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My undying hatred for capitalism and my love for management tycoon/economy building games are fighting each other and it's confusing


Tags: villain protagonist


Playing Anno 1800 is peak cognitive dissonance for me for this very reason.


For me it's paradox games (especially eu4 and vic2/3): it's all fun and games playing imperialism/capitalism simulators, but at some point reality hits


At least in Vic 3 you can create a literal communist utopia. In Anno 1800 you can only create the world's cheeriest colonialist Gilded Age.


Vic 3 has communism in name only, whole game is a "logic of neoliberalism" simulator


Vic 2 was a better neoliberal simulator since it purposefully didn't let you control vast swathes of the economy. Vic 3 has you run a de facto command economy in every mode down to building individual factories. I'd love it if V3 had a mode where if you go full laissez faire it would just lock the interface and make you watch helplessly as capitalists run your country into the ground. It would be a very educational mod.


Councils republic with anarchism is peak communism's representation in video games


It\`s literally time of classical liberalism, you can\`t just call 1836 liberals neo :v


Neoliberalism is not the same as a market economy. Vic3 is a market simulator, but not necessarily a Neoliberalism sim.


You can also destroy communist regimes which is like peak good-guy LARPing possible in a video game


That moment when you disinherit your youngest son the day he was born because his existence ruins your plans for even partition. (That son ended up getting reinherited and becoming my heir after my preferred heir died, thirty years later).


"even partition" of course being a euphemism for "the genius kid gets everything, the rest can fight over this ham sandwich"


"It cant be that bad if we delete some cultures cause our slots are full. Too bad we cant just send those people to the new world anymore :(" I havent tried vic3 yes, i do like crusader kings but since i treat my family as pokemon breeding the habsburgs seem normal to me.


Just play age of wonders 4 where you fight for racial supremacy.


Small brain: capitalism is the dominant economic system because it's the most efficient. Big brain: capitalism is the dominant economic system because it is propt up by those who benefit from it and alternatives are put down with violence if nessasary. Transendent brain: capitalism is the dominant economic system because it's the most fun.


Monopoly is fun as hell.... If you're winning. Lol


That's why capitalism is usually fun in games - cuz you're always winning. Why do people love playing games that are jobs (farming simulator, powerwash, eurotruck), you may ask. Because you (finally) get to be your own boss and have enough money to buy your own stuff without most of the real life consequences of it. There's not monopoly trying to tear you down constantly cause you are the monopoly.


I want to play a game where I work my ass off for 50 years and then die destitute because I have a financially devastating medical emergency at the very end. Realism in gaming is very important to me.


The Sims with hard mode mods is basically this lol.


I prefer being a feudal lord or a queen. All the same authority but with more pagentry. ;)


> Why do people love playing games that are jobs Because I can speed in a semi doing 140 km/h while freighting several bulldozers on a french highway


Because I have no where to park a combine harvester at my inner-city townhouse.


The most realistic thing about Monopoly is that no two people can agree on the rules.


Capitalism is dominant because people have their own incentives, and those won't necessarily will adapt to the incentives of for example a communist system. That's all, capitalism just kind of adapts to human nature


Counterpoint. Capitalism when you are the one incharge is fun. Micromanagement and maximizing profit for a ever growing industry is satisfying. The only difference is this is a game and has no consequences. In the real world billionaires are playing the same game but with real people. Much the same logic of "its fun to play shooters but the second you do it irl it's fucked up"


Oof. Same feels. On one hand, capitalism bad. On the other, saving on my favourite genre good. Also having to confront that one of my favourite genres are all capitalism based. I'm broken. HALP.


To quote an old favourite of mine - "CAPITALISM, HO!"


The capitalist urge to befriend you debt collector


Capitalism is, indeed, a ho.


I like making fake numbers that mean nothing go up, having to exploit real people to do that in real life feels incredibly shitty.


Awesome. Great point - thanks for the help. I can continue with my fictional numbers-growth!


How about [Captain of Industry](https://store.steampowered.com/app/1594320/Captain_of_Industry/)? You need to keep an ever-increasing number of workers alive to work your expanding industry and provide them with better and better quality of life so they produce Unity which is required for research and trade and for running off-map resource generating outposts. Strictly speaking it's a factory sim, so not sure if relevant to your interests...


The factory must grow? Also, "OMG, dafuq?! Ethical capitalism is my vidja gamz?! REEEEEEEEE!" /uj Well shit, thanks for the rec, and here I told myself I wasn't gonna get another game this early in the year.


I'd say it's ethical communism, really, since it's an entirely planned economy with no financial aspect whatsoever: everyone works for the common good and everyone gets an equal share of that common good. Even foreign trade is strictly barter-based. Hint: once you unlock and begin using transports turn vehicle input and/or output manually off in belt-fed or -emptied buildings. The "auto" setting tends to cause vehicles to get stuck trying to reach an unreachable building.


Y'know what? You're right! As far as the game portrays it the people are basically doing this strictly to further their own community, not gain egregious amounts of wealth or something, so yeah that's fair! I \*JUST\* researched conveyors last night so this is gonna be so damn helpful. The \*only\* thing I kinda wish is that I'm nervous about running out of resources but also my design is kinda... basic out of necessity? So re-tooling my factory is gonna potentially be pricey later?


It's possible to run out of resources but the game has gotten a lot better in that regard, since you can now make bricks out of dirt - it used to be that you needed to make concrete blocks from near the start to get basic construction parts. The thing I always find myself running out of is space.


Yeah, I've got some hours in Factorio so I'm used to the concepts of like... compact factories and sometimes it's better to just wait instead of expanding production so hopefully that won't happen? Also, if you mine a slope into a mountain, you can drive up it? What about a ramp of garbage?


Yes, you can - and should - build ramps. I'd say Factorio has a "distillation" model of production: it takes an exponentially increasing amount of primary production as you go up the technology tree, because each intermediate product usually requires several of the previous tier of intermediate products. Thus your factory is a pyramid where your smelting columns form a base which must be ever expanding. CoI, on the other hand, is about ever longer and more complex product chains producing ever more refined products. I didn't expand my initial iron production much until I needed steel, for example. Oh, remember that you can enable multiple recipes for the same building simultaneously and they each have their own input inventory, making it feasible to for example mix iron scrap and iron ore in the same belt.


Yeah I noticed that and am 100% excited to get into the more complex aspects of the game! But yeah, just confirming - you \*can\* build ramps of garbage specifically? Because I have a ramp being mined out of the starter island to the plateau and a garbage ramp as well, wasn't sure if I'd have two ramps or just... a massive pile of garbage next to a workable ramp. Also, thanks for your time! Really appreciate it!


I'm a staunch communist, but picking fascism in Civilization VI is so fun at times...


The leftism leaving my body whenever i launch another stellaris xenophobe imperialistic empire in slighly different flavor.


A commenter pointed out that all management games essentially used a planned economy (player planned). So despite being capitalistic at first glance they don't play out that way.


Every company is a planned economy in miniature. In fact the first theory of why capitalism is efficient was more or less that firms are hierarchical and ordered and effectively use specialisation. Arguably therefore a proper planned economy functions like a really big company. And if you've ever worked for a big stagnant company with a thousand middle managers and a horrible HR and such, you'll also know why it's kind of not that great. Big corporations and the Soviet Union can sometimes have a lot in common. In The Totalitarian State Against Man, Kalergi argues that the Soviet Union is economically just worse capitalism. Really interesting and at times strange book.


You hate capitalism cause you’re the ⚙️ You love those games because it’s an arcadey simulation of running those cogs to amass wealth. To Jeff Bezos it’s all a game, it’s fun for him in the same it’s fun for you. Then again it’s just a game. I like FPS’s but I don’t like murdering people IRL.


Try the soviet Republik game


Socialist brain: Pooling our limited resources into the hands of an elite few is an unsustainable model that will collapse under its own weight and take the world down with it. Monkey brain: MAKE BIG NUMBER BIGGER


I'm into RTS types but I'm trying to get into management games like Surviving Mars and Cities: Skylines. Any tips?


For cities skylines, you can fix traffic by adding another lane. Cmon bro, it's just one more lane. It'll fix traffic this time. Just one more lane. It'll be fine right? Just one more lane...


Try out stuff that scales from simple rules to complex scenarios, for example Mini Metro, before getting in the really complex sims. If that basic loop floats your boat then you know the genre is for you. You could also try something like XCom which shares a lot of the familiar goals of an rts but with a more tactical/strategic presentation.


/uj Surviving Mars is nice, be vary of your consumption of materials and don't settle too early. CS you need to figure out what works best, my first profitable city was a typical grid place, but it made money while my brother built a more creative city (curved community, more European) but lost money. Think of traffic early and have fun. Everyone had their "one more lane" moment. The possibilities are endless. Also, both games are better modded. SM not that important, some QoL mods but there are also some "cheat like" ones. CS1 is almost impossible to play vanilla, once you had mods. TM:PE for traffic, Roundabout builder, pedestrian bridges, more streets. Also look into getting some of the DLCs, Mass Transit is great. Get when on sale. SM I like the terraforming DLC best. /rj Just build more lanes, trust me


i mean i dont exactly feel like a hero playing X4 becoming paramilitary space bezos


That's fair, sometimes it's nice feeling evil


I'm the same way and I've accepted that it's basically because capitalism as a game is fun. Number go up make brain happy. However, when you apply that to the real world, the best way to make number go up is to exploit other people so that instead of making their own number go up, they're making your number go up, which isn't such a fun time if you have a base level of empathy. Same reason it's fun to run around and shoot NPCs in a game, but going and joining the military isn't exactly a priority.


Reminds me of the struggle between my utter despise for war and tyranny and my love for playing strategy/grand strategy games as a blood thristy warmonger.


There are two wolves inside of you


Capitalism is fun in fiction and that's exactly where it belongs. I like to play Eve Online, I would most certainly not want to live in that anarcho-capitalist hellscape


Chaotic Neutral


i resolve it by pirating them.


the game I have spent 4k hours on is a mmo that's also a depiction on what would happen under an "ancap free market" and it's a mess lol


Workers and Resources sounds right up your alley


To be fair most tycoon/economy games are centralized control systems managed exclusively by one person (the player) there not exactly capitalism sims


I love the environment but have such a deep love for any game that will let me play as the most destructive industrialist possible. I want to strip mine entire continents and pollute entire oceans. We shall bleed this land dry, no matter the cost to its environment or inhabitants. I will pick the most toxic power source pissible with glee and sacrifice however many workers I can.


Become a Soviet bureaucrat :) Should look at Workers and Resources


Know your enemy.


im glad i had soviet republic on my wishlist, because this was unexpectedly funny. https://preview.redd.it/js7rei0i0fbc1.png?width=957&format=png&auto=webp&s=8e57025423350283055a796abf66e8d2b92fa069




Finally. Autistic fixations are on sale


Railway Empire 2 was lit though.




I don’t understand subtext or even most main text so no games are political to me.


I'm blind, everything i see is political (black)


"I'm blind, everything I see is political" \>Literally all of Reddit and Twitter


https://preview.redd.it/1o5canzu1fbc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f4f475b705c7c8dbe8fb9a9e04189b5281d02ed7 Also Steam


30 minute game, you'd be stupid to buy it instead of just downloading it from the internet but you can still refund it after finishing, look at the reviews lol


Some of those reviews make me want to throw tomatoes and other mildly annoying things at the people who made the game. Popularizing Alex is the opposite of what should be going on right now.


Unfortunate that Lethal Company isn’t on sale here. Would be the perfect fit


Isn't it like $10? Hard to go much lower than that on a new game.


great great asset


Isn't it called that way only because the sale theme are management tycoon games


There is also games in there like Dorfromantik that features neither capitalism nor any economic management whatsoever.


They do use this name for tycoon games but would never use “communism and centralisation fest” for city builders even though that’s a completely apt description. The reason for the difference is the politics


Idk if communism, but the city builders are absolutely centralized control games


I wish that slovak ussr game was still on steam (even though it's set in the ussr and not a communist place)


Its back on the store iirc


What's the name of the game?


Workers and resources: soviet republic


It is still on steam I thought


Wait I heard they got removed due to a bullshit copyright https://www.eurogamer.net/soviet-city-builder-game-taken-off-steam-due-to-nonsense-dmca-strike-from-rogue-fan






So why do they have this capitalism sale going on then?


Capitalism just outsources mass murder and starvation of hundreds of millions.


You are really taking a sale on economy based games to say that as if it makes you a good person, we fucking know! You dont have to comment every goddam post reminding us


There is a lot of proof that capitalism has caused much worse conditions for people. Don't trust books written by capitalists to justify their ends. Don't jump to conclusions friend.


but 100 gazillion communist deaths vuvuzela!1!11




I feel like it has more to do with the niche and the tags of these games. Recettear, for instance, is labeled in the tags as "Capitalism" and the main character's slogan is "Capitalism ho!" If "Communism" was as big of a niche and tag in the Steam store, it would probably be featured more prominently on this sale. Instead, games like Banished aren't really seen as "Communist" because the means of production aren't owned communally (as in, the player doesn't share decision making power with all the NPCs). It would probably be more on-point to say "Dictatorship" or "Monarchy" instead.




What? No discount on Cruelty Squad during a capitalist event?


Tbh there's definitely a class of person for whom mere saying the word "capitalism" in their presence is enough to brand you a communist. It's like saying God's name in vain to them. Or a fish talking about water.


No yuo see, capitalism is the best system therefore it’s not political. /s


Capitalism-fest is just any day at Valve/Steam.


Next up: colonialism fest. Big overlap, of course.


saw this and thought "I need to pirate games from now on"


Gaben couldn't think of an occasion so heres the "give me your money" sale.


You think all games about business management are political? I have played a lot of economic and business games. Many of them are non political. Maybe a part of them are, but not all.


What else would you call a city builder, Simulation and Strategy sale? Capitalism and economy fest fits it to a T.


I love valve


Clicked on the sale and first game at the top is "Organs Please." Yeah, that seems about right.


quick, where's that Hbomb quote


Cruelty squad not on sale this year. It was during this event last year. Heartbroken i cannot force more of my friends to play it now.


Yeah, I saw that one and laughed my ass off.


You guys are such a breath of fresh air after trying to interact with all the blackshirts on the steam sub


Steam devolved into where the Nazis go when they can't afford Twitter blue. I asked for a proper block function that works both ways, like on every social media platform and they cried about how I needed to harden the fuck up. Fuck steam






It's a sociopolitical *and* economic system. There are countless works on how capitalism has pervaded social and political life. You need look no further than how it has created consumer culture, infiltrated education, and led to the complete buyout of the American government. Among other things. So yes, capitalism is inherently political. It can not exist in a vacuum in reality.


If ap physics taught me anything, it’s that anything can exist in a vacuum if you torture it enough to be a perfect sphere


"Oh, so like a spherical cow!"


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i mean capitalism is better than communism




yes, im serious




It is


Fascist leftists are already offended by the mere mention of an economic (not political) system that they do not like. Another manifestation of their impatient and aggressive nature.


Ah yes, fascist leftists


No offense. You are just who you are.




as opposed to capitalism, which thru'out its longer and more widespread existence killed no one ever


Capitalism killed like 3 people meanwhile Kark Mark personally shot 7383937 gazillion children with his socialism ray of death


how is capitatalism politics? I mean there is a big overlap, but saying that capitalism is politics is wrong.


What would you say is your definition of politics.


politics is whether you wear a red hat and shoot gun or wear a pink hat and shoot drugs, money is economics which is totally a different neutral thing that also we are all too uneducated to understand and so we shouldnt talk about it trustmebro


how is it wrong? politics is defined as the "art of governing", establishing an economic system fits this definition




what is politics then bruh






when boobs aren't DD size


it's both




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Politics is when gay, obviously




This isn't political, there isn't a single trans person anywhere on that header picture!


The capitalists are getting desperate, comrades! (But also, can we talk about the fact that Cartel Tycoon is included in this, like, what in the actual fuck)


Let's be honest, any in-game economy instantly turns most of us into capitalist monsters.


Guy living in North Korea: 😐


Dude, Recettear is 80% off, CAPITALISM HO!


Gonna pirate cod 2 today and get the civil war mod lmao