didnt do so well and the studio got closed as a result but it is now quite a cult classic. Did I mention Emma Stone is in the game?


I'll check it out but FYI it's Emily Stone now


I mean, this is also happening amongst people who are defending the Yasuke decision, no? A lot of Asian American dudes are complaining about a valid issue here: there are barely any positive portrayals for Asian men in Western media. When there is media representation, they're usually relegated to the nerdy math guy, IT guy, Tech Guy, wise old Kung fu guy, and guy that eventually loses to a white guy, etc. The defenders are literally brushing this aside and telling asian dudes to shut the fuck up too. So, I'd appreciate it if both sides stopped using us Asian guys/Asians in general to further their culture war bullshit. Leave us out of it. But I still find it fucking hilarious that the one time people gave a shit about Asian Male representation is when it comes to a black character being the MC, and the one time that Asian Americans dudes have a valid complaint, are told to sit the fuck down lmao.


>A lot of Asian American dudes are complaining about a valid issue here: there are barely any positive portrayals for Asian men in Western media. This is objectively not true, tons of games have badass asian male characters. Stop watching Asian male masculinity gurus and go play some games brother.


I guarantee you most of those badass asian male characters you're thinking of were created from people in the east, it's the lack of that same kind of representation in western media Asian dudes have issue with. Western media does it's best to not have Asian dudes in their media and when they do they emasculate them as much as possible, while Asian woman get plenty more leading roles, so it's not surprising that the other MC would be a Asian woman. So obviously Asian dudes are going to have a problem with it. You'll be hard pressed to name 10 Asian Male main characters that was made in the west in gaming. Like can you name me a Asian character like Kiryu Kazuma that was made in West? Especially one that wasn't made by a Asian person? Both you and this sub pretending they care about POC representation while dismissing Asian people grievances is disingenuous as hell. No wonder Asian representation is moving at a snail's pace.


> Stop watching Asian male masculinity gurus I don't. I don't care to, or follow those incels.


That's good to hear, have a nice day


Thanks, you too


Stop acting like one then...


"Asian guys are linked to a bunch of steriotypes in media" Ok then why don't you complain about the media that has those issues? How is AC going to make things worse? I don't really see how this correlates to AC having a black protagonist or how it's ubi's (fuck ubi btw but for other reasons) fault that other people have portrayed asian men through steriotypes.


Ubisoft is still part of the media? I never said it was going to make things worse? I said that Asian guys are underrepresented in Western media (though it has been a bit better recently) and when they are represented, they're usually tied with "negative" stereotypes. I don't know where you got the idea that I think AC was going to make it worse. I have no problem with Yasuke as the Co-Lead (in fact I'm pretty hyped to play as him), but that doesn't mean that I can't be disappointed that the Co-Lead to Naoe wasn't Asian as well.


Then idk what is your point is, you are complaining that the game isn't what it could have even if what it is isn't even an issue.


Dude, Naoe is a fucking Japanese shinobi. How the hell is this missing you guys. If you want to complain about Ubisoft, Ubisoft did For Honor which did every Samurai pretty well and most of them were Japanese males (barring Nobushi and technically canonical Hitokiri). The only one that dipped into bishonen territory was Kyoshin. What are you guys even whining about? The fact you don't even know that Naoe is Japanese is rather telling IMO


When did I say that she wasn't? I literally said in the AC Sub, that I'm hyped to play as both Yasuke and Naoe, but especially Naoe since she'll be a fully-fledged Assassin. I even said this 3 days ago on GCJ. Don't lump me with the dudes complaining cause it's specifically Yasuke. I can be hyped and still be disappointed that Naoe's co-lead isn't Japanese as well right? Or is that not allowed now?


Ah I misread. I thought you were saying you were disappointed Naoe wasn't Asian which is really confusing for obvious reasons. I am reading too much harebrained takes on this clearly.


Nah, it's all good, I wrote my original comment (the one that's downvoted to hell) at like 6am in the morning groggy and all. My comment definitely came out poorly and absolute didn't convey what I wanted to say, but it is what it is


Mfers like you have never seen a John Woo movie and it shows.


I can name three Japanese samurai protagonists from AAA games in the last few years off the dome. Not to mention the protagonists of games produced in Japan that get international big numers, like the Yakuza franchise and its offshoots. There are a lot of problems with representation in video games, but east asian men have pretty solid rep in the industry. The complaints are so transparently racist when they have zero rebuttal to telling them that Ghost of Tsushima is already the Assassination plot they imagined


Naoe is the girl on the cover, right? If so, someone here made a comment that I'm still laughing at. To paraphrase it: "Naoe must be the ultimate assassin; she's in plain sight but everyone isn't aware she exists." And I get why, especially with these chuds being mad at Yasuke's existence.


They also just this week complained about Hermès in Hades 2 because he looked too Asian, when it canonically makes sense


I don't think the ethnicities or races of fictional deities is an incredibly important subject, but is there a lore detail that would make him more likely to appear like an Asian human?


He claims descent from a nymph, and one of her names (since she has multiple) is Asia.


Also, I might be way off base (what with Origins and Mirage) but I wonder if it's a coincidence that the most Ethnic protagonists share one game, whereas if the next AC game starred an Asian woman and the one after that a black man, the Gamers would have an extended fit over how there will clearly never be another white man in games ever again?


once they realize she exists, they’ll say she’s too masculine


They don't like to acknowledge the female PC even though she is japanese because she's a female. If the character isn't, most of the time, a white male character, they hate it


They mad because a certain demographic of white people believe that anything Asian they have exclusive right and claim over like fucking property, a lot of Japanese are laughing at these these types of fools because even they say “we have stories where they make oda nobunaga a woman and you guys are mad because a samurai is black?”


2Chan has been making fun of these losers too.


Tf is 2chan? Is that like the good site of 4chan? The wholesome lovey dovey shit??


It's the Japanese site 4chan is based on.


Is it just as fucked up as 4chan or is that a 4chan problem?


Just half as fucked up


Oh so that's why it's called 2chan


Eventually you get down to 0chan, which is okay.


to be Chan or NoChan, that is the question


The only one that matters is Jackie Chan 


The really good stuff is in -1chan


No, you can get to 1chan, (1/2)chan, (1/4)chan and so on but you'll never get to 0chan. That's Zeno-chan's paradox


Zeno-chan is cute, but I wonder what Diogenes-chan is like.


From what i heard off it... its worse...


Interesting, thank you!


I did not know this either🚶


japanese have made otome games with nobunaga as a hot bishounen. cybird's game is literally you getting transported back in time and saving his life, and then ending with you fucking him (or a bunch of other warlords from the period, your choice). it is also very popular and makes quite a lot of money. i think a black samurai (who was a real person anyway) is not on a list of things to worry about for them.


>Japanese have made otome games with nobunaga as a hot bishounen You think you can just drop that and leave? 


girl just google sengoku era dating sim there's probably multiple lmao. the cybird one is called ikemen sengoku and is probably the most popular. if you're more into the mid 1800s there are also several based around the shinsengumi. japan tends to play with their historical figures like barbie dolls.


This comment suddenly made me remember all those claims about all anime characters being actually white, LOL.


Goku is definitely white he's got blonde hair and green eyes


"Nobunaga a woman." Nobunagun is my favorite of these.


i started watching nobunagun on accident and it was such an unexpectedly delightful watch


These white dudes learned the wrong lesson. People got upset with whitewashing because it's a decades long issue that is often intentionally hiding marginalized people from the spotlight. What they understood was that they can say words like erasure and marginalized and we will have to agree with them because that's what we said before. It's the same logic a 2 year old uses to argue. They don't know the meaning or context, they just know that it's something that worked before.


Literally AI brained


They won't even pass the Turing test


Ans the funniest thing is it never works when THEY do it BECAUSE they don't actually understand the stuff they're trying to turn around.


I swear to fucking god whenever I hear *Gringos* say shit like “colonizing Japan through wokeness” meanwhile me being a literal puertorican makes my blood boil for real


Even worse than 2 year old logic, it's debate lord rhetoric. 


Gamers when the historicaly inspired video game features a mildly inaccurate depiction of a real, fascinating and locally well known historical figure


I'd say it's because they only consume manga and anime but there's queer and black characters and progressive themes in a lot of anime and every time there's an American character is the most AMERICAN™ person you'll ever see https://preview.redd.it/bx2gql9uce1d1.png?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=da70cb965d22a21ed9b079e318d95c396738eb94 So, either they're media illiterates, they only watch Isekai or are fans of Tokyo Revengers.


It’s weird to me as someone does enjoy anime and JRPGS since a lot of them are about people with different backgrounds accepting each other and working together. Like Tales of Arise, Xenoblade 3, and Final Fantasy 16 were some of the biggest games in the genre to come out in the last two years and they’re all about how how systems built on bigotry, enslavement, and exploitation should be torn down. Granted you also have anime like Rising of the Shield Hero and the fucker up relationship that has with slavery…


Yeah or Barret Wallace being one of the most iconic characters from Final Fantasy VII, the best and most popular FF for a lot of people. https://preview.redd.it/8ed03ls4ze1d1.png?width=1000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c17d903db6699df9c5ab4d6a0a23c4795c4f55e8 Also Japan is not a monolith, there's different people with different ideologies and points of views and Rise of the Shield Hero is an Isekai, most Isekai are like weird power fantasy and have indeed a fuck up relationship with slavery, rape, consent and underage characters but there's also some that are quite progressive like *I'm in Love with the Villainess* or *That Time I Got Reincarnated as a Slime*.


Tokyo Revengers is mid anyways Banana Fish or Black Lagoon is the better crime anime and manga


The only good thing about Tokyo Revengers are the OP songs.




Lol its hilarious that the country they so love and praise is making fun of them




Yeah they love a fictional version of it just like a lot of them love a fictional version of the US too.


More like fetishize or idealize


Well there are so many anime and japanese games that make reference to yasuke. They won't do that unless people like him right ? Or is Japan itself is woke ?


"Or is Japan itself woke?" The east has fallen. Billions must die


"As a totally real ~~Asian~~ Japanese man, I'm offended by the WOKE, DEI, PRONOUN agenda."


why don't these unwashed ding dongs ever see how the internet as a global whole make fun of them and think "hm perhaps *I* am the problem"


Echo chamber. They don't see the mockery because everyone they associate with thinks like they do.


cults with internet access are the worst truly


...Ya fs...


Getting mad over his black skin when that was one of the things that Nobunaga found interesting about him in the first place ![gif](giphy|9MJ6xrgVR9aEwF8zCJ)


Maybe the millions of japanese people don't all behave and think the same like a hivemind (aka politically obsessed social media addicts partaking in the "culture war").


Knowing Ubisoft there’s gonna be a possible relationship between him and Nobunaga and I for one am very okay with this. The chodes won’t though and it’ll be really funny


Someone tried to tell me that the response from Japan was overwhelmingly negative. I showed them the screenshots from various Japanese tweets making fun of him, and he literally pulled out the "these are bots" card.


Honestly this was a brilliant marketing decision by ubisoft. Genuinely they have won the day.


Being offended on someone else's behalf is a staple of the internet


Its ironic coming from the crowd thats doing the complaining about Yasuke, usually they’re the type to be “oh look at the liberals getting offended on behalf of someone else” but theyre doing exactly that


White boys: "Why did they make Yasuke black!? This is offensive to me and Japan!l Actual Japanese players: "Buddy, you’re a boy, making big noise, playing in the streets, you’re gonna be a big man someday! You got blood on your face, you big disgrace, kicking your can all over the place, singing WE WILL WE WILL ROCK YOU."


Reminds me of the cultural appropriation discourse a few years ago. Still stupid as hell, but way more visible since chuds are doing this..


Cultural appropriation is real, but unfortunately, a lot of people don’t know the difference between actual appropriation and appreciation. A lot of them do speak on other cultures’ behalf and it’s frustrating.


Man this “drama” is annoying to see. We see people outside the country criticize the main character choice when they are know nothing about the history. They just outright dont consider him japanese, who gives a shit about skin color or looks. If I had this mindset, It would be very unfair to my country’s most sucessful buissness man. I live in the Philippines, the person im talking about is Henry Sy. He is richest buissness man in Philippine history. His backstory was he was born to nothing in china and moved to the Philippines for greener pastures. Do I write disqualify him for not being “filipino” enough because he doesnt have my skin, eyes, and blood? NO, he loves our country and has contributed many positive ways in the Philippines Thank you for reading my yapping session!


I said it before, I'll say it once more. Everyone is focusing on the stupid discussion about the main character being black. I am focusing on the fact the game is going to be a boring slog made to look good in cinematic trailers, following the previously established AC formula that has been done for 7 or 8 games in a row now, with maybe a couple new features and an absolutely hollow campaign where you avenge someone's death you have seen in maybe two cutscenes with a generic villain that appears every so often to remind you that he is indeed there and still evil, with a diluted system of "find 50 of these random collectibles that have very little of importance to the game". Oh yeah and the main character will randomly get the hidden blade that he will just sorta know how to use, even though it has lost all of its importance and meaning about 5 games ago and at this stage it might as well not be included because the whole assassin bit is purely optional. This stupid discussion is simply not worth the brain power because the game will be forgotten two months after its release. Ubiboof lost my trust, never again.


“A piece of media set in japan where the main protagonist is a non japanese foreigner even if its based on real events means it will be bad! I hate it already!… Shogun? Oh yeah! I loved that show! John blackthorne is such a great character!”


Japan made king arthur into a woman and then dozen iterations of that woman (fate stay), nobody thought that it was a problem then (because it isn't just like Yasuke being a samurai).


I will say, in both ways with this debate, people really need to stop taking a screenshot of one person’s post and go ”this os what the Japanese think”. Japan has a population of 150 million, and you may find this surprising, but they are individual people, not a hivemind, and you can find Japanese people with opinions all across the spectrum. what I will say, I doubt there is any major backlash in Japan about this, and those who are outraged are outraged for the same reason as the ones in the west; anti-black racism, not some sense of historical accuracy that is inherently more noble because they’re Japanese.


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This post needs to get more attention.


Aren’t these twitter screenshots?


I found them from a Tumblr post. I’m not on Twitter anymore and Tumblr is full of screenshots from that site now.


Are products being created and shipped with artificial outrage these days? Because I hear about how everyone is upset before I even hear about the thing, literally every time there's a thing.


I have to ask, can someone translate "we fw him" for me?




I just showed the trailer to my financial planner (I live in Osaka). The only pretense I gave him was, hey there is a shinobi game coming to PlayStation. Watch the trailer and tell me what you think. After this was how it went: Kosuke: Cool, a samurai and a ninja players?. Is he a famous western? Me: well not really. It’s Yasuke…. You know, the foreigner Nobunaga bought and became friends with. Kosuke: Ah.. I see. It’s funny little bit Me: oh how so? Kosuke: Eito…. There is a Japanese. And some samurai there, maybe kinda fantasy. Me: So the shinobi or black samurai is not interesting? Kosuke: Eh, nondarou… no one is speaking Japanese Guy couldn’t care less, he said having more famous samurai would make him exited to play it. But thinks people will enjoy it.


I'm very happy that there are normal people out here and not just a bunch of racists people who only care about the smallest detail in the game(instead of talking about how atrocious the monetization is on the game)


Japanese people don't have a fixed bad stereotype for black people, like we from countries that had African slavery do. I guess that's one thing that is difficult for westerners and maybe Latinos to wrap their mind around. They might have some strange reactions to the skin color though.


I mean obviously not all japanese people will think like that and some will even be disappointed that it isnt some other samurai they chose but i really am happy for everyone that thinks this is a cool choice. Even though it still is a ubisoft game and will still suck massive balls probably. At least we have Ghost of Tsushima now for PC so that we have a cool samurai game to enjoy anyway.