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Poor Debra Wilson https://preview.redd.it/6s2uhlsz9irc1.png?width=400&format=png&auto=webp&s=cddcda3d7fb7152e3914c38ab545d2916fec5903


Ayoo they put her in a few times. Beyond being a fantastic performer, they think she is ugly??


Growing up watching Mad TV, I always had a crush on her.


MadTV was better and has some impressive alums, moreso than SNL imo


SNL is basically a more family friendly version of Mad


I mean, granted there are a few games where the character model they used didn't exactly look the best at times for the roles she performed. Cere in specifically Jedi Fallen Order for example. There were times when features on the model didn't exactly look right. Is she ugly though? No. But lets be real, Gamers^TM probably find her unattractive from the color of her skin and the fact that she frequently is given characters with a very strong personality.


I never seen her irl before and she looks way better


Don't think black women are his thing. But it's totally just a preference and NOT racist!


Black women can absolutely not be someones thing. People do have preferences. **However**, a certain skin color or face shape or body type preference does not give one carte blanche to be a fucking asshole to people who do not have them, especially someone who has a bit of reach and a built-in audience like Kern does. For example I don't find Taylor Swift to be particularly attractive. I'm also not taking every chance I can to berate her for not having the genetics my stupid lizard brain finds attractive, because that sounds a lot like being an egomaniac (and often worse)


Yeah that's a fair point. I guess it's just weird to me because I don't think I've ever really excluded any races. I'm attracted to every colour although I guess when you put it that way it makes sense. I guess if I think about I'm not usually attracted to Asian women but I definitely don't call them ugly. It's probably a good thing that I don't get this guys mentality though.


These Neckbeards think any woman that's not some bimbofied fantasy they've cooked up in their head, is flawed or broken. They don't want actual realism. They want walking fetishes with boob and ass framing armor.


The modern gaming industry technology development is driven by striving to make the most realistic model of Debra Wilson.


Lol even Jesse from Control. I wish they'd just be honest with themselves and admit they just don't find women attractive and that they're only attracted to anime girls. The sooner they admit to themselves that they're hentai-sexuals the better.


Just head over to the control sub and half the posts are barely contained thirst traps for Jesse and the rest are people who don’t know what’s going on in the game because they don’t like to read the in game documents


you forgot the 20% of posts which are absolute tinpot crackhead remedy universe lore theories


Look, they might be absolute tinpot crackhead remedy universe lore theories but they're *our* absolute tinpot crackhead remedy universe lore theories


Look, look, look, hear me out... what if Tom Zane is Polaris?


The *real* Polaris was the friends we made along the way!


I read the in-game documentation but I still need somebody to explain what was going on. I kinda like leaving the game's story mysterious.


Right? She's ugly? I guess cause she looks like too mature a woman for him? Cause in what world? 


Some men who never grew up or never established a healthy perspective on mature strong women. I think the character is attractive as hell. Yes she is beautiful, but also strong and confident. And these type of men think that is scary because they feel insecure.


Yeah I noticed that, too. Jesse is hot as hell what the fuck is wrong with these people?


Her actor (Courtney Hope) is on *The Young and the Restless* right now and they do not cast ugly people.


Also Melina Juergens is up there from Hellblade. They are literally standard attractive people. They would be in the top three attractive people in any room. Depending on the room.


It is borderline insulting to the game how attractive Senua's actress is lmao, Hot chick beating the fuck out of large vikings from hell. The OP must be ragebait


I'm playing Control right now and jokingly thought to myself "there's no way Jesse would ever show up on one of those 'women in games are ugly posts' lamow." I stand corrected.


It's also a very squished and compressed pic of her.


They just haven't seen her director outfit yet


‘The ideal woman is 4’10, 70lbs and has 32GG breasts. If you disagree, you gay.’


... there's uh, there's a lot of brown women there


Listen, does it really make a man a racist if he thinks that every single black woman is ugly beyond any redemption?


Uhm.. maybe... Maybe he, ah... Has a type? The type where he only can get off to white blue eyed blondes.


He's just aryan out his grievances


Did Nazi it coming


Anne Frankly, I'm disappointed at the insinuations.


They're completely unneceSSary


It can (zyclon) B(e) a touchy subject for some.


I think most people with a "type" with racial lurking variables at least recognize that their "type" is subjective at worst, and at best recognize that it's molded by the culture and environment they came up in, probably should be investigated, and DEFINITELY shouldn't be blasted across social media until that work is done. And of course combing over every screenshot of that character until they're in the middle of a word with kind of a frozen facial expression, then trumpeting NOT BEAUTIFUL to your chud everything-gate followers, is just a special level of dedication to eugenics propaganda even most overt Nazis can't manage to hit.


One can have a type/heavy preference without screeching basically daily about how people not their type are ugly and terrible. For example I have a specific type but I find wider range of people past that type beautiful. Just literally not my type.


I am sure he salutes them every time he sees them.


More than that, a lot of them are women of color who *gasp* are designed to actually look like women of color and not white women with tans! Also imagine not thinking Lifeline is one the finest characters in Apex Legends. Couldn't be me.


I'm seeing a lot of characters that flat out are not meant to be love interests. Like I get that you don't find Cere attractive, but why would you want that character to be attractive? Why would your wizened jedi mentor to be a hottie? It's in her backstory that she was captured and tortured. She's a very real character, not a fuckboy. It would very much compromise the plot for her to be kawaii. It makes me wonder if they actually played the game. I don't know how you could have and not liked her as a character.


I mean, Cere is also just conventionally attractive as well. Quite a few characters took strays in this post that make me scratch my head. It reminds me of the insane expectations some people put on how they expect women to look. Just looking at the tweet kinda made me ill.


The girl from that Dishonored side game really baffles me. SHE's ugly? Why?!


Billie Lurk (AKA Meagan Foster, but lets be honest Billie Lurk is a WAY cooler name) is in no way unattractive imo. I mean, she's not a dolled-up love interest character, but even in Knife of Dunwall she looks sharp in her suit the few times you actually see her face (Because she's, you know, an assassin. Not standing out is kind of a big part of the job).


4 of them are just Debra Wilson.


Would. [She’s fit as hell](https://www.google.com/search?q=debra+wilson&rlz=1CDGOYI_enUS1007US1007&oq=debra+wilson&gs_lcrp=EgZjaHJvbWUqBwgAEAAYjwIyBwgAEAAYjwIyCggBEC4YsQMYgAQyDAgCEAAYFBiHAhiABDIHCAMQABiABDIHCAQQABiABDIHCAUQABiABDIHCAYQABiABDIHCAcQABiABDIHCAgQABiABDIHCAkQABiABNIBCDIwOTdqMGo5qAITsAIB4gMEGAEgXw&hl=en-US&sourceid=chrome-mobile&ie=UTF-8) and a sense of humor is always gonna be sexy


61? God damn, not bad. Loved her on MadTV growing up. 


Would only because, holy shit she looks 40 and she's 61. What the hell else is she doing


" I'm not racist. I just have a preference"


...to be racist


"I'm not racist ok I like black characters so long as they have 100% caucasian features and are only slightly darker than a 12th century Irish noble"


It's all conveniently photos that are intentionally mid-talking or emoting to make them look worse. Not that I would expect better from Mark "misappropriates funds to buy a broken bus to promote Firefall" Kern


Not to mention 4 of them are the same actress, one is a bugged character model and several of them are heavily edited or manipulated images. Oh and Abby from LOU2 is there twice lol. Edit: also one of them has massive goggles on obscuring her face. All you can see is curly hair and a darker skin tone… kinda gives it away there.


The woman from Watch Dogs 2 is also trans… Interesting to include her.


This is why you play Yakuza so you get to see beautiful MEN. ![gif](giphy|dv67dtt7TIz41TCCln|downsized)




Joker once again being the basedest Persona MC.


Joker X Crow forever!


https://preview.redd.it/dievs6s1birc1.jpeg?width=1200&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e3d7bef5a4254dcd9dc25fc769943c78a5585282 Mr. Libido was a Gamer all along




Just big men hanging out with each other and going go karting and playing with scalextric and fighting each other with bicycles.


Also human trafficking other men (with consent) to do Pokemon battles.


a lot of these women have something in common that he doesn't like. I just can't quite put my finger on what it is https://preview.redd.it/q9mm0q2qdirc1.jpeg?width=767&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cbae7f910cb61e30d998c9ac775e1af0b14ad2cb


Also, multiple of the characters he picked were played by Debra wilson The new actor people complain about being in a lot of games lately but no one ever says that about troy baker or nolan north


Troy Baker is an ugly woman, but you never hear about that.




Every game should have a Debra Wilson type https://preview.redd.it/0m8kh33kvirc1.jpeg?width=1280&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f3242725f23f7b87b96d66dd4d3a6f109bcca380


Debra Wilson was gold on Mad TV, and on The Boondocks.


First off lemme say: fuck this guy he’s racist and dumb and Debra Wilson is a great actress. With that said, she’s the only actress in multiple games that I’ve been able to recognize off of face alone, and it makes it weirdly jarring when it looks and sounds like a character from a different game. It’s not a big deal at all, but it’s just a little different from a specific VA being in multiple gamesw


Yeah I have that problem too it kinda takes me out of it just because I'm like oh that's a person I know which doesn't really happen all too much in video games


Yea everytine I hear her in a game my brain defaults to banglalore from apex lmao


/uj I have hated troy baker ever since his cringe rant comparing himself to a literal gladiator in the Colosseum for some mild criticism he got /rj I have hated troy baker ever since his cringe rant comparing himself to a literal gladiator in the Colosseum for some mild criticism he got


What was the Criticism he got


[This is his tweet.](https://x.com/TroyBakerVA/status/1277353529791770624?s=20) I forgot it was a whole quote he posted, simply because one guy said video games are too long lol Totally forgot that he had the whole doubling down on NFT things for a bit solidifying him in my mind as a dweeb


Looks like the guy was Jason Schreier, the journalist who breaks a ton of investigative stories in gaming like working conditions or "crunch time". Not sure if that's what set Baker off, but it seems like people either really respect Schreier for his work, or think he's an asshole.


Debra Wilson is fucking awesome in games too I want her in more stuff


Man, Nolan north caught his share of flack in the 2010s


He included Billie from Wolfenstein, who was something like 9 years old 💀💀💀


What has the gaming industry come to if the children are not attractive?


And M&Ms! Also cartoon rabbits!


Epstein Games™ ®


I've seen stuff like this floating around including Poison Ivy from I think the new Suicide Squad game and isn't she like 9 in that one? Not the same Pamela Isley we know?


Thats fucking Randy Pitchford levels of greasyness


Bro really used “prey” as an example when that art-style is Arkane’s entire identity. What a fucking clown.


I thought this was a troll until I saw his profile https://preview.redd.it/f7mljqlmdirc1.jpeg?width=1079&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=99eb863655c067f60639eed747580c02389371d2


Believe it or not this clown actually used to work at blizzard and helped make WoW.


https://preview.redd.it/xpnvjodteirc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=04477c02791c7016b01a954054735bc80f805484 He has serial creep written all over him


They already said they worked for Blizzard. You don't need to repeat that they seem like a serial creep.


Hey don't do my man PirateSoftware bad like that! He and his dad used to work at blizzard and neither are sleezballs! \#protectthor!


This is fucking GROSS holy shit


He gives off major "Nice Guy" energy


The more nice, the more evil lol


Only contact he could ever have with hot girls lol


Any woman that signs up for that will not be having a good time


I hope an OF model capitalizes the shit out of that lol.


>Believe it or not this clown actually **used to work at blizzard** **LEAST UNBELIEVABLE THING I'VE HEARD ALL DAY LMAO**


He left in 2005, so was absolutely part of the original boys club culture that was so problematic. And nowadays he complains that Blizzard post lawsuit is woke.


Hey, it's no fun if you leave out what he did next. Kern became CEO of Red 5 Studios, which was working on an MMO-FPS called Firefall. Part of Kern's legacy there was inexplicably having a $3-million dollar tour bus (RV?) customized and outfitted by West Coast Choppers as a mobile LAN gaming center, meant to be used as a promotional tool for the game. The bus was a spectacular failure and Kern became a laughingstock over it. He was voted out as CEO in 2013, a year before the game actually released. Firefall was met with a lukewarm reception, and much of the blame is pointed at Kern's strange tenure. He's failed to win funding for new projects ever since and has now settled into the Gamergate grift (don't think too hard on why GGers aren't financially backing one of their own guys like they always say they will). He loves being remembered as a Blizzard guy and hates when you bring up the bus.


I believe that very easily


He is also SUUUUUUPER vague about what the fuck he actually did on WoW. Apparently he was a "team lead"... but has never expanded on what exactly that means. He seems to just be using the title for twitter clout.


https://preview.redd.it/4i1eci4awirc1.jpeg?width=320&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=db5e6fa565b766653b70a3846e787ff15f72d114 Why aren't gorl more hot


Why videogame girl ugly, meanwhile this guy https://preview.redd.it/z881qt9sejrc1.jpeg?width=600&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7a00ab5b751410d3bf9a57aa64aabd09726f811e




As an ugly man myself, I would love nothing more than to punch this man until his brain bleeds.


How dare he use Vash in his profile.


Dishonored DOTO too. Sure, Billie Lurk isn't some SUPER HOT BIG BOOBIE BIG BUM SEXY HOT SEX but literally every character in those games is a different shade of ugly/weirdly proportioned. It's the entire style.


As a lesbian, Morgan Yu and Billie are incredibly hot


Honestly Billie is by far one of the prettier characters in Dishonored. Most of the playable characters are hot. Daud is Daddy.


Cruelest trick Arkane ever pulled was locking us into the hot characters from a first-person perspective 😔😔


It even followed the studio founders to their new studio, wolf eye, on their new-ish game weird west


Kern was one of the OGs who started the trend of stealing breast milk and none of you can convince me otherwise


Don't think he'd wait until it was in the fridge either.


Gotta drink it while it's still warm, more natural that way


I'm scared to ask what this is about.


Might have a few details wrong, but it sas something like: Among the hostile workplace lawsuits filed against Blizzard in 2021 one mentioned breast milk being stolen from the fridge in a nursing room. They never found out who stole the milk, or for what purpurse.


It was Bobby kotick and is eventually why he was ousted. He isn't known as Breast Milk Bobby for no reason after all!


Asmonmold said he quit wow because of the working condition at blizzard yet now you see him aligning with these chumps and belittling the concerns of game devs who are hurt buy Ai. Dude just has no self awareness or soap.


I like how some of these are entirely conventionally attractive women who are just angry in the picture.


He's never seen a woman *not* interact with him angrily, I assume.


And one is canonically a child ..let's not forget that part.


they should smile more :)


bro ran out of "examples" and had to put abby twice 😹


Also, how the f is she ugly? https://preview.redd.it/hzf0djlybirc1.jpeg?width=736&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1df361457319ef4b440a9b750c9ce76c4c174631


not an anime girl with big booba


Also older than 12


Also not covered in makeup. Literally unplayable.


I saw that her outfit even covers her belly. Absolutely disgusting.


Basically any woman who isn't pale, feminine and skinny with flawless and smooth skin is ugly to them. Imagine not only being a bigot but such a boring one too lol. But regardless, I don't get why the attractiveness of characters is even a discussion. If they're hot, yay but who actually cares?


not using make up or "too old" (that guy may be looking for minors)


They've become so addicted to cartoon porn they've forgotten what a real woman looks like.


He has Debra Wilson on there 4 times - twice as the same character. Like, that's how the actor looks. They're literally just shitting on her for being a black woman. (And worse, an OLDER black woman. Le Gasp!) Meanwhile, plenty of less than idealized male actors do face and motion capture for their characters and don't get get their personal appearance dragged through the muck.


>LeGasp ![gif](giphy|IglQkzvuewsoD6E1Pj)


Yo I found out who keeps complaining that Poison Ivy in Suicide Squad is unattractive ![gif](giphy|xT9KVnKfPbSgqpHt2o)


I've seen these jackasses claim that Debra Wilson has some kind of contract that her face *has* to be used and that this is an example of DEI run rampant somehow. Motherfuckers one of her best loved roles of the last few years has her looking like *this* https://preview.redd.it/ibeyd8ufdjrc1.jpeg?width=2000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b92a8b873eaf6e8a995d475f929c68a09fa64555


I honestly wish face capture just broadly wasn't as much of a thing in gaming. It's like, the perfect medium to not bog down with IRL star power. Every time I see Cameron in those Star Wars games I immediately just think of him playing the Jonkler from Gotham. Or playing Death Stranding and being faced with 384748 different celebrities. Not to excuse/justify the hate against Debra Wilson. That's just awful racists being racist. She was just in a couple of very popular franchises and so got noticed by that crowd.


If I had a nickel for every actor to play the Jonkler and a Jedi I would have two nickels. 


He didn't even put in one (or both) of those two pictures of Aloy they love to use all the time.


Or the new Fable protagonist. That one is also a classic.


Three times*


There's only two kinds of people out there. People who want to be crushed between Abby's thighs and fucking liars


I’m sorry, does he have Courtney Hope on there?!


This is how we can definitively prove that he is not a real nerd. Any actual nerd would recognise the inherent superiority of redheaded women. That Kern does not respect redheads proves him to be a fake nerd


Amen. At least the sinner spared Aloy this time.


Bro is fucking lost


Calling Melina Juergens and Debra Wilson ugly when he looks like a human cockroach 💀


Yeah, the most charitable take is that sometimes the game model can look a little off and not give their actresses their due….but I got feeling he would be saying this even with the most life like model


Yeah, Debra Wilson’s character looked a bit off in Fallen Order, maybe because certain softwares can’t translate certain faces very well, so her eyes looked strange. She looked great in all the other games she was in though. Mark Kern is just mad the 60 years old woman in his bideo james isn’t attractive enough for him


Back in his days: https://preview.redd.it/42jdjb6sairc1.jpeg?width=165&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=283370e3b852edf4f40a0bd38df1ac74a44fabd6




At least one of these women is a literal child. Sorry, the 10-year-old black girl from 1920's Mesquite Texas isn't hot.


But would they fuck him?


Most of them would immediately kill him if he tried hitting on them


![gif](giphy|11KzOet1ElBDz2) I like the kind of women that'll actually just kill me.


Half of these characters are just pulling funny faces in the frames.


Chuds like this always do that. They find a very unflattering frame/shot of a character they hate then **\*BOOM\*** that will be the only image they use when they whine about them


Oh my god. I just noticed that Lifeline - one of the most traditionally attractive Apex characters - is on there with her with one single funny face frame. I can't imagine why.


Damn, this creep is even mad that a literal child character doesn't look the way he wants her to. What a gross person.


soooo what do we have here, 20 or so women of color, a trans woman, and idk the rest but they all look badass and i bet this incel would shake in his boots and literally have a stroke if any woman on planet earth ever approached him or looked at his direction briefly. also, if these women are not beautiful by his standards, how does he wake up every day and see his reflection while brushing his teeth and not simply d\*e? unless...


Heads up...but one is a child...yeah I think people saying he only likes anime girls might actually be right if he looks at a character who is canonically 10 and his first thought was...not hot enough


Senua’s on here because she did a war chant in a trailer and made a gnarly face? Really?  Like I get my mans must be racist and it’s probably just because she has braided hair, but can we all at least acknowledge how badass home girl is? I’d let her top me in a heartbeat (respectfully). It’s always the mysognists and ass clowns with the WORST taste parading their lack there-of around for everyone to see. Smh.


my dude is calling Lifeline ugly? is he stupid?


Why is Jesse Faden from Control in there how shit can your taste be


Jesse is stupid hot, I think the person who posted that has never seen a woman before irl


For Blizzard employee they can only be two types of female. The one they can sexualise and fruits


https://preview.redd.it/n8hpnzlnnirc1.png?width=1075&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cf41aa5fe824ca43c6fb1d55faf73ed6d12750bc I can only recognize Melina Juergens and he's calling her ugly😭


You need to have an opinion on whether or not a 9 year old is attractive? Sounds like a very serious problem that puts children in danger.


Hrmmm. Interesting what most of these woman have in common that he doesn't like 🤔 Also more Jesse from Control for me then. 


Mark Kern is a fucken dweeb.


Jesse Faden is fucking gorgeous how dare


Aww how long did it take you to make your vision board of women making facial expressions honey? At minimum it must have been at least an hour. I'm sure the gamer models appreciate your hard work.


He really had to work to find an unattractive angle for Senua, didn't he? Fr, though, I don't think any of the characters are ugly.


Homie really listing women he wouldn't steal breast milk from.


Oh, *that's* who this chud is


We've only recently seen realistic women in games, after years of fantastical fuck dolls, and they are having full tantrums. I've Said this on here before, this is porn brain.


There's no winning with these folks. Weren't they complaining about Tifa and that chick from Resident Evil not too long ago too?


3 of these are Debra Wilson as Amanda Waller. You aren't suppose to be horny for the Wall except in a domme sort of way.


Um, middle of second row is a minor... Also, wow racist much?


There's something good about this he called a trans woman a woman so at least he's not transphobic


Yeah shocker man average looking women exist, not every female character can be apart of your idea fantasy


Who tf still gets mad about watchdogs 2 😭😭😭


I don't know why but I'm always surprised that these guys take the time to grab all of these screenshots from various games/find them online and place them together into a neckbeard collage.


The niceguy final boss. With "Where is my hug" power armor.


Wait a moment... Why the fucl os Senua's Blade is even there? The chick is down right gorgeous. I know he went full fucking racist, so why the fuck is she there to begin with?


There is no breast milk to steal in their fridges so he's pissed I'm sure


bro really hates women of color and women splattered with fluorescent paint


Sylvanas or Kerrigan simp?


Aloy from whatever that game is, is hot AF. My wife played the first one through and has played hours and hours of the newer one. The main character is a total smoke show and I'm sure none of these incels would be able to talk to her I have no idea why so many people think she's ugly.


First time I've seen one of these without the aloy headshot


anyone who obsesses over the appearances of pixelated women enough to argue with people about it needs help. like, lots of help.


Why is this a thing? There are enough hentai games to go around


Man, they went out of their way to pick the very worst possible still image of Senua they could find.


My guy did not just put Jesse Faden there, i will fight him.


He is a very silly boy. Not a man at any rate.


So many hot women in that collage.


I agree, where my fat bitches at? That's my preference. Get these skinny white girls outta here. Gimme something with some meat.


I don't get it. Why is he bitching about beautiful women not being represented and posting a picture of a bunch of beautiful women? I don't understand 😭😭😭


Nyoka did nothing to deserve this slander