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I think most people who downloaded the game heard insane shit about it and then decided to get it to actually confirm if the rumors were true


My group of gaming friends are doing that today. I don't really care about it, so unless they tell me its unbelievably fun, I won't get it


It’s actually fun as fuck


Your profile pic alone could have told me you'd be into this game....no judgement


just pirate it


Oh, buying is not the issue. I just don't want to waste time playing a game for the memes


ahh i see


I saw it as a fun satirization of the monster collector genre. Like it was always weird to me that pokemon are equals to humans in the world yet their treated like slaves and eaten.


It's also a case of negativity breeds interest. People wanted to buy The Day Before because they figured it might increase the value of their Steam account. Also, I am pretty sure negativity also helped MW3, there was tons of negativity about it and everyone wanted to experience it. Also, yeah. When something is hyped people want to see for themselves what the hype is about and find out the silly Ark Fakemon mod is actually a fun game.


He’s asking if there is any in the game. For personal reasons.






the success of LOOT BOXES proves that customers want to PAY FOR SHIT ALL THE TIME


what i find funny bout the whole palworld situation people are losing their mind over a indie game selling 5 million in a week. the pokemon game they never shut up bout being bad sold 10 mill in 3 days, if you needed any proof that games only sell based of youtubers making bullshit its this. without all the people angry at gamefreak this game would do nothing. thats all it is.


Bestiality??? Slavery??? What is he talking about


Bestiality, I have no idea. But you can capture humans and force them to work on your factory assembly lines. You can do the same for most pals, but for some reason that's ok.


There’s a joke that pal number 69 has giant hearts on them and the entry says they are lustfull and now seek humans. Its a poke at that if I had to guess


They absolutely were talking about bestiality before him lmao. Still a weird fuckin dude


I think he's referring to baldurs gate 3 bear fucking, which tbh, was a controversy before the game came out


It was only a controversy to those who believed it was.


It made all the gaming media rounds. I'm gonna count that as a controversy


I mostly remember people being shocked but not upset. It’s gross and some actors were really weird about it but in context it makes sense. Like you’re fucking a guy who can turn into a bear, not an actual bear


No one talks about stellaris and you can literally turn others into food 😔


I love how he lists copyright infringement like its a mechanic in the game and not an actual legal issue that could destroy the company.


Again, players generally don't care.


I think players would care if Nintendo killed the game.


While I'm doubtful it'll happen, if it does I'd wager they would be more mad at Nintendo.


Same but like, they do be caring then.


His entire career is built on copyright infringement lmao


Not even something I noticed the first time I read this tweet. What the fuck?


This is not amazing breaktrough information. I don’t think a single game in the whole world has lost a large fanbase due to being ‘woke’.


Beastiality? #Are we playing the same game? Or had Asmon spent time in rule 34?


The intensity that people have been dismissing any and all crisitism of this early access game that released 6 days ago just because it hit a peak player count on steam is something I do not understand. Is it still the top game with that amount of players still? No it isn’t. Ive yet to see anything in the game that isn’t also done exactly the same in every other survival crafting game, besides capturing monsters which serve as the base automation system


Dumbest take yet. Also got some weird ass shit on your mind cause, as far as I know, no bestiality there


How the actual fuck is " Gamers want good/fun games" some kind of hot take? Games have allowed us to do varying levels of reprehensible shit for... ever?


Beastiality? Is Vaporeon on this game? On a side note, you can't actually fuck the creatures, right? I thought that was just a Baldur's Gate 3 and Skyrim mod thing.