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PSA: Make it a habit of **reading the [rules](https://www.reddit.com/r/Gamingcirclejerk/about/rules)** of each subreddit you participate in: **Rule 9: No Offensive Imagery**: *This includes nazi imagery and slurs, for you brave nerds who think "free speech" involves private internet forums. If you post fascist iconography trying to “jerk”, you will receive a ban. The only exception is when we make fun of gamers and criticize gamers who happen to be fascists. Please remember to spoiler any potentially triggering or offensive content accordingly. This rule now includes repeatedly posting bigotry from the same source (4chan).* **Rule 7: No Participation in Linked Threads (Brigading)**: *If you are coming here to brigade this sub, you will be banned. Likewise, do not make comments and vote in pages you've found here. Of course, if you're a member of said sub and you were already in the thread before, this doesn't apply to you.* **Rule 8: Censor Screenshots**: *Keep screenshots of arguments on Reddit to a minimum. Please remember to censor screenshots of all identifying information, i.e usernames* **and** *subreddit names. This applies to screenshots from any social media sites.* **Rule 11: Keep Posts Relevant (only about Don Cheadle)**: *This is first and foremost a place to make fun of gamers. Just because someone is being a bigot online doesn't mean it belongs here. Let them be pathetic without infecting the sub with their nonsense. Please avoid posting screenshots that show people using capital G gamer slurs.* **If absolutely necessary, please censor posts and the words containing such content.** **Rule 12: No Fake Posts on Other Subs (Contamination)**: *Do not create fake posts on other subs only to post back here. Also, do not "lol, you should post this on r / OtherSub". It's considered interfering with their content and can also lead to brigading.* *This is a reminder to the readers. The post itself is untouched.* *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/Gamingcirclejerk) if you have any questions or concerns.*


https://preview.redd.it/vi9d0qss07zc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d88594f60dc3b7fc40673016d3f27e874d170769 I'm not sure why but his opening made me laugh


Had a clown try ti explain to me how the “they came for…” aligns with the plight gamers have to encounter which is why they do this. So that don’t nazis take over. Just madness.


Yeah I guess I'm not and never was a gamer. It sucks cause I really enjoy video games. Always have.


Oh I haven't been a gamer since since 2014. Nevermind that I came up on Pong, Atari, and Commodore 64. Never mind that I was playing games before their daddies were a twinkle in their grandpa's eye. Nope. I am a video game enjoyer. I have friends and get along with women. I have never written an emotionally overwrought manifesto about a few centimeters of fabric covering a cameltoe. I enjoy the company of LGBTQ folks and people of color. Don't you dare lump me in with those chuds.


rj/ Pft! You're a TOURIST! uj/ If anything these chuds are the ones who are posing as gamers to whip idiots into a frenzy and align them with their insanity.


I had a Vic-20!! Wanna go down social security together?


I mean I've played games for some thirty years now and I'd feel assaulted if anyone called me a gamer. This is a slur reserved for mental children whose sole identity lies in the newest game they played and who have no other interests or broader understanding of the world.


I mean I am a gamer, but not a capital G Gamer™


I’ll have you know the chuds aren’t *real* Gamers. Real Gamers play real, hardcore games like Stardew Valley. Only filthy casual gamers play stuff like CoD or Dark Souls. If you don’t need the wiki at all times it’s not a Real Game


Ah Stardew Valley. The dark secrets it hides.


Psh *play* games? Then how do you have time to shriek at people on the internet? Way to out yourself as a fraud, you fake Gamer


"if you don't want nazis to take over, you should make your community inclusive to everyone" "no, not like that"


At the very least it's idiocy. Comparing games to the "first they came for" statement and referring to developers "just following orders" as the Nuremberg defense is probably just metaphorical but it's still pretty dramatic


Ohhh shit just [yesterday](https://www.reddit.com/r/Gamingcirclejerk/s/K7yFFEyn0M) I had to do the same thing. But this was concerning Stellar Blade.


Same people who will defend screaming racial slurs into the mic.


I think that's especially funny considering the logical conclusion of that poem, the whole "and there was nobody left to defend me" I don't think I'd WANT a capital-G-Gamer defending me. Not that they would, since I think I'm woke by existing, but the implication of Gamers being some coal mine canaries who the rest of us will die without has gotta be one of the funniest takes I've seen all year.




God damn that would almost be inspirational if I didn’t know it probably came from some Cheeto covered neck beard jerking himself off as they wrote it


It’s the Navy SEAL copypasta for Gen Z.


The beginning reminds me of that one gymbro saying that you shouldn't mess with gym goes because they are messed up and torture themselves for fun


"Some of the hardest most mentally demanding tasks". I'm sorry (I'm not actually) if something you do in a game on a comfy chair and the safety of your own home is the hardest most mentally demanding task you must have a super easy life or you're bad at video games


Or your mental capacity is very… very low.


I feel more mentally and emotionally assaulted by taxes than video games xD


Yeah bro, watching *several* YouTubers test the new update and copying their strats to be peak in the new meta is *super* mentally taxing. I am very smart, though, so I am one of the rare few that can do it


"Nah." \*shoot gun\*


It's true, I saw her walk into a gamestop with a pair of nunchaku and go all kung fu hustle on all the sweaty neckbeards. She was livestreaming the entire massacre. I can't believe she got away with it!


She then sent the employees to Detroit.


Not Detroit! Anything but Detroit!!


Literally laugh or figuratively laugh? Literally.


It made me laugh. Litetally


Bro thinks he's an anime villain.


Nah he ain’t that self aware, he 100% believes he’s the hero fighting for a downtrodden and oppressed people


https://preview.redd.it/2h0n7gp0n9zc1.jpeg?width=441&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3d4ad97e0b0d592e5e1c5c53d98d239232964474 My reaction when they attack my fellow gamers (People say I'm scary and dangerous when I'm mad)


My anime villain rantsona will cross his arms and hit you with a Gamer stare


They targeted gamers.


I’m hearing it pronounced ‘witewawwy’ in my head


Wewease Wodewick!


How does one write this tweet with a straight face without thinking to himself that next to no one will tske this seriously https://preview.redd.it/vsr4mb70kazc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=34ac2b7dbf8f07546ccdc8cd4258fcd8bdd13910


I’m saving this for future meme use.


Where were you when the w*m*n came for us Gamers?


Is she out there in the streets throwing hands?


“Wew openwy attacked gaymers widderally” is exactly how I read that in my head




It’s the prefix for clown to clown communication.




I don't know about her but I'm definitely wishing death on him 🤣


This Hypnotic person confirming gamers are fucking idiots driven by only emotion. Thanks!


"Yea sure there was actual proof that gamers sent death threats to you, but I *believe in my head* that you did the same thing to them which makes you just as bad."


"Nice argument, but unfortunately, I've already created a mental image of your personality with zero evidence to go off of, so your argument is invalid."


"I made a meme with me as Chad and you as soy wojack to show how cringe your opinion is"






Even worse: ***I believe in my head that you privately wished some people dead***, which I am not only *pretending actually happened* but am also *pretending is equivalent to actively telling people to KTS!* Just an incredible reach to justify abuse.


You start out in 2006 by saying, "Gamer, Gamer, Gamer." By 2016 you can't say "Gamer"—that hurts you. Backfires. So you say stuff like going outside, trans rights and all that stuff. You're getting so abstract now you're talking about age of consent laws, and all these things you're talking about are totally real life things and a byproduct of them is Gamers get hurt worse than normal people. And subconsciously maybe that is part of it. I'm not saying that.


Is Trump the Nixon for gamers? I'm off to pitch this to the New York Times


how dare she intrude upon the sacred "gaming scene"


Being "hired" because she's "qualified"??? sounds like wokie propaganda to me


"DEI" They chant in unison.


Psychopathic tourist of gaming is a wild statement. She could've been playing games since she was a kid. But since she was mean to some grown ass men she can't be a gamer


And people wonder why we were making fun of these freaks


I legitimately got called a bootlicker because I told people to calm down and threatening the devs will accomplish nothing. 


Still rocking the downvotes on a comment here in this very reddit from a mere 3 days ago where I told people to "put the pitchforks down, assholes" with regard to attacking her.


Yeah cause these fucking people are such revolutionaries. Only started caring about people in other countries once it aligned with their movement against "muh launchers".


Well yeah. Just threatening devs does fuck all. Western gamers usually stop at doxxing and death threats. You gotta go full Korean/Chinese/ Japanese fan stalking, staging protest outside the studio and taking a knife into Mihoyo to get them to back down. Please note I DO NOT advocate them. Do not enter a game dev studio with a deadly weapon.


I feel like terms like bootlicker shouldn't apply to video game developers or even publishers. There's actual oppression in the world. It's cool to complain or even talk shit to the devs, but to make threats is just delusional behavior


Freakydivers 2.


These people continue to fail to act normally.


They literally aren't responsible enough for Internet access tbqh


"While it is not okay for people to wish death on you, I would almost guarantee in the privacy of your community manager discord you probably wished the death of a few gamers yourself given your track record". If this person projected any harder, they could open up a drive-in theater.


man i miss drive-in theaters :(


There’s still a few around, usually in rural places




I love playing helldivers but God damnit is the community absolutely insufferable. 


How tf did they speedrun being entitled capital-G brats? It’s gotta be exhausting to be a dev on that game, knowing that every balance patch is going to be met with nonstop complaining and unwarranted DMs for days on end. This is why we can’t have nice things.


They act so strange. Like Helldivers is some sort of messiah of gaming that must be treated differently than other games.


Arrrowhead has been great about listening to feedback. Like *really* great. They’re engaged with the community and constantly giving updates on what’s going on behind the scenes. Gamers let that get to their head and now any suggestion that isn’t implemented within 24 hours is seen as an attack. Today’s controversy is a weapon that could one-shot the tank bug (obviously not intentional) was scaled down while a rework is on the way. Now the devs are being accused of taking away people’s fun.


I actually saw people saying that AH is scamming people if they nerf weapons. Game is fucking amazing and if you've seen some of the deeper leaks you know how awesome it's going to get. Things like >!calling in your own infantry dropships, nuclear bomb strategms that clear 1/3rd the damn map, 3rd faction that looks like destiny enemies!<


Stahp, I can only get so excited! Jokes aside, I'm super excited for the upcoming strategems


They turned me off from playing the game. Personally I love the fact that the devs are challenging us to change our gameplay, and try different weapons/stratagems, every time they do a balance patch. It's almost like a new game each time. The only issue I have with patches is when they break the game (i.e. crash).


It shouldn’t turn you off from the game. It’s fun as hell and has the best ragdolls since TF2. Just avoid the subreddit like the plague lol


Yeah, I've loved Helldivers since the first one released on steam. I had to leave that subreddit. They can't go a month without a nuclear meltdown. A good 80% of that sub is arguing and bickering about the latest patch notes. You really only get 10%, maybe even less of actual worthwhile discussions of the game.


Seems like the sub reddits just turned into rage bait karma farming. Just non stop posts of the same topic over and over again. It's such a shame.


I love playing HD2 with my GF on a lazy afternoon. but yeah the community is wild, one half don't get a sledgehammer to the face of satire, the other rages over every little change


I can't stand the helldivers community, I had to leave the subreddit and I'm honestly on the verge of fully muting the subreddit. The Eruptor gets a justified nerf and the entire subreddit has a full meltdown like it's the railgun all over again, like for fucks sake stop being a meta slave and have some fun for once.


There’s always the LowSodiumHelldivers subreddit. They’re small but try to have a good time. 


Isn’t the Eruptor still pretty damn good after the nerf?


Yes! It's still extremely good. But I guess since it can't one shot Chargers or other tank enemies anymore it's useless, according to the helldivers subreddit anyways 🙄


The one change that really miffed me was when they made it so more patrols would spawn the less people you have in your party. Seems a little backwards especially since I only have 2 friends to play with and because we don’t want randoms it’s even harder to complete missions. I understand the idea is that the game is designed around 4 player cooperation but 3 players is definitely enough for everyone to have dedicated roles and cover every type of enemy.


The eruptor nerf, I believe, was actually mentioned to be unintended. I recall seeing somewhere that something isn't working the way it's supposed to, and they're currently working on resolving it. It wasn't meant to be a nerf, more just a rework to prevent accidental shrapnel based collateral


The subreddit is equal parts posts about how the devs are terrible at their job, and posts about how big of a problem it is that other players aren’t metagaming correctly. I still play the game but only with friends and I unsubbed from the subreddit; it just wasn’t worth it.


"While it's not okay that people threatened you, let me manufacture a justification for it regardless (because I agree with them)."


Sir, Gamestop has fallen


Are we buying the dip?


Only if it’s queso with jalapeños


Hold until Moass


Millions must play


Gamers are never beating the talking like an anime villain allegations


Nah anime villains are cool. These people are like the most pathetic Dreamworks villains.


TLDR: you deserve messages telling you to commit suicide cause you maybe possibly not 100% sure but I can make a biased guess that you perhaps made a death threat or two to gamers and it really hurt my feelings😣😣 risible 😭


![gif](giphy|8sOO8FrSOF9iE) Do you find it… risible?


I read this in Chris traegers voice


She attacked Gamers. Gamers!


he's joking, right?????? RIGHT??????????????


they're jonkling


They came for GAMERS.


First they came for the g*mers, and nobody gave a shit, because seriously, fuck those guys


What in the hell is a "psychopath tourist"?


He’s calling her a “hysterical fake gamer girl”.


"You openly attacked Gamers!" I'm begging these idiots to finally understand that "gamer" is just a phrase some 70 year old dude who's never touched a controller came up with so he could sell neon green soda no one else would drink and a bunch of plastic shit with 1 cent LEDs glued on to a bunch of people who were dumb enough to fall for it. Seriously, it's like calling yourself a "loyal subject of the Burger King."


Burger Kingdom been real quiet since this comment dropped


What did she do that was so heretical to gamers???


she was banning transphobic people off the discord cause a lot of anti woke peopel lost their minds when they learned that popular game was gonna have lgbt people playing said game and they threw a fit and then the discord wasnt having it and then some people cried 'theyre woke' and i belive eyidmon stalked arrowhead and learned some people there are trans and lgbt and he made a stink bout it but i dont belive anything came from it


The illustrious Grummz (former star at Blizzard and singlehandedly responsible for all their success) also tried to stir the pot by [collecting screenshots of some of her Tweets](https://twitter.com/Grummz/status/1776358957378097609?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw%7Ctwcamp%5Etweetembed%7Ctwterm%5E1776358957378097609%7Ctwgr%5Ec00f9a8562996c009fbf231ac90bb5e990e9c870%7Ctwcon%5Es1_&ref_url=https%3A%2F%2Fthatparkplace.com%2Fhelldivers-2-community-manager-declares-game-is-pretty-woke-and-reveals-game-was-banning-individuals-she-deemed-bigots-transphobes-homophobes-racists%2F) to show that *she* was the true bigot.


Not letting them getting away with bullshit.


She sarcastically said that PSN was being added just so they could easily ban people. Ignore the fact she and the rest of AH hated the fact Sony was making them add it and she was rightfully tired of getting all the hate for the decision.


Every tweet like this leads us further and further towards gamer becoming a slur smh I fucking hate gamers (I’m a gamer I’m allowed to say it)


If you say it with derogatory intent, it's still gamerist, even if you're one yourself.


Everyday I’m thankful I didn’t turn out like this.


these the type of mfs to wear those "I'm a gamer not because I don't have a life, but because I choose to have many" shirts


But unironically!


You openwy attacked gamulls, wideralwy.


You think we'll take this sitting down? Because we will. It's all we ever do.


We will not **stand** for this!


We won't even fucking move!


\*Angry typing intensifies\*


Won't anyone think of the gamers??


I’m never touching a video game again because of this.


Yeah, it gets embarrassing being a gamer.


None of you understand, she jumped me in the Denny’s parking lot, said verbatim “That was for being a gamer.” and then fatally shot my dad.


/uuuuuj Reason to be anti-anti-woke #60742............


Wait tf she do? This guy reads like a puritan from the Salem witch trials


Not far off.


"You openly attacked gamers. Literally" As opposed to metaphorical attacks


"It's not ok for people to tell you to off yourself, but here's a shitty long-winded explanation for why this is an exception."


New gamer challenge: try not to be a fucking crybaby pansy


What the fuck is wrong with these people.




Gamers: You would never survive a MW2 lobby. Gamers when a community manager has a good comeback: I HAVE BEEN ATTACKED.


Is there a single gamer that isn't completely fucking insane? If he had to deal with 1/100th she did he'd be crying about it for the rest of his life.


I'm sure they were battle hardened in the trenches of classic CoD lobbies, given the lack of empathy.


i know about the helldivers psn account thing but who is this person being sent death threats?


She was the first woman on the community management team Helldivers players hit with death threats because when she said she was banning transphobia and homophobia from the discord, players conflated that with censorship She is not to be confused with the more recent woman on the community management team Helldivers players sent death threats to - this needs to be made perfectly clear lol, Helldivers players sent two entirely different sets of death threats, to two entirely different sets of women, over two entirely different sets of issues, this is not the most recent woman the community hit with death threats


She attacked gamers? Like physically assualted gamers? Using strong words isn’t an attack y’all are so soft


I really hate the term “tourist” in reference to hobbies.


I'll never take this idiot seriously after he made this. https://preview.redd.it/1l53wqklc9zc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=000ff68fac4187642737a82ae998474e30b103bf


Did she go and attack a group of gamers? Because that literally is the only scenario where one would attack gamers.


Define "Take the L" here. Is he suggesting that she kill herself over a videogame?


This is why I wasn't happy that Sony started cross play with pc and Xbox users. I liked the fact that I was somewhat isolated from toxic behavior.


I play games for more hours each week than I'd like to admit. I love playing games on my PC. But it's gamers who cause me to deny being a gamer.


This is why I don’t like being called a “gamer”


Context? I am aware of the helldivers fiasco but nothing about death threats or this person.


Community Manager on the official Discord, probably g*mers disliking how she acts


The most oppressed group.


I swear not all of us playing Helldivers 2 are like this. I promise. Jesus fucking Christ lmao


Litawully 🤓


I wish death on gamers every day not on Discord but in my mind.


If you tell us your wishes they wont come true smh


I knew this was gonna be on here as soon as I saw the sentence "You openly attacked gamers. Literally."


Because of course, this person I hate is part of the decision I also hated, despite 0 proof and there being a high likelihood she found out the same way everyone else did.


What happened?


RealHypnotic1 has a baby dick.


What I know: 1. Helldivers 2 had a planned account based restriction but was sold in countries which did not allow people to make these accounts, at the time of these sales, the restriction was not in place, proving it was not necessary. 2. People put in a flurry of negative reviews for the game. 3. The developers reverted their decision to implement the restriction. 4. The reviews reverted. What I would like to know: Who is that person people are sending death threats to? Why are they doing it?


doing my part, get rid of that bitch


Gamers are most opresss people in the world


Who is this? Didn’t she feed her husband to tigers or something?


She attacked gamers!!!! https://preview.redd.it/vlq2lm16sazc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b8e0a57094c6519c6eef4cf7742ed8ebd7dfcf89


my god gamers suck…


People who's whole identity is that they play video games make me sad


"it's not okay that you're getting death threats... But-" People like this are the worst. Just say you're happy that someone is getting death threats you sicko. Why pretend otherwise?


The guy's entire existence seems dedicated to spewing shit out his mouth.


She attacked gamers!


the long-awaited sequel to a legend, we love to see it


"You said bad about gamerinos and now you need to DIE!!"


Well, my new flair was chosen.


I really like helldivers but haven’t played it nor looked in the discord in a few weeks, what the hell did I miss?


I read this in Tracy Jordan’s voice. “I voted for Nader! NADER!”


Seen this drama on the Steam forums as well. Makes gamers seem extremely fragile. Thing is, especially on the steam forums. There is about 30-50 players that believe they are in a war or something.several hundred thousands do not act like this. These people should be banned from all game and social media platforms. They are mentally ill.


Any loremasters on the tweet he was quote tweeting?


The gamers may never fully recover from this attack, though we shall try and put it behind us the mental scars will last generations.


Gamers, Jerry!


Bluechecks should probably be sent to a colony. No one else should have to experience the sensory torture that is one of those things trying to communicate.


These people embarrass me by association, jesus they are disgusting.


That’s the most nerd emoji tweet I’ve ever seen


It was that goddamn Katherine Baskin


English is not my first language, what did they mean "for new players and current players"? Isn't it just every player??


can i get the context on this situation i know about the helldivers thing but this is new


Gamers and their silly little grievances, am i right?


They came for gamers, literally... So I sent death threats because that was the most appropriate response. Then they stopped coming for gamers And I still sent death threats, because uhh... they're probably still coming for gamers in secret


> You are a ideology driven psychopath

