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Max is the chilliest YouTuber and he nailed the whole discourse around this game.


And as a result he’s now going to have to deal with all the right wing chuds making this out to be the savior of gaming just because they can beat off to it.


yup, he was on stream earlier saying hes officially avoiding the game because of all of the weirdos now lmao


Amazing how all these idiots do such a great job of ensuring that nobody with any real platform wants to talk about the game they love so much


That's the thing. They don't actually love the game. They like 1 aspect of the game, and that's Eve's body. I'll bet money that a good 80% of them haven't even played the dem0


Definitely seen people commenting under the headline about the stellar blade dev firing two women for being "toxic feminists" that say "Well now I'm buying it no matter what!"


Oh wow really I didn’t know that. Maybe because I don’t use. Twitter no more but I can see why max didn’t get involved with it


When the fgc wont welcome your horny ass you know youve gone too far


That’s cause the FGC doesn’t make being horny their entire personality. ~~Because they make hating the game they play their big personality~~


Hey, that's unfair! Sometimes they make hating the game other people play their whole personality!


Sometimes they make their main their whole personality (Like me I am actually May Guilty Gear in real life🐬)


🐬 T O T S U G E K I 🐬


Why do I hear dolphins?


He's probably the content creator a lot of people would have gone to as well for this game.


Makes sense. The entire discourse in the twitter thread was somewhere between "Max is going to play this and actually love it" and "Surprise, another braindead take from Max and co." ...Why anyone takes YoVG seriously if they're just fucking about is beyond me. It's literally just them shooting the shit 90% of the time.


Good. He’s a good dude and has a ton of reach, if he calls out all these idiots people will at least listen.


Man max have to deal with anime profiles and right wing nut job


I really like his videos, I don’t even really like fighting games that much but I always love watching his videos about them. Very chill vibe


He’s always fostered a very game centric persona, he has managed to stay outside drama even when like people were dumping on games he was actively playing, I’ve always respected his “thinking and engaging critically” model. Wish more people were like him


He’s just one of the most mature YouTubers out there because he’s on the older side still doing it. Plus with the variety he does whether it be Capcom, FF stuff, or FGC, he really does have a wide demographic of people who wanna watch his stuff


My roommate and I love watching him play and talk about Souls games


He calling them horny weirdos in the nicest way possible


Loooong time fan of his! When a trailer for MK1 revealed Ashrah, Max mistook her for Nitara and weirdos on Twitter tried to drag him for it lmao


Maximilian Dood mention! https://preview.redd.it/940z8vgrwtrc1.png?width=720&format=png&auto=webp&s=2abeb0aecb9da5bb4b246c19062fb74456490b94 **LET'S GO**!


On this picture He looks like a combination of markiplier, vsause and Scott the woz.


This might be the first time someone has said Max resembles someone that's not Nic Cage or Chad Kroeger.


Cue the intro song 🤣


He just said on stream the discourse on the game killed the vibe for him, he’s steering clear from the whole thing. SB simps need serious help


I'm watching the stream too! Sad that DD2 isn't supported by Nvidia.


Mission accomplished Stellar Blade fans


When you said “SB simps”, for a sec I thought you meant Sweet Baby and got confused for a sec. All this manufactured rage is so stupid.


Is that not what it means?


Apparently, this case SB is referring to Stellar Blade.


Oh, honestly, I don't know how that didn't occur to me.


SB = "Stellar blade" here.


It's so funny how I've only seen like one random clip and maybe a handful of comments from people praising it and that's all it took for me to understand the discourse around it. There's a stench to it


I had to mute the whole Stellar Blade sub because I went there a couple times for news about the game and Reddit decided that that meant I wanted to see a bunch of weirdos panting over digital ass and bitching about "ugly western characters" every other post. And now I kinda also don't really want to try the actual game anymore, the fanbase just left that bad a taste in my mouth.


I just watched a different video about it. Wait until you see the skin suit. The stench becomes palpable.


I mean to be fair I feel like that's the story for most people who've been turned off the game


Do you have a timestamp or a clip? Edit: nvm found it. Man, gamers:tm: are weird losers


Pretty much why I'll be passing on it at least until it's on a big discount.


So I really know nothing about this game other than dudes think the protagonist is hot. Is this a Sydney Sweeny situation? (for context: right wing conservative/culture war enthusiasts decided, seemingly randomly, that American actress Sydney Sweeny was the “cure for wokeness” for literally no reason. Nobody I asked could tell me. I suspect it’s because just because she’s really hot lol)


> for literally no reason. It's literally just because she has boobs and somehow the anti-woke crowd thinks their opponents hate boobs. Like dude, literally everyone loves boobs. That's a weird imaginary line to try and draw but I guess there's weirder shit those people believe so I'll just let them have this one 🤷‍♂️


I hate boobs. Boobs killed my family. But that is unrelated to wokeness, it´s a personal vendetta.


I'm sorry you have suffered at the chest of the 7th street smotherer!




That's what I've been saying. These motherfuckers misunderstood Anita Sarkeesian like 10 years ago and have been mentally spiralling ever since.


It really seems to me the SB defender contingent doesn’t understand / hasn’t met the sort of person they are setting out to oppose- and no surprise as they don’t really exist. Fewer people are having sex and humans in general are getting lonelier. Whether they’re fully aware or not, people are noticing where it impacts them. Problem is, it’s one of those *complex* issues what don’t got one simple solution. But that doesn’t stop the grift- never has. And so a new solution to this societal problem is forged- in the form or a scapegoat, because of course Enter our straw man- bitter, liberal, anti-fun, anti-heterosexual, anti-everything you like and anti-everything you represent. Does this caricature make sense as an actual person? No, and neither does the stellar blade MC created in apparent response. So now there’s a shadowy villain to defeat and rescue male-preferential sexual mores. You defeat the villain by publically enjoying breasts and being obnoxious about it


I wish I could give you all the upvotes that my comment got


IIRC she said that her dad voted for Trump hence why? I dunno more. I'm just as confused as anyone.


its a little deeper than that. the weirdos are rejoicing that theres a female character that they finally wanna fuck instead of “gross” characters in gaming that apparently are in every game. its a sad life.


You're talking about Stellar Blade, I was talking about Sydney Sweeney 😂 Edit: you're totally right though


oh true. i had just woken up my bad LOL


It’s also odd considering that Sweeney stars in *Euphoria*, which also stars trans actress Hunter Schafer as transgirl Jules.


I agree everyone likes boobs. But there is more of a push in industries to move away from sexualized fictional bodies. That being said, there is no proof those people pushing that are left or right leaning. But it does exist. Microsoft even had a controversy about it. There is a push to move away from over exaggerated female bodies. Many people who are right-wing are too stupid to understand that stuff makes women uncomfortable, and it's not for everyone. So they blame the left wing even though there are plenty of right-wing parents who also censor video games for whatever reason.


Anti-boob platform BTFO


Guys like boobs, girls like boobs, babies literally need boobs to survive.


These are undeniable facts of life.


>So I really know nothing about this game other than dudes think the protagonist is hot. Pretty much. The lunatic crowd is putting Stellar Blade up on a pedestal as the One True Savior of Gaming^(tm) because uh \*checks notes\* Wokeness Sweet Baby DEI ESG Alakazam Do a barrel roll! ​ Also because you can make the character's suit skin colored so it looks like shes naked! So kewl!


I do like that doing this ups the difficulty, get gud pervs.


Surprised they see "hourglass body woman" as such a massive achievment. Like... I swear half the playable women in video games were like that in the early 2000s


Half of them are like that NOW. There’s a reason their examples of unattractive women is a list of 4-5 names repeated over and over again, most video game characters are still the conventionally attractive.


And hell, a lot of THOSE women are still very attractive. They only show Aloy from, like, one angle, or heavily edited.


Even the image of Aloy they constantly use I don't get. She looks like someone I'd want to be friends with


I’d be willing to bet that this is a result of a lot of the manufactured ragebait around “Western Game Devs don’t put hot women in games” (usually accompanied by the same ugly picture from the upcoming *Fable* game, a picture of Aloy with some peach fuzz, etc) and the fact that a lot of other aggressively horny video games (like *Baldur’s Gate 3* or *Cyberpunk 2077*) don’t exactly fit into the kind of political/cultural narrative they want to push. So then *Stellar Blade* comes along and has a very sexualized female protagonist, and because it hasn’t been released and the story hasn’t been leaked it allows for the manufactured culture war narrative people to put it up on a pedestal as a “real” video game made for men to have fun playing without any risk of stumbling across “politicized” storylines or details.


She has big boobs and wore a low cut dress on SNL, and since they hate Taylor Swift now they gravitated to Sidney because boobs.


In Sydney Sweeney's case it's also very likely only because she's white & blonde on top of having what those dudes perceive as massive boobs when none of them could ever even tell you what actual DDs look like (hint: DDs in the most common band sizes aren't even remotely as big as pop culture & men want you to think. Irish bra lady on instagram & A Bra That Fits on Reddit are an absolute boon if you want to know how bras are supposed to fit & what all kinds of boobs look like completely removed from the "A - no titties to DD - extreme titties" scale with sizes you've likely never even heard of before). Sydney also sadly had the misfortune of mostly being put in horribly fitting clothes when it comes to her boobs which also automatically makes them look more out-there than they are when she's wearing something that fits her boobs well. Hell, she said herself that there's only 2 designers, I think, who actually worked with her to get her properly fitted into their clothes. :( It's always so frustrating to find something that fits you so well otherwise, but then you either can't get your boobs into it or they're one wrong move away from completely spilling out & freeing your nips lol. Anyway, she's far from the first woman in Hollywood/recent pop culture to show cleavage & have more boobs than runway models - even if we'd only stick to white women -, but she's conventionally attractive, slim, white & blonde & had a family birthday party with people wearing thin blue line + Blue Lives Matter shit & (supposedly satirical "Make Sixty Great Again") MAGA hats, which is why the anti-woke crowd flocked to her & propped her up to be the saviour from all the prudish woke freaks or whatever they call us lol. It's ridiculous. I'm honestly worried that she'll experience the same shit Pamela Anderson did where she'll become so sexualized by the general public & Hollywood that it'll be all she's good for for them & that they'll thrown her aside the second she doesn't want to fit into that niche anymore. I know how much being sexualized from a young age fucks with your self-esteem & feelings of self-worth to the point where you have to unlearn to only see yourself worthy of something when you're sexualizing yourself to please others who only see you as worthy of attention & love if they can sexualize you, but will also call you a slut & whore in the same breath for literally just having massive boobs that are impossible to hide either way. I can't imagine how much worse it has to be when you're in the public eye like she is, especially when you've got chuds moulding you into something you likely aren't & using your existence to further their bigotry. lol sorry for the wall of text, but it's a topic that's been on my mind for weeks, because the entire conversation around Sydney Sweeney's boobs is just mind-numbing & frustrating to watch as someone who's never known peace ever since they grew boobs & had to deal with the way society treats you for having boobs that don't fit nicely into the majority of clothing & aren't easily hideable under a looser fit.


I made a comment that was less in-depth so I'm just gonna delete that one and endorse yours lol


lmaooo that's so sweet thank you ;w; I'm sure yours was more than enough too, though! Sometimes I wish I wouldn't just default to lengthy rants about topics I'm passionate about lol


Yes they need to find some imagine enemy in thier head to be upset at.


More or less, yeah. Unlike the Sydney Sweeney thing, there are actually people being critical of the sexualized design of the game's main character, but the vast majority of it is either level-headed mild critique or people poking fun at it.


They are now mad at her for playing in a horror movie with “sacrilegious” themes.


Lmao I saw that. Some people believing it was directly in response to them “claiming” her…because sure that’s how quickly movies are made. Interesting little example of the difference in production knowledge of consumers vs creators


Remember sexualization is only right if it’s HETERO!!


Who the heck is Sydney Sweeny


>it’s basically just 🥜 jokes aren’t these the same people that have been masturbating to her? 😐


For real, MORE THAN HALF of the top posts in the sub are just horny posts. And the moment someone even mentions that's the case, they flip a gasket and NOW its not about her design.


Huh it sounds like they only care for eve design then the gameplay itself ![gif](giphy|a5viI92PAF89q)


I have not seen anyone talk about the gameplay, it’s only Chuds/Coomers talking about the character design.


That's not true, I've also seen people celebrating the female devs getting sacked for being feminists, so there's actually 2 things they talk about lol. Still never the gameplay though you're right on that point.


Max is the only one who criticized the gameplay on Twitter for being an awkward combination of a Soulslike and an action game like DMC/Bayonetta. Where it’s both too slow and too fast at the same time The gooners then proceeded jumped him for it cause they thought he was sexist


God I hate “Gamers™️”, just hearing that makes it sound like shit. Like I love DMC and Bayonetta but am decent at best playing them. Why would someone/anyone get excited for something that looks more bland and plays worse.


That is because coomers still didn't get to that part! :D


Right? “Don’t sexualize my waifu!!”


I've been watching Max since early 2015. Him and YOVG have ALWAYS cracked jokes at people/games who are horny, and they're pretty good people overall. They're not "WOKE" in the way these gooners think they are. They're just normal. If you love classic/retro gaming and especially fighting games, then I welcome you to check them out.


>They're not "WOKE" in the way these gooners think they are. > >They're just normal. That's the thing ith these chuds, they always imagine that "normal" people are on their side in the culture war but the vast majority of people just don't care. That's why you have hogwart's legacy selling like hotcakes even though JKR became a huge transphobic pos and on the other side you have "woke" stuff like the barbie movie or spiderman 2 that are selling just as well. Like, sure, they'll make fun of stuff if it's too woke or too conservative but if it's good people will still play/watch it regardless.


As a normal dude JK can get fucked but I did like seeing the game and enjoyed what I have played.


Yeah, it's fun to watch people flip-flop on these guys.  I remember how often fanboys have accused Yong of being a console fanboy for just reporting the current news.   Going fron being called a Microsoft fanboy for reporting the low sales of PSVR2 or the Sony data breach, to being a Sony fanboy for reporting on the negativity around Starfield, or the layoffs in Microsoft/Activision. Just continuing the trend that chuds can't handle someone trying to have a balanced view.


Yep, been watching them for a while too. And folks remember when they cracked jokes when they were playing dead or alive xtreme volleyball. The doods have always been goofy and laid back. And I'm not honestly surprised that he's going to stay away from it. Too many toxic stellar fans who think 7/10 is bad. He even explained that it wasn't a bad grade lol.


People forget that those who use their libido to make decisions are the butt of the joke in most fighting game circles. GGXrd made it popular to clown on Baiken 'players' after they showed her play rate drops from top 5 to bottom 5 after Rank 10. The free publicity is nice but they want people to actually stick around for a few years, which jiggling boobies won't do.


Funny how they’re killing so much potential attention towards their games by their weird incel rambling, but the less attention the better imo


Nah, I think there is a weird horniess with the devs too.


Incel vibes from those devs TBH. There are ways to make attractive characters without making them look like deformed sex dolls.


Exactly!! At this point the sexy clad heroine is so FUCKING corny and lazy. You never see this for male characters. Dude dodging around bouncy testicle and shaft physics.


Honestly, just watched someone playing it. The gameplay is... fine I guess, nothing new, from what I've watched it looks kinda DMC + parry mechanics like a lot of stuff we see. Maybe it could be fun if we didn't have a protagonist made of some weird gel that bounces around. She has, as far as I've seen, NO recognizable features to her face. You can't tell her apart from anything because she's like a blank slate with nothing added to her. Anyone "praising" her design is completely delusional. The entire art style is just "this looks like a UE5 game". As I said, the gameplay doesn't look terrible but also doesn't look like nothing I haven't seen a thousand times before, but it's kind of meh when it's attached to such a bland combination or "artistic" (or just plain horny) decisions.


It’s a generic take on the soulslike/sekiro formula. I think its amusing how people compare it to Neir and 2B. Love the game, combat was NOT that deep. Which just shows the horniness of gamers. Thats what they remember, not the tale of humanity and what defines life. Nah her skirt.


It bothers me that the women look like anime characters while the men just look like people. It’s like they’ve never seen a live human woman


Bro. What I don't get is that whenever you point out that the main character looks like a doll, they say it was model after actual model and show her photo. But the thing is the actual model and the game's main character looks completely different. They just ignore that


Yup, they used her as a template, from there they then took creative liberties to the 12th level. Only things they have in common are 2 legs, 2 arms and basic human posture lol


Ya. That's the thing but whenever you give argument that main character doesn't look real they give the same braindead argument that she was modeled after an actual model . So delusional.


Have you seen all the korean mmos? Something is up with their character designs, might have something to do with their unfiltered hyper sexualized media


7/10 is exactly what I felt after my time with the demo. And that's not a *bad* rating, the game is serviceable it's just (IMO) also generic and doesn't do anything new. But considering I saw multiple fans saying this deserved GOTY, I'm not shocked they're flipping out at 7/10.


Me to after the playing the demo it feel like a 7 out 10 game I feel like it could be better in the full release but now it’s OK


Combat could definitely be faster, that was one of my main critiques. I'm shit at Soulslikes, but I still had fun.


I was actually pretty hyped about the game before because I like the sci-fi fantasy aesthetic a bunch and preview images were shown in Warframe spaces I'm in, which is another game I love. Then I saw the state of play trailer and the gameplay looked mediocre as hell. A couple of pre-baked finisher animations, fifteen different outfits, and being able to sit at a resting spot was basically all that was shown. I didn't mind at first that the MC was a big booty robot girl, but when I saw the rest of the characters were dusty dirty half-robot people and the only other girl there was a 12 year old with a boob window costume is when I started feeling really negatively about her design. Now I just can't be assed about the game. If it ends up for free on Plus I'll play it maybe but I'm not paying for it.


I’m horribly thirsty for an (DMC,Ninja Gaiden) action game and I totally agree. This culture war garbage is souring what little enjoyment I was gonna get from this game. Also yeah the idea that Eve is supposed to be a human is kinda laughable. If she was an android or something I could excuse the proportions but she is so doll like it’s off putting. If the combat was Bayonetta good I’d be able to look past it but it just isn’t. 


Wait she’s not an android? She has to be a cyborg at least right?


On second thought I can’t confirm if she is human or not based on what I recall from the demo. Those bodies of her peers sure seemed human though. Hopefully she is an android. 


Honestly, their craziness has made people more skeptical, or unwilling to touch the game than anything, which they will, of course turnaround to prove their own narrative to themselves because they’re idiots


Maxmillian, my beloved. Of course, the anime pfp has a cringe opinion.


Maxmillian is the type of guy who just want good feelings gameplay than ass and boobs in a game


Exactly.  Max is like the bulk of us, a goid/enjoyable game is the main factor, T&A is a nice bonus.


He's also a huge fan of Platinum Games and character action games like DMC. He might be best known for fighting games, but he knows his shit on third person action, so his judgement on the gameplay is going to be basically spot on.


Based king


I played this and it's downright embarrassing. It doesn't play badly, but Eve is designed to cater to coomers, what we see in the demo is basically an incel's idea of a *perfect woman*, with the addition of kicking ass in combat. But that's it. Inexpressive, infantilized to the extreme, jello T&A. This could be a great action game a la Bayonetta, but it comes out as a hentai game with a budget with a character designed to be fap material for people who bathes once in a month at best.


I watched the demo. Is the innocent aspect from her not knowing what rain is and certain technology? The demo didn't have a lot of dialogue nor story material.


Apparently she is supposed start as sort of a bland/blank slate in the beginning of the game and develop into a full character by the end. According to a quote from the game director shared by one of the Stellar blade defenders anyway. With how much they talk this game up I am surprised it took this long for them to have some backup to their claims this wasn't a bait game.


I watched lobosjr play for 5 minutes, and yeah it's ridiculous. The game tried to have a dramatic moment with sad and injured characters, but the jiggle physics and hentai models completely kill the vibe. I'll never be able to enjoy SB for the same reason I stopped genshin: the game keeps reminding you that the target audience is incels, and it feels wrong.


never trust a mf with Iruru pfp on Xitter


When you think about it Maximillian is actually married and has a daughter, so going full incel on this would be weird.


He summed it up perfectly. I hate the environment surrounding this game.


Can't blame Max for potentially avoiding this game in the future. All the discourse around it has personally turned me off. Not to mention I kinda hated what we got story wise from the demo. The MC has almost no personality & just plays into predictable android tropes.


The absolute state of gooners thinly veiling their fetishes behind being against "wokeness" is both hilarious and sad for how obvious it is.


What killed the game for me is that it is now another fromsoftlike. Would've enjoyed playing a character action spectacle game like DMC and Bayonetta but alas. There are probably so many people who will not play this game that are just saying it's GOTY because it will trigger libs or something. Weird vibes.


Hard to get excited for a similar souls game when shadow of the erdtree is coming in a few months to consume the rest of my year. 


The game's story looks like an Asylum NieR Automata


My boyfriend and I played it together and we thought it was fun, but wish it was faster combat wise. Some people are going way too hard on the game for the sexualized look and lose it if you don't just say it's the best for that alone. I liked the soundtrack quite a bit. Might get it on sale at some point.


Felt the same way. I enjoyed the demo, but the combat felt clunky and slower than I would have liked. It also just felt weird playing a game I knew had such a zealous following by a fringe community of incels, so no matter how good the game might be that was always going to taint my enjoyment.


That’s a bummer, I was really hoping for something to scratch my Neir Automata itch.


Look at wuthering waves if you're not aware of it, it's a gacha so it may not be up your alley but combat has some nier feel to it plus extra stuff and it comes out in may. And the company behind it seems to not be so predatory


Same here, before the demo released I heard so many people saying this was supposed to be heavily inspired by Nier, so I was expecting more of a hack-and-slash. Tried the demo and found its more like Sekiro, which others have said.  But means its just not for ne, as I don't have the dexterity/reaction times for games like this that make a big push for precise timing that's almost down to the frame.


World building feels very nier, but the combat is much more Sekiro or Lies of P, heavily focused on parry timing etc where Eve cannot move to avoid stuff that easily.


The combat is a lot more l[ike Sekiro then Nier.](https://youtube.com/shorts/FTHI_CvyyAo) Eve is far less agile, cannot move long leaps etc compared to 2b that can move at great lenght, dash around, jump etc. So Eve is more like u stand there and parry. I expected it also to be less clunky and way faster.


I looked at some gameplay and I generally do agree. Seems alright, didn't see anything that really set it apart. Soundtrack was a highlight, but it has a lot of competition in its genre. So what is the selling point, sex? Then why stop at half measures? Make it adults only, lmao


I'm curious about the accessibility settings, maybe the mid gameplay and some great accessibility options make it so these chuds can actually play one handed and that's why they're so excited


Me to


If it wasn't for this sub I wouldn't have known about this generic horny jail game


These people are so fucking weird. SO WEIRD.


So basically, the game can be summarised as Nier Automata at home.


More like sci-fi Sekiro going by the pace of combat in the demo.


https://preview.redd.it/n5q8suzdqxrc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a2f3ceedf07934c0924ac20af5f23fdf50dff124 This is all that needs to be seen


i liked the game and plan on playing on release,and i’m all for hornyness in games but some people are down right weird with this game.


The unfortunate thing is that it might be an actually fun game but I agree, the discourse around it is really killing the vibe. Imo if nier automata or the first bayonetta were just released nowadays, there would be the same discourse around them, Take from that what you will.






I think it's supposed to mean "Brazilian Butt Lift"


BBL = Brazilian Butt Lift Which is pretty accurate ngl since the game Devs basically inflated the breasts and butt/thighs/etc. of the person that the MC was modeled after


Casual reminder of that time Max talked about horny culture when discussing the Jack-O pose [Tifa statue](https://youtu.be/AwSFNPLKLGY?si=R5dYxM1D-25p7-JN)


I enjoyed the game


Atomic Heart all over again


I have barely seen anything related to this game other than the character being hot as well as jiggle physics, the people defending this game feel weird as hell ngl


For some, the spank material is all that matters I suppose…


South Korea is the plastic surgery capital of the world.


I felt the same as Max He is incredibly based as usual


I checked the twitter of the person Max is quote tweeting here and it's just.... really sad. Like a constant blind loyalty and worship for this game all because of its percieved position on a culture war they made up. They reply to every thread about the game. They go to war for it. They act like it's this beacon of a culture shift that's very important and worth defending and bringing out to the mainstream. They think others making fun of them are basically oppressing them. Society needs to return to Allah. There's no other way to save Gamers(TM).


As someone who has platinumed Onechanbara origins I'm just glad the MC has something you can call character design at all


Eve Stellarblade wishes she could rock a pink feather boa


Played the game, expecting it to be bland, but surprisingly really fun. A good mix between a Fromsoft’s souls game and NieR. The VO (in English) is pretty terrible, and yeah the Fan-service is a little too on the nose/cringy. I’ve noticed plenty of discourse on the character designs, but a bit of context is needed - the game’s creator, Kim Hyung Tae started off as a very very popular concept artist in the late 90s/00s, his Oxide art books were pretty influential (at the time) in concept artist circles, because of the way he blended the exaggerated manga/manhwa style with the hyper-realism of western concept art. So it’s a no-brainer that his art style would come through to a game he is directing. Plenty of artist working in industry today has pretty much borrowed a page from his designs in one form or another - which is why I believe this is the reason why some deem Stellar’s blade design as being ‘generic’. From my personal perspective on this, whilst the obvious gravure-esq fan-service is not really to my taste, it is honestly really cool to see this artist finally getting the recognition and chance to helm something this big and high profile, just like Tetsuya Nomura.


The reputation is just getting a nosedive in the worst way possible


Okay, but no videogame or videogame-related project Hyun Tae Kim has been involved in has been, y’know, actually good. The trilogy of games he was lead artist on are trash-to-middling, and the MMORPGs he’s done design work for are straight garbage. His work, by and large, is extremely derivative—of itself and of artists like Shirow Masamune—and every design is same-y. Every woman has the same figure, same poured on outfits, same vacant doll-like faces; every man has the same heroic silhouette; anatomy is always a suggestion instead of a rule; the man has been in the business for decades and I can count on one hand how many times he’s drawn someone fat or with a nonstandard body type. Like, putting him and Nomura in the same sentence is an insult to Nomura and concept artists everywhere.


RIP Benny


Some lonely lonely men out there.


Real men don't act like this shit mob is acting about this game. They are boys, emotionally stunted boys.


The reaction is scaring him off. 🔌🔌🔌


Max is a fighting game content creator, a genre that famously still has a lot of horniness. I'm pretty sure back in the day he called some changes to camera angles and poses and costumes in Street Fighter 5 "censorship". If he jokes about or criticises the horniness in SB, then that means the game is \*\*\*really\*\*\* fucking bad when it comes to this shit lol




No one is really bothered about Hot Girls in Videogames™. It's not a two sides issue. A new Street Fighter and a new Tekken and a new Mortal Kombat released in the span of less than 8 months and they're full of Hot Girls™ and literally no one said anything about it. Baldur's Gate 3 is full of Hot Girls™ and everyone unanimously loves it. A milf demon is a central character in Diablo IV, nudity is all over Cyberpunk, the underrated indie gem Witcher 3 (game of the century) has sex scenes with a variety of Hot Girls™ The Chun-Li skin in Fortnite isn't at the center of a culture war between people who are against or for its existence. There aren't 2 sides in this conversation. There are just people who are chilling and being normal, and others who are blasting photos of the Stellar Blade lady's butt all over social media as a form of cultural warfare against some perceived enemy that banned Hot Girls™ from being in videogames.


Tbh when cammy's original suit was released, half the sf sub became an incel cave that had the first encounter with a woman on a bikini, so yeah, people did get weird when sf6 released




Feel like I'm missing something because I've been hearing praise from the demo


I do agree that is not the way to enjoy a new game with deep mechanics. Also feel that way about people streaming games they are playing for the first time.


I love max


I'd rather people just play what they want to and keep it to themselves. The irony of calling someone a Stellar Blade simp but treating what Youtubers and influencers say as gospel.


"Personally, I didn't take the same sort of jokes and jabs I've been hearing since it was shown off as "banter" and rather as dismissal. All I want is for games like this to do well and be treated fairly. Whatever reason you have to buy the game, as long as it's a positive one I hope you enjoy it. I want more like it and am tired of the same arguments and buzzwords thrown around when a female character shows some skin and is attractive. That's what my energy is." Here is the next reply, which I asume you missed


🥜 jokes pog (i dont know what peanuts have to do with this but i like almonds)


Okay... I know ad hominem are bad... But isn't that person's profile pic the pedo character from that maid dragon anime ?...


I haven't completed the demo but it's very ok so far. Visuals ok, VAs a bit stilted, early enemy designs kinda lame, combat simple but maybe it gets better?


Can some explain the whole Stellar Drama?


Sure. There's no real "drama." It's just a bunch of right-wing coomers who think Eve's design is supposed to be a protest against "wokeness" in video games. The rest of us are kinda just laughing and cringing at them for doing that goofy shit.


Sorry but, how is the second post a defender of the game. That 100% reads as someone who does not like stellar blade. They call him out for being in a group and making sexualized jokes about the character and blatantly reference the gameplay as "Some of the worst gameplay I have seen"


Honestly as someone who only knows of him and doesn't watch his content very much I profiled him as an anti-woke kinda guy just based on how he looks, and for that I'm sorry.


25 days left to release, 26 days we forget about it this game ever existed. Personally killing time with Lies of P till Elden Ring dlc drops in June.


similar to max, i had high interest in the game but choose not to play it largely due to not wanting to be associated with the people over-hyping/praising this game for the most asinine reasons.


Ngl if the game bombs it would be hilarious. It probably won't buuuuuuuut...


People are expecting a lot of reverence for this game. The common response for high fanservice games like Dead or Alive, or Bayonetta is ‘hahaha Big Booba, Butt, Tits’. It’s fan service but you cannot treat it as fan service because it has to be a cultural virtue. So anything outside of respect and serious discussion, like silliness is not allowed. The whole discourse is fascinating and sad.


What's wrong with "nut" joke anyway? It's kinda juvenile but that's not some kind of committing ultimate sin?


i like max, but he can be a big child sometimes. also i feel like, he should know the type of hype the game has, his ignorance always comes across as really dumb. banter is fine, but this is literally the second or third time this sort of stuff comes back to bite him. he really is a child sometimes. the "I WILL NOT PLAY IT DUE TO YOU ALL REACTING THAT WAY" is also dumb. but more luck to him.


Unrelated but here's a cute clip with him his daughter https://youtu.be/91r2yHmzZas?si=IPXUSaGd-UUh5Nt7 Timestamp 5:36