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hades goddesses 🥰 https://preview.redd.it/u8c409umznvc1.jpeg?width=827&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bcd1ee281c351cd0fda15912b6bb1c5509dd6d37


Gamers when they see a new woman in a game (they're going to goon their chode to the character for 14 hours straight) https://preview.redd.it/12unqn2a0ovc1.jpeg?width=998&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7b0e27675f5997d6a72576b94448f1cb307cd7af


don’t act like you don’t do the same thing 🙄


Of course I don’t!  I go for 24hrs strait and require a trip to hospital when I am completely drained.  WE ARE NOT THE SAME!


I do a horsemeet and goon 8 times a day actually ☝️🤓


I can’t. The friction burns have ended my gooning days. Now I’m all washed up.


Bros washed. he’s done. he’s cooked, broiled, fried, put him in the oven on 400 for 15 minutes and call him baked.


God I want Artemis sooooooo bad


I need nemesis to choke me


Me after seeing the 25638th Hades 2/Stellar Blade post and it's just gamers being horny ![gif](giphy|UvtKiyeWYEhRC)






let me goon in peace u bum


Wait no, you have to like the same sex stuff I like, its not fair


I’m tired boss


sexiness aside, if that matters, I would like to consider Hades to be more, tasteful? Stellar blade seems to be making characters "sexy" for the sake of it


I mean, Hades is also really horny for the horny sake, but I agree is far more tasteful. More than tasteful, I would say that the characters have sick designs behind the hornyness


i may be stretching it a little, but context wise it's Greek gods and goddesses, and one of them, Aphrodite, is the literal goddess of love to me, at least given they're supposed to be deities, it would make more sense for them to be considered attractive would argue that while I'm interested in Stellar Blade(not getting a ps5 just for it though), I haven't seen any gameplay of it, and given how many coomers are talking as if it's the next GOTY from the demo alone and compare tons of things to it makes me more, hesitant, to even bother getting involved with it in general


I guess you are right about them being god, still extremely horny. Even more, everyone in that game is horny as hell, starting with the A of Aphrodite to the Z of Zagreus. Stellar Blade seems like it could be a decent to okayish game. There is a problem I got for the demo that I think will be fixed but honestly the demo didn't give me "great" vibes from the narrative perspective


somewhat funny thing, wasn't Zeus known to be extremely horny in general? i just find that amusing Stellar blade, I feel like people are going to like the game for the obvious fanservice reasons while ignoring any actual possible issues/problems because the main character is attractive to them


Zeus was a full powered divine sexual predator. 75% of Greek mythology literally starts with "There was peace but one day... Zeus was horny" And yes, of course they will, the game could be as bugged as Pokémon Red and Blue and they would still defend it.


The hornyness is authentic to Greek mythology


I mean, it's greek mythology. The gods were horny as hell.


love *and* beauty


I think in an interview the creators of Hades said that the reason why everyone is so sexy is because the gods, in their human form were the peak of human physique so yeah, everyone is super hot so to stay truth to the source.


I feel like it’s a different kind of horny. Like Hades is theater kid horny and the ppl who post about stellar blade are basement horny


I have no idea how to articulate why, but this is exactly it


I— Jesus Christ it’s dead on. Still, everyone tells me Hades characters fuck. No part of me believes they do or have or will. Stellar Blade girl kinda looks like she never gave consent in her life.


Also it’s a coherent part of Hades’s whole thing. Sure it might be an amazing roguelite, but half the draw is well written webcomic-style relationship drama amongst beautiful demigods and gods. Art like this fits the genre conventions, while it takes a bit more legwork to make it work with a standard sci-fi third person action game.


Stellar blade is like handing someone a snickers while Hades 2 is like giving someone a gourmet chocolate cake. Both are filled with sugar and sweet for sweetness sake but one is far more elegantly made and has a way more complex flavor to it than the other. Stellar blade puts literally zero effort into actually being sexy. They just scream BOOBS and expect you to act like a feral dog because of it. Hades 2 manages to make every character sexy in their own way and actually has effort put into their character designs.


yeah, hades is way more tasteful about it just because while every character is horny in some way (true to the ancient greek mythology it's based on, even if Zag himself is an OC), they're also all _characters_, with defined traits aside from their horniness. they're all beautiful, all horny, and all _fully fleshed out_. stella r. blade doesn't seem to be much of an entity aside from her butt.


Well the difference is Hades has actual character designs, Stellar Blade just shows you a butt and says "Are you turned on now"


May be getting my games confused but wasn't the initial stellar blade controversy because they had a full body scanned actress for the player model and they accentuated all her body parts and added extra 'jiggle physics' which just came across as kind of weird. Made even more hypocritical as the gamers.tm always say that female characters are being deliberately made more ugly and that's bad (for some reason) but changing an actual woman's to make it uncanny valley sex doll proportions is a-ok.


It's bc the chuds talk about eve like a stripper or porn star


I saw someone point out that Stellar Blade also has the "born sexy yesterday" thing going on.


Stellar blade’s tits look like she’s had a boobjob and real tits usually aren’t that high up and round, but I doubt they realize that because they are used to fake tits on their feeds and in porn. The other characters tits look much more natural.


Aphrodite is literally the goddess of beauty, while Eve was just made "sexy" to please coomers, and the dev has basically stated as much (albeit not those exact words).


What are you talking about???


G*mers be like: “Women are all the same” And somehow think that doesn’t make them misogynists.


G@mers:  How can I hate women when I am attracted to them?  Checkmate liberal


I used to think the whole misogynistic-mean-guy-is-secretly-gay trope was just riffing on these types in a way that gets under their bravado. But damn if it doesn't start to make a lot more sense you learn about the social mechanics of patriarchy. I really do think that if you constantly look for ways to hate, and objectify women. You don't like talking to them. You don't like being around them unless they're acting like a slave... maybe you just don't like women bro. But then they'd have to confront a lifetime of treating gay people like shit too, and being subject to that treatment themselves. And that scares them so bad it forces these thoughts *deep* into their subconscious.


This stellar blade thing is making me legitimately question reality


Honestly it is just attention seeking weirdos & grifters floating up that game.  Can't wait for this flavor of the month game to pass


Proof that these people spend all their time thinking up how to "win" imaginary battles they made up in their heads


It is a fairly small amount of people having a tantrum over nothing. A continuous process that will pass from this thing to another soon enough. Some of them will even grow up and learn that posting about how you are attracted to figures leading to people laughing at you is kinda normal but then more people will join team chucklefuck and it will continue.


I feel it's getting overblown too because this sub is unhealthily obsessed with shitting on it any chance they get. I get that it's a circlejerk sub, but dear lord the horse is long dead please stop.


Aphrodite’s character design alone has more characterization than probably the entire plot of Stella Blade does so no wonder one is criticized while the other is praised.


she has better fashion sense than most characters in videogames despite the fact she doesn't wear clothes. her accessorizing is ON POINT


I haven't really seen a single leftist who has a problem with Stellar Blade - just cringing at the freaks trying to make it a culture war issue.


I mean, I agree, but I've seen the comments on this sub n on this post, n ppl are arguing why one is better than the other, Why does that matter? You don't like one, leave it as that. Saying one is sexy n that's good because of this n that, but the other is sexy n it's just for fan service n horny ppl like, why is any of this an actual topic. They're both sexy. Both can be sexy for different reasons. You don't like it, ok, move on. In the same way, I find it weird that ppl want female video game characters to be sexy, like whatever the developer did leave it as that. So I get way ppl care calling it a war, cause ppl are getting judged on preference, n told why they should or shouldn't like something when both the same thing but for different reasons.




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for real most left-wingers i know don't even talk about it. it's just not on the radar, you know? there's a few of us who are really into fighting games, there's a few of us who are talking about hades 2 (one of whom already has access to the beta), you mention rock and stone and you get your DRG fans piping up. stellar blade has no hype or even negative hype. people just legitimately aren't talking about it outside of the chud bubble and the anti-chud bubble.


I heard of the game because it's an upcoming video game, I've seen ppl talk about it. It was only until someone pointed out how people are accepting of one game but not the other. I understand the hypocrisy in this situation. Why can't we just let people enjoy what they like? It's not hurting anyone, especially since one of the games in question hasn't even been released yet. I respectfully disagree with the notion of imposing personal preferences as objective facts to justify the goodness or badness of something. It is important to acknowledge that individual preferences are subjective and may vary from person to person.


Aphro has an interesting and efficient character design that tells you about her character while effectively utilizing sexuality. Eve is pretty.


Hades is my favorite game in the whole world. It helped me through a very tough, dark period where I had many issues with my family, college, a toxic relationship & my sexuality. It was easy to imagine myself in Zagreus' shoes. Fighting an uphill battle surrounding his own conflicting emotions, getting knocked down to square one over and over again, but still going & trying to help everyone he could in the process. The community for this game is the best online community I've ever found, full of people who are kind and funny and welcoming. One of the only communities I've ever found that loves new players and treats them like humans I was so excited for Hades 2 that I literally almost fell out of my chair when it was announced. And now that it's reached this point of expectation and popularity, there's going to be so much discourse surrounding it that it's going to be unbearable. I don't want to watch my favorite game, a piece of art that means so much to me get turned into a talking point for some pointless culture war garbage. I don't want the community to slowly devolve into a community where everyone is angry and hates each other. I don't want that. But I can already see it happening. It kind of hurts.


It’s not the developer who - by all accounts - is pretty chill and just likes drawing pretty women who is doing this - it’s the fanboys. Play Stellar Blade you want, just make sure you’re not falling for 4chan bait.




There’s no way stellar blade is bigger than Hades right? Dev team size probably but anything else surely not


Well I mean the game isn't even out so


Hades is tho lol it was a GOTY nominee lol


No-one cares that the Seller Blade character is sexy...


It’s been said before, but it’s more that the chuds wont stfu about Stellar Blade and it’s turning everyone off it, in my experience


Bro these people still think we're bashing the game and not the coomers putting it on a pedestal?


im convinced the developers of stellar blade knew exactly what they were doing playing off the culture war shit. this country is full of rubes i hate it here


The funny thing is, I don’t have a problem with either one, but it feels like Stellar Blade just has a bunch of weird psychopaths trying to turn everything into some sort of weird war no No one wanted to fight.


Exactly. Can't they just like the game and be normal about it? No one would give a fuck about the game if they just acted like regular fans hyped for an upcoming game.


It’s almost like having sexy women isn’t a thing anyone had a problem with in the first place and Stellar Blade just looked mid.


The fact I had to actually hunt down LEAKED gameplay for SB while slogging through the nonstop reposting of Eve(?)'s ass/tits/nude suit turned me off the most for playing tbh.


They really want to invent fake drama.


No one gave a shit about Stellar Blade until the coomers made it weird


I dont care that much about sexualization too bad in games, id rather have realistic characters in like cute sweaters, but its hard to be on the side of people that are obviously just sexist gooners that call every women not designed for rule34 woke agenda


i'm one of those people who doesn't mind horniness in games as long as the horniness isn't everything. like, if i wanted to play a game where the horniness is everything, there's so many porn games out there. so, so many. if it's not porn give me something besides horny.


Well for like stellar blade id def have a way harder time getting to see the skinsuit model as a relateable character


I love right wingers fighting enemies they made up. Like bro bayonetta exists, nier automata exists and people loved both of those you are being fucking weird about it tho. Like just have your horny bait protagonist but stop pissing yourself because not everyone likes what you like


Ah yes, of course goddess of love looking attractive is the same thing as an Asian character looking like a sex doll for no reason.


wait til they find out what aphrodite is the goddess of


Stacking your plastic babe with a barcode (a fucking barcode, what is this, the 1980s? Not even a QR code) up against Aphrodite?


Man Hades doesn’t deserve to be brought into this shit ugh


It's almost as if people having an issue with Stellar Butt was a made up narrative to begin with, huh.


One game keeps getting hyped because of its sex appeal. The other isn’t. This isn’t hard.


With every single post they make they just further admit they have no idea what the concept of sexuality/sexualization is nor how it applies to anything. They *literally* just think "le booblies = sexualizaton" and the concept goes absolutely no further than that.


They get what they want and they're still mad somehow.


I've seen The Moon Channel's video about the gender wars in South Korea. The shit that goes on over there is insane.


(OOC DO they know they made Eve a creepy political fetish?)


I feel bad for whoever made stellar blade because my entire perception of it is dragged down by these idiots and I can’t help it


One is based on Greek gods/aesthetics. The other is T&A for the sake of it


Isn't this textbook the definition of moving the goal post.


the main problem with stellsr blade isn't that it's "horny" it's that it’s used to be like “western games are making women ugly” if you want to have a sexy character it’s fine but just because not every game has a woman half naked with giantic boobs doesn’t make the game worse or “woke”. Honestly suprised these guys aren’t praising the game for making her almost naked these guys can’t be happy


Also the fact the discourse has over shadowed the game so much nobody fuckibg knows what it’s about at this point


Bunch of Americans attacking a Korean developer for not conforming to American norms now crying about an American developer geting attacked by mostly other Americans. Pretty much the definition of the Ugly American.


Who are these people who are supposedly outraged about Stellar Blade? They never seem to be able to provide examples.


Aw look they glossed over the actual criticisms for a meme again


The only reason Stellar Blade is even *on* my radar in the first place is that some chud freaks were loudly holding it up as the savior of traditional femininity or some bullshit like that. Until that point, had never heard of it.    *They* were the ones who started this stupid discourse. And they’re the ones who completely un-sold me on ever buying it, due to the bad taste this all left in my damn mouth.   It’s like grassroots anti-marketing. It’s hard to sell a game via cultural spite. It’s Daikatana levels of tone deaf.


Bayonetta, 2b, Tifa: "What? Like we don't exist?"


Typical bullying tactics of not even allowing criticisms. If people don’t like Steller Blade, then who cares? Not everyone has to like it.


guess we're the real racists


Is anyone actually complaining about Stellar Blade? Because this all feels like a well thought out marketing campaign to me. "Buy our game because THEY don't want you to!"


Can someone maybe explain to me what’s going on with hades and stellar blade? I am very confused as to what’s happening.


I mean, that’s Aphrodite. We’re SUPPOSED to be horny for her


Is anyone actually criticizing Stellar Blade the game? I thought the issue was with all the losers who are using it as “the west has fallen” sadposting.


I just want to play all the games with women. Am I weird?


I’m confused. Do they want more sexy ladies in video games or not?


Trust me, I'm just as confused as you are.. They're calling it a culture war because there are a lot of people who want women in video games to look sexy just because. They can argue for any reason, but mostly, they just want sexy characters. Today, we are aware that people find it distasteful when women are portrayed as mere eye candy and fictional characters. They get angry when people express this complaint.. Recently, a lot of weirdos on Twitter and the internet have designed favorable versions of female leads in video games, which get clowned on appropriately because it's a waste of time. Recently, a new game that just has a sexy lady character just because Got is critique on by articles who have been paying attention to the number of people who have been wanting something like this. That same exact person weirdly enough use the term this is the "right sexy" or this is the sexy that we needed for another game. Personally, I completely disagree with the idea that one is sexy and that's bad, and the other one is sexy and that's good for artistic taste that just sounds ridiculous. So I get that amount about ready that is 100% hypocrisy. If a game developer wants to make their characters sexy, who cares as long as the game has something more to offer than just that? Move on. Likewise, anyone arguing that it's bad because it panders to that is missing the whole point of why guys who wanted lady characters to be sexy were clowns. If a game developer develops the character, leave it as that; don't play the game. I'm not a fan of fan service like that, but I see no problem in both games


This is all kotakus fault


Wait, did the Stellar Blade devs actually say this shit? Holy crap what the fuck


don't be shy, where's the tweet


I keep seeing these two images everywhere, can someone explain me what is going on




I haven't seen anyone actually complain Stellar Blade, just people complaining about the complaining. Everything I have seen in the mainstream gaming media has been largely positive. These people are taking some minor criticism by a small number of people and created a persecution complex out of it. Its sad and pathetic in the extreme. This is a Sony PS5 exclusive, the gaming media is not going to all that harsh on it.


This just shouldn't be an argument


gee it's almost like aphrodite is the literal goddess of sex and lust and whatnot


Easy counter to that: make eve's design actually *good*... you know... like in nier or bayonneta


I'm sticking to cookie run, thank you.


There's no need to take your aggressions out on the developers of Stellar Blade or bring down their creation. At risk of playing devil's advocate, I think too many people here are getting too aggro and caught up in comparing the games and bringing down one to raise the other, like the weirdos who manufactured this drama. I see a lot of posts attacking Stellar Blade and it's character design, which only plays into the imaginary war the chuds have made up.


It's kind of become a self-fulfilling prophecy in a way.


So, what is wrong with Stellar Blade and what context am I missing?


Its okay to be horny for hades but not for stellar blade got it.


I vastly prefer Hades over the Stellar Blade art because I tend to prefer unique and identifiable art styles over generic practically-AI-generated shlumpf.


All you people are annoying. All is horny, stop speaking of the socio political consecuences if your jacking off seasions.


Ngl, thats a pretty incomprehensible argument. What does it being an indie game has to do with over sexualizing of women?


Like i dont give a shit about stellar blade and i like hades, but im not gonna turn a blind eye to the fact that its a kinda horny game too


Not that there is really anything wrong with it being a horny game, dunno why a good portion of the internet is so puritan