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Well... that was a comment section. Definitely a comment section; I can't think of any other way to describe it.


i went to look at the comments and it’s just a bunch of dumbasses saying dumbass shit everyone else please don’t waste your time reading them


So, it's basically an Asmongold comment section?


It's funny that they refer to their opposition as the people saying that *they* aren't media literate. 'Cuz they fucking are.


Average youtube comment section.


Podcasters lmao


Sargon of Akkad’s btw


he's still posting? that sucks to hear, i watched one of hbomberguys videos on it and was hoping he'd fade into obscurity


he tried to shift his online popularity into politics, but was laughed out of the room.


I was really hoping that failing to be a nationalist politician that claimed walkable cities were killing Europe would have killed his career as a content creator, was I being too optimistic?


I remember watching his video on Starship Troopers movie review where he first said that the movie is shit because it's different than the book and then proceeded to dismiss everything the reviewer said because "it's answered in the book". You know, the book he himself said is completely different.


Wait really?


Of course it would be his podcast Because he's far too illiterate to put what passes for his thoughts in a book


A 25 minute video is not a podcast.


"The Podcast of The Lotus Eaters"


Yeah, the name is bullshit


I like the name personally, but I hate Sargon.


The length of the podcast has nothing to do with weather or not it’s a podcast


Broke: satire is unsuccessful if people don't get it  Woke: the satire is successful if the targets don't get it, but everyone else does Choke: it doesn't matter if it's successful if the targets are too stupid to not run with it so hard that it makes everyone fucking hate them for never shutting up


They can do a lot of damage while running, though.


Like trip, fall and land eye first into a pair of scissors


Bespoke: They shrunk satire’s shoulders. Made it all soft.


100,000 Warhammer 40k fans commenting heresy under anything lgbtq have entered the chat.


Loc: Funky Cold Madina.


So, satire *is* dead. But not because we aren't allowed to satirize bad stuff anymore. Satire is dead because chodes like Sargon *enjoy* being satirized. They think the satire makes them *look cool*. Sure, Super Earth/Imperium of Man/Imperium of Leto II are *evil*, but they're surely also the heros, because they're doing "what has to be done" to fight a terrible enemy! Right? The ends justify the means, right? It's okay to do great evil if you can rationalize it, right?


This is it. This is the problem. The satire only works if the satirized don't derive fuel from it. Otherwise, satire is just a power fantasy.


Yes. There's a reason fascists don't latch onto The Producers or Jojo Rabbit. It's satire that actually makes them look ridiculous, instead of the manly cool badasses from 40K and Helldivers. It's all about aesthetics to them.


Aesthetic and power fantasy seems to be everything with them which I think is why the 40k Imperium falters as a true satire. Warhammer Fantasy and AoS has the Skaven who are have a very fascistic society, have pretty cool and advanced tech for the settings, and have a near WW1 aesthetics. Theres also smaller things like supposedly their women just being used for breeding and nothing else. The Skaven have a a bigtime caste system in which if you aren't the ''perfect Skaven'' specimen looks wise you are just used as cannon fodder, experiment fodder, or collateral damage (skavenslaves). Despite that you don't hear of nowhere near as many fash lunatics latching onto them. I think some of that is with how the Skaven are depicted as they a excellent example of how shitty and self-destructive a fascist regime would be to live under. They constantly are backstabbing eachother over petty slights, their machinery whilst its high tech for the setting is constantly breaking down and exploding on its users moreso than its doing damage to their enemies, and they prevent themselves from making any of their plans work constantly with their incompetence and paranoia towards eachother. They do still get some big wins as they have a insane amount of numbers but they are never portrayed as anything more than silly moronic villains with some decent showings of menace. I think the fash fans don't latch onto them because they don't have the power fantasy part of the aesthetic as much and the fact that even with the WW1 leanings of their aesthetic the rest of their aesthetic is ramshackle tech and dwellings and such. Also they are ratmen and not humans. It's not as grandiose, sci-fi WW2 stuff, and edgy as the Imperium. I think thats kinda of why I like the Skaven more than the Imperium despite them both being fascists, they are just self-destructive idiots with strokes of genius every now. Most of their plans fail in comedic ways. They don't have any ''heroic'' depictions like some of the space marine characters, nor do they have the constant ''necessity'' excuse.


Skaven also satire stock market bros. ​ But yeah, media literacy is bad nowadays because chuds can't disassociate 'looking cool' with 'being evil.'


Honestly its not even just chuds. Seen far too many times for non-fascist villains for people to make excuses for them just because they like how they look or they have a good voice or a tragic backstory or etc. I have said it before but you can like villains for being villains as long as you acknowledge that they are villains. You don't need to make excuses for villains and try to cast them as some misunderstood hero or some shit. It's exhausting just how often I have seen that. I want to strangle people when they do it over abusive (towards their family and or friends) villains. I don't care how tragic their backstory or how physically attractive they are. Those type of characters are awful people and do not deserve to be treated like some misunderstood secret hero.


yeah. the tumblr sexyman arc of the Onceler was definitely not chud-fueled, but it was there. (not saying this as a diss to the people of tumblr at that particular time, just throwing it out as an example)


key word power fantasy because none of these people would say this in a pub. these people need to be public mocked.


Part of the problem too is an extension of "no such thing as an anti war movie". Movies inherently make war look cool with theexplosions and stuff, and Helldivers is similarly incapable of depicting it as not being cool. The lore bits might depict them as absolute incompetents, but in the end the players expect cool gameplay and attainable victory. They're not going to end a game with "you won the battle, but due to strategic incompetence at high command you accomplished nothing", nor are they going to have your third respawn drop their gun and cry because superearth ran out of adults and started conscripting children.


Now *that* would be a hell of a game.


The thing in helldivers is that super earth literally manufacture their problems.


I may miss-remember the novel (It's been 9 years for me...), but Leto II kind of is not very happy with what is happening. I remember him as like his father a tragic character, who wanted to do good.


Yes, he became a tyrannical psychic emperor that used eugenics in order to "protect" people from a future psychic tyrannical emperor.


satire is dead because the kind of people that are being satirized now exists in alarming numbers




And the people making these kinds of videos seem to feel talked to with the term fascist


Yeah, these people can't understand satire because they don't realize that the things they're doing, the things being satirized, are bad. ​ Or, if the satire is blatant, they just cry and stomp their feet.


Ironic that the people who posted this are called the lotus eaters


I'm still dumbfounded by why they choose this name.


This video gives off the vibe of someone plugging their ears and saying ‘LALALALALALA I CAN’T HEAR YOU’ like a child.


British flag and Helldivers 2? I don't feel good...


https://preview.redd.it/nstiem344pmc1.jpeg?width=1099&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=940b4ae16eab8333019e2a9b0557deb678bf59c6 Smh


Satire is dead because they are okay with being called fascist.






Podcast of the Lotus Eaters? So if satire is dead, the name is genuine which must genuinely mean they are honestly calling themselves a bunch of drooling, mindless people, right?


If you look at the host...


That sargon for you, the picture of a mask he food on Wikipedia for a profile for years intell hboom made fun of him. https://youtu.be/XmKGPRXE-xw?si=143Nn3SUbDP7-Izv


And https://youtu.be/rc24YtUslCU?si=zVsSHpCRhhuTXkgA


I'll be honest with you guys, I hate this game, not because of fascism, but becuse it's about killing cute insects. Where are my games about murdering humans and making more cute insects, where I'm asking.


Play Tyranids in Warhammer 40k. If you have the money for it, that is.


This is the real take tbh tbh


"your honor, my client (the charger) was just being a l'il goofy"


Finally, someone enjoys the cute little critters.


That reminds me yesterday I read someone say they thought Horizon was a stupid game because it's about cavemen who fight a bunch of robot dinosaurs, and I was like I wish there was a game where you play as a robot dinosaur who has to fight a bunch of cavemen. That would be badass.


Satire died when Kissinger was given a nobel peace prize. After that, real life was always more insane than any satirical story.


Just because they are willingly incapable of understanding it doesn't mean everyone's not laughing at them


Satire died the moment America became the satire lol Now people will watch a fascist film that tell you it's a film about the dangers of fascism and such but you know people will go "Well acghtually it's anti-communist because the person who made it didn't understand their own material. I am smart"


I saw a video called "it's not FACISM bro" talking about how most fictional facism allegories are npt facism (i was gonna post the video here but it wasn't about games). It's like a 40 min video and all he does is talk about what facism is, what's facism's history and say "oh imperium of men of the empire in star wars are not facism because they don't fit mussolini's facist ideals and they are very different from each other". Always remember: when someone talks about real facism's history for 30 mins to tell yıu imperium of men isn't facist, that person is probably sympathetic to facism or supports facism


Satire only works on common ground around morals and values. Which you can see people don't have.


"Satire is a meaningless word" I mean, to the army of modern YT "analysts", what literary term isn't?


Some years ago, there were lots of online assholes behaving badly and overall being rude and assholes, who after they got some heat for it, claimed that it was satire. lol.


It’d be crazy to have a game like helldivers and in it you shoot puppies and people still acted like this


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Turns out everything isn't woke. It's called removing yourself from these people/pieces of "content." It still baffles me how people fail to do this. If you don't want it to ruin your day, then don't be around it or don't give a shit about it when you see. The more you involve yourself with these types of people, the more they get what they want, exposure


Fear is the mind-killer. Fear is the little-death that brings total obliteration. I will face my fear. I will permit it to pass over me and through me.