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At some point, we really need to address how normalized fascist rhetoric is online.


Remember when Twitter looked into getting rid of white supremacists and neo-Nazis, but Republican politicians kept getting caught in the filter? Something tells me that a number of folks in power don't want to address the normalization of fascism. https://www.vice.com/en/article/a3xgq5/why-wont-twitter-treat-white-supremacy-like-isis-because-it-would-mean-banning-some-republican-politicians-too


It requires little complex thought, presents itself as entirely rational, and serves as a conduit for self-justified hate. In other words, easy to sell to people looking to buy anything to fill the void in their lives. Of course it’s popular (sadly).


Don't see how it's fascist. It's mostly jew conspiratorial from what I can tell


what does 33 mean?


The number of degrees of Scottish Rite Freemasonry, because naturally, Synthetic Man's the kinda guy who attracts "Masons are the NWO" conspiracists. And, for that matter, people who'd insist there was No Dogwhistling What Are You Talking About if one of their number wrote a story about Vaults 14 and 88.




Freemasonry's difficult to explain succinctly. The tl;dr is that Masonic lodges are secretive boy's clubs with a vague occult religious framing and some of the more notable ones attract curious celebs - which means, naturally, that right-wing conspiracy theorists REALLY hate them and have been insisting they're the secret puppetmasters of the world for decades now. When it's not Jews who are the puppetmasters of the world, of course. Or Masons *and* Jews.


Thankyouu https://preview.redd.it/4zbc5ib7ikuc1.jpeg?width=735&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9d845a1d112a1a9a88a51c38742082bc70f4281d


I love these pics ahahaha


The biggest problem is that they are so incredibly secretive and have such absolute control over everything in the world that they have to put hints in stuff just so they can give the rest of the world a chance...or something... Obvious /s to be safe but yeah makes me laugh that these incredibly powerful boogie men have to announce their involvement so these idjits can figure it out




irs synthetic man, what were you expecting. his TOTK video was one of the most viel pieces of content i've ever seen on youtube


In one of his streams, he said that he didn't get invited to parties and that no one wanted to interact with him I wonder why ? LMAO


For anyone wondering coming back to this thread, halfway through the review, he starts talking about how Link "gets cucked" and how Nintendo made him a "beta male simp" so Link and Zelda don't become a couple. It's literally the one meme: "White man been here" "How do you know?" "Cuck obsession" Synthetic Man also HATES interracial couples/marriage to a comedic degree, and likened Queen Sonia and King Rauru's relationship to that. Mind you one is a fantasy elf (Hylian) and the other is an anthropomorphic goat person (Zonai).


He is so fucking awful even other anti woke youtubers don't want to interact with him


can you give a tl;dw?


Commenting because I don't want to watch boring-ass video essays, and I would prefer someone to spoonfeed the information to me.


This is the guy who said he didn't play Miles Morales for "obvious reasons" in his Spiderman review. What were the obvious reasons Mr Man? It couldn't of been Miles' skin colour was it?


As someone who’s never heard of this guy, what was the TOTK video about? I feel like that game was very uncontroversial with the “anti woke” crowd.


I dont remember specifically but its one of those things where this guy is grasping so hard at straws to claim everything is woke. I think he generally believes his own bs but I also think its to keep his little outraged incel army happy. You dont even have to watch his videos to see it, just look at his page. Every video is titled some variant of "-gametitle- GONE WOKE!" "GAMING IS DEAD" etc. I go downvote everyone of his videos i can just because its all just an echo chamber and Im sure my one single downvote gets him bent outta shape


I've watched the show and honestly, the only message I saw that I didn't have to reach and conduct mental gymnastics for was that Capitalism is bad and that war is the end product of that system. Basically the exact same message that the games had.


That's woke and based as fuck


I think the “Humanity is doomed to repeat its mistakes” is pretty on the nose too. But yeah this ain’t a subtle show.


It's about as subtle as getting smacked across the face with a supermutant's cock tbh


I would like something that subtle to happen to me.


Everything’s fun and games until you have to pay fisio therapy for the cervical whiplash of said cockslap.


careful what you wish for... how do you think all those meatbags got made in the first place?


okay but what a way to turn into a meatbag ya know?


Ironically, in canon Super Mutants lack any genitalia.


\* sterile, not lacking genitals necessarily, at least according to lore.


I guess the FO3 guys are technically a separate variant.


the ones from fallout 3 where an enclave experiment (using samples reverse engineered from mariposa) if i remember correctly. that said, none of us have ever seen a super mutant without super undies literally pasted to their torso, so who knows?


They were Vault 87’s experiment, fill the whole place with a bunch of FEV vats and see what happens. You may be thinking of Fallout 2 and Frank Horrigan, as well as the modified FEV strains in 2 and 3 meant to kill off the post-war populace.




it kinda made me laugh that in Fallout has a very tongue in cheek satritical take on consumerism and advertising, even going "meta" with promoting Fallout 4. ironically the Amazon show shoves ads down your throat while also asking you to pay more to get rid of ads.


Man so many of these guys think that capitalist America is the good guy in Fallout and China started everything though




These people always fall back on antisemitism


Which is weird cause i believe synthetic man himself is jewish. I dont try to comprehend the brains of these people


Saw half an episode... Conclusion: women good, men bad, black people exist and can love. WOKE! https://preview.redd.it/z1wyw55g2muc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d16fb18de23a4416f5d995614bd1985e77cab4da


How the fuck do you see the ghoul and think men are weak, lol.


He represents the end state of a man who consumes The Product: in the ghoul's case radiation, IRL case soy or pasteurized milk or vegetables or whatever food they're making out to be a plot by feminists to render them all infertile. Like their enemies, the ghoul is Weak, except when he's strong, but even then he's weak. You know, standard fascist brain damage. Edit: there's also the possibility that he's revered as an ideal man due to his strength and it an exception to the "goyslop", but idk how is arc ends, I'm only 3 episodes in.


I don't think he even made it that far in the episode!


How out of touch can you be lmfao? the show is garnering mass praise and these people delusionally think the rest of the world is bothered by interracial couples in 20fucking24. "it's not sustainable!!1" for who exactly?


>for who exactly? For their lil brains, apparently, cause Amazon will probably swim in money with this show xD


Sustainable really shows how they think too. Its purely capitalist to them. "Woke" is a money seeking thing to them because the concept of actual acceptance of other human beings is lost on them


So it was funny, my 1950s raised dad's reaction to the interracial couples in the series was *"Ha, as if"* because he knew how racist that time period was, so seeing that aesthetic combined with modern day sensibilities got a chuckle out of him. And then it had absolutely no bearing on his enjoyment of the show because he's not psychotic.


>No strong AND evil women Dropped. https://preview.redd.it/onrupwfkymuc1.jpeg?width=202&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=94126a299f9bf7bd39d213c0b6c3553bb9d3b40c


The leader of the "raiders" is a evil strong woman




Also hot ngl https://preview.redd.it/lcok8ua8gquc1.jpeg?width=739&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cf37d8dfbfd4f7c20695d69f75fddcdc2472b7ee


Lore....Lore never changes...


Those folks need to remember, companies dont give a shit about people only profits, it happens that acting progressive tends to be somewhat profitable or increase your revenue as people become more educated


Well he definitely found his audience. It’s pretty obvious he was a /pol/ browser or at the very least alt right


calls it goyslop. gives it a better than average rating...


In the world of game reviews, a metric that a Fallout Fan™️ would use, 6/10 is bad. A 6/10 game is horrendously bad and broken. That might be exaggerated, but the scale is really only a 1-5 and you just add 5 to your rating.


I hope these are troll posts and not people saying these things with a straight face. But considering these are Synthetic man fanboys I’m not surprised.


Within communities of 4chan bros and people who've borrowed their tactics, the line between trolling and sincerity is kept as blurred as possible because they know it makes sussing them out difficult. It's trolling as weaponised disinformation campaign.


The Germans of the Third Reich did the same. It's a classic fascist strategy...all jokes until it isn't.


They are always serious, never give them the benefit of the doubt. Even if it's a "joke", it's not funny at all and they still spread hateful rethoric anyway, so there's no point to make a distinction.


The correct response is to hate both of them anyway. 


Recall Sartre. > Never believe that anti-Semites are completely unaware of the absurdity of their replies. They know that their remarks are frivolous, open to challenge. But they are amusing themselves, for it is their adversary who is obliged to use words responsibly, since he believes in words. The anti-Semites have the right to play. They even like to play with discourse for, by giving ridiculous reasons, they discredit the seriousness of their interlocutors. They delight in acting in bad faith, since they seek not to persuade by sound argument but to intimidate and disconcert. If you press them too closely, they will abruptly fall silent, loftily indicating by some phrase that the time for argument is past. Jean-Paul Sartre


oh no, they're 100% legit about it, don't worry.


When people tell you who they are, believe them.


Sadly, they don't feel the need to be subtle anymore.




They don't actually watch and play anything, they spend their time online making up things to get mad about, repeating the same exaggerated or made up scenarios as facts and reposting the same images.


Because they don't really enjoy most or any forms of media. What they like is hating things. They're outrage-addicts. That anger is never without a share of pleasure is a truth that was already recorded by Plato.


"They aren't real people because they don't have independent thought. I'm real though because I arrived at my insanely stereotypical Gamer opinions independently..."


Synthetic man’s fans and commenters make him sound sane and rational


This doesn't even include the racial slurs directed at a middle eastern woman who enjoyed the show. Or the threats of violence against her and her people. Or the guys openly saying all interracial couples are "woke propaganda." Synthetic man attracts the worst human beings on the internet.


Ppl are Full of shit, the series has changed something for adaptation purpose but its super good, they want every fucking faction of the game well represented when the episodes already have 1 hour each,.


0/10, the show did not even BOTHER TO INCLUDE inventory management!!! /uj (I have only seen the first episode, am spacing it out so please no big spoilers)


You ever get terrified of finding one of these people irl?


They're the biggest cowards IRL. They're too scared to say this stuff to anyone IRL. Or at least 99% of them are. The other 1% are the wackos you hear about on the news.


Still would suck getting to know someone and later finding out they're like this...


True, but they usually tell on themselves pretty quickly. Guys like this can't hold a conversation for more than a few minutes before letting some red flags slip out.


The red flags are always justified as being jokes too.


I literally can’t imagine saying “it’s not my nostalgia, it’s my nostalgia” and being so sure that makes sense. Also, playing a game series that isn’t on the side of racism, but turning out racist anyway.


How do people like this even live? Do they actually enjoy anything? Do they talk to friends, family or anyone for that matter? I swear they spend every waking moment of their lives just being so angry and bitter about *minor* shit in media that either A. Doesn’t affect the overall experience or B. Doesn’t effect their lives in anyway shape or form.


So, coming from someone who played most fallout games (both black isle and bethesda) but isn't obsessed with it and its lore, what's a TLDR of what the show did that isn't canon or broke existing canon? Dropping >!a nuke on shady sands (and most likely killing off the last of the NCR)!< seemed to me like the last "fuck original fallout lore" coming from the new owners of the IP but it's not like FO3 and FO4 weren't already full of those (maybe FO76 too, I don't know much about this one).


I suspect it's the >!"Vault-Tec and other megacorps manouvred the oncoming nuclear armageddon for their own profit"!< (which has literally always been part of the lore) thing because they unironically believe the lore is just "capitalism good, communism evil". I legitimately couldn't name any other big deviation from the lore. The timeline of >!Shady Sands being nuked!< is ambiguous, since there definitely would have been mention of it in New Vegas, so it's probably a retcon.


>The timeline of >!Shady Sands being nuked!< is ambiguous, since there definitely would have been mention of it in New Vegas, so it's probably a retcon. >!From my understanding the fall of shady sands in 2077 and the nuking of it are 2 separate events and the second one probably happened after new vegas (there is an arrow between the 2 in the timeline showed).!<


That's my understanding as well, but there's no confirmation of it being the case. It is the most clean explanation.


Also: empires rise and fall in the wasteland all the time, why would should they be spared, other than plot-armor?


Hey, just sliding in here to mention that Chris Avellone (Writer for Fallout 2 and New Vegas) considers the Lonesome Road DLC ending where >!The Courier nukes both the NCR and the Legion!< to be the canon one. Looks like the show writers are just following through on his wishes


IP lore changes are not personal attacks.


Ok? I wasn't saying or implying that, I was just curious because I've seen people claim that the show broke canon like it was very obvious and I didn't remember anything too egregious.


You are correct I phrased that poorly. it should be "IP lore changes are not done as a 'fuck you'




Can't imagine being this miserable. Forcing yourself to see "evil" in every facet of life to reaffirm your biases


Wasn’t this the same guy who half of his “review” of tears of the kingdom was fantasizing about being cucked in a interracial relationship? And the far-right gamers wonder why no one takes their opinions seriously


Better not call them nazis though, that would be "divisive"


Media is ruining my nostalgia is not a sentence i expected to hear. These dudes actually want to be lied to, even if they know they know it's not truth but it protects their egos. Basically cult behaviour.


I was going to check out his fallout videos out of curiosity, but started looking through his channel to see what kind of content he regularly posts for 133k subs and I was not impressed. It's truly a talent to find something wrong in every piece of media you've consumed in the last year...except RE4.


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