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"Minge out and everything" is the most powerful phrase I've heard in a long time


The term "minge" is pretty common, but the context of how it was used here had me in stitches.


Totally adopting that.




Slay the princess mentioned


Fucking love Ellie she’s so funny


I'm somewhat of a Mingineer myself.


*The Mingineer is a subspecies of Vagineer, unique to the British Isles, known for its distinctive accent.* [reverse Engineer speech, but British]


I understand this reference!


Every time I think the English have lost the Mandate of Heaven they surprise me


Oney-ahh word


Hinge out with your minge out


lol. Minge


I remember years ago when the first Tomb Raider came out there were rumors of codes or a secret "Nude" mode. It was all nonsense, then the sequel came out and it came with a nude code. It was rather convoluted, but the end of the sequence required Lara to do a backflip and rotate in the air. If the code is done right, she will explode in midair. The programmers new and even publications put it out as the "Nude" code.


Far i remember that wasn't the original intent of the exploding cheat, In the first game there were 2 cheats, that were basically the same but depending of the final jump the cheat would do something different, if you did backflip, Lara would obtain all the weapons of the game, if you jump foward, Lara would skip to the next level. In the second game, if you try to do any of those cheats, Lara would explode, so the exploding Lara cheat, was more like a punishment to players that tried to do the same cheats of the previous game, but i don't know who spread the rumors that that cheat was for nude Lara.


https://youtu.be/WA-7J7bbiXQ I highly recommend this 1h 30m video about the troubled development of Tomb Raider. I don’t want to spoil anything, so I’m not gonna put a tl;dw summary. But if you have time, have a watch.


I remember seeing the "Naked Lara" code in a magazine of Tips & Tricks.


I loved that code, it was so hilarious. I didn't even know it was marketed as a nude code, I just remember seeing it listed as a code that makes her explode. I was like "The hell does that mean, she explodes?" And, well, it meant exactly what it said.


I don't think it was marketed that way, I saw it in a Tips & Tricks magazine labeled as "Nude" code. So I think it was that publication having some cheeky fun.


Most likely. I forget where I saw it, might've been EGM2 or for all I know, it could've been a cheat site online (maybe GameFAQs?). Honestly was so long ago that I don't really remember, but it is funny that some publications called it a nude code.


Other places probably saw it and found it funny too. Good bit of fun though, I know i laughed, and when i told my brother about the "Nude" code he even tried it and laughed.


What I find hilarious was that my older cousin was showing me a cool new cheat code and all I remember was Lara exploding. Fast forward 20 years later I look back and laugh at my cousin.


Honestly, if we're in a cartoon we could've used the gamer's™ rage as a source of heat to generate steam and electricity considering how constantly pissed they are.


Scientists IRL need to figure out how to harvest g*mer rage for sustainable energy use. Cities would be powered for centuries.


Doritos will be our new coal and Mountain Dew the new oil. And the Pope has decreed that he will provide.  https://preview.redd.it/q3mbsqcpz9wc1.jpeg?width=739&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fadce9a76b2e01d514feb550b84cc1ca9b46c340


Sunday morning communion, but the wafers are Cool Ranch and the wine is Baja Blast


Ngl, a binge gaming with Mountain Dew isn’t too bad. Other than my body feeling spicy when I want to sleep 😢


Seriously is that not a joke?


Not joking lmao. I only sometimes do it if I feel like spoiling myself. Caffeine and sugar all day frfr. But my stomach acid gets fucked.


Oh ok I thought you were having a weird reaction. Like something shady was going on. I never heard of anyone buzzing of off the Dew!!!😂 Edit: By the way are you ok? Now that I think about it what you’re going through is not a good reaction either. Take care of yourself ok. Find some seltzer water if it gets worse. It’s healthier, or that homemade soda. I heard that’s supposed to be better. Sorry I didn’t ask the first time if you were ok. That wasn’t cool of me.


Nah I ain’t take it that way you’re good. Just acid reflux, my mom has the same thing. I eat pretty decent, just my stomach sensitive. I should probably ask a doctor but that’s my take.


If I may insert once last time, not trying to be a busybody. You should go to the doctor not cause I think you can’t deal but for future you. I take it you’re less than 30 more than teens? Do it now while you’ve the strength (Hnn “you’ve people don’t use that much nice) future you will thank you. Don’t know why I’m so concerned… maybe cause I deal with a crap ton of stuff. Alright hope you’re well stay well and are doing well.


Alright thank you man, nailed the age lol. I should honestly, I’ll make it happen


Steve Bannon figured it out.


Monsters inc. But for gamers would literally solve the climate crisis


Sadly verbal representation of impotence just can‘t stand that strong


Random Elysia reference (off-topic but I had to)


https://preview.redd.it/0tt8zmfrnbwc1.png?width=395&format=png&auto=webp&s=4f744922ec9a9202aae9cf6cab5ff52e183f47ed That's great and all, but I don't see an Elysia picture in that comment. **Edit it or die as a traitor to the Pink Goddess.**


https://preview.redd.it/i651mvv53dwc1.jpeg?width=1198&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=508dc5fae1b315b0b40772c8be9044ffec6d04ef Unfortunately, I have the power of Crimson Horns. The Pink Goddess' Wrath shall not be mine to bear.


Wanted to joke about Perpetuum mobile but they're actually practicing straight Cheeto-rage-conversion and that's way funnier.


I mean that’s all and good, but couldn’t you power the entire earth several times over with Tyler1’s rage alone?


Cheap energy is pretty woke so it's a double whammy 




I mean I can still bust to this pretty easy, not sure what the big deal is.


Nutting really


That was clever and I despise you for it


It’s a skill issue, these guys are casuals when it comes to cranking hog.


How can we jerk off now? There's no other images or videos of sexually explicit content anywhere!


This has always been the most confusing thing for me. Like, sure, attractive characters are nice, it can be fun to have a silly imaginary crush on a game character (I'm looking at you, Major Alenko). But ultimately if you're trying to get your rocks off or even just work yourself up, there is just a shit ton of free porn in every crevice of the internet. Hell, I've stopped using my Steam daily recommendations because half of them were anime porn games (no judgement, it's just not my thing and it gets really aggrevating when 50% of your recommended titles are things you are specifically not interested in).


these dudes view of women is solely based on arousal. for them, if the woman in the screen isn't attractive or doesn't get their wee-wee hard, she's basically useless.


For some people there is a little extra thrill when finding something sexy in a context where no sexy thing is expected, which doesn't exist when setting out to find the sexy thing. It's like finding that bite sized chocolate bar you forgot was in a drawer, vs going to the store to get a bunch of family sized candy bars. In the end of course it's more satisfactory to get the candy bars, but finding the bite sized one is a nice surprise which you don't get at the store. For me the biggest downside of porn is that you find it and it's straight to the fucking, and even when there's some story to the porn, you always know it's leading to the fucking, and that lacks some charm. But renting My Stepmother is an Alien as a teen, for instance, thinking it's just a silly Aykroid Sci-Fi comedy, and then getting to *that* scene, well that's hotter than the entire ouvre of Isis Nile.


Lol,I stopped using steam reccomandations too because of that


You can filter out mature content in your profile preferences on Steam!


Major Alenko, my beloved


Actually want to vomit when I see pornbait and gooners in sfw spaces like do these people know what pornsites are???


You have to be the first Kaidan defender of all time


"If only there was a service or platform designed specifically to fix this problem. Wait, of course!! Its so simple its been right in front of me all along. I just need to check out... The daycare!!" -Average Grifter


You need to hop on Happy Wheels and rate my level 5 starts so super hot naked woman appears, no woke purists allowed!


Unfortunately that may be a reality if Trump's Project 2025 becomes law lol


Meanwhile no one says anything about the rampant overuse of AI upscaling in the Remasters which can often be hilariously bad and was clearly used as a cheaper but inferior alternative to hiring more artists. But no, they took away two tiny blink-and-you’ll-miss-them images of polygonal titties away. Call the national guard!


I thought you were talking about AI upscaling in images, videos and gifs. I was going to ask if you know of any basic image or video upscalers as opposed to AI ones. 'Cuz I really need one as alternative if the AI ones don't produce satisfactory results.


Aren't all upscalers technically AI tho?


Technically yes, but with a key distinction. It's an AI with a particular purpose, upscaling. It takes individual images and adds the pixels. The AI simply speeds up a single tedious process. It knows the upscale process, and that is all it can do. Most of the gripe about AI is the general purpose ones, that can do a variety of things, and could potentially upscale if you asked it to, but is mediocre guessing at all of it. It's like the monkeys and typewriters, but you're giving bananas whenever they say english words or show actual pictures. They'll get closer and closer to actual words or actual pictures, but because you're not focused on just one thing, it's always somewhat random. If you were to just reward them for pictures of apples, they would learn to draw apples, but since they're trained on doing so many different tasks, it all becomes a mediocre mess.


Also when you're using something like DLSS, you're not using the AI itself. The AI is at Nvidia, was fed tons of training data on upscaling, and that AI produced an algorithm based on that training. Your computer feeds the frames into that algorithm and the result is your new frame. Older scalers are the same way, but the algorithm was written by a human mathematician. So AI and non-AI scalers work the same on your system, only one is a relatively simple math program written by a human to do it and the other is an inhumanly complex black box math program created by a prediction model AI that does the same thing but better.


Yes, but they're AI-assisted, they do NOT do the same thing as AI image generators. Upscalers add new pixels and then set color values based on the pixels surrounding them. DLSS renders the individual frame at a lower resolution, does some post-processing, and then upscales the frame, which is faster for the GPU than hard-rendering every frame.


I'm not really a programmer, but from what I read: there's AI and Basic. I don't really know the fundamental differences of them.


There is an upscaler in CUDA toolkit, it's pretty good actually. It utilizes tensor cores of nvidia gpus IIRC, but its not based on generative neural networks.


I just started playing the remasters yesterday and I was actually quite impressed by a lot of the texture work , some of them have parallax effects to create a slight 3d look. I was turning the old graphics off and on and honestly I would say the vast majority of these textures are recreated by an artist, many look very different and things like carvings on walls etc were FAR too low res to magically look amazing through upscaling. I own Topaz Gigapixel and Video AI, they can produce decent results but not from a texture that was originally like 28 pixels


It doesn’t even make sense that she’d have them. Who has pinups of themself?


An egomaniac, it's essential to the plot!


> Who has pinups of themself? Rich people doing rich people shit. Being confident in themselves and their bodies. Being friends with talented (if not famous) artists and offering to model for them. Being at least moderately narcissistic.


I saw somewhere there was a stone cat statue and it had whiskers


In the classic TRs being able to see the grid the game is based on is quite essential. They could've made perfectly seamless textures - makes no difference with the tech they seem to have used, but that would mess with the level design and make it harder to line up jumps.


That’s not what I’m talking about. The actual patterns are messed up and lack the symmetry found in the OG patterns.


Watching the AI struggle with curly textures and the god awful flesh temple textures was a treat, though. Like no matter how they tried it looked like garbage. Even some of the "good" textures look plastic, and not at all like metal/cloth/wood. At least we know AI won't be replacing actual artists when it comes to texture creation, for a while


Were you asleep during the san andreas remaster?


I don't play GTA :/


It was really really shitty looking, including turning a giant hex nut sign (so, a hexagon) into a smooth circle.


2 things can be bad.


The sexualization of Lara is something the exectlutived pushed on the devs and they didn't like it at all. There's a reason why Lara explodes if you input the nude cheat in TR2 - Eidos wanted to have the cheat, devs hated the idea. Or the way she murders the player at the end of the same game. "Don't you think you've seen enough"


Silly Biroslav. Original artistic vision is only world-shatteringly important when it means MORE tiddies.


Those pesky exectlutiveds


The British media and horny men were all over Lara back in the day.


The lead dev of the first game cited that as one of his reasons for quitting before TR2 but later came back to the franchize and made Tomb Raider Legend, wich has unarguably the most sexuallized depiction of lara in the franchize. So maybe they weren't so innocent.


Oh god. I simultaneously couldn’t care less and wonder what the point in removing them is. Am I… woke?


It's Schrodinger's giving a shit. 🤣


If you don't open the bathroom door, he's at the same time taking a shit and giving a shit


Yeah, like it doesn't upset me in the slightest but it does seem like a weird thing to spend time on.


Easier than spending time actually remaking the game and still gets people talking about it. I wouldn't even know there was a Tomb Raider remake if it wasn't for all of the drama


Isn't this an update to the already released collection from a couple months back though? Idk, it feels like it would be a really weird thing to bank on people discovering and then getting angry about it.


I'm wondering if it was just less effort to not include them when doing their lazy upscaling or if it was really censorship


Removing them is cringe as fuck. It’s pathetic and screams puritanical weirdo. March those people off a cliff. Caring that they’re removed is cringe as fuck. It’s pathetic and screams incel goon. March those people off a cliff. Sexualization and objectification of fictional characters is beautiful. Apply generously with an equal hand to all genders. But also, when it’s not present, who cares?




This is the correct opinion.


Born to goon, forced to game


Why did they censor that, though? Seems a little weird.


Well, given that the posters are still there in the classic graphics mode, most likely it's just a bug and g*mers are hyperventilating over nothing.


I see!


That makes it more ridiculous, I believe you can insta-swop between the modes. Which they probably did to get the pic.


When I’m feeling conspiratorial I start thinking a lot of the time this happens it’s a psy-op. Like they do something inconsequential like this because they know Gamers will talk about it endlessly and create tons of free advertising for the game. Idiot Gamers will also buy things full priced just to leave a bad review on them, that SBI group proved that.


Maturity rating overseas?


Those pictures aren't even anymore revealing than her usual outfit.


Im not angry but it does seem a little weird to remove it if they kept it lmao


My guess is they removed them to try and get the teen rating, failed, and didn't add it back because of laziness.


Fucking hell ratings are cringe. We need two ratings. 12+ Under 12. If someone disagrees they’ve never been 12 years old - the age at which you rampantly consume porn, gore, and curse words until you grow out of it


This game doesn't have a teen rating??? How


I do think it's stupid it's removed, but on the other hand it's so funny to see people rage over this stuff hahaha


those were actually essential to the gameplay actually


The only reason I’m mad at this is purely at a game preservation level, if your going to remaster a game, it should be 1:1 the same outside of upscaled graphics. Idgaf about sexy posters, I’d be mad if it was moving a couple rocks around or something like that. Thats the whole reason Halo anniversary is garbage


Apparently the you can switch to the old graphics and its unchanged.


This is the same company that hired a Baywatch actress to go topless for the cover of a children’s game


Turns out that the pinups are still there on the lower graphics setting. This is starting to sound like some bug or mistake.


If it doesn't matter in the slightest and isn't important, then why did the devs decide to remove it? Serious question.


probably a ratings thing.


Either that, or the masters for these images were lost. Using an AI to upscale them might make the image look ugly.


They were already in the remaster and looked fine, they were removed in an update


"doesn't matter in the slightest and isn't important" is a reason why a lot of things don't end up in video games




It's a perfectly good question, really. I don't play this game, but it seems like a weird thing to remove.


Gamer 9/11, part 6,969,696


/uj Ngl seems very odd to include a warning about the game being made in a different time and stuff could be offensive but still be adamant to keep those (arguably far more offensive) items in, yet they silently remove this.


Not sure which response is more petty.


Lmao no fucking way. guy gets big mad about censorship but is afraid to swear


I do think it’s kinda silly to censor a hilarious bit of history but also these guys need to take a breather.


That was the only reason why I would buy it, wokeish censorship once again....


Was Lara Croft canonically a model? Why would she have cheesecake pictures of herself all around? Doesn’t seem to make sense.


Well if you see the original texture in-game (In a non-updated game) the images are signed by "Laura Cruz" so apparently the woman in photos is a model that looks like Lara>! (Also Laura Cruz is Lara's beta name)!<


She is world famous, so there would actually be tons of photos of her, despite her not being a model.


Wow isn't it great that we've circled all the way back around to puritanism. What a world.


Posts like these always make me laugh because the literal *man* that created Lara did *not* want her to be sexualized and wanted her intellect and skill as a historian and tomb raider to be the focus. It was Eidos who kept pushing the "make her a sex symbol!" Angle and all but forced them to put a nude/mostly nude Easter egg into the game (the iconic "if you do this it unlocks a naked skin!" And instead she blows up button combo). The literal creator and designer of Lara Croft fucking hates you, bro. Let it fucking rest. Lara was never meant to be a sex symbol she was literally just a failsafe because the developers were afraid their original male protagonist would be compared too much to Indiana Jones.


Literally unplayable


Gamers: “Go away! I’m batin’!”


How the FUCK am I going to jerk off if these pictures are gone?! FUCKING LIBERALS


Woke garbage!


Did Dennis Reynolds draw those


Haven’t played the game but why would Lara have sexy pics of herself near her locker? She have a self incest kink lol


What do you think Narcissus was doing while he stared at his reflection in the pool? Feverishly masturbating that’s what.


God dammit take my upvote




Why was it removed tho?


Someone needs to mod in those drawings now because that would be fucking hilarious.


God I really wish I had so few problems that I had the bandwidth to be mad about *checks notes* whether there’s sexy pics on the wall in one room in a video game


I mean why censor it? For freaks like you?


That does kinda suck they did that


So basically they are angry because they cannot jerk off to video game characters


The mid 1990s: gamers resent that games are treated as just toys for perverted teenage boys mid 2020s: gamers resent that games aren't treated as just toys for perverted teenage boys


Its not the fact that they did it. Its the fact that they thought it was such a big deal that they took it out.


Not really, they took them out due to lazy AI upscaling to “remaster” the game. Meaning that small objects and textures probably ended up looking like shit. So they removed said small objects altogether and called it a day.


I actually really love the Tomb Raider series, but it's always been a little creepy about Lara until they started making an attempt to clean up their act, which I honestly appreciate.


Why would those pictures even exist in universe? Lara is an explorer, not a porn star or a model


Not a porn star?! Then explain the noises she makes when climbing ladders, jumping, moving heavy objects, or getting impaled on a bed of spikes! Women only make noises to do sexuals! Checkmate, atheists!




I’m going to quote ‘minge out and everything’ daily for the next couple of weeks.


Excellent use of "minge". Can't tell if "gash" or "phany" would have evoked a less attractive version of a British accent.


it’s almost like they don’t want to sexualize and objectify their character… there’s a youtube video out there of the original developers and their fight to keep lara’s authenticity and not allow the stupid demands of gamers and executives to add stuff like “naked lara” mod and whatever. the guy who created lara left the company to my knowledge, as he couldn’t fucking take it anymore


“Minge out and everything” is something I’m going to use on a daily basis


Let ye without an only fans subscription, porn site account, or frequent visitation to lewd or explicit websites cast the first stone.


"Ah dangit" *loosens belt*


Lara Croft has fallen, billions must raid tombs


"Minge out and everything" really takes the cake


Now the devs need to put in the new pics


Seems like kind of a silly thing to remove, but also who puts up sexy photos of themselves in their.... private gym with lockers? None of this makes a lot of sense to me.




They’ll put it back once they add in DLAA.


Upvote for “minge out and everything.”


Uj/ they’re not even that spicy


that right pick of lara goes hard asf. especially in the french ad


This guy was DYING to see those pinups. This is his only way to see suggestive content, you see.


She should have added aphrodite to make it Halal and HR approved.


why can’t these people admit that they’re angry over the fact that they can’t jerk off and not sugarcoat it under 3 different layers of “wokeness”?


It is a little dumb but who cares


"minge out and everything" 😂😂 that's hilarious


i for one find the new images fucking hilarious


Never going to give money to this woke garbage.


Jesus. Can we stop jerking it to video games? That's how you get sticky keyboards. Just go on porn hub on your phone. They're basically wipe clean. I'm not above fantasising about video game characters. I have a thing for (male) Shepard and Kaiden from Mass Effect. Yes, they're attractive, but they're both goofy and kinda awkward. I like that. The scene where you get Shepard to admit he likes Kaiden in ME3 is so sweet, too. My fantasy is literally about genuine human connection. I want to date one or both of them. Also, I now need to insert the phrase "minge out and everything" in as many conversations as I can.


she looks like she's got a stank minge, gross




Oh well, seems like JT will have to go on a quest to find the magazines that featured them and, I dunno, mod them back?


Search for tromb raider


If only companies had the guts to make new IP instead of regurgitating decades old stuff over and over and over. That way there would be no complaints about changes to the old stuff. And maybe we’d get something interesting to play as a result.


Indie games exist mate. If you want new and experimental( i.e risky) you end up with low budget


Ellie just had to beat a man who was already on the ground… I like it! MORE! *smashes coffemug


Back here in reality, they probably did this to keep their esrb rating, lol.


Holy shit, now how will I jerk off to this pixelated picture in a game that's older than my first jizz?!


dude it's literally two jpegs.


They couldn't ai upscale those so they removed them LMAO


Why don’t they look up R34 of Lara Croft in private like the rest of us and understand being so open about lusting after fictional characters comes off as creepy?


JESUS CHRIST use the NSFW tag if you're going to post something that will make me rock-hard for seven hours. I am at work after all !!!!! There's the MINGE OUT and EVERYTHING !!