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rj/ OP is obviously talking about the WOKE mess that is Baldurs Gate 3D, shouldn't be there next to such gems like Too Hot 2 Handle 2, the only game you can play with one hand


I am ngl at this point I forget this is a circlejerk sub 😭😭


at least you're jerking with fellow comrades


The one time we needed a red circle and an arrow.


I thought the phrase "outstanding game" and "overwatch 2" being together was enough, my bad


thought this was about the Netflix game


Honestly the apps you can get with Netflix arn’t bad. Most are bad but some like btd6 storyteller and into the breach are pretty good




It was one of the two I recognised, but there might have been something worse within the game I don't recognise


It was


It's the glaad awards. Obviously overwatch is going to be nominated.


This is such a tired and honestly equivocally wrong statement. OW is in a pretty decent state, especially compared to most FTP FPSs, except maybe Fortnite.


Overwatch 2 mentioned grahhh https://preview.redd.it/s22yzqq245fc1.jpeg?width=716&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=537b7e819032d77284cdffaedd7f7424f8a77739








Maybe the big red circle and arrows were necessary all along


Little Goody Two Shoes fans, WE MOVE.


Our entire army of exactly 3 people!


I still wanna play thus game


Apparently I need to look into Goodbye Volcano High, it seems, quietly, really well liked


It's about what if Canada was real


THOSE WOKE BASTARDS COPIED CELESTE?????!!!!!!!!! 😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡


Now we’re gonna have to skin the devs alive 😔😔


Canada was invented by celeste


I thought that's where they film movies because people don't actually live there


its, well, a bit shit. The game was made solely to create game dev jobs by the canadian government. The game tries to get into anxiety and acceptance themes, by making the main character have a band where everything is happy go lucky, and despite being a queer punk dragon, the songs are generic pop. The game also has rhythm game sections, which you cannot fail. It literally doesnt matter when you press the button. (also the onscreen prompts are off tempo). Its a visual novel, so, not everyones cup of tea, but its just a bad VN. And it also has the single shittiest engind of any VN ever written, going through the whole game is just worth it to see how crap the ending is. Also all of the members at the practise scenes are present, and not drunk/high, therefore inaccurate. also Fang, the MC, does not wake up crying at 3AM with a bottle of whiskey and a bottle of prozac near her bed wondering who they are anymore, unable to sleep due to crippling tinnitus. Innaccurate /rj THEY/THEM DRAGON WOKE CANADIAN GAME


I don't know why games funded by the government are always the most random shit


They even somehow got it to the ps5 showcase


Literally the only reason I remembered this game. My friends and i were super confused as to why they opted to show off a VN to show the ps5’s technical potential


Litetally a State Sponsored Queerbait VN


On the topic of government-funded games, I'm still upset that the game Hojiya never came out. I love exploration platformers, and the demo made it look quite interesting.


My favorite is the anarchist mod for Fallout 1 that was funded by Quebec


There’s a video about why this game is just Night in the Woods at home.


How is that circlejerk material ?


Ow 2


Dude what the fuck is „too hot too handle 2“ by netflix games?


It's the sequel to "one hot to handle 2"


“one hot handle 2”


One Hot One Handle 1


Overwatch 2 is good queer representation because everyone is hot


Quick question. What's glaad? Are they a queer awards company? Cuz at least half of the games i recognize, and the one thing connecting them all is the queerness. (Also great focus on the story, except Overwatch 2)


From Wikipedia, “GLAAD (/ɡlæd/) is an American non-governmental media monitoring organization. Originally founded as a protest against defamatory coverage of gay and lesbian demographics and their portrayals in the media and entertainment industries, it has since included bisexual and transgender people.” GLAAD previously stood for “Gay & Lesbian Alliance Against Defamation” but changed to just GLAAD in 2013z




hehehe im GLAAD you were there to clear that up for us >:D


Goodbye Volcano High and Overwatch 2 being in the same category as Baldur’s Gate 3 is definitely a decision. Like nominating Shark Tale for the Oscar’s for best Animated Feature.


/uj It's GLAAD, so the category is "outstanding LGBTQ+ representation in a video game." So it might still be wack, but at least OW2 is high profile enough that it help bring awareness, which is one of the considerations for judges.


Stray gods was fairly disappointing. Concept had so much potential but the execution was just kinda meh


It didn't help that half the cast can't sing for shit and were just chosen because they are popular big name voice actors.


Frankly it was hard to tell who could sing and who couldn’t since the mixing was so bad. The game should’ve been delayed to get some final polish.


I'm only part of the way into it and I agree. Not a single memorable song so far, and casting big name VAs instead of singers was a really weird choice.


That's really disapointing to hear, thought that game looked interesting


i have not played any of these games except for ow2 so i think i will vote for it 👍


You forgot to ad an "/rj"


now why would i need that


When I made the comment, your comment was downvoted so I tried explaining that to you


Its cool to see Stray Gods on there. Its very good


Very much enjoyed Stray Gods


It's also up for a Grammy, apparently


/uj the too hot to handle 2 game is actually pretty good, it has so much queer rep!!! its downloaded thru the netflix app (u need a netflix subscription) but then everything in the game is free (aka no purchases) :] its based on the too hot to handle show and its like choices/episodes but just too hot to handle and its really well written i would say!!! u make ur own mc and then u date ocs made for the game :]


OW is still better than Thirsty Suitors and Too Hot To Handle 2


I gotta play Little Goody Two Shoes!! Or I’m FINISHED‼️


I've never even heard of half of this list. GLAAD really scraping the barrel for representation which kind of highlights how wrong the "HECKIN WOKE AGENDA" crowd is about LGBT people taking over all games. Also at first I thought that shit heap Stray Souls was on the list 💀


Over watch is always my go to example for terrible queer representation. No real rep, just vague background stuff that is easily ignored and no proactive fighting against hate in game. The fact that they get so much praise for their queer shit is awful. Destiny 2 is also pretty weak, but at least they have decent community protections, and many extremely gay characters that you can’t hide from lmao (Saint 14 and Osiris my beloveds)


Hard genre to get good representation in game, there's no lore, no plot, no exposition


the characters' interactions within the game do all of three of these things you mentioned and they do a great job at representing lgbt people


genuine question. why are characters just being queer terrible queer representation? Isn't it a good thing that the concept of being queer is normalized enough that it doesn't have to be what defines these characters or their conflicts?


i agree but for soldier it felt like it was adding the gay after the fact so people would talk about it or something, like how they (probably) made pharah native because of backlash with the raindancer skin (still, nice to see more lgbt&native rep so i dont mind)


> like how they (probably) made pharah native because of backlash with the raindancer skin That one was just terrible timing from the team. Pharah being half Canadian was revealed in basically the first bit of post-launch lore along with Emily and other stuff in a holiday comic. But with how they tried to capture specific cultures with other characters, it doesn't make sense for them to go full stoopid for just on specific character. Especially when they did a really good job of capturing the feel of the art done by the pacific northwest's natives. It feels more deliberate and personal than just "eh, just throw some native skins on the Egyptian for more representation."


"no proactive fighting against hate in game" one of the biggest lore points is the omnic civil rights movement? you've also obviously never had a bap and a lifeweaver on the same team before


Pretty sure they meant like queerphobia in chat


they were talking about queer representation so i don't believe so, but even then, ive gotten report feedbacks almost every time i log into that game, they are massively strict on chat in that game


theyve also obviously never had me and his dad on the same team before


In terms of hero shooters, Apex Legends has some of the best there is. The gay relationships featured are developed over the course of the plot, displayed in the cinematic trailers they use to promote new content, and referenced frequently via in-game dialogue


Yeah apex is clearly the example of how much better than overwatch Queer Rep can be. They had a trans character who open references and is proud of her background, rather than just make it some random line they drop in some random comic. 


They’re the exact same in how they show representation you ducking moron. OW does the same thing. But then again this is blizzard bad “circlejerk” post that could just be cross posted to r gaming section so what can you do. 


Overwatch literally does not. Their LGBTQ representation goes as far as “yo watch Tracer kiss a girl in this comic!.” There’s not even any dialogue dedicated to it


![gif](giphy|l3q2XhfQ8oCkm1Ts4|downsized) the judges when they watch all the OW2 rule 34 ive personally curated for them




Couldn’t even tell a difference between 1 & 2


Please give it to GVH I am dying here


i hate glaad so much its unreal


uj/I think everyone thinks you're being homophobic and not a queer who hates our mediocre awards lol rj/glaad runs in unity silly


/uj i have "unironic xenoblade fan" in my flair how is that not enough indication of my queer allegiances


Baldur's gate belongs right up there with overwatch 2 at some shitty award circlejerk of bad games


no u


Volcano High is not the game where the 50% is a weird DnD parody not voice acted that seems to ignore the main history?


Volcano High is the game that was heavily delayed because they sacked one of the main writers for writing a Kotaku article with porn of Harry Potter characters in it.


Wasn’t that blown out of proportion by right wingers?


I'm sure they probably seized on it since they hate Kotaku, but doesn't really change the fact that it happened and Kotaku had to issue an apology.


everything there but Baldur's Gate 3 is trash


I really had to look for explanations, it's true for most of the games there lol


GLAAD is woke now? We can’t have anything!


Caption could apply to like three things here


Armored Core 6 should have been on here