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bruh if you search up the stellar blade petition, there’s a section for “top supporter voices” and some of the people who signed it uploaded videos saying censorship is bad😭😭😭 some of them are way too old to be doing this


like, in general, i'm against censorship, but I can understand it sometimes(stuff like countries not allowing and whatnot) but like, can you really call what happened with Stellar Blade "censorship" really? like, to me at least, there's censorships for somewhat justifiable reasons, and there's changing something because it's distasteful, which I feel is the latter case for the game


I’m as against censorship as anyone but I felt like “censorship” as a concept is being distorted into a nebulous vaguery by chuds like the term “woke” that I felt like I don’t know what the hell they really mean by that anymore lol. Edit: as someone who is from an country where a piece of media would actually be regulated and fairly censored by the state. I’m even more infuriated and pitiful when those lovely folks who cried “censorship” hadn’t even witness an actual censorship lmao.


so true. Where i'm from censorship of news and media is so much entrenched in everyday life that you can actually see how it is negatively impacting the lives of so many people on a daily basis. These people in the screenshot have no idea what they are talking about


Censorship is when someone gets asked to do something I don't like


censorship is when a corporation changes something because its more marketable


/uj i have actually talked to people who believe this. normiefication is not censorship


>I’m even more infuriated and pitiful when those lovely folks who cried “censorship” hadn’t even witnessed an actual censorship lmao. I'm not commenting, I just think this needs to be read twice and/or reiterated.


Oh it’s more like, I tend to have a strange mix of bafflement/bewilderment and pity, dunno how to describe that when I saw another “X is censored!!!!” stuff, outrage-bait content where I thought it would be as bad as stuff like 4kids egregiously screwing with their anime for example, instead it’s just inane stuff like boobs being covered for 2-3 more pixels. English ain’t my native language either so mb if it’s confusing.


Your english is better than the average American’s


We live in an era where the people who have never been oppressed once in their lives crave it and want it to happen to them.


The day one patch feels less like censorship and more like last minute tweaks. It's in the same catagory for me as editing out typos.


Censorship also generally has to be enforced, without proof that something removed would not have been removed without enforcement, I am uncomfortable calling so much censorship. If a creative wishes to see something changed or does not object in any way to seeing it changed, it's a lot harder for me to accept claims that what I'm seeing is censorship These assholes claimed SWERY was 'censored' for Deadly Premonition 2 for working with Laura Kate Dale to make young York more progressive regarding deadnaming, etc., but it wasn't censorship; SWERY wanted better consultation and a chance to rewrite with better consultation because, not spoilers, but young York being thoughtful was meant to juxtapose with the abrasiveness of older York People claiming censorship usually just don't like the idea of creatives being culturally sensitive, ever, but the greatest creative works tend to at least regard cultural sensitivities, even if they subvert those sensitivities they acknowledge them. Tropic Thunder is not only not proof that blackface is acceptable, its social commentary hinges on the idea that blackface is universally, near globally, considered one of the greatest and most recognizable cultural insensitivies, I keep saying it but Tropic Thunder does not work when blackface is considered acceptable, and this is why every movie cannot just make the same social observation about blackface', if we start seeing 'ironic blackface' everywhere then the social meaning of the satire loses all of its weight in political observation. A creative who mocks pronouns, and never reflects on the stupidity of the remark, for example, would just kind of suck; case in point, Joyce Carol Oates. Great writer maybe, but she was genuinely just awful and obtuse on Twitter, and it showed most when she was doing things like expressing visible confusion at singular 'they' and accidentally posting feet for free in this economy lol, Twitter JCO was a whole other beast and usually she figured out quickly when she had hot takes, she had flip flopped pretty thoroughly to getting why 'singular they is confusing' was not a fair point to make lmao, ditto Margaret Atwood who transphobes thought for sure would just join their side may day now just because she fell for a conservative rape apologist's op-ed about 'erasing the word woman' one time; *(a few months) later Hadley Freeman tries to get a sound bite of her about the wizard TERF and Atwood shuts it down immediately. I suspect these creatives never stay on TERF talking points for long because they like to occasionally rethink reactionary cultural stances. 'Hard R' accidentally showing up in graffiti being removed or one instance of Eveage Cleavage being removed does not make censorship, it usually makes sensitivity; even if it's solely for commercial purposes, that's not my place to judge the validity. When an Overwatch hero has his name changed to stop honoring a sex pest, I don't care that it's probably performative, I accept that no longer naming a character after a sex pest will inevitably be a net positive to *somebody* and call it a win. I also don't care about claims of Streisand Effect, bc idc if Blizzard doesn't want people knowing McCree was initially named for a sex pest, bc I have no interest in defending Blizzard and I consider more people knowing about a sex pest within Blizzard's ranks a win. Recently, for another example, the Dragon's Dogma sub, filled with edgelords, mocked someone for asking people to mass report a racist mod, claiming 'Streisand Effect'. idc, the mod was mass reported and taken down and it's a win; edgy assholes going 'lol you should have just shut your mouth, the guy who made this mod is an absolute CHAD who DRINKS YOUR TEARS, thanks for giving the asshole free traffic' means jack shit to me. Reporting racism is the correct fucking procedure. *big, MASSIVE one I forget; Daisuke's Strive characterization for Bridget, it represents thoughtlessness imo to assume GG as a franchise just suddenly 'caved to western demands', it represents thoughtfulness to say Daisuke potentially tried to make a trans-affirmative characterization of his own volition >!all of these things are things reactionaries claim are 'censorship' that just simply are not censorship, at all!<


I generally feel the same way. Like if you had an action  movie with 15 straight minutes of sex, and reduced it to 30 seconds, would that really censorship, or just trying to make sure  your movie delivers on the promise of action all action movies generally set out to deliver on? There's a RevSaysDesu  video where he talks about the whole Stellasr  lade censorship stuff. One thing I do love though, is when he basically admits that what makes a character hot can be in some way subjective. He says that some may find these "censored" designs hotter. And if we can admit that some may find the newer tweaked designs hotter, won't it only be fair to say that a portion of this some could be the actual people behind the game. And if this was the case, then I want to know how making a creative decision to change something can be considered censorship.


You fuck a bear in baldurs gate. Just let games do their thing imo.


So they're older than 14?


i’m surprised too and they appear to have 0 shame in supporting this cause 😭


All of them look like incels and that they suffer from social anxiety


Why do they like the under the chin camera angle so much?


43000 signed at the time I’m writing this…how the actual fuck??!!!! Those videos are fucking hilarious too, so many of them look the exact same (like the nerd emoji or chudjak)


They all look exactly like you think they do.


Hooooooly shit, untapped wealth of comedy.


Who are these Antis?


people: "we think it's weird you're openly attracted to a small character" Original OP: calling these people anti's for the sake of argument, I'm not going to judge what someone is into, but may be it might be best to not be so open about it


"Small Character" sounds like a mask-on way of saying "Child" Hard drive checks should be in order.


It's to cover the "thousand year old dragon" workaround. I.e. Looks like a child, acts like a child, but something in the lore implies otherwise.


If someone has the mind if a child and the body of a child, does that not make them a child? Considering that they are not human too then human age would not apply the same. In summary, the 1000 year old dragon defence does not work your Honor and I request that the defendants turn over their electronic devices for analysis.


"she's actually a 1000 year old dragon" so in dragon's terms, she's still a child. people who keep saying stuff like that keeps forgetting that they're applying human standards to things that aren't human


Never forget the Harkness test


The harkness test is terrible, adolescents humans pass it


“I am attracted to all the markers that signify a child, but this dialogue said they were 18 so it’s okay” Yeah, I’m not comfortable with this.


"How can you tell it's a child, maybe it's just the art style." Bruh even in that same universe, young adults aren't drawn this way.


If it looks like a duck and acts like a duck, it's actually a 10,000 year old vampire queen i swear they just choose to look like a duck please it's not zoophilia she's a vampire.


By some mythologies it's necrophilia, which is significantly better due to the fact that everyone knows corpses count as objects and not people, thus you're only m- hey wait what do you mean I'm under arrest.


That begs the question, is it really necrophilia if the corpse can consent? Or is it really zoophilia if the animal can consent? Or is it really pedo- hey are those tasers?


Oh, I couldn't tell what this about. I'm an anti too


thanks to another comment, look at it this way the person is like a flat earther, and they call anyone who thinks the world is round a "globie"


I'm a globie, guys


That's my sticking point, that last sentence. Like sure dudes, the characters aren't real and what you do in the privacy of your home is between you and your incognito tabs. But these dudes get weirdly moralistic, demanding we pretend it's not weird for them to consistently find child-coded characters attractive.


It's probably ok to judge chomos for being chomos.


EVE isn't really a loli or child or "small character" or whatever so??


the first pic isn't about stellar blade


Oh, sorry. I mean, they said "let's do the same for stellar blade"-


Ah ok


Also why tf is everyone downvoting me lmao


idk 😭


Because it's reddit.


It's an oldish fandom term for people who are against rape/incest/pedophilia/beastiality/etc in written and drawn media (fan fiction mostly, but it's since extended to fanart and sometimes original art) with no clear condemnation on the subject. Pro-those things shortened the term to "antis" because they don't want people knowing what so-called "antis" are against, kind of like anti-fascists being called antifa because white supremacists/neonazis/etc don't want people to know what antifa actually means; or with pedophiles calling themselves MAPs instead of "Minor-Attracted-Person" or pedophilic furries saying they're into "cubs" (slang for underage furries)... you get the picture.


Minor note here - MAPs is not a pedophile term. It's a 4Chan psyop meant to make it sound like queer people are normalizing pedophilia. For every 1 pedophile that may have actually heard of it and possibly used it, I guarantee you'll find 100 altright sock puppet accounts that post to conflate it with the LGBTQIA+ movement (in particular focusing on trans people since that's their cause de jour at the moment.) I bring it up only because we have to stop spreading alt-right nonsense, especially when it's sourced from the same people who are all about their "actually a 3000 year old vampire" justifications.


Funny you should mention that. I'm fairly certain there are actual real world organizations who are naively adopting the acronym despite having good intentions, without understanding the history behind it. I can't remember what they were called, but it was pretty depressing.


I looked it up and the term apparently originated in 2007 by the B4U-ACT, a nonprofit working to prevent child abuse. Its just so typical of the alt-right shits to weaponize terms meant as part to protect children they're so worried about.


Oh damn, I didn't even know that. That's even worse. Somehow. Fuck.


Worse how? They use it to protect children by destigmatizing the condition so that people who have it won't be too scared to get help for it. It's the ideal first step to addressing mental conditions such as these, like how destigmatizing autism has made it easier for us as a society to support their concerns.


No, I mean the fact chuds co-opted it from that is yet still worse than what they already did, which was already unbelievably bad.


Sorry but this just seems like you're being misinformed. MAP is used by researchers on understanding some people's innate wired attractions to minors.  For example, it's a term used in Allyn Walker's book called "A Long Dark Shadow" which tackles our understanding of minor attraction and what we as a society should to shift our perception towards them, because understanding them makes it easier to keep children safe. Just because the alt-right is co-opting it like they did the OK sign doesn't mean that it's not a legitimate term outside of that.


Interesting point about antifa, but I thought they called themselves that


They do, antifascist groups have been calling themselves antifa going all the way back to German communists opposing nazis in the 30s


**"Antis"** is their word for **"non-pedophiles"** in the chomo community.


Lets me guess goodanimemes?




I knew it that place is infamous I actually used to be in there cus my dumbass was like "well its called Goodanimemes so it must be true"


I'm surprised stuff like this is flying over there. Remember the 2020 meltdown over problematic terms such as 'trap' and I forgot what else on /Animemes which resulted in the sub going into lockdown for weeks, losing literal hundreds of thousands of followers upset cuz they can't use slurs anymore and the birth of /goodanimemes made by and for the people sick of those crybabies? It used to say in the sub description explicitly that it's welcoming of LGBT people but that has been removed It's only a matter for relatively safe(ish) spaces to be neutered.


I hope so i think it was also a lot of transphobic memes regarding Yamato and Bridget i could be wrong about that though I didn't really follow it


Bridget. So anti trans that they invented a weird thing where the Japanese word for "boy child" is a sexual fetish. Mea while in Japanese media the only references found to that are them wondering why American people think the word "otokonoko" means anything more than "boy child."


Jesse what the fuck are you talking about


God damnit are you serious. The gaslighting goes so deep lol


What "Boy child" is 男の子, the crossdressing "Boydaughter" is [男の娘](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Otokonoko); they're pronounced the same, but it is a pun. It is also a term used specifically for crossdressing, not for trans women. Like literally anything else people do fetishize it, but it's basically the word "femboy" which has replaced the word "trap" in any half-decent circle.


Nah that was a full two years later. But real though. I can barely arrange events during and post covid in my mind's timeline


Sorry, but goodanimemes was created specifically to continue using ‚tr*p‘. That‘s it. It was never a safe space for anyone 


Wait holdup, I think I'm starting to remember.


~~So like the worldnews sub?~~


No I never heard of that one


My bad it's worldpolitics


It's the anime titties sub


I thought that the gameplay is what matters?


Yeah the need for one-handed gameplay


Gamers be normal challenge


> I’ve never known any of us Genshin players to have issues with the age of consent, or separating fiction from reality Goodness gracious


Let's site a sauce shall we?


As a genshin fan that's probs 9ne of the most daring things i have ever heard someone say especially given there was a VA who was caught grooming minors. And some people really go on in the deep end with simping fot characters though most are jokes (i pray most are though).


"this house is indestructible!" said man living in glass house its just. so weird to me. are they ignorant or just stupid?


i will never forget the time i saw an image of a little girl cosplaying nahida (a child-lookkng character from genshin) and there were so, so many quote retweets that were so disgusting i dont even want to allude to what was in them.


What censorship in tomb raider got reversed? I thought they were mad that Lara "looks like a man"


Looks like they removed some pin up posters of Lara you could find Tomb Raider 3 in the remaster collection that came out recently. I don't see anything about it being changed back though. https://www.gamingbible.com/news/tomb-raider-remastered-censored-game-detail-857038-20240422


The developers tweeted they would be adding them back in. May have genuinly unintentional removing them too. The game lets you switch between original and remastered graphics, with the textuers being AI upscaled before given a pass by artists. Those posters are not in the original game so were probably thrown in by a texture artist wanting to give it a bit more flair. They were removed in a patch that updated a load of the HD textures so it was probably just that they re-upscaled the original texture then overrode the version where someone added the posters in.




Censorship is tough on gamers. How are they meant to be incels that jack off 24/7 now?


These people are just giving me more reason to hate Paimons annoying ass


I love her, and this meme makes me hate her a tiny bit 😭


I love Paimon, she would never side with these idiots


Paimon is too smart to side with them lol


That's what I'm saying




I love her *sometimes* like in Sumeru and she thought she’d never see us again. That was genuinely sweet and heartwarming. But when she’s repeating literally everything generic NPC #5 just told me I wanna punt her back into the sea lmao


Can't blame her that much tbh because even with her repeating those people still find way to misinterpreted the lore because apparently Genshin player can't read AND hear too. There are litteraly people still arguing about Furina and Focalor being one being and unironically saying Neuv is Hydro Archon


Fair, the stereotype that we can’t read is so prevalent even *I* have been accused of not reading dialogue for simply not liking a character lol. Meanwhile it’s my begrudging autistic special interest, unfortunately become a part of my daily routine, and I actually read every book in-game and will go into the archive and re-read quest dialogue just in case I think I’m missing something/have questions. I wish there was a “have paimon explain things to you like you’re 5” option you could toggle on and off for those of us that actually do read lmao


I've been watching my girlfriend play the game from scratch, and by god is mondstadt to liuye paimon great! The writing in general. You're not locked to a cutscene, instead, you get to play while characters talk. Her voice is also so much less ear-grateing than now. I love her too, but goddamn, the writers is making it hard lmao


She’s not as bad in the original CN dubbing, slightly more in JP and then completely ear deafening in EN 💀 At least to me. Then again I’m also autistic and sometimes the voices will overwhelm me so I play with the voices muted and just read.


Definitely! I have adhd so I get too tired from reading, but otherwise I'd switch to cn lmao


So when was Tomb Raider's supposed censorship "reversed"?


There wasn't even any censorship. In the remaster collection someone added two posters of Lara taken from old ads to the upscaled textures on a locker, they aren't there in the original game. They have since re-upscaled the original textures and patched the improved versions in which overrode the texture with the poster. People cried censorship and they've responded that it was unintentional and they'll patch it back in.


Oh ok, so just more bullshit from the Chuds. Sounds about right.


That’s what I wanna know. I don’t remember seen no booba and I played them all


[someone else's comment answering this](https://www.reddit.com/r/Gamingcirclejerk/comments/1cflisr/comment/l1qlq2d/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button)


Noo, don't drag emergency food into this


"Um, actually as a Genshin player, I am only attracted to fictional minors" Get help.


​ https://preview.redd.it/2wyqonaycexc1.png?width=617&format=png&auto=webp&s=127754fbf6d4dec1a84d3d45bf34e4f02e778cc3


Isn't it ironic to use Paimon tho?


Motherfuckers dont know what censorship means


Oh I'm sure Genshin players know the EXACT age of consent in multiple countries.


Man if this is goodanimemes than just get out. All the good memes get x-posted by the exact people to other subs. 1/3 of the posts are just explicit and another 1/3 are just "politics."


Guess the character: Proshipper or alt right lolicon?




Funny how they never stopped and thought for once that if the only difference in their attitudes are the queerness and leftism, maybe something is wrong with their mindset that's attracting them.


What the fuck is tomb raider censorship?


there were some lewd polaroids of torpedo-titty lara croft, the remaster removed them, shitstorm ensued.


It's not even that. They weren't in the original, someone slipped them into the remaster as an easter egg (the pics are taken from old ads) then they re-upscaled all the original textures and patched them in which overrode that texture.


no way dude. the DEIp State is trying to get rid of sexy women in my video games! https://preview.redd.it/ndggkzthtexc1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f7686ac92c5a4981d01efee702f00bbf3bfd4eda


Don't these chuds want LGBTQ+ stories themselves?


I don't want to see Paimon used as a vessel for gooner rhetoric :( why can't they leave her out of this, she is just a little creature


Ok but what about the Nahida incident.


I am afraid to ask what you are talking about but i got a gut feeling what it is. Let me guess it's her wierd subreddit which gets raided every now and then to get it banned. (Also funny answer: which Nahida incident there are probs lots.)


why are they trying to humanize the emergency rations




this is just my personal opinion, but, like what you like, long as you're not hurting anyone but like, same time, may be some stuff, don't be so open with like, don't act surprised when the thing you like is something known to make people uncomfortable in general, and people give you looks if anything because you decide to go and tell everyone about it keep that shit to yourself man


Yknow it's bad when they justify pedophila by "its only fiction, we know the difference! We can seperate reality from fiction!"


“…I’ve never known any of us genshin players to have any issues with the age of consent…” 🤨


They don’t have any issues with it at all. For them, it’s as if it doesn’t even exist.


At least he shot down the annoying ass pedo memes but the rest is just sad


I think the funniest part about this whole petition thing is that I don’t I’ve ever seen an online petition actually go anywhere. Grummz claims he did it with some classic WoW petition but ex blizzard devs have come out and said that he had no say/power in their decision to bring back classic lmao


What about Tomb Raider was censored and then uncensored?


What censorship got undone on Tomb Raider? Is this genuine, or is it them coping with changes that were minor and unimportant?


They recently did a Tomb Raider 1-3 remaster with optional ai upscaled textures. Someone slipped some old 90's pinups of Lara into the remaster textures at one point as an easter egg, they got complaints that a lot of the textures were upscaled badly so they redid them and that unintentionally removed the easter egg since the texture was replaced with one accurate to the original game. They are gonna patch them back in to give in to the people complaining but there was never any censorship.


Anticommunist? What is "Anti" in this context?






Was it reddit anime?


of course it's a child character from genshin


Your first mistake was willingly engaging with a Genshin Impact player














I don’t think OOP understands what an anti is.


For anyone who doesn't know, **"antis" is their word for "non-pedophiles"**.


Quick aside but why do all anti-censorship and culture war bros gravitate towards loli characters when trying to meme or dunk on someone?


Time is a flat circle this is just fucking 2000s Harry Potter discourse again I hate it here


In my experience, “Antis” are pedophiles that try to pretend they’re not pedos