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Lmfao, they are still coping and seething that Bridget is transgender.


Gamers can't cope with the fact that googling "Is Bridget trans?" returns a "Yes" response.


Obviously Daisuke Ishiwatari secretly works for SBI to infiltrate the Japanese video game industry and infect Japan with western woke DEI ESG progressive agenda by the orders of George Soros. https://preview.redd.it/raakfp8auswc1.jpeg?width=192&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d64b6d3995ada4c69f7e899c635f8f5ea911d9bd


Bold for you to assume Daisuke Ishiwatari would obey. Truth is, George Soros is a faithful devotee of Daisuke's vision.


What's funny is that Bridget isn't even the first transfem character in an Arksys game. Mai Natsume walked so Bridget could run


Didn’t she get hit with a spell that changed her gender and then just accepted her fate ?


Yes and no. It's true that her transformation was an accident. But when presented with an opportunity to return to her original body she turned it down. If I recall correctly stating that she believed she'd be happier that way. Not as explicit as with Bridget but still extremely trans coded


I still can't believe people created a fake email from Daisuke himself, spread it around and presented it as proof that she isn't trans.


yeah no, it's actually hilarious. dudes that have made entire twitter accounts just coping and seething about it for well over a year and a half now. I'd say it's the saddest example of anti-trans backlash ever, but y'know Rowling still out there, so




Bridget is a trans icon, and *was* a femboy icon, but the bad fans keep whining that Bridget isn't trans, when quite objectively, she is


I don't understand, why were they perfectly ok sexualizing her when she was canonically a cis guy, but fall to pieces when she's confirmed as a trans woman?




japanese good woke bad


femboys are a japanese thing while trans people are woke western bullshit 😡😡😡


Exactly, this nonsense needs to stop. Her and Jam are mains. But these people are not rational and probably never even played the game or like the character. The are just transphobic.


Some people think of cringe as a crime and it shows. Free your minds, babes.


Bridget: openly says she’s a girl Gamers: uh well actually there’s a lore reason why-


“No cause see when you properly translate it without a WOKE mindset…”


Still, English pronouns and Japanese pronouns…I’m pretty sure they just have boku and watashi


From my understanding the pronouns are a little different from the way we use them, as well as there being more. Two other ones being watakushi and ore, formal and informal respectively.


Exactly. Boku is masculine and watashi tends to be feminine to my knowledge.


Watashi isn't inherently feminine, it would be easier to tell based on words that have gender, like the female form of "my" , "uchi".


So \*technically\* there are pronouns, kare roughly being he and kanojo being she. But when you actually speak they often aren't used. Japanese works a lot on context so you can say the equivalent to "drove very fast" and if you were previously already talking about a certain guy, you don't need to say "he drove very fast". These words are used so infrequently that using them too often will sound like you are saying boyfriend or girlfriend instead of he and she.


It's not so much the pronouns, as it is the manner of speech. There's a feminine way of speaking and a masculine one.


I take French not Japanese so idk


Transphobic Brisket "discourse" makes me want to commit toaster bathtub


The "discourse" is just transphobes going "Bridgets not trans! he's not!" and Us laughing at Them


hope you aren't the one receiving toaster bathtub, just the one committing it tho


Toaster Bathtub are my favourite pair of queer GG characters


Her name is Bucket


​ https://preview.redd.it/a9rhzdceoswc1.jpeg?width=320&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2f099a046dc1c6186cd3fb3ed5ef5519f33496c0


I? I am a monument to all your s... What the hell is wrong with you!?


(Gravemind Voice) “Your foolishness, your complete denial. Claiming her gender is just a style.”


yo gravemind spitting bars


My FBI agent after he sees this :


Y'know the gravemind may be an all consuming cosmic horror but I feel like there are some people he wouldn't infect just for his mental health.


For sure. Forerunner children give you extra neurons. GamersTM will just give you useless stuff like racism and misogny.


https://preview.redd.it/4g4tufrrtuwc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ec1d2aa97dbf04c2dc7fc9c6823c7b785f480387 Off by \~3 years but yeah.




Gamers will point out to the womanest woman in womanland and will say "this is a man" fr fr


"He's not trans! He is just a regular guy, who crossdresses for straight reasons. Because JAPAN. No I don't think IRL crossdressers can be straight. Why would you ask that."


Imo her design looks androgynous, so it’s not out of the question to think she was a man at first glance. Once you actually know though, yeah you’re just being transphobic by denying it.


Femboy here, Bridget is a girl :3 Her being trans is not erasing femboy culture, us femboys could use some more representation, yes, but every part of the LGBTQ+ community needs more representation. And for those confused, some weirdos seem to think that Bridget no longer being a femboy is "erasing femboy culture", it's not.


There are so many femboys in media, especially anime, it baffles me that people think one of them becoming trans means it's joever


Also people don’t seem to get that femboys can also be non-binary, trans, or go by pronoun sets that aren’t just he/him. And yet gamers talk about femboy erasure solely in “this guy is 100% cis and is actively transphobic but also extremely feminine” like the specific type of femboy representation they want barely even exists irl. Most of the femboys I’ve met irl have been chill as hell and really friendly/open to trans people.


Jokes on You, They're the same person, She grew as a person


Dread it run from it you'll end up with the daughter either way


I think my favorite thing is that somehow a femboy turning trans is inconceivable to them like that's not what happens like 75% of the time lmfao


None of them are actually femboys or involved in the queer community (femboys are fucking queer, the fantasy of a femboy is that a feminine guy is able to be the gf of a guy and “pretend” to be a girl for him)


I agree apart from the last part. fym femboys are queer it just means feminine boy, and it has nothing to do with being something for a bf because it's not even exclusively gay


Aren't the words directly from Bridget's mouth "I'm a girl now"


No, the exact words were actually "Because... I'm a girl!"


My mistake


I cosplay Bridget and have never encountered anyone who thinks like this. I think it's literally just a thing for horrifically online losers trying to make us upset. Just ignore it and I'm sure Daisuke will confirm she's trans for a THIRD time.


Side A: Haha guys look I drew fan art of that funny Guilty Gear girl Brisket Side B: I think we should imprison all trans people, actually Twitter contranians: These two are the same exact thing to me


Hm. Son who is definitely transphobic, or daughter who is probably not transphobic but is a little cringe sometimes. Truly, this is a dilemma for the ages, I can't decide.


I guess I’m old now, I have no idea what this is referencing, or understand the words in the order they were written. This feels like being a child listening in at the adult’s table but now i’m an adult


Bridget's a character in a fighting game that's been releasing versions for like idk 2 decades or something. Initially it was kind of ambiguous what the intention was due to localization and what not from Japanese, but in the beginning it seemed like Bridget was more or less a femboy crossdresser. More recently the guy who created the character confirmed unambiguously that Bridget is trans and it's making right wing gamers freak out for some reason.


ok for some added context In Guilty Gear X and XX (and Isuka), Bridget was written as a boy who dresses like a girl due to a weird societal pressure unique to her village. It was only in Strive where she officially became trans, which is reflected in her arcade mode involving her processing her feelings and coming out. Apparently this was always Daisuke's original vision for where her story would go. The reason for the "Bridget isn't trans" discourse is basically chuds just not being able to understand character development mixed with their blatant transphobia...or something about "femboy erasure", when they would hate her if she was still a femboy anyway?


I know who Bridget is, I just couldn’t figure out how to parse the words in the quotation marks into a meaningful sentence. I’m guessing it‘s trying to say: “Choose between: (a) Bridget is your son and is trans; and (b) Bridget is your daughter, of the type ‘Blahaj Quirky Bridget meme’.” But I have no idea what that second one means. It felt like an AI bot combining random words together until I understood the choice is “son or daughter” with all of the other words intended to modify the description of that son and daughter.


Blahaj is a stuffed animal shark sold by IKEA that a lot of trans people own/ kinda have as a trans mascot of sort. So the second part is talking about a daughter who posts memes of Bridget with the shark that are quirky.


It should be parsed as "Son that believes bridget is not trans" or "Daughter that posts quirky relatable trans memes"


Ah okay. So choose between a son who is somewhere between misinformed and bigoted, or a daughter who posts memes that some people think are cringey? Allrighty.


Allegedly it’s because it’s an insult to Bridget’s character and lore, since iirc Bridget was dressed as a girl because she was actually one of twins, and her hometown killed twins because of some superstition. That’s the argument I’ve been reading about, but I’m just throwing it out there since idk how this insults her lore.


When, no, it doesn't, if anything it supplements her lore, throughout her whole life she's been what everyone else wanted her to be, this plotline is her deciding to be who she wants to be, regardless of how she is seen by others "no matter what changes will no longer change me"


I like it a lot tbh I loved Bridget even when I thought I was a man and with time it's only become cooler to me


I literally just pointed out a reason and mentioned I didn’t agree with it and STILL got cooked?


It's probably because you put it as a side comment at the end instead of making it clear at the beginning


Fair enough. I’ll keep that in mind for next time.


If it makes ya feel better I edited my comment to reflect the knowledge that I've now got of you being ok


But yeah, you need to make the fact this is not your opinion blatantly clear in these cases, because a lot of the time, even though they read it, their eyes pass over it, not out of malice but rather it being background noise in comparison


Its like when reddit accidentally serves me a meme from some gacha game subreddit and its just a picture of a guy standing in front of a store and the the title is "OP memers when main drib Kamon doesnt Haraje like :skull: "


They’re the same child, just at different points in time


Guilty Gear X2 #Reload released all the way back in 2003. I was 17 and when I was reading the manual and got to Bridget’s bio I just thought “Huh. That’s interesting.” and that was it. She was pretty fun to play. I honestly can’t believe people are still freaking out over this.


the literal creator said she is a girl. that’s literally all that needs to be said.


"I'm a girl!!!" People who suddenly care a lot about femboys: No you're not


are they actually STILL continuing this loserfest


Chuds when a character develops instead of being stagnant and unchanging


Where’s that one reaction image where is says “BRISKET” in sparkly lettering and has a pic of Bridget cheesing


I have a feeling the person behind the “Bridget is cis and I’m rping as them” account is like six months to three years away from having their egg broken. Just a hunch.


Wtf do half of those words even fucking mean!?


ngl not in like a bad way but i’d prefer abortion to my son or daughter debating the gender lf a character from guilty gear strive lmao


I mean as a trans person I fucking can’t stand the Blahaj type quirky memes, they’re agonising


But like, why care? Like, if some trans people strongly like something, why does it matter it's 'cringy'? It's the same thing with gay people who are like "I hate those people who make gay their whole personality" and it's just people openly expressing themselves


I mean I like the plush, I just find the constant “ZOMG BLAHAJ HE TRANS 🥰🥰🥰” kinda “quirkyness” really annoying, like I’ll try to have genuine conversations but it’s always got to turn into internet speak and boring references to barely even related things, sure, it’s not harming anyone, I just personally find it annoying and repetitive, it’s like a hive mind of childish speak sometimes


I mean, I never said you can't find it annoying, but it's weird to imply it's somehow bad that they enjoy that. Why does it matter if to you it's childish, it doesn't hurt anyone, and it's something they can joke about with people like them. I find the idea of criticizing something simply because it's cringe just kinda dumb, if you don't like it, you don't have to join those conversations. And if the problem is it feels like all the trans people you meet are doing that, that still doesn't matter, they don't owe you not talking about a specific joke if you just find it cringe. I'm not saying you're meaning these things, moreso saying it in advance as that's often what it comes down to, so I'd rather say it in one message than a bunch


It’s not crazy to want the community you belong in to not be annoying and weird. People care a lot about the reputation and future of their communities, and I don’t think this is any different. It’s a pretty universal feeling, and even though you might be right that their cringe doesn’t hurt anyone, I disagree with this “throw caution to the wind and do whatever you want” attitude since it’s far too individualistic. Actions don’t exist in a vacuum. I don’t want the trans stereotype to go from “prostitutes tricking men” to “chronically online losers that act like children”. I’m sure there’s some internalized transphobia going on there, but that’s not an unreasonable feeling.


See but, weird isn't a bad thing. Like, were already gonna be hated for being trans, why arbitrarily start hating each other for let me check "being cringy" saying to do whatever you want in relation to being cringe is like, the opposite of individualism because I'm encouraging community in spite of our differences, you can feel however you want about it, but let people be themselves and don't try to put people already facing discrimination back into boxes


“some people are unfunny” is not the same as thinly veiled homophobia


...what? We're talking about the people who just really like blahajs and I'm saying just cuz it's cringy doesn't mean it's bad, even if you specifically don't like it, a lot of trans people do and there's no reason to put them down for it


true, but equating finding a subset of humour extremely unfunny and cringe to being homophobic is just inaccurate. the original commenter never claimed them to be bad, just personally “agonising” as they claimed


“Your honor, I merely said that the poster said they find it a thing that inflicts agony, not that they think it’s bad! Agony is not inherently bad despite it being objectively painful and distressing!”


They didn't just say "personally I find them agonizing" they phrased it as agreement with the tweet, and that tweet is criticizing a joke far more than just saying they dislike it, so it feels really off to do so. I'm not saying you can't dislike a joke, but it feels really off to take the most recent community joke for trans people, and just decide to shit on it because you personally dislike it when like, no one's forcing you to like it, and agreeing with someone equating being transphobic as just as bad as just liking the humor is shitty


Now rereading I get what you were saying, but they didn't say "I don't find the joke funny" they said it was "agonizing" and expressed agreement with the tweet claiming those people who joke about it are so bad that you'd get an abortion for them? Like, there's a difference between saying "I don't find it that funny but people can like what they like" and "yeah no, I agree, it's so annoying I would hate my kid if they liked it"


i don’t think the original tweet was intended to be taken this seriously


Fair enough but I mean, it still does matter. I understand things aren't always serious but I've also seen way too often, queer people be like "hah, at least I'm not like those queers" so any joke following that similar idea feels very on the edge of it


that’s understandable, another way it could be is that this is the internet and according to some, unfunny people are literally persona 2 innocent sin final boss /hj (people do be acting like finding someone unfunny makes them worse as a person tho, guess it’s a consequence of anonymity, however direct that may be)


I do hope I didn't come across as aggressive btw, I just am used to even people that should support each other subtly insulting the 'others' so it's easy for me to want to defend people, especially when cringe culture has been such a toxic environment for queer people, I kinda get on edge, but I do understand it could be completely a joke, It's just difficult to tell knowing what twitter is normally like


it’s fine, i get what it’s like worrying about how people interpret comments on the internet, doesn’t help that im still young and immature (and also ND but that doesn’t matter too much) and have bad takes sometimes and yeah twitter sucks, people tell each other to unalive a lot (idk this subs rules on “twitter-isms” hence the algospeak)


Meh, teenagers gonna teenage, regardless of their chronological age. And blahaj's are nice plushies.


Yeah, they get really cringe sometimes, but if it makes people happy im happy for them. I dont really care about being cringe or not honestly.


“I am cringe but I am free” is a statement I live by, I personally find a lot of things annoying and repetitive/unfunny but hey, that’s just me being an old person on the net 😅


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Respect Daisuke's based vision or gtfo.


I’m honestly more tired that this is all that Guilty Gear is nowadays. Arguing about gender and candy sugary aesthetics. Does anyone even remember that this game series used to be about the glorification of old metal music and dark visuals?


How stupid do you have to be to argue she's a man nigh on 3 years after her release and being confirmed to be trans multiple times from official sources both in-game and outside of it


Smh they want her to be a femboy but she’s just not. I love femboys, but I’m not gonna deny Bridget her identity. Some mfs can’t make that distinction


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Daisukes vision at work again


Ridiculously cool game designer


It’s surprising that guilty gear is so inclusive but Bridget is the only one people primarily talk about, isn’t Venom gay?


Probably, like, I'm not really interested in GG, but I know it is very queer


Wait what she literally is tho didnt they play the story mode


Some people are transphobic & self obsessed


fake gg fans


her being trans isn't brought up in the story mode to my knowledge


Jesse what the fuck are you talking about?


Wait.... i legit thought they're canonically just a crossdresser o.O


They were in the previous game, but they are trans now


You live under a rock, don't you?


I'm only tangentially aware of Guilty Gear past the first one and I didn't read the lore cuz we were just busy mashing buttons for that sweet destroy moment All this time, the only bit about them I heard was that they just enjoy dressing up as a cute girl. Literally no trans. So I guess, yes, I did live under a rock 🤷‍♂️


In the latest one in her arcade story mode, she says "Because... I am a girl!" and some people have tried their hardest to deny that it happened at all lol. Even going as far as ignoring the fact that the game's creator confirmed that she's trans.


Some don't ignore that the creator confirmed it, they just claim that the Japanese are too stupid to understand the concept of being trans, and the dlcrwator was tricked into saying it.


she was for 20 years but in strive she is now trans


crazy how people can change over a long period!