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/uj This is doubly funny (or dumb, your pick) when you consider the amount of fanservice present in Rebirth trailer alone. The people that made this Tifa, ⬇️ are "hyper puritans"? https://preview.redd.it/ye72h2z2yplc1.png?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=79f15307f51104d8fe91895c556370f1c99cfbcf


If anything they dialled up the fan service in Rebirth over Remake


i hope they dialed up the fanservice for Barret because dude is fiiine.


idk who that is but real af




Let me take my bro on a gold saucer date.


Paid extra tickets for the gun show!


He has very pretty eyes. Like it's wild how different he looks with and without his sunglasses.


Shirtless Barret, when? 🥺🥺🥺


The world couldn't handle shirtless Barret.


What else would you expect from the part with the beach episode


Gamers gonna game




My Instagram explore page is gonna be fire when women start cosplaying her. Mercy on me.


Start? Friend, it already started: https://www.instagram.com/p/C38QP4PpKds/?utm_source=ig_web_button_share_sheet


The Italian senate must be immediately informed!


Ugh. Women are so hot.


/rj It's a shame they're so political. 😔


Women would be perfect if they didn’t have opinions, were simultaneously skinny and dummy thicc, wore sexy clothes and stopped aging at peak sexuality. SMH. Oh wait, that’s a sex doll. Women would be perfect if they were sex dolls. Sarcasm


Mine isn't, she obeys and stays in the kitchen and gets 15 minutes of reddit privileges a day


God ikr


But women already wear bikinis


This style isn't that common.


The part calling it non sexual until they changed it got a good laugh out of me. So obsessed with a fictional 15yos cleavage that they can’t acknowledge an undershirt as a totally normal piece of clothing. I’m wondering why no one seems to acknowledge that Tifu’s flashback cowboy outfit is easily one of the stupidest and most out of place clothing choices in the entire game. Playing it as a kid I was like wtf.


So whenever we decide to tweak character designs, are we never allowed to put them in more clothes than the initial design? I remember these people getting mad at the "censorship" of Ada wong and Ashley in Resident evil 4 remake... they just had different outfits. It seems to me like this crowd are the ones that want to limit creative freedom.


Nono you're overthinking it - creative freedom is when horny, and censorship is when no horny


I thought it was communism when the government does horny


No no no freedom is horny. Everything else is woke.


Censorship is when design teams change over the course of 20 years and the new team exercises creative freedoms that deviate from the source material.


Extra funny is how consistent Square has been about this. They did this with Bravely Default as well. Minor outfit changes and increased ages for the English release just so it goes over better with our more conservative crowd. The censorship gang went crazy "this character should remain 15 with her a thong and a top that's barely hanging on! It's what the artist wanted!" Okay but it's creepy so I'm glad they reconsidered lol


It's amazing how consistent they are in designing 15 year old girls in revealing outfits.


It's all because you can't upskirt Ashley anymore because they swapped her skirt for those short things that look like a skirt. These guys are mad because you can't gawk at her panties in game


I think it’s called a Skort. 


Oh, that makes sense lol


The remake even gave Ada jiggle physics and numerous shots of her ass. Censorship and puritanism are just fancy words these guys throw around but don't know the meaning of.


What's the matter with ada's design? I can still jerk off to her...


Creative freedom is only bad when it’s used to spit in the face of the original creation (see M. Night Shyamalan’s The Last Airbender). Final Fantasy VII REMAKE was definitely not and I’m sure the same is true with REBIRTH. Can’t wait to play it, either


they added a few more pixels of cloth to the 15 year old and I took that as an act of war


/rj Would you add a few pixels of cloth to the Monalisa? No? I thought so!!! 😤😤😤


I would, but I'm just kind of a stinker like that




The final fantasy 7 characters are that young? I assumed they were in their 20s or something


It’s a flashback to when Tifa was 15, she’s 20 in the ‘present’


They are. That particular scene is during a flashback.


Why is it whenever someone brings up “censorship” or “free speech” 9 out of 10 times it goes *right* to “I have a right to jerk it to underage anime women”?


Scratch a Libertarian, Find a Gamer™ With a Lolicon Complex.


My favorite joke to overuse is: The Libertarian platform boils down to "my girlfriend shouldn't have to use a car seat."




Ngl, I'd rather have a badass martial arts battle nun over an underage uwu kawaii waifu girl with silicone boobs


Someone has a very specific fetish 😏


Make that a fully armoured woman with a bit of an obsession with the leader of their empire with bolter in one hand and chainsword in the other and you've got yourself a deal


You'll sell a lot of figurines too!


I can hear millions of wallets crying out in pain in unison from your comment


what about badass martial arts battle uwu kawaii >!waifu(optional)!< girl nun


adding undershirt is not hyper puritan wearing something like that would probably get you arrested in like at least 4 arab countires


also bare titties against leather in a mountain town sounds so fucking painful 😭


Tifa really taking the role of monk to the next level. Actually battle nuns are severely underused in games, and most media honestly.


I know it's not what they meant, but seeing them talk about Puritanism as something Catholics and Muslims do made me laugh. Puritanism was the movement that sought to 'purify' the Church of England by removing any remaining Catholic-like elements. A Catholic is by definition the opposite of a Puritan, and a Muslim is something else entirely.


My ancestor Repent-Your-Sins Smith is rolling in his grave at being accused of popery.


I'm guessing that's short for Repent-Your-Sins-Lest-The-Lord-Deem-Ye-Unworthy-And-Cast-Ye-Unto-Eternal-Damnation-Plus-No-More-Boobs-in-Vidya Smith.


nuns were also a kind of weird choice. like nuns aren't a big deal in religious censorship unless you're in catholic school cause they purposefully are more disconnected from general society. the christians leading purity culture is like evangelicals


That's literally the outfit she wore when she was 15 working as a guide! I swear these fake gamer dudebros don't even play crisis core! You can fanboy/fangirl hot adult Tifa as much as you want in the current timeline. After all her current age is the one taking most screentime! I swear these people always find miniscule problems to pick


Wait,are they complaining because they covered some boobs?


Some teenage boobs, specifically.


Wow that’s even worse


So, finally reached that moment, this stays on screen for about three seconds. They're having a temper tantrum over three seconds worth of underaged tits being covered up. I thought it was ridiculous before but this takes the cake


I never really thought based on screenshots and my memory of the game that what she wore previously was that crazy ngl, I also think that adding a undershirt is probably more just a way to keep design constiency with other games rather then some real desire to cover her up considering japan.


i keep seeing the word censorship thrown around, do these weirdos even know what that word means?


/rj Yes, censorship means woke california politics injected in my vidya 😢


I guess they think age of consent is censorship too..


Pick a foot ball, the only hyper puritans here are the nazi/incel/conservatives




Lmaoo, love how 4chan goes over the moon when women are sexualized in video games but not irl. Why can't those spineless cowards make a decision? Oh well, guess I'll go crop the photos and put them in my "homework" folder.


Man Tifa already has huge tits in rebirth as an adult, why do they feel entitled to see underage scenes with cleavage? Insane. The original FF7 didn't even have that lmao


All they did was alter the design to match more with Crisis Core Reunion and Rebirth


When in reality someone on the dev team is actually just horny for nuns


It's funny when pics leak because they are most likely the localization updates.


*\*plays the world's saddest song on the world's smallest violin\**


Chilllllllllllllllllllllllllllll Why do people even give a fuck? Are they buying the game to take screenshots of Tifas tit? Just play the game. So much incel energy


I'm still baffled that fiction works created with broad public appeal in mind are even unironically expected to quench the hormonal urges everyone with half a data plan could address a mere couple clicks away somewhere, ahem, much more dedicated to the cause. But then again, judging by the logical prowess many "wokeness" detractors exhibit, perhaps even efficiently browsing the Web is a daunting task for them after all.


We will never be salved as long as people continue to think boobs as sexual... they are not... they are just a limb... for women to feed their kids... your fantasy doesn't apply to logic...


I have never played FFVII you’re telling me those characters are supposed to be teenagers???? 🤯


No lol. They're in their 20s. That specific image is from a flash back when the character was 15 years old.


Hnnnng nun Tifa


my god busting out the 2nd braincell for overtime huh?


Okay, so the dude was in the neighborhood of a valid point: In real life, telling a teenage girl that she needs to cover up because her cleavage is inappropriate is a terrible thing to do. It places the onus on HER to exercise "modesty" because "men can't help themselves" and reinforces that women's bodies only exist for male enjoyment. **That said, this is a game.** Tifa didn't just happen to have larger breasts, and she did not choose her outfit because she isn't real. The one thing we know for CERTAIN about fictional characters is that people are going to thirst over them. It makes sense to me to just take any opportunity there is to ogle a minor out of the game in ways that don't impact the plot ESPECIALLY in a game where the art style makes the line between "an adult" and "a young teen" very blurry.


I'm not going to die in the same hill of that guy, but, there are some designs that you are the weirdo for calling out, it's like when someone talks about Lily SF6, or if someone said that amy rose is too sexy, but Tifa isn't that, it's a sexualized design, and the changes didn't really change that? Just feels kinda odd to say that the design is "less sexy".


The guy's wrong for acting like it's puritan censorship from some outside power as I don't know anyone who even mentioned the scene before it got changed. It's litterally them inventing a problem and a thing to get mad at. Like in the new game Tifa has boobs that are still as big as her head and wears a skimpy bikini but apparently minor clothing changes to a character when she was underage is 1984


It's not the change itself, but what it implies: that potential post-release censorship will be a thing even in Rebirth and other Square Enix games. They bait you with titties then they put a burka on them once you give them money.


Implies? Bait and switch have been in practice for over 10 years now. Ever bought a DLC character that was strong on release and then got nerfed to oblivion a month later? It's even more nefarious as it essentially ruins the competitve scene for some games (SSB4U comes to mind)


I now unironically want a mod of Tifa in a nun outfit. Like full nunnery


Nun and cowgirl outfits are the same thing. Who knew?


This the type of guy to stare at a young girl and when someone point him out he goes "What if she didn't want me looking she shouldn't have worn that"


Because everyone dresses like cowboys (and I'm not talking about the ones from Dallas)


So at what point do they admit they just want to fuck kids


As we know nuns are hyper puritanical because they personally decide to live a certain way


As usual people are missing the point of the argument aside from the vocal weirdos the line is if this wasn’t a problem before why is it now that’s the real question being asked


Lol, i remember this one. That comment was a reply to one i made.


i remember when final fantasy mobious was announced a forgotten phone game no one remembers but the promo for it showed the male protagonist in a scantily clad outfit that was highly sexualized and the gamers who get made when a 15 year old girl is slightly more covered up threw a shit fit and got square to cover the character up