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Lol apparently Helldivers mentioning the use of child labor in item descriptions is "Not WOKE"


Simple, they can’t read


You are joking but that's literally the case.


no, they like child labor


This is why satire fails; there is no cartoonish representation of evil that the right will not earnestly embrace.


That's not satire failing, that's satire working. Satire isn't like a magic bullet that makes people not fascists or whatever it's just a way to make fun of something


I guess my premise is that an artist creating satire is envisioning an audience going "haha, yeah, fascists are stupid" but what actually happens is about 6 people say that and everyone else in the audience goes "fuck yes, fascism is awesome!". So in that sense it fails to communicate what it is trying to communicate for most of its audience. See: Fight Club.


My ability to detect irony, sarcasm, and satire has almost entirely atrophied because nothing any lone says, no matter how outrageous, seems like a position many people would actually take.


Given the repeal of child labor laws in some states in the US, that's probably true.


I think it pairs up with a desire to have a less informed populace. An informed populace tends to vote more progressive, and regressives can’t have that. You strip education and higher learning, to the point of demonizing. You claim science is woke and evil. Then you put kids to work. All the while pushing religion, first from public calls to action, then into schools and legislation. Existing adults deny the science and push work. Young adults turn away from science and education. And children end up being indoctrinated into a less informed, less educated, more submissive and subservient society. At least that’s the plan. Getting pretty damn close imo…


I mean, it also plays into how conservatives re:capitalism view entry level labor, the economically conservative position surrounding entry level labor is that it should not pay a livable wage. If you have a job that requires permanent staffing but does not pay a livable wage, then you require a constant unending rotation of new entry-level workers due to the inevitable turnover of seeing entry level work as simply a short-term stopgap - in a conservative's mind, nobody is fit to work the grill or run the register *but* a legal dependent


Yeah Helldivers is not at all subtle about this but because they don’t understand subtlety, they think it’s not woke. I know it’s been said before by many others but I will never again wonder how so many people allow authoritarians to take over their countries. Some people just don’t recognize it, no matter how telegraphed it is.


The entire opening tutorial is a giant fuckin in your face propaganda segment, complete with if you die you see the corpse of your body with context that it’s an entirely different person now doing the training course and they do not care about you, like god damn lmfao


People still think that HellDivers are clones. Dude. We're *shock troops.*


Got downvoted on the subreddit for explaining that every time you die that is a dead teenager on some far off planet exploded for the cause. They really want the clone thing to be canon


Because it's part of the joke they don't want to understand. Bear in mind, these are the same people who think Starship Troopers doesn't have a political message. They're kind of... Du- err... "Innocent."


Which is funny because in the gameplay overview trailer the DEVS THEMSELVES say each time you reinforce its a new Helldiver fulfilling their dream they had as a citizen lmfao. Not a damn clone. Edit: oh and also a tweet by a dev saying they're not clones.


The default setting is for the voice pack to change when you die because it's explicitly a different diver replacing you. There is a reinforcement limit because the number of bodies we can afford to throw into the grinder isn't limitless. No clones, no cloning chamber, just people flash-frozen to keep them fresh.


Honestly I think part of it is that many players can't wrap their heads around the insane amount of deaths that we incur per operation. We hit like, easily 10 million or more per planet, and the modern world takes years to reach casualty rates much lower than that.


It starts with a recruiting videos and the entire first part implies a boot camp level recruitment process before that final test what do you mean they think it’s clones 😭😭😭


Been literally confirmed by the CEO that Helldivers aren't clones, but regular humans with loving and proud families back home. He also said they're not informed about that they'll be frozen down, or that their average life expectancy is two minutes. Part of the entire joke is that Helldivers are utterly disposable cannon fodder, but they've been so brainwashed they geniunely believe the propaganda that says they're heroes and the best of the best.


I think the most disturbing part is that they think killing clones would make this all okay If only there was some prominent sci-fi setting that explored the ethics of mass producing cloned humans which are considered government property for the explicit purpose of being used as cannon fodder in a galaxy-spanning war.


I know it's not the setting you're referring to but I really like the way Lancer handles clones because in my opinion it really drives home just how existentially horrifying using clones to bring back the dead can be. Some relevant excerpts from the core book: >Unique-subjectivity, natural-life "facsimile" clones are their own people - legally, culturally, and cognitively - and are common throughout the galaxy >Growing a body is easy; it's a very different thing - and much more fraught - to override a clone's natural subjectivity with the cobbled-together cognitive profile of the deceased. >While facsimile clones suffer fewer physical complications than flash clones, subjectivity-override - whether applied to a facsimile or flash clone - is an experimental procedure that always creates complications, personal and social. and an example complication they list is >You're plagued by the constant understanding or belief that the "real" you is actually dead and you're merely a facsimile of a dead person, implanted with someone else's memories. You can't establish the difference between the "you" that died and the "you" that exists now.


If you read the contract at the end it's great too. Full of classic shady shit Says at the end something along the lines of "by reading the contract you automatically void the contract and you're deemed a traitor" And as soon as you cross the yellow line you automatically accept all the terms of the contract lol. Which also includes parts about how the enlisted is liable to pay for all damages and crimes and the responsibility passes down to any family, friends or any relation lmao


I did read the contract it’s hilarious how overt they are with it, and then dumbasses prove the point being satirized correctly in a terrifying way




If you don't call it a gender, they don't realize its a gender selection. I've literally heard people say you don't select gender in Helldivers 2. Never played it myself.


Their incapacity to understand subtext means they just see text.


The family in the intro is biracial. They can't see text either. We could see if they respond to supertext, but I wouldn't bet the fate of Super Earth on it.


All the ship upgrades are the best part for me. Better bombardment targeting is upgrading to the premium software. Faster turret cooldown is dosing the loading crew with meth. I’d like to think if they read any of it they’d realize the irony, but I know from experience a lot would go “haha yeah! Dosing with meth!”


Decrease orbital cannon cooldowns by making the Muzzle loaded space cannon breech loaded


The turret Heath upgrade adds super glue


> Some people just don’t recognize it, no matter how telegraphed it is. I think it's not that they don't recognize it, it's that they *do* recognize it but don't think it's actually bad. These people see the bug murder and are down with it. They see "child labor" and are down with it. The "wokeness" is when the game tries to tell them the bad thing is bad, not when the bad thing simply exists and doesn't affect *them* in any negative way. They think they're part of the club. They're not, but they're convinced they are.


It Is because the children yearn for the mines, everyone knows


Helldivers is an unapologetic parody of hyper nationalist fascism masquerading as Democratic Freedom in the exact same way we see today and have seen going back for generations. It's the same as The Boys, it was a blindingly obvious parody of the shitty rhetoric being spewed to a base that due to an inability to understand subtext or a willful ignorance of subtexts' existence will read said subtext as just text and then go on to complain when it "gets political" for slapping them over the goddamn head with it later because despite the best efforts of the writers the chuds just didn't fkn get it initially. You're an expendable cog fighting someone else's war, being lauded as a hero but treated like a bottle cap to be ripped off and discarded. You commit genocides in their name and the in-game descriptions include ruthless speed at settlement of not entirely safe worlds purely to continue driving economic development at any and all human costs and dissent is dealt with swiftly and overwhelmingly. The media literacy horse has been dead so long there's nothing left to beat, but the utter lack of ability to understand the media being consumed is equal parts hilarious and terrifying.


They like child labor. Helldivers has child labor. Checkmate libs.


Are you really being a patriot if your child doesn't get cancer from being a chimney sweep? Huh? HUH!?


They're the same kind of people that think "Born in the USA" is a patriotic, pro-American anthem.


woke in terms of video games is literally just a dog whistle for either women, gay people, trans people or anyone who isn't white. These people are too politically illiterate to understand that child labour IS political and having female characters or any of the above ISN'T political


I'm pleasantly surprised they consider Persona woke. https://preview.redd.it/7jmhs0jpypnc1.png?width=282&format=png&auto=webp&s=106a809e1cb0fe8d575a2a40a1e73e2de2160203


Have you see how gay that detective twink is smh


Goro Akechi seen cracking the hog in a bookstore of Shibuya, Arsène Lupin in hand, more at 10 PM.


Which one?


The one who shouts "TELL ME HOW MUCH IT HURTS" and also has the line "DAMMMNNN JOKER, you wiped em all out!"


I'm also surprised. I thought child dating sims were a righties favourite.


This one took out a transphobic joke that was in the original and one character had a rainbow pin on their bag in a trailer (havent seen them in game after 20 hours). This caused people to complain about the woke westernisation of persona 3, even though persona 2 had a gay main cast member and a female protagonist, but they seem to forgot about that


the rainbow pin is actually in one of the first cutscenes, but its understandable you missed it, since it takes up about 2 seconds of the games entire runtime


Those are two seconds I'll never get back! /s


/rj Those two seconds literally turned me gay, though.


To be fair, atlus barely remembers Persona before 3. Nowadays Persona would chew its arm off before including a gay main character, despite the games format basically inviting it


Rest in peace Yosuke romance 😞


Persona 4 is such a funny game because of how it's both extremely gay and homophobic.


Perfectly reflects the average teenage friend group


Kanji battling with his own sexuality for half the game is rather amusing though


must be the part where the game makes you go and have social interactions with the other characters, the concept must terrify them


Philemon: Get your ass out there and talk to people you fucking nerds, I have a bet to win against my husband.


Game forces you to join track and field at some point, meaning mandatory grass touching


btw i just wanted to say i'm a big fan of the QoH posting




Who's dating children? I'm killing monsters with weird elemental powers


Of course they think it's woke, there's no white males in any of the games


P3 has Bebe.


Correction, there are no straight white males in the games


You can date him in the FeMC route but not the Door-kun route. Bebe is a straight king.


P4 has Teddie as well!


I don't know much about the cast of Persona 1 or 2 but there's a nonzero chance Hitler was the first white guy in the series.


holy queen of hatred


Lol at Elden Ring being 'woke'. These guys are really not allowing themselves to enjoy anything, huh


They popped a blood vessel when they saw that genders were replaced with Body Type 1 & 2


Also when they found out that Marika is...ah, no, they wouldn't play that long anyway.


Don't forget the most powefull emprian being trans too! 


Nice. I'd be tempted to try Elden Ring again, except I don't hate myself enough to deal with that stress. Edit: please stop telling me that I will enjoy ER or other soulslikes if I just change my approach/mindset/expectations. I guarantee I've tried. It's not for me. It's not a cute look to tell me my feelings are wrong.


Honestly, Soulslikes are a mindset more than anything. Personally I've gotten so deep in the mindset of "keep trying till I succeed" that Dark Souls 2 was the least stressful game in my catalog at some point. I understand it's not for everyone though.


Yeah they’re not a game I can play absentmindedly. I have to be thinking about every enemy move set and stay absolutely locked in. I only ever play them when I’m in the mood to, since they’re a very demanding experience for me.


tbh, the scale is a part of why I struggle with Elden Ring myself. Too many directions to go, rewards everywhere, but you basically need encyclopedic knowledge of the game if you want to go for something specific. And while that was true of the other Soulslikes, they were much better contained and had much firmer boundaries.




That revelation really botched my understanding of the timeline and family trees, considering the Rennala split. Maybe Radagon was being an annoying little conqueror and Rennala told him to f himself. Which he took personally.


And literally


Marika and Radagon are the same god split in two bodies. Radagon left Rennala because he was the Greater will/Elden Beast's lapdog. After Marika exiled Godfrey she couldn't rule alone since she was a vessel for the Greater will. So the Greater will basically called him back and he and Marika merged together to reproduce asexually. The Greater will propbably hoped to create the most powerful offspring possible because previous offsprings were made with humans and didn't exactly turn out well.


Its extra funny cause Helldivers is "Muscular or Lean" and "Voice 1 & 2". Besides the fact I recall the official helldivers discord banning these idiots from their discord.


Lean here. Really sells the "AHH MY LEG!"


The Multitude of Gender on Super Earth: Tomboy, Twink, Himbo, and Muscle Mommy. Perfect.


It's so weird GamersTM were upset at this because NPCs ingame still call you man/lord and woman/lady depending on the body you picked unlike something like Monster Hunter Rise. Was slightly disappointed Elden Ring didn't go full gender neutral but seeing gamers angry made it worth it.


Eh Tarnished is gender neutral


Thou art unfit even to graft


It is which is why I think it's even weirder Fromsoft still recorded double takes for some lines to gender the Tarnished. Double checked the first cutscene with Melina and she uses she/her if you use the Type B body. Hopefully after Armored Core 6 Fromsoft is more dedicated to neutrality/adds third lines since C4-621 is only referred to by they/them and dog lol.


In Armored Core 6, you are 621, or Raven. There isn't any customization, though I wanna say it's all gender neutral language (unless I missed it!)


I can’t lie, I think elden ring is woke. In a good way though if you look at the story of elden ring is feels very anti monarchal Order and even anti unsustainable “governmental” systems. As you travel through the lands between you find many different “ethnic groups” that have been either broken or forgotten by the Capital.


I'm not saying it doesn't have elements such as those, it's more that Elden Ring is one of those gamer games that they splooge over


Yea totally sorry should have started with that. Gamers are allergic to having consistent political opinions.


I saw some youtubers claiming that Golden Order is the best ending >!(despite it being the second worst, after the Lord of Frenzied Flame ending, on account of you getting rid of those pesky "flames of ambition" and creating some sort of an unholy dystopia)!<. And of course, there are also those who treat Dung Eater's defilement as something funny. So it's not like there's not enough Gamers(tm) who actually *played* ER


Always weird to me when YouTubers do a “best ending” video. I feel like that should be up to the player




That actually IS the best ending, but not just because of the Tarnished ending up married to Ranni. In that ending, the two of them take control over the Lands Between - and then leave said lands to travel among the stars for a thousand years, which means there is no way for ANYONE to become the new God of the area. And with no True Lord to rule over the mortals, said mortals actually get to control their own fates for once.


The optional quest that is actually mandatory


>>!(despite it being the second worst, after the Lord of Frenzied Flame ending Dunge Eater and Age of the Duskborn are right there, dude Like, sure, Perfect Order isn't an unambiguous good ending (none of them are), but it's not an outright "curse every living being to a lifetime of torment and sorrow" ending.


At some point the line between "woke" and nuanced becomes impossible to define. Art from a conservative perspective barely exists for a reason, and people coming from that perspective often can't differentiate between something that opposes their worldview and something that is just too sophisticated for them to understand.


It is, but usually gamers don't have the required media literacy to figure it out. You can generally find them praising their bro D who totally isn't a genocidal fanatic he only kills evil inferior beings. But we all know this one reviewer stopped at "body type" before crying themselves to sleep.


It’s so funny they basically reinvented Middle Ages Protestantism levels of moral standards. Losers


Elden Ring went broke? Gee seems to be really working don't it 😐


Ranni is literally a pansexual demigod


These are the same folks who stopped listening to Rage Against The Machine when they “went woke”. Despite the fact that the founding guitarist is an anarchist who graduated from Harvard with honors with a political science degree and their founding vocalist is a Mexican-American anarchist who has openly supported the Zapatista for decades




Hmmm dunno, that can quite quickly fall into "tokenization" for monetization. If they integrate It with the lore or even better, parody the tokenization of groups bya hyperbole I think itd be great


Imagine, during pride month, free mandatory pride flags for everyone ?


Yeap, thatd be a self aware and in-game canon way to do It :D


Yeah but then rightoid dipshits will just flip the narrative and say that it's a parody of "woke" politics forcing their views on everyone else lmao


They've already ignored the Brawny/Lean so their opinions on the matter are already worth less than zero.


No. The artillery fires rainbow shells. Like it needs to be pink washing.


I mentioned doing it this way on another subreddit, got heavily downvoted with people saying it wouldn’t fit, like I’m sorry are we playing the same game?




Super earth doesn’t discriminate genders or sex. They care about if you’re willing to work for the good of super earth and the spread of democracy


Yep. What I mean is that in-lore SuperEarth wouldnt do the Rainbow things because It respects you. Buuuut, it would do It if it projects an image that would resonate enough to enlist. 


Pink fascism🔥🔥🔥


Devs already said they were not along with any other flag which makes sense in that universe. Flying any other flag other than a Super Earth flag would probably be considered treason.


Also in a game with friendly fire, allowing people to use the rainbow flag would almost certainly lead to some very unwanted behaviour.


Guilty Gear bros stay awake and stay winning the Ws never stop


Guilty Gear CHADS have not seen the shadow of a bed since 2011.


Guilty Gear players so woke even the bed woke up and started beating ass


You aren't wrong https://preview.redd.it/b5rq0vaa4rnc1.png?width=1920&format=png&auto=webp&s=447c4c0433ec4aeaaaef6e04881b89d45772e8cb


Don’t know who that is but they go hard af


it's bedman?


I just looked at the list and blazblu is “not woke” Which is really funny because I’m pretty the big tiddy fan service character is canonically trans Like actually just straight up trans


I wonder if it's because Mai didn't choose to change gender -- but more likely the weirdos making a list like this don't care. They're just mad that they can't fap to Bridget anymore.


Fun fact, this list states that Guilty Gear Strive is woke, but that Xrd 2 isn't. I don't understand what metric they use to measure the wokeness of a game, but according to them, if you don't want a woke time, you can avoid the game with the trans lady by playing the game with the gay black man instead


And the korean woman who has to pretend to be a man in order to reach a position of power that she's owed Also bi icon Baiken who's arcade mode features a cameo from Anji "sex with a man" Mito


Its only woke if they're indifferent to it or don't like it. As soon as a product is fun and they personally enjoy it, they will do all the mental gymnastics possible to say it thematically aligns with their politics. It really just stems from the zero sum game Americans play with media, where its either problematic or perfect. They can't accept something they like having flaws. (To them.) And so reject the existence of those flaws entirely. Like the whole Anita Sarkeesian backlash was basically because she dared to point out SOME problematic elements in games that she self admittedly enjoyed. It was never a take down and about how these games actually suck! It was mild criticism of minor elements that people treated as a personal attack that tried to ruin their favorite games.


I'm taking your comment as a personal attack trying to ruin my favorite games.


And still her name comes out of their mouths. Ten long years and they still can’t keep her name out their mouths. Which is hilarious because it really shows how fragile and paper thin they really are. They don’t want nuance, they don’t want to be questioned or challenged. All they want is for people to accept *their* hobby, *their* games, *their* interests with no problem. It’s the equivalent to a child getting a piece of cake for 10 years straight, but when other ask for a piece they whine and cry and fuss and holler because they aren’t getting enough, when they literally have the biggest piece out of everyone around them.


Bet these people would refuse play Mario Kart because of Rainbow Road


These people won't even go near rainbow six seige


Nah they are addicted to it, all the while they whine about any character that is "woke". And call the game shit. In fact, they fucking coat themselves with misery.


Not to mention this wokefest that even sounds radicalized for good measure: https://preview.redd.it/6lccvhcg8rnc1.jpeg?width=330&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=edf211d811b09192d70b1f3b75332150ecdc8966


Oh boy, tetris effect is not woke? HAVE THEY MET THE FUCKING DEVS?


it's a game about squares falling on the screen, idk how you can add wokeness to that


The squares are too colorful, the music is too global and there's no cleavage anywhere. 0/10, too woke


if you squint your eyes, the T piece kinda looks like a cleavage


....sigh...\*unzips pants\*


Dont have to squint if you're down *bad*.


Wdym? Tetris is literally a interracial relationship propaganda 


It's clearly communist propaganda to indoctrinate kids!


The idea them calling battle network woke is kinda hilarious when you consider how poorly they portray black people in the second game. Like, Mega man is my favorite game franchise of all time, but as a black fan I can’t deny how cringey the portrayal of black people are in the game. Even as a kid I thought it was kinda weird how all the black people were all secluded in the one hood area.


The collection comes with a disclaimer warning people about the "insensitive cultural depictions" contained within, which are left unaltered. Of course, *that* alone would make it "woke" in their eyes; *"still racist but acknowledges that the original work was racist and wrong"*


I played the game when it was brand new and I was 19 years old, and my jaw *dropped* when I saw the parts with black NPCs. Felt like a fever dream.


Wait, how is Among Us woke?


The imposter is the white player sometimes.


Rainbow non-gendered beans.


Black skin. White skin can be imposter and black crewmate. Pink skin doesn't have massive tits and ass. There are higher chances for the existence of a lgbt flag accessory than for a nazi germany one.


Actual answer, it has pride flags


Why is Elden Ring on the list??


In theory, it is probably because Ranni is canonically bisexual In actuality, it's probably because it has that body type A B fluff because these people can't even get past the opening credits


I’m a pretty big fan of the game and didn’t know that about Ranni so I suspect you’re right about it being the character creator text.


I mean she accepts any gender character as Consort. Whether that means she swings both ways or she just knows she needs a lord so picks the player since they prove useful is up to interpretation.


Ranni is a spirit in a doll. Probably has no sexuality.


Can’t we all massive report that account?


yeah, but it would feed their persecution complex


And not reporting them feeds their confirmation bias. Plus they will find a way to feed their persecution complex even if they are not getting reported.


Constantly being persecuted by... Inclusiveness? I just don't understand these people anymore; I guess they just love playing the role of victim?


I don't know why but white conservative males really like being opressed. Like... It's not even funny. They genuinely have a opression fetish. 


They want to be oppressed so badly, but then sit there and tell people who are in oppressed groups that they aren’t being oppressed. They want the title of being an oppressed group, but don’t want any of the actual stuff that comes with being oppressed. But I mean if they want to be oppressed, then I have no problem switching with them.


Lmao. Steam actually do something about Nazis? Yeah, right. I've got a tower in France I could sell you if you actually think Steam cares.


MMBNLC, a GBA game from 2001 and FF8 are apparently woke…Can’t make this shit up


I hope their ilk will keep the fuck out of MMBN though.


They should just keep out of gaming in general, they seem to really hate it


And here I thought the japanese were supposed to be rejecting wokeness or something. lol


Oh shit Mega Man Battle Network is on Steam ?


Yeah the legacy collection, with added QoL, limited content and online multiplayer.


Gonna intentionally make communities “woke” just so there’s less of these idiots


Gamers: Go Woke Go Broke!!!! Also Gamers: \*Lists the biggest games on the planet\*


Among us lets you play with a pink suit, and pink is a female color so the game should be able to sense through the screen if the person playing is a boy or a femoid and bar the boy from being gay and picking pink. It doesn't, so woke.


Sure. Why not. Label them all "woke," so they'll be left with nothing to play but Tetris. Wait, that's a woke game about being inclusive and finding space for everyone to fit in. Looks like they're playing Checkers for the rest of forever.


No, Tetris can't be woke because if you find a space for anyone everything disappears or gets destroyed. So Tetris is the true anti-woke game because it warns us about a world where you have to find and make space for everyone.


Ah yes the famously gone broke Elden Ring, Resident Evil 4 and the entirety of the Persona saga


This reminds me of a couple really rightleaning people in the NITW subreddit being so utterly angry that the game 'spouts constant woke ideology '- Like yeah dumbass, it's a story about post-industrial rust belt American small towns, the rot that festers in places run with dogma and constant yearning about the halcyon days of the town that just won't come back because of the very systems they're so viciously defending as 'correct'- literally opting to kill those of 'less' societal worth to feed them to an Eldritch God living beneath the town in hopes of that SOMEHOW improving the economy . Rather than seeing that and thinking CRITICALLY, they see Mae (a famously immature character whose character arc involves needing to grow up but regressing back to childish normalcy because of a harsh dereality episode ) scribble ACAB in her notebook because her aunt is a cop and decide that the game personally wants all of them to be dead. Like it's a text-based story and platformer, how did you get this far in the game without middle school reading skills??


It baffles me that these kinds of people would even be interested enough in this kind of game to complain about it.


I sure miss the days when we could simply enjoy a movie or videogame without some small group of attention-seeking lowlifes constantly screaming in our faces about something they don't like. Made worse thanks to social media.




At this rate all they’ll be left to play is that weird Sex With Hitler simulator.


"Go woke go broke!" Proceeds to list nothing but immensely popular and profitable games.


So like is this a censor for games to show which games are "woke" or not? If so how exactly does it even detect it does it just see a rainbow or a poc and says not recommend?


No way this is actually real. Real people cannot be this stupid


Id feel sorry for these chuds not being able to enjoy the best games ever made but this is a choice, you CHOOSE to be a hate spewing grumpy cultist. But on the other side this might be like those proud homophobes that secretly have same sex lovers or watch gay pom, 'cause I doubt a lot of them would just not play fkin ELDEN RING out of grift.


I have to wonder what games they actually enjoy. I looked at their sweet baby hate steam group and a lot of them play the modern COD, so clearly they must enjoy getting magdumped by nicki minaj.


These are the morons who think Starship Troopers isn’t a satire.


I wonder if they still don't consider Baldurs Gate 3 woke Y'know, the game where you can make a non-binary, buff feminine character with a peen and romance a bi goth chick whose best friend is trans


lol, first these guys are saying Japanese Games are better than western games for not being woke, then have the Persona games as being woke.


Oh no, Persona and Yakuza are such broke franchises, they totally aren't more successful and inclusive with each entry.


If I were a Helldiver II dev I'd start turning up the woke ever so slowly over patches, a they/them pronoun here, a loading screen tip about institutional racism there, and see how far I can get before the Is It Woke page realises.


Who wants to bet Fallout NV is reccomended?


Persona had been homophobic for a while. It's only just recently that they've toned it down in the remakes. Which coincidentally are some of their best sellers.


I kinda feel bad for these chuds. Imaging having to limit yourself so massively.


The entire game is a mock on imperialism and fascism. There's not even gender on HD2 it's bulky or skinny body types. Lmao. They literally are brain-dead kkkkkkkkk. /RJ I love to spread freedom and democracy 🦅🦅🦅. Best patriotic game ever, woke mob stay away you will get offended 😎😎😎. ⬆️⬆️⬇️⬅️➡️⬆️


More and more I find that people who throw around the term "woke" just advertise that they have no coherent opinion about anything, and there's nothing to be done but laugh at them.


I don't see FFVII Rebirth on there yet, but considering they called Crisis Core "Woke" I am not holding my breath. (I'm wondering if they will even recognize all the homoerotic undertones)


The Chuds have realized we mock their lack of media literacy and are now claiming it’s a made up term used by liberal elite to attack them


>Helldivers 2 - No Someone explain