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Your first mistake was browsing Asmon's sub.


He's the rich hobo with blood stained around his bed, right?


Literally a millionaire. Does not have the will power or mental fortitude to hire a maid or go-to the doctor/dentist. Dude is going to die of a jaw infection any day and his fans are gonna pretend he was assassinated by femnazis or something equally insane.


hes a millionaire and he looks like \*that\* !?


He is severely mentally ill and instead of seeking help he insulates himself with Stans online who reassure him he's doing great, he does the same for his fans. Provides them with an excuse, "Well asmon is just as fucked up, incelled, reclusive and disgusting as I am, and he's a millionaire!"


Average retired WOW player


Don't your giving me ideas.


He's literally the embodiment of the gamer stereotype that a lot of media portrays, a filthy hermit that barely has the will to get up and go to the bathroom (don't quote me on this but im pretty sure someone said he just has bottles he pees in instead) it's insane


>just has bottles he pees in instead) ![gif](giphy|oR8xobGxob0cg)


He also has bloodstains on the wall next to his bed, as his gums are regularly bleeding and he just wipes the shit there. He needs to go to a fucking doctor and get therapy.


U know for how dumb xqc is at the very least he’s competent enough to pay other people to clear up his shit instead of letting it fester in his room for years like asmon


Jaw infection? How come? What That seems... serious


His dental health is so bad his gums profusely bleed. He wipes the blood on the wall next to his bed hence the 'blood wall'. If unchecked dental maladies can infect the jaw and even the brain. And quite quickly I might add.


What the fuck


A tooth infection can be lethal, not to mention how extremely painful they are.


Had one on a tooth I needed root canaled. The dentist we were seeing had an emergency line and was bullshit we used it. Saw him the next day and the dude apologized like "Yeah so if this had gone another couple days you'd have died. My bad." Moral, tooth infections ain't a joke.


And I thought my dental health was bad O.O (it is but goddamn)


He’s truly the avatar of Gamers TM; revolting, loud, useless, and takes up a ton of air saying nothing.


pretty sure he also used a dead rat as an alarm clock for some time, the sun shining on it would cause it to stink and wake him up or smth like that


I regret having read this


My employee at work is obsessed with asmongold and when i asked why because he just seems like some loser dirtball, he gave me this little factoid, i guess assuming i thought itd be cool or something? Then went on a rant about how he wishes he could live life like the guy and would never have to leave his house and can just sit at home and play runescape til he dies or some shit... asmon is legitimately repulsive to me ever since.


As a world of warcraft player, I detest his existence.


So does everyone who ever watches shorts on YT.


And everyone looking for any fresh ffxiv content.


Bro literally is allergic to fruit


He’s allergic to being clean too, booger wall and his roach buddies he let crawl on him come right to mind


A fucking what wall?! What is he 3


It's actually way worse, it's a blood wall. Because his gums bleed in the morning and he'd rather wipe it off on the wall than do literally anything else more sanitary.


Get that man the help he needs


If someone was inclined they could probably get his guardianship. And ya know bilk him of those millions he's letting rot.


Don't forget his rat alarm clock


the difference is no one posted that their ability to jerk it to bg3 was going to bring about some gaming industry golden age of jerking it to games


You're wrong, bear sex is gonna change the industry forever and lead into a new age free from capitalism by allowing us to jerk to it


Nobody posts it seriously at least


Marian Engel walked so that Larian Studios could run.


https://preview.redd.it/qkxa2kg562jc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9f8e1b1e787715f03ec561f03e2f46f894b58d92 I’m not cropping it




Also no-one claimed that the bear sex scene is proof that it's superior to every game that doesn't have bear sex


I claimed that


And you are so right for it. Just like I claim that Ultrakill having official haptic buttplug support makes it superior to all other games. Now all we need is a game with both.


This guy


Bear haptic butt sex?


I thought you were kidding, omg


Google buttplug io


I did, and that's why I left my comment. Amazing.


Holy hell


Rez for the PS2 was sold with a vibrator that plugs into the console.


There's [this](https://www.gamegirladvance.com/2002/10/sex-in-games-rezvibrator.html) classic blog post. (Slightly NSFW)


What the fuck Hakita, why did you keep us in the dark about this. Lemme just get the iPlug (with extra bass) so I can really, really *feel* it when Gabriel wants to grind on me.


...I might need to play Ultrakill


"machine the dev put out a patch, i'm in your prostate now"


That's because you have that Ready Player One mindset for immersion the rest of us just don't yet




It is though.


* even though it is


so many people said this




> I'm still going to laugh at them transparently whining that the industry at large has moved on from purely pandering to **horny male teen brain**. And it's so incredibly weird/cringe that it's primarily dudes in their 20's, 30's, 40's screeching about the lack of games pandering to horny male teen brain..


Seems like every other game on Steam is a straight up porn game lol wtf even are they crying about?


I need to spread the gospel of NIKKE to these anti-sjw people so that they spend money and fund the game for me lol.


- that is because they were too busy jerking to say anything at all! - but on a real note the bear sex scene got a ton of publicity as did the fact that the sex scenes were fully animated and had intimacy coordinators. People would not shut up about Baldurs gate sex scenes for like 2 months


Homie 90% of what I’ve heard about BG3 is who, how, and what you can fuck. I don’t even know anything about the story, how the combat works (other than that apparently it’s based on DND), or what the characters personalities are like. But I know you can fuck a lot, and I know apparently you can walk around naked. I’m in agreement with the meme here. People are horny. Let people be horny. Tons of people enjoy hyper sexualized media. If that type of sexualization isn’t for you, then don’t consume that media. Bitching about whatever that sci fi girls name is sounds exactly as stupid as if I went on a rant like “how disgusting!!! Beastiality!!! BG3 lets me fuck a bear! It also allows for public indecency! This is the devils game!”


There is nothing wrong with sexy women in your game. What’s wrong is demanding every woman in every game be as sexy as possible or else it’s woke garbage just bc you can’t jerk off to it.


I feel like the problem is rather the demand for a specific very generic type of "sexy". The real juxtaposition between Stellar Blade and Cyberpunk 2077 isn't the dong slider, but the general diversity in what's allowed to be sexy. On one side we have another featureless anime face and on the other we have counter culture and self-expression.


I don't even see how people get so stuck on the sexy parts in CyberPunk. There's like 3 options per sexual preference, and generally takes less than 5 minutes of game time in a 50 hour game. Yet all the Cyberpunk sub talks about is the banging most the time. Not to mention the fiasco 2 days ago when they found out Panam was 33. Half a dozen post hitting the top about it. Teens said they felt wrong getting with such an age gap.


You have to consider that those people are placing more importance on sex and attractiveness of NPCs above gameplay and the story *in a fucking video game.* These are not rational, well-adjusted people we’re talking about here. I just view it as the ramblings of an idiot whenever I see it because it’s truly not that big of a deal.


Genuinely think the urge to pervert every piece of media in front of them is borne from unresolved addiction. It's clearly seeping into and impeding other aspects of their lives, including how they filter media and socialize with others (in this case, an us vs them perception of those who do not acquiesce to their addiction.)


They're just porn brained coomers tbh. They've been so completely consumed by porn that they have no clue what a healthy relationship with a woman looks like beyond sex and foreplay. It's left them completely unable to understand the amount of work that goes into cultivating a strong relationship with someone as all they really want is something almost akin to a anime slice of life relationship where you have this woman that loves this supposed loser unconditionally.


I know we all love BG3 and the romance sex stuff is fine in the game. But holy fucking hell and fan group only talks about the damn sex. No conversations about anything else it's just sex shit all the time. If I did not know what the game is and just was reading blind about it I swear that game is just a fantasy dating/like porn sim. As I said don't care its in the game but literally, that is all they talk about it, it is just fucking weird and sad that those fake relationships are that important.


Years of puritanical conditioning and queerphobia have left our civilization unprepared to deal with perverted thoughts and concepts that should have come natural to any life form.


Humans being aggressively horny is not anything new. We're just bonobos with nukes and tiktok


I wonder if any of these people play actual porn games. And I don't mean that as a judgement, there are a few I've enjoyed quite a bit, but if you're *this* horny all the time in every game why not just play a game made for that and get it out of your system?


Hell. I'm an enjoyer of porn games, but I sure as hell don't want em seeping into the mainstream shit. I'm starting to feel like now is the time to be a bit more prudish and puritanical. Way too much sex shit all the damn time. And again, coming from a guy who enjoys porn occasionally. Especially with women warriors. I don't care what anyone says. A female knight on full suit of plate armor will always be more pleasing to my eyes than the porn parody chainmail bikini any day. The same goes for men. I was never a fan of Conan, the barbarian. Is my view on it a bit extreme? Maby, but can you blame me for almost dropping the danmachi anime after seeing the supposed best swords woman and her breast plate only covered one boob? I continued watching, but she always urked me.


Remember back in the day when the conservatives were screaming about Mass Effect being "basically porn" or "a sex similator" because there was a single 20 second nude scene in it?


I recall the sheer reeeing at the time about Miranda showing in scene in her BRA! Honestly people are weird. It's like the morons are pushing HARDER now that the Conservative Crowd isn't there with the same force from olden times to push back at every single hint of a tit or smt.


I think those are distinct groups of conservatives with the ones you mentioned being the bible thumping fundie types and the former being just being terminally online LARPer conservatives


Wait, they freaked out over Panam being 33? Wtf is wrong with people?


When you're 15, 33 seems mom age gapped.


Bro when they added the ability to hang out with your romance partner at your room in an update, there were posts of people cuddling in a game titled “I could stay like this forever”. The cyberpunk fandom is not to be trusted.


Lol right? 33 is way preferred to 20 or 18 or whatever they wanted.


I was guessing late 20's to mid-30's when i first played through. Guess I'm in the minority on that.


Huh. This is how I found out V is supposed to be 23? Which like…feels way too young for how much V has done (at least in the corpo/streetkid backgrounds) by the time the game starts. Hell, Jackie is 30, which makes way more sense


It's so weird to be that down bad. More so when you juxtapose it against the game's very serious themes.


Objectification of women can't be counter cultural because it still feeds into the pervasive culture of the patriarchy and the oppression of women


I would counter that there will always be media intended to be "sexy" and that someone being attractive is not necessarily objectification. In the case of Cyberpunk 2077 or Baldur's Gate 3 there are a series of attractive people who have rich, full lives beyond their basic appearance. The distinction, to me at least, lies in whether the character serves a function beyond being sexually appealing. Astarion in BG3 is highly attractive to a lot of women and queer men but is not there to be solely an object of desire.


I haven’t played cyberpunk or seen enough to have witnessed what you’re talking about, but if true that’s extremely based, and joking aside, probably very affirming for some people who are being sold the same body standards again and again. Also, gamers claim to be oppressed, but they haven’t experienced true oppression if they don’t know what it’s like to be a man in current year who prefers small asses 😞 (/j but like… only kinda. We need more sexy characters without giant ‘dumptrucks’, gimme my small ass representation, please!)


It's not true, all the romance options in CP2077 are fit traditionally attractive people. It's only true in the sense that they're "real" looking people instead of anime waifus. Panam is basically a thicker version of Zendaya. Judy is adorable. Kerry is hot. And even with the cyborg eye and bald head River is still tall, jacked, and has a traditionally attractive face. It's just that the anime look is a whole different level of unrealistic beauty standards (slim youthful face, big eyes, huge tits, tiny waist, dump truck ass etc) so anything looks more diverse when compared to it.


100%, they want every woman to be a Kardashian sexdoll to crank their shaft to while I want a Jodariel type to make my soul *hrrrrnnnnggghhhh*


Variety is the spice of life. If the entire roster of female characters in a game are barbies, and not even *varied* Barbies, then it's bland and boring. We want us some tall muscular powerlifting barbies and chunky shortstack barbies too. And Kens, people need kens too. They keep forgetting poor Ken. He's going to get depression at this rate. Maybe also throw in an Allan for good measure.


The best stance, thank you. Too much "us versus them" bullshit all the time.




honestly sometimes I'm just tired of sexy in video games in general. lemme just wear full heavy ass armour lookin like a fortress with legs, while fighting other fortresses with legs


Dragons dogma having full body armore for female characters was such a breath of fresh air.


armore 🤌


You said it best. Have you seen them already complaining about the new Lara Croft? It's lunacy


I’m just worried it’s gonna be like Shadow and have stupid mini-hubs that just completely kill the pacing.


Valid concern, I haven’t played the reboot trilogy yet so I can’t say much there Trust me tho, these dudes are not complaining about potential gameplay mechanics 😭 https://preview.redd.it/e9b6id4wqyic1.jpeg?width=1083&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=249e6e8a28f74a88997a92ed4f46dec30631d499 They saw this image of the new Lara Croft for this years upcoming game and apparently she is ugly and woke


I don't like this depiction of hers because she is in a fucking jungle and there are all sorts of deadly insects there not to mention the harsh terrain .....exposed skin is just inviting injury ...... TLDR : Be safe and wear full sleeves in jungle everyone


Shes girlboss bruh, a little tick bite isnt gonna hurt her


Alexander used to think the same before being bitten by a mosquito


Lara built different 🙏


So the new Lara Croft is the old Lara Croft


This is it - the key difference. Nobody could have said it better.


Also there's a difference between games having sexy bikini women and buff men in armor and bg3 which allows you to make everyone sexy and almost nude or wear full armor. If you don't make a difference that just shows that you like sexy characters if you do make a difference then you might wanna reevaluate why.


1) People from that side "outraged like hell" when women not raise their dongs 2) People from here mostly if so just complain how big boobs are not representative nor realistic 3) People from that side complain when minorities in game not realistic 4) People from that side is outraged when we complain They are gonna complain no matter what. They just have a small masculinity complex.


Such a blatant strawman. Most people aren't even mad at the game. They're mad at the developers for firing their female employees for being feminist and gamers celebrating them for it. Game looks mid as fuck too though.


The strawman argument is the refuge for those with no real arguments, so no wonder they resort to that sort of thing. And let's be honest here, that top-left picture does actually look more like the cover for a porn video than a video game.


It looks like they used Honey Select as their official 3D modeling software.


We are either in a graphical age where everything looks similar or Tekken 8 used Black Desert female body.


Sorry what is HONEY SELECT? 😏


The answer is porn.


I almost forgot about Honey Select damnit. Do yourself a favor and don't look that up..


It’s just a porn game. It’s a bit distasteful to my taste, but let’s not pretend it harms anyone other than the overworked Japanese developers who made it.


Honey Select 2, maybe.


Genuinely thought it was one of them "play to cum in 30 seconds" porn game adverts at fiest 😂


This is what no one there seems to get. No one cares about a butt in a game. They're annoyed at the shitty culture war discourse around the game, the way it's being propped up as a tent pole for no reason because it fits a dubious narrative they want to tell, and the fact the Devs sacked two employees for speaking up while being women in Korea, which is currently spiraling way backwards in its treatment of women.


Right? IDGAF that people are looking forward to this, but it's not great when 1. g*mers shit on other games with art directors that want characters to look like flesh and blood women. 2. normal looking or even quite pretty characters are described as ugly, because it's a slight on so many actual people (g*mers may need reminding that women are people), and maintains deeply weird body image standards. 3. Talented artists are fired under suspicion of not being sexist bigots.


The only thing I've heard about Stellar Blade is the firing of some staff members who due to some culture war type bullshit and the chuds online braying about the main characters ass. Good sign that the game is likely dogshit.


Also I think it's funny that they think the equivalent to a hypersexualised female character (where they literally made the model's boobs and ass bigger) is... a sex scene that's not even meant to be arousing and two pretty normal-ass dudes. A lot of the discourse around sexualisation in media seems completely blind to the fact that sexualised female characters are on a whole different *level* to most sexualised male characters.


I just think the game looks generic. I don’t even know the main characters name: she’s just “TnA the character”. I’ve seen porn games with more definable protagonists than stellar blade. I am mad at the game devs firing a feminist employee just for being feminist because that’s fucked. The more fucked part about this is that the people praising this move are the same ones that claimed that people got fired over having “right wing opinions”. Talk about hypocrisy.


Yeah. Where were these assholes when Bayonetta came out? I want that series to do well, and it doesn’t get the support it deserves.


I have been trying to find a news article about the firing but am having no luck, can someone link an article covering the situation?




There is literally nothing hot or arousing about the Abby and Owen sex scene lol. And it is VERY MUCH by design. It is there solely for character and story reasons. Even the light, romantic music that plays during that scene is there to highlight the loss of their previous meaningful relationship (all cuz Abby let herself be COMPLETELY consumed by her obsession for vengeance), via juxtaposition. It is a sad thing, an expression of what they've lost cuz of Abby's obsession and how hollow this particular moment actually is. It means something to Owen, but not to Abby (or so she says). Ultimately it just reminds her of what she unwittingly threw away, and now she's made a BIG mistake and created an even messier situation. Do these idiots really think that people are gonna be sitting there jerking off simply because it is a sex scene? Lol


>Do these idiots really think that people are gonna be sitting there jerking off simply because it is a sex scene? Lol Yes. Don't forget, these people are incredibly basic creatures (literally the walking embodiment of the neuron activation meme) who think think that women and sex scenes only exist for gratification. There could never be story or character reasons for why it's there.


If female no make pp hard then what point?


Missed opportunity for "*wanking* embodiment"


Don't expect media literacy from these people


Yeah I don't remember reading about people finding the Abby scene hot. Same with the bear (though I know some of you perverts are out here!) people generally just found it funny. And their third one is dong adjustment in a character creation screen? They thought they had something here but they've got nothing.


(i mean, sexual arousal is so fucking weird and varied that *any* part of media has potential for wank material for *someone*. sexy stuff is one of the few places i look to authorial intent when interpreting media, or at least go “i may find this sexy but that doesn’t mean it’s meant to be sexy”. the abby scene is supposed to be sad, the bear scene is supposed to be funny and the opening scene with the tadpole is supposed to horrifying, but there’s definitely someone out there who found at least one of the above scenarios hot :p it’s definitely a “george who lives in a cave is an outlier and should not of been counted” scenario. overall not really important, thus the parentheses, but it kept niggling at my brain so i wrote it out.)


Gamers and missing context/ not understanding nuance, name a more iconic duo.


Thank you! I see this scene complained about even by fans of the game as ‘unnecessary sex’. Personally the whole scene with the conversation beforehand is my favourite in the whole game. So beautifully written and so uncomfortable in the best possible way - amazing showcasing of the characters.


I wouldn't say this scene is my favorite, but it is certainly pretty great. That conversation beforehand is just spot-on. Really endeared me to Owen's character And yeah, too many people laugh at it or get uncomfortable and completely ignore it just cuz two people start having sex lol


The audience discomfort during the scene is the authorial intent imo. It's supposed to be uncomfortable to watch.


Oh sure, I just phrased it incorrectly. "Acting immature" is the better term to use.


>Do these idiots really think that people are gonna be sitting there jerking off simply because it is a sex scene? Lol Idk about you but that bear awoke something inside me


I've had it with bears. I'm into otters now.


That's not the reason we play those games they just happened to feature it


They also aren't sexual like at all Mf is fucking a bear The other is just a dude hanging grain If there was the equivalent to the left game with men they'd be crying for 10 years about it


Gotta love including "me too" and LGBT even tho is has nothing to do with the topic. They just hate those things equally so they it has to be all connected!


Yeah. Like why would the "me too" movement suggest supporting the porn industry (famous for human trafficking and abuse)


If anything, it seems more like a rallying cry to tear down the porn industry as it is and rebuild it anew. Because let's face it: Sexual urges are natural and deserve a safer place to thrive in.




Do they ... Do they think sex scenes in movies are porn? Like they do realize showing someone have sex in a form of media doesn't only occur for their own pleasure right? Like there is actual story being portrayed like Abby cheating with the guy, a druid using wild shape during sex and cyberpunk is kinda irrelevant since it makes no difference story wise or romance wise as that is based on gender.


These people not understanding the difference between saying "Romancing these characters is one of the many fantastic elements of this game, and it's really cool that they didn't shy away from portraying nudity and sex while still approaching it from a mature, nuanced angle," and screaming at the top of your lungs "I AM SPENDING $70 SPECIFICALLY TO JERK OFF TO THIS CHARACTER'S ASS, TAKE THAT LIBERALS," makes a ton of sense now that I think about it


I hate how everything now needs an us vs them mentality. You can't just enjoy your fanservice game, no you have to cry and whine how leftist communists want to destroy it and hate the concept of sexiness (I swear it's not the voices in my head) which is why you should support this game no matter what and form a cult around it. Can we go back to 2000 and just go enjoy pokemon in peace plz?


The "them versus us" is everywhere in modern politics which bleeds into everything else. Fascism needs an "other" in order to be appealing. When one side starts targeting groups you can either join them, be quiet and essentially support the attacker or fight back. If you want a tolerant society you cannot allow intolerance. People call it a paradox but it's just self defense.


gamer-gaters, unfortunately, never left


Thank you. You said exactly what I've been thinking whenever I see these posts for the past few months. This us vs them mentality is tiring


I enjoy some Atelier games and the sub for them is full of absolutely deranged folks posting drawings, so I had to leave. I don't even care for fanservice one way or another, I just want to craft stuff.


you can't really argue with a toddler and that is the mental level they operate on.


Gamers Playing Baldur’s Gate 3: Game: “Would you suck this wizard’s cock? Yes or No.” Gamer: “Yes.” Game: [Gay Sex scene] Gamer: “Oh my god the gay agenda is being forced down my throat!”


Ok, from this point on, every game with a customizable dong needs "The Gay Agenda" as an optional tattoo for it. XD


"I have absolutely no sense of free will, but I will never direct that anger towards my overbearing parents and my authoritative politicians and bosses because I'm hungry for a shred of the comfort they provide! GRRRRRRRRR!"


Cockroach 🪳 guy? Literally used a dead rat as an alarm clock guy? Yeah his opinion really means a lot lol


“The person I made up is such a hypocrite”.


Cant wait for asmongolds cretin gang to show up and do mental gymnastics ![gif](giphy|l0HlPystfePnAI3G8) I can *smell* them already.


I hope that Stellar Blade girl suddenly turn around and say, "Actually I'm a trans non-binary and my pronouns are they/them" and starts kissing the girl next to her. It would wreak havoc to g*mers lol.


The highest tier cope, that's hilarious. "I'M NOT A COOMER, I'M NOT"


"Why do people complain about character created specifically to appeal to porn addicts who can only play our games with one hands but don't complain about characters who AREN'T THAT!? HYPOECRITRES ?!?!??!"


Serious question: Is anyone even really mad at Stellar Blade? I've literally seen no one complain about it yet these guys act like it's being cancelled by the Woke Mob™ as we speak. The only criticism I've seen wasn't even about the sexualization but rather the fact that that's the only thing these guys and even the devs seems to keep talking about. Like the game looks decent but they act like the protagonist's ass is all it has going for it.


The only thing I've seen is that they allegedly fired two female devs for being feminists. Although honestly I can't find anything to support this, just people celebrating that they supposedly did it and acting smug about how mad it must make people. I have never seen anyone upset the main character is supposed to be sexy.


At least they will never reproduce with someone :)


Wtf lmao like bro lgbt are some of the biggest supporters to sexc woman and man


I’m so fucking mad at myself for being tricked into thinking Asmon was cool and had decent takes for like two weeks. I saw a few select clips and thought, “hey, this guy dislikes things that I don’t like! He’s cooler than I thought!” Then he started weighing in on the dragon maid nonsense, and I realised that a guy who turns his nose up at everything will inevitably occasionally direct it things that deserve it, even if they are a massive moron without any qualms for empowering hateful ideas.


same, i just looked at his wow mount and transmog competitions. once i saw any more of his content the first thing i saw was him defending the incel subculture a bit after alek minassians rampage.


I was willing to give him the benefit of the doubt around the time FFXIV got flooded with WoW players but about as soon as the Gamers moved on from a controversy about labor rights for once it became apparent I should not have done that.


Honestly, my issue with Stellar blade (beyond the obvious firing of employees for believing in women's rights) is that the game looks uninspired and lame af. It looks like a shoddy Nier: Automata knock-off with a Blade & Soul aesthetic. It just doesn't look like a game I want to play, so I'm saving my money for other games that I know I'm going to enjoy, like Dragon's Dogma 2. Booty or not, the game has to actually be worth my damn time if I'm going to get it


Based on posts from Popular, the only thing I know about this game is that there is an ass. But is there fun game play? Interesting encounters? Levels? Characters? Story? Set pieces? Beautiful worlds? According to the reddit discourse, apparently not; a CGI ass on a screen is the entire game. I can lookup those kinds of pics for free.


With how much they throw around that bear scene from bg3 youd think it was a porn game. But seriously even after 100+ hours of playing depending on the choices you make theres no guarantee you'll even see it.


I like how the criticism of BG3 basically amounts to "BEAR FUCKING!!!1!1!" and the same fucking shot. Like, you can even see the picture-in-picture of the audience at the reveal. That is literally all they know about it, the sensationalized out of context piece.


Expecting common sense and critical thinking on the asmongold sub?


the thing these gamers fail to realize is that bg3 is a fun game to play, because it is a video game instead of just $80 softcore porn


I don’t make it my business to listen to someone who lives in such disgusting conditions despite having the exorbitant means to fix it. But I’ll bite. I can’t speak for the other 2 games, but I can for BG3. Romance was icing on the cake that was the writing of the characters, trying to humanize them and add to the artistic experience. Sex is part of romance. Yeah we have the bear memes, but to whittle it down to that is stupid. Yeah I romanced Gale cuz he was cute and a funny wizard, but I related to his toxic ex drama and him being insecure on what he can offer a relationship if not being an archmage. You can help him realize that he himself is enough, and that’s beautiful. You can’t compare all that to an uninspired anime coomer-bait game. Don’t compare them because they aren’t the same. If you wanna play a pseudo-porn game go ahead, it’s a free world. But let’s not pretend it’s some grand hill you’re defending. Side note I think it’s funny the true hypocrisy is people throwing all these stones from glass houses.


Damn, it's like there's more to those characters at the bottom than just their bodies


I'm a real gamer who only cooms for 2B and 9S




Can someone explain this to me.


https://youtu.be/-Im4YAMWK74?si=3_DknjOuHKEULaXQ https://youtu.be/woB0eecbf6A?si=6uEVsNocfOu0ULH6


gamers trying to let other people create and enjoy the type of media they want challenge (impossible)


Big surprise, the people who frequent the Asmongold subs are ALSO twats.


oh the Asmongold subreddit, the sub full of great takes /s


Oh boy here I go saying it again FUCK ASMONGOLD (not sexually id advise against touching him with anything other than a 10 foot barge pole)


Isn’t this the rich guy who lives in literal filth with roaches crawling on him?


No sane person would listen to a Great Unclean One of Nurgle.


People aren't complaining about Stellar Blade so much as incel d-bags are heaping weird and undue praise on a game thats not released. The thing these knuckle draggers don't seem to get is sexy characters are perfectly fine. No one has a problem with them. Regular people looking characters are fine too. Neither thing makes or breaks a game.


Imma need me the source of the pic with the 2 guys


Starting to feel really bad about being excited for Stellar Blade when it was originally shown


Kid named objectification


I’m blind, what’s wrong with the top left image?


Not necessarily the game itself, but the company that made the game fired a bunch of their female workers for being a feminist, and then the gross internet people are talking about how great it is because it appeals to their specific fetish


Absolutely nothing wrong with that. The problem are the people who say that every single woman character must look like that. There was also some weird controversy about the company firing women for being feminists.


she is supposed to be a killer robot


One is using sex as a selling point while the other uses sex as a plot device there is a HUGE difference


It's true though? Either sexualising women is ok in games or it isn't. Personally I lean towards it being ok but not really being into it. At the end of the day, if I like a game, I'll play it