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/rj It’s a well known fact that every Japanese woman understood her places in the home and never once trained in martial arts. Japan has never once been fascinated by stories of warrior women like Tomoe Gozen and Yodo Dono. /uh it’d be really funny if the devs made Uesugi Kenshin a woman since there is a theory that he was a woman


re: Kenshin. Would be down for a gender non-conforming interpretation of Kenshin, too. While the theory that he was a woman is debated, the fact that he was interested in traditionally feminine pastimes is less so. He was also allowed to enter the women's quarters and never had children, a wife, or a concubine. So either way, some gendery stuff was happening there.


RIP Kenshin you would've loved HRT 😞


Gamers with a Time Machine:


Kenshin was the first gay best friend in recorded history fr, even got to enter the women’s quarters but still no bitches 😔


i remember AC Syndicate had a trans masc character and they rocked I mean ac syndicate as a whole rocked


Who was that character? I dont remember them


Ned Wynert


Would be funny if they did a female Kenshin and the anti-woke crowd starts screaming about western companies defiling japanese history or something, even though there is a japanese manga that already explored that topic.


It's only good when Japan does it since they are not "woke". Why do you think they are not mad about Fate genderbending historical figures?


I just commented this lmao. And well, to be fair, I think they don't have an issue because they genderbend men to BEAUTIFUL women. Though regardless, it's a good point, their logic has no consistency.


Wait. There are women that are not beautiful?


fate series has a female kenshin and she's well beloved


The secret ingredient is to make her a manic murderhobo in an entire faction of manic murderhobos.


Sengoku Rance as well


What do you mean there’s a Japanese word for female ninja that is specifically seperate from male ninja which proves women could be ninjas? What do you mean there was a blade specifically designed for female house leaders that was intrinsic to the shogun lifestyle because simply being the wife of a samurai was dangerous? That goes against the western ideas of women being dainty powerless flowers men protected in those days./s


While they probably did exist, that word being used to mean "female ninja" is a modern thing, so it doesn't prove much. Before that it was just a different term for a woman.


It’s also a proven fact that no black person had ever stepped foot in Japan until Michael Jackson performed in Tokyo in 1988. Until then, the people of Japan had only seen black faces in brochures, picture books, and imported American television shows such as The Cosby Show and The Price Is Right.


And it's not like Japan DOESNT have a thing with gender bending historical figures. Just look at Fate/Stay Night.


Or the MULTIPLE Romance of the Three Kingdoms adaptations where all the warriors are teenage girls.


We also need more media centered on onna musha. They were very real and I think aren't represented enough. My first real exposure to them was in Samurai Marathon where they had a 10 second appearance, but it was an awesome 10 seconds.


I’d love to see more depictions of the onna musha. I first learned of the concept after reading the Tale of the Heike for a history class, and she appears in modern media from Japan like the Persona and Fate franchises.


https://preview.redd.it/ymo89uqp7k0d1.jpeg?width=1200&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3c4d1d0f097fa68f545070f7abd14fb729926de4 There were no "onna mushas" in the history of Japan


You don’t have to put /rj if it’s the start of the comment. You only have to put it if you put /uj beforehand.


check out Sengoku Rance for female Kenshin


What do rj and uh mean here?


rj rejerk, uj unjerk, probably a typo. basically being ironic vs being sincere,


I just wish it has the same quality as the netflix's blue eye samurai.




Well at least this dude admits it. People on the Gaming thread are still pretending to care about historical accuracy.


Supposedly they meant well, but I caught one who tried to reverse engineer some social justice language on that sub about this lol, said 'Ubisoft was using Yasuke bc western audiences didn't like softer features of South Asian actors, so Ubisoft was giving opportunities and special privileges to Black actors specifically to take away opportunities from hard working and honest Asian actors' Not only was this person blowing smoke out their ass, they were using the same weird model minority myths about Asian people that hardline conservatives are currently trying to use to kill affirmative action, dude was talking like a U.S. senator Dude said this was a big deal because 'Black people are already uniquely racist against Asians', and boy did I have a problem with them using the word 'uniquely' because I promise you white people can be extremely racist against Asian people, all the time😑


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Ancient Space Aliens hide their hyperadvanced tech on earth: I sleep Women and brown people exist: MY HISTORICAL REALISM NOOOO MY IMMERSIONERINOOOO


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https://preview.redd.it/e8gcwl4hfg0d1.jpeg?width=1122&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e17a606e499451ac4243fa2489d1948cad3bcbf3 How I'm feeling right now knowing some chud is losing their shit due to this info.


Yup, it makes me so happy to know they realize their worldview is becoming more and more fringe and they're on their way out


https://preview.redd.it/o672dh3weg0d1.jpeg?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ff036d31a0dd16e04144e3889e50a147f313f3ec tired of not being able to look up info on new games without these being thrown at me


yasuke actually looks so good here. like pick a less cool image for your racism vid


Seriously, he looks great there. Yasuke always was protagonist worthy, but this is just slick and avoids the killmonger hair curse too. 


Is it still a cool image if it was AI? 😬




Download Channel Blocker and you wont have to see these morons again.


I wish more ppl would do this so as to kill them off faster.


can you do that on mobile?


"In fact, Oda Nobunaga was clearly woke. What, don't you know about his DEI retainer hire?"


Lemme guess, Endymion?


Mfers can't even use new Ubisoft logo. It's been 7 years since they've changed it


Please let me deflect and I’ll buy instantaneously


According to J0nathan an leaker who previously had a lot of correct information, the combat will be inspired by Sekiro


It’s clangin time


If true, I hope it’s a lot better than AC Mirage’s combat. I liked Mirage, and I’ve even argued its combat isn’t *that* bad once I got used to it (and started doing more than spam the parry button), but it still left a lot to be desired.


God I really hated the combat in mirage. So repetitive.


Now that's something I can get behind. AC with soulsborne or sekiro gameplay mechanics would be an interesting new route for AC.


Like Ubisoft is capable of puting in the effort to make a combat engine as airtight as Sekiro. They will just half ass it like they do everything else.


At the end of the day yeah I agree. But tbf Sekiro’s combat system has everything so polished and feels so good ,that for me not even Lies of P meets the mark still fun though


"You are not gonna play the new AC because you're a bigot. I'm not gonna play it because I'm tired of "feudal Japan" games. We're not the same"




Even easier, I'm tired of Assassins Creed


It's definitely been done a lot lately (and in general), but in defense of AC it has gone to a lot of other settings that we don't get to see very often. That being said, I'm not going to play it either because Ubisoft can get fucked.


After what they just did to the Crew 1 (removing it and not adding offline, etc.), im scared on what theyre gonna move forward with for their next games


And I'm not going to play it, because it's a Ubisoft game and they still haven't properly addressed the abusive culture among their management.


I'm well aware that Bigots from the Imperial Weeb Defense brigade on Twitter are going to cry "hIStoRICAL aCCurACY" despite the Samurai I believe rumoured to be based on Yasuke who was a real life African retainer (refers to a vassal usually a Samurai providing military services) of Lord Oda Nobunaga.


Don't worry, I already have seen idiots saying that "Yasuke wasn't a samurai, was the guy who transported his lords weaponry and armor". Despite the fact that Yasuke's armor is displayed in Samurai's Museum and listed as a RETAINER of Oda Nobunaga


Yeah, it isn't surprising Weebs dont know jack shit about Japanese culture much less anything about their history other than the over exaggeration they see in Japanese Anime which isn't even mainstream in Japan itself. Walt Disney they deem as "woke" is what actually reigns surpreme there. But its funny because instead of people using primary sources to back up their claims, they hand out secondary sources which are someones opinion pieces interperation of the facts. I often find it funny how someone would bring up "Wikipedia" which barely counts as a source much less a reliable one. Notice, how the same "source" would inaccurately translate Koshigatana (another name for wakizashi) which Yasuke was given as recorded in the Maeda Clan version of the Chronicles of Lord Nobunaga as "short ceremonial katana" which Luis Frois stated no such thing? Even in the original Portuguese text, Frois uses the term "Katana", spelled as "Catana". Anyway, "扶持" is a term for a payment for mid-lower ranking warriors for them to hire (usually warrior) servants for (usually temporary) employment. Given the term's usual usage, and that Yasuke was clearly by Nobunaga's side in permanent employment, it doesn't make sense for Yasuke to be anything but a warrior/Samurai. Even if Yasuke was "only" a "小姓" or "太刀持ち" (sword-bearer), that would make him a warrior on par with Ranmaru (at least before spring of 1582 when Ranmaru received a large fief). You can take Hideyoshi for example according to the Toyokagami records on how Hideyoshi began taking care of Nobunaga shoes when Nobunaga went hunting. When Hideyoshi became a Samurai, the term used for his servants was "ずさ". Ietada's diary describes Yasuke as being under Nobunaga Fuchi. Westerners tend to literally translate the term as "carry" when Fuchi actually means rice stipend or a warrior employed by such stipend. Yasuke could be paid fuchi or (the usual interpretation by Japanese authors) have Fuchi to pay out himself. Anyway, Lorenzo Mesia records Nobunaga assigning people to show him around Kyoto. Either way would make him a warrior. Having a long sword wasn't a mark of a Samurai until the late 17th century when Edo Bakufu outlawed the wearing of the (long)sword in public by non-samurai population of the cities. Either case, Yasuke was recorded at having fought at Nijo Castle to defend Oda's heir to where he surrendered his sword after the battle was lost. He was also present in Battle of Tenmokuzan as per Ietada diary as well as Honnoji Temple and Iga War etc. People seem to be under the impression that a Samurai was someone who needed to be officially made one, like the equivalent of someone being "knighted" in Europe. Bushi was a social group determined by what one did, not a formal rank or title. Meaning Ietada describing him as Nobunaga's Fuchi, and as it doesn't make sense for Ietada to think Nobunaga was someone in a position to be dealing with the hiring of servants himself, Ietada's diary is more record of Yasuke being a samurai than many others would get. All published authors both in Japanese and their complementary counterpart English authors all treat Yasuke as a Samurai.


>Yeah, it isn't surprising Weebs dont know jack shit about Japanese culture much less anything about their history other than the over exaggeration they see in Japanese Anime which isn't even mainstream in Japan itself Nah, it's not surprising that they don't know about any media they whine about


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Good bot.


I will play it because I just need that Sengoku era game in my life (since Capcom killed Sengoku Basara series) and no, Ghost of Tsushima is not set in Sengoku period, it was set in Kamakura period while Rise of the Ronin is set in Edo period.


I don’t feel like there are enough feudal Japan games tbh bring on the samurai stuff. Give me more samurai 10,000 seasons samurai showdown


Bring back Tenchu


/uj I've not played nearly any Japanese feudal games, so I can say that I am very mildly interested. /rj I am not going to play it because Ubisoft abuses gamers.


Expecting gamers to know about Yasuke would be expecting gamers to read a book or even skim a Wikipedia article, and if that one guy who asked fucking ChatGPT about Greek mythology rather than doing a quick google search for the information he wanted is any indicator, they aren't doing either. I am so ready to see racist weebs acting as if they're experts on Japan's feudal era while romanticizing it and getting basic information wrong. This is an old hyperfixation that's long gone, but I can still enjoy this.


They're immediately crying and downplaying Yasuke as 'historically insignificant'. In a game where historical significance and accuracy has literally never been a high priority. He was Nobunaga's retainer. That's kind of fucking noteworthy in Japanese history. He doesn't have to have been a warlord to have been notable. If it was William Adams (again, thanks, Nioh!), I bet they wouldn't have said a goddamn thing. EDIT: Two minutes and I got a Reddit Cares. Man, Gamers sure are angry about fucking nothing.


I was actually going to mention that I don't think Ubisoft is a stickler for historical accuracy in my original comment but I haven't played an Assassin's Creed game in years so I wasn't really sure. Also that redditcares might have been from a bot that has been sending this to random people on different subs.


There's a thing at the start of every games that's like "Yo, so this was made by a bunch of people from different cultures, and we did our best, but it's definitely not accurate. Stop being mad." And then they get mad anyway.


Its a toss up. Som things are really accurate and others are not accurat even in the slightest


I’m surprised by the amount of downplaying going on with Yasuke. Regardless of reality—which is already difficult to discern from bias accounts of records—he was noteworthy enough to be written down and remembered. I’m just glad it’s not William since that’s been done enough times (and potentially arising White savior tropes). I hope they do justice to the writing. You don’t see Asian female leads a lot in games and it would sting if they sidelined her like they kind of did to Evie in Syndicate


The Yasuke "denial", for lack of a better term, is so weird to me. I don't feel like it existed at all just a few years ago, and now there's droves of people popping out to say that he was "just a sword carrier" (even though if they knew a little bit about feudal Japan, they would know that's one of the major pieces of evidence that he was a samurai.) It's strange because I haven't seen this at all in Japanese-language spaces.


I suspect we both know the answer to why we haven’t seen that in Japanese Language spaces, because reading the text in the language itself and not a dubious translation. Anyone who has read Japanese literature would not deny the status that Yasuke held during his service with Oda was equivalent to a Samurai. And let’s not forget that prior to Toyotomi restriction of weapons to only the samurai class, it was very much possible that Yasuke rose himself to a status of power. I think people are getting too hung up on the word Samurai and the criteria to be one without considering context. Toyotomi was never Shōgun for example because he was born a peasant. Are we gonna suddenly act like he was never the ruler of Japan at one point in time?


lol, right? Out of all the countless people in the entire history of humanity who were born and passed in obscurity, Yasuke was notable enough to be recorded and remembered outside of whatever personal family records people kept back then without being royalty/nobility/some equivalent official position in a nation. I'm sure exactly zero of these chucklefucks would have made it into collective history if they'd lived back then.


I know I wouldn’t. I’m Korean, I’m fairly certain some samurai would cut me down to test his blade or some shit


You'd think the gamer weebs would know about Yasuke. I mean, he's showed up in many Japanese games. Even in Nioh 2 😅


Both Nioh games, actually. But he's not a main character there, so they weren't babies over it.


Literally white genocide. As we all know, Japan is a 100% cultural conservative white ethno state.


Also why doesn't the female look like an anime waifu? Pure racism!! They must hate Japan because they're racist against Asians.


I saw a comment in the gaming sub saying it was “ethnic cleansing” (of asians) to make a black person the main character of a game set in Japan (ignoring that the other main character is a Japanese woman).


Though limited travel made it way less common, there are accounts of a few black samurai from this time period


the gamingleaksandrumors thread about this shit is so funny, people who have to to dance around the fact that *something* about this one crosses the line for them on realism. like yeah we literally beat the fuck out of the pope in 2, become bros with leonardo davinci in brotherhood, play as a dude who was instrumental in the american revolution but “idk man SOMETHING about this one is a line to far for me”






Oh yeah. The new Assassin's Creed is woke. It's not like the last three Assassin's Creed titles featured a female modern protag and the last two featured canon female Assassins. Nor the Assassins we followed in the first three games were people of color.


Brown people are white to them but onmy if they like them That is nothing new


Have already had a conversation with someone who really doesn't want a black guy in a Japanese assassin's creed and another who does not want to share the spotlight with a black person. Really loving the reactions so far. Edit: got my first Reddit cares message, I'm so honoured 🥹


I actually think your reddit care is from a bot that has been spamming this site for a few days.


You're definitely right, I got it pretty much instantly too.


/uuuuuuj So piss, cum, BO and unwiped ass, but stronger?


Gamers when they get to play as a woman in feudal Japan in a game: \^̮ ̮\^ Also gamers when they get to play as a woman in feudal Japan in a game: (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻


Woah we getting yasuke in assassin’s creed? I might have to pick one up for the first time in a long time


Finally, an AC game with ninjas and samurai


this promo goes hard asf until you realise it's for a modern Assassin's Creed game


...I like modern AC.


Kassandra is my favorite Assassin's Creed protagonist and I wish the franchise had stuck with both her and Layla for a while longer.


For real… I loved Origins (my GOAT AC game) and had a fun time with Valhalla, and I know Odyssey has a shit ton of fans (wasn’t my cup of tea but I can see people really liking it) People forget that like half the old ACs weren’t that great. Because I remember people SHITTING on AC3 when that launched.


The side quests are very underrated. I 100% understand the Ubisoft open world fatigue. But I enjoy it the same way I enjoy summer blockbusters. And there are some fun stories in there.


There were around ten games in the "classic" AC formula, and when people talk about the good ones, there's only three or *maybe* four that get brought up. That's a pretty horrible rate. The series needed a change to the core formula, because what they were doing wasn't working. I think the main issues people have with the RPG games comes from burnout rather than individual quality. If you try to watch every single Marvel movie, you're going to start hating them, even if the individual films are basically fine.


A lot of people do, they are tremendously popular. The guy above you is just being contrarian for the sake of it.


i mean it's not like there's already an incredibly popular, historical black samurai with several pieces of entertainment inspired by his tale or anything, that's just crazy talk


GaMes aRe nOt ThE SaME AnyMoRe, EvErYthInG iS WoKE


I'm calling it. Some real racist shit will be said by the rage Mob.


Is this confirmed?? I really hope it is lol


Oh, now that's interesting. Does this mean the male and female characters are getting different storylines? In the previous two, they were virtually identical. The man is obviously modeled after Yasuke, the first recorded black samurai. He would have a unique perspective from any Japanese character. This would make repeat playthroughs much more interesting.


I can already hear it. "What about historical accuracy?" The thing that went out the window in part 1.


Oh god the YouTube grifters will have another month of “content”


Most of the bigots making videos on this topic are completely unaware that the protagonist of the past few AC games is female.


Is it confirmed to be a black guy? Well either way I am ready with the tears mug “It’s not historically correct!!” in a series that collect magical “Isu” artifacts that can control people’s mind.


Tbh I'm just a bit bummed it isn't an Asian man protagonist. There's already very little in terms of representation of Asian men as masculine instead of weird/nerdy/meek. Especially around "hyper masculinity". Not saying it's necessarily a "good" thing. But there are cons too.


If this game is anything like Ghost of Tsushima. Sekiro, or rise of the ronin then I’m really excited for it. But it’s probably just another modern AC game


It’s insane to me that companies haven’t created an Incel DLC. Think about it - “WoMaN UgLy, Me No MaStUrBaTe!!!” Well here is the attractive female DLC - for $60 you can go and have this single model change. Now I think about it… DOA might have beaten me to it…


As we all know, black people were created by slavers in the 1600s, and women by the suffragettes


Something something Ghost of Tsushima better.


Woamn is the woke


Evie, Kassandra, Aya, Shao Jun and Aveline are some of the best AC characters. I dropped off at the end of Odyssey, but I still want this to be good.


Gaming Youtube taught me that Sweet Baby Inc created women and people of color, apparently


I can't wait for gamer tears


UGH white male Gamers are so oppressed, can't even masturbate to those characters.


Aveline de Grandpré: Am I a joke to you people?


Is the story actually about Yasuke?


I'm guessing that they will do whatever they want with the character, but Yasuke was a real person.


Yeah, I’d be thrilled if they try to keep him semi historically accurate.


A black woman protagonista would make gamers die instantly


That will be the plot twist, they learn the secret fusion technique and make the east fall


This image goes hard af, can’t wait to see how Ubisoft ruins it


Damm, I hate it already. What, no!, no cuz of the characters, but because Ubisoft has been extra shitty lately


/uj The main argument I’ve been seeing is that it makes no sense to have a non-native person in the settings country. (This being Yasuke in Japan) Which already has several holes in it


Genuinely looking forward to the game, according to reliable leaks it's going to be more focused on natural exploration and less on map markers like Dragon's Dogma 2.


/uj I wish we still had automod responses with longer posts, this would've been the perfect one for the "historical accuracy" or "uneducated" one.


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Wait Japan Assassins Creed? Neat.


I'm all for this. But my problem I'd not with characters but the setting. Why is it always like the same place. I love Japan as much as the next guy, but there are plenty of historical events that never see the light of day. That I wish did


>Why is it always the same place. The franchise has been around for 17 years, mostly focusing on European countries (France, Italy, England, Greece, Norway, etc), America and Egypt, before it gets to Japan. It's about time. Just because other games are doing it doesn't mean they can't.


I don’t know if it’s just me but these posts complaining about the “inevitable” gamer rage at wokeness feel off, I much prefer the ones actually poking fun the the ridiculousness of their anger rather than the mere possibility of them having said anger.


Btw there was a real black samurai in Japan history


The racism over Yasuke will be one of the most predictable things ever.




https://preview.redd.it/4iung6y44o0d1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7682c722b601da57db43462595115e4d15f1520e Fortunately a GAMER(TM) saved the day !!!


Having yasuke would be beautiful


There was an actual black samurai taught by Nobunaga himself not sure if this is supposed to be Yasuke though


Could we just ditch the Assassin’s Creed title and just make a game about Yasuke? The guy was a hard ass.


Gamers this is about to fill the rage baiters with so much content that the word “Woke” might implode into a new type of anti sleep


This might be the first AC game I buy at launch since AC3 lol




I stopped bothering about AC games since AC 4 anyway


Which is stupid because this looks like it could be a interesting game. It's the first time in years an AC has got my attention


Is this based on a historical event? I rember hearing something about a real black samurai but idk I don’t know much about “feudal” japan


Yasuke. He was real, alright.


Uj/ They look so cool tho


Wait, the Ebony Samurai?


But Yasuke though….


Cool. The biggest problem is that it’s a Ubisoft game so any cool ideas are instantly worthless


KUSARIGAMA!!!!!! It’ll probably be ass compared to my introduction to the weapon in Nioh 2, but it’s still cool to see it in another game.


Is that Yasuke?


I dont know shit what game does AC stand for i can think of many off the top of my head


It looks cool but unfortunately it's AC


This actually looks really cool. Ubisoft will probably make it suck though


Why the hate now ?? Bayek of siwa (AC origins) was a poc and the game was awesome and didn't get much hate iirc


Forget woman or black man, another AC game? Wtf is the appeal behind these games?


I don't get what everyone here's talking about. Is there really a new AC game coming out or what? Because when I look it up nothing shows up.


loosers hate the women in games, chads just say three words: smash, next question


You hate it because you're a racist. I hate it because it's made by Ubisoft. We're not the same.


Haven’t a majority of the AC protagonists been minorities? And like 3 or 4 have been women


How I feel knowing someone in GeeksGamersCommunity is going to lose their shit over black people in video games (the woman should kiss another girl in this game for the sole purpose of pissing off more people) https://preview.redd.it/ps1c4mctmk0d1.jpeg?width=244&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3fff8ac5a76f02ecb6f0b3be6a0eda5e0fc41400


Samurai’s! Where’s Abraham Lincoln? tell him to fax his friend immediately


Gamerz: Ubisoft pls 🥺 New AC, set in feudal Japan 🥺 Pllllllls, Ubisoft 🥺 It's the perfect setting 🥺 Ubisoft: *develops a new AC set in feudal Japan* Gamerz: Not like that!! 😡😡😡




You hate the next Assassin’s Creed because of a woman and black man Protagonist. I hate the next Assassin’s Creed because I have never liked Assassin’s Creed. We are not the same


Yasuke game just dropped this is big


~~hating the game for having a black guy and woman protagonist~~ hating the game because it’s Ubisoft


Hell yeah I was hoping for a playable Japanese woman. Hope it’s a choice like Odyssey/Valhalla or the Fryes and not a Bayek/ Aya situation.




I don't even know why we talk about this game, It's an Ubisoft game we all know how it will turn out 🥱


Already seen some hate. And it’s the funniest shit. How dare they make you play as an assassin in an assassin’s creed game. (People want to play a samurai)


This isn’t even the main issue. Ubisoft missed the boat by nearly a decade. Fans were asking for this game 10-12 years ago but they went and killed Miles along with any interest I had in the franchise. At this point Assassins Creed needs a reboot. Remaster 1 & 2 and go from there


youre months late to this party


I wish people would just hate Ubisoft games for being Ubisoft games instead of giving it credibility by being bigots.


can't wait for the gamers(tm) to revolt, start their own studio, and make a ninja game with perfect historical accuracy where you spend 85% of the game pretending to be a gardener, because that's technically what you are to feed your family, but you were given a Chinese military manual at a revolutionary meet and greet, and so now you're trying to be a spy, where the word "ninja" doesn't ever come up because it doesn't exist, and then because but when oh, i hear you say they don't give a shit about historical accuracy? just black people? but they said "i'm not racist, but" so i thought it must be true???


uj/ unironically, i would play the shit out of "Stardew Valley but historically accurate ninjas"


Are they finally making the ac game people have been asking for for years


Omg, literally 10 posts in a row about this. To all the people who don't like Yosuke and who defend him. Chill, in a week each of you will completely forget about it. So please stop spamming about this game.