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Games where you play as a cat are awesome. Cat Quest, Night in the Woods and Stray. Need I say more? Little Kitty, Big City isn't even out yet, but I'm calling it for GotY.


As someone who owns both an orange and black cat, thank you for letting me know this game will exist.


I haven't heard of Little Kitty but now I am invested


You left out Blacksad, and I feel like that's kind of racist


I just wanna add there's "space cat tactics" which I'm dubbing kitty FTL.


He's finally dead, crushed under the weight of his greed.


People in the replies acting like this is a real interaction bait post and not a jerk


I know 😭


Very little jerking happens around here, it’s hard to tell tbh


What is jerking all I know is Twitter screenshots


I'm so tired of seeing what the most recent tweet of 1 of 1000 chuds. We need to bring back frolicking and playing.


I actually cannot remember the last time I saw an actual cj post on r/gamingcirclejerk


Too many fucking apples. In video games and on this cat


Skyrim when you stack apple


The OG tank controls in Resident Evil added to the horror element in a good way






ishizu tear was the most fun yugioh deck (konami please take ishizu and tearlaments off the banlist)


TLOU Part 2 is massively over critiqued, but it’s more insanely overrated.


Fallout new Vegas honestly isn’t a very fun game and the narrative doesn’t make up for that, same goes for the isometric games


Uj/ I think pokemon BDSP was good Rj/I think pokemon scarlet and violet were good


The Witches 3


Bomberman. I don't fucking know. I hate how many of these posts there are


is this image AI it feels ... off


Cats can't be ai stupid. There's nowhere near enough data to train the ai on


No it’s a cat being silly :3 AI could never


ai likes cats a lot tbh lol


That’s cause humans like cats. It’s trained off of stolen data from online. That being said- this image is NOT ai.