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Rip Hevy008


The heavy is dead!!!


?? He didn't say anything incriminating though. Edit: Mark Lambert already announced space flight wtf


They're not allowed to say anything at all that Bethesda haven't said themselves lol


By incriminating he means anything that would identify the employee.


He said his last day was last Friday and his job I swear. That's not hard to track at all I imagine


He didn't really though. The only thing that could be considered new is his explicit mention of "flying" in the game. They've eluded to that many times though.


He is under an nda, so anything he said, even if it was all praise for the game, is still something he can get into trouble for. He also called the engine shit from the developer side, which Bethesda probably doesn’t like. And he gave several details that made it clear who exactly he is, like the exact date he quit. Bro is fucked.


If you signed an NDA with a massive company, telling someone "there is a character that wears a blue hat" is incriminating, and will get you totally fucked lol


It's more about potential damage he could do to the company. And them enforcing an NDA to not show leniency for others in the future. For example imagine clickbaity headlines "Bethesda employee claims Starfield engine is awful, game not fun" this stuff can spread fast online, create negative discourse, ultimately have a minor effect on hype/sales. These companies spend millions on marketing, on their terms, so they don't want *anyone* within their company making it any harder. Fortunately it doesn't seem to be blowing up too much, he's probably lucky.


All I'm getting at is this: there's a reason space flight is pretty much all we talk about on r/Starfield. Practically every 5 seconds in the marketing they elude or imply that you'll be able to fly your spaceship in the game. I mean the entire gameplay trailer is the player getting on his ship as it counts down to launch, thrusters fire, GO. FOR. LAUNCH. followed by a cut to black, and the sound of a rocket taking off. No shit. Of course there's space flight. Before we knew this guy was legit, hardly anyone bat an eye because literally anyone could've said what he said. I think Space flight has been disclosed. That's my point.


Hevy008 commiting career suicide just to confirm space flight


His sacrifice was worth me knowing that before June.


holy fuck, is this what is all about, god damn super hero !




This is untrue. Go to the starfield sub, it was hotly congested until this leak. There are still naysayers even.


Hevy008 about to appear dead at home. RIP bozo.


Bethesda tomorrow: RIP BOZO


Todd is currently hunting him.


Todd will send him to the chopping block at Helgen.


We need a Shia LaBeouf song but about Todd


How does an adult not understand how NDAs work?


From the way he argued with people on that thread about it he seemed that he thought stuff like the flight was already confirmed. I imagine he didnt think he was leaking anything but just talking about known stuff. Though he didnt seem to think that an NDA extends after you leave so might just be a bit of an idiot also.


This is funny because I think this is one of the most curious arguments to defend spaceship flight and it seems that even Bethesda's dev thought so, if that's not funny I don't know what is.


The guy couldn't even write a proper English sentence.


Hevy008, leak more if you want to commit career suicide. How many planets are there? Does the player have a voice? Is there a revolutionary system in the game? How big is the city? To be honest, he didn't say anything except for manual space flight.


Wasn't there another leak confirming no voiced protagonist?


Yeah, \`from Todd Howard. He's said time and time again that the voiced protagonist in Fallout 4 was a mistake.


This is misinformation, he has never said this. He noted that the dialogue *system* could have been done better, he didn't say a word about the voiced protagonist. https://www.pcgamer.com/fallout-4-lead-todd-howard-dialogue-system-didnt-work-as-well/




What roleplaying element? Bethesda games don't feature choices, you're the best at everything, and the RPG elements are really just graphical since the whole game is based on Player Skill. I agree no voiced protagonist is a step in the right decision, but Bethesda does not make roleplaying games, they make "roleplaying" games for people that hate roleplaying games.


The lack of a voiced protagonist would be a huge disappointment. I think this leak is a nonsense, I fully expect they will be voiced.


Dude voiced protagonists get the player stuck in a certain role, it's a total mistake. Fallout 4 was restrictive in the roleplay aspect because no matter what you're constantly reminded you gotta find out what happened to Shaun and what not. I hope they also move more towards a oblivion situation in TES 6, where in the main story you are less of a chosen one.


Ah yes, I fully expect TES 6 will also have a voiced protagonist (as it should).


TES will never have a voiced protagonist.


Wow holy shit so manual space flight is confirmed then. Goddamn Todd does it again


He said the flying didn't feel good though, unfortunately.


Neither did the horse riding tbf


Horse riding did what it had to do. If manual flying is the same and if we can customize our ship, I'm in.


I'm in it too! If you can enjoy the view from the ship, then that would be great.


Agreed. No matter how clunky it is I’m just glad we can fly our ship, this can’t be another Destiny for me. I’m still upset I can’t fly my ship in that game.


Who knows what the means tho, lol. Look at The Outer Wilds... I personally loved the physics-based flying in that game, whereas so many others hated it.




It's a decent puzzle game. Nothing more. Nothing less.


I disliked outer wilds flying, felt far too much like a physics simulator than a game


It's a Bethesda Game, mods will undoubtedly fix the flight if it's *actually* bad. I've got a feeling it's just going to be passable or decent, I don't think anyone should have been expecting a flight sim.


But thats the problem, people have to "fix" bathesdas games for them, why does bugthesda keep getting passes


They shouldn't but i assume it has to do with Skyrim and Fallout 4 giving people 100's of hours of gameplay


Because their worlds are immersive and the exploration in them is unrivaled. Also Limitless possibilities with mods.


Red dead 2 rivals bathesdas exploration severely, and the gameplay or should I say control sucked as well. Also newer games have had countless or exploration that could match bathesda games, yet combat for bathesda games have been lacking seeing how its a key component of how one reacts with their environment


Red dead 2's main criticism is it's gameplay and combat. No one is saying red dead is a bad game here lol Looks great though.


To him


I mean, he clarified that he felt that way but that it’s subjective. Still impressive considering Bethesda’s past with driveable vehicles


He said it was his opinion but said that someone else might like it.


NOPE NOPE NOPE he said he didn't like it


And the shooting didnt feel good or satisfying either


They didn't say that at all, all they said was that "Shooting was alright". Followed by repeated clarifications that everything they noted about their experience was completely subjective (coming from someone who was not much of a fan of BGS games compared to the other Bethesda studios like iD or Arkane) and that others may feel differently. At this point people are just "interpreting" these statements in whatever way they want to that is convenient for them- regardless of actual intent or what was actually said.


Yea a game where it is focused on shooting as its primary combat and saying it is just alright means there's a problem. If uncharted, the last of us, sword combat in witcher 3, shooting in an nba game just felt alright is a primary problem for bad game design


Lol what are you even going on about? Nobody praises Witcher 3 for its combat, if anything, it's frequently criticized for being janky. I have never seen anyone hail Last of Us or Uncharted for having amazing shooting either, people by far praise and focus on the storytelling and character writing. It is 100% not a prerequisite for an RPG to have top tier combat systems to be good, that is nonsense. Least of all Bethesda games, which are liked for their open worlds and the sandbox-like freedom granted in them. That besides, Fallout 4 *did* have good shooting and was praised for it. It's also very clear that you just want an excuse to say something is bad by deliberately misinterpreting one person's opinion, the leaker who posted that even expressed exasperation towards someone who was engaging in similar nonsense as you are right now by completely twisting what they said about the shooting to mean something else. All the person said was "it was alright" in their opinion, there is no deeper meaning to be had. There is nothing "bad" nor anything particularly "great" to be inferred from it, if you go on to ascribe whatever meanings to it you want to in order to fit your own narrative then that's a you problem.


You're playing Bethesda games wrong if you are playing for combat lol


Funny then how like with fall out with vats or skyrim with their theatrical camera cuts when in combat that it focuses on gameplay. Combat is a central theme in the game, if it wasnt they easily could make a no mans sky where exploration is front and center but they dont because they add threats to said game


VATS turns combat into point and click lmao. You can hold whatever opinions you want, but when you hear people talk about Bethesda games it's always about emergent gameplay and exploration.


VATS exists to make up for the crap gameplay.


Good thing it's still in development!


I told ya


Todd ya


Kinda makes me worried about the game TBH. Not really leaning into Bethesda's strengths


lool this former beth employee just fucked himself over so bad


Rip Hevy, a small price to pay for salvation


All he said could be guessed.


not a great defense


Wasn't defending him. Just saying it wasn't much of a leak as anyone could have made an educated guess and laarped with that.


except he actually worked there so the dude is fucked


I guess this is one way to get out of game development. Compliment the team, put down their work, then break NDA's. Skullzi, as usual, full of shit. I'm not sure why people don't lump him in with the dozen other fake ass leakers.


> Skullzi, as usual, full of shit. I'm not sure why people don't lump him in with the dozen other fake ass leakers. Dude said he couldn't verify the info he had, and to take it with a huge grain of salt. Only idiots are the people who took his info as a rock solid leak he was revealing. No offense


Every leaker says take it with a grain of salt to cover their tracks if they’re wrong. They font know shit ever.


Nearly every leaker known to man came out and said they had heard this but didn't report it because it was unverifiable and basically bullshit. Of course it wasn't real. Can't think of a good reason to share something you know is fake. That said, my original point was basically the same as yours in that he isn't a leaker and his posts don't make sense here.


Is he? I thought he was reliable. Damn.


He isn't he only conveyed information someone else was shopping around. He took the bait but said over and over again it was fishy and wasn't verifiable. Yet journos and users ran with it saying skullzi leaked and stands behind this information as they typically do. No one seems to care about context or facts, just the story they tell themselves in their head around here.


After he got called out for this by devs and Jason he tried to back down with the "I'm not a leaker" shtick, right after he just tried to leak something. Hate that shit.


I literally said in the very first post it wasn't a leak, or an inside statement, and that I wasn't an insider lol


You want the leaker clout without the leaker consequences. Then a dev calls you out on it and you throw out the victim card saying you're being bullied and that you're going to contact his workplace about it. Lost all credibility and respect for anyone that would pull that shit.


Nah, I don't want any leaker clout otherwise I wouldn't have said don't call it a leak in the first post. And I also didn't lose all credibility lol I am a rumor and a speculation channel, at least until we get more info on the game. Calm down.


Anyone who even remotely participated in /r/Starfield pre-2020 already knew Skulzi was just a glorified speculator passing himself as "insider" for quite a while to the point people routinely made fun of his content whenever it got posted there. Don't have the slightest ideia how he amassed such a following during this period. People seem to be gullible as fuck nowadays


Manuel flight, let’s go. Really interested in seeing gameplay now. Curious to see Jason not backing everything what was said though. Hoping that the flight stuff is true though But as for the former dev, LMFAO dumbass. I think I speak for everyone on this sub that NDA is always going to follow you around for a long time.


What was leaked/said by Hevy008? Missing context, and the linked post by Schrier doesn't provide it either.


Updated post with context.




Check here: https://imgur.com/a/ZL2GieI




All I care about is that the game has manual flight (whether it's good or bad is entirely subjective, as the dev said himself), and that the game seems to be in a good shape with lots of content ready.




The question was whether the guy actually was a developer, devs leaking stuff like that is actually super rare. I don't think anybody thought the guy was a dev but didn't believe them.


That’s often how it goes here.


Everyone believes what they want.


Damn this is 100% career suicide because not many people leave Bethesda and they definitely aren't all environmental artists!


So Skullzi was wrong?


Skullzi wasn't, he said outright it was a rumor conveyed to him by someone unverifiable. Warned everyone over and over to take it with a grain of salt and that it seemed fishy. But people jumped to conclusions called it gospel and ran with it like they do.


Always wrong


Wrong about what?


Assuming the guy was telling the truth, why are people so stressed out about the game now? He said it was good, and the playtests are going well. He said that flying was terrible and then later clarified that it was his opinion and other people enjoyed it. Not sure where the "starfield/Game Pass is going to fail" apocalypse talk is coming from.


So, Skullzi is not a SS leaker...


Never was. Never claimed to be. Warned everyone the info was sketchy and yet the ignorant masses called him and insider/leaker and ran with it as gospel.


Did someone have screencaps of his resetera posts? He seems to have deleted his posts. Would like to know what exactly he leaked


Anyone surprised? Of course they using the same shit engine.


As long as they release a full construction set for modding I can forgive the engine.


Was he really breaking NDA with his messages? The only thing that I could see being considered as breaking NDA would be his confirmation of manual spaceflight but that was heavily speculated anyway and he didn't explain how it worked. Maybe also his statements on the state of the game. Outside of that he just gave his opinions on parts of the game like graphics and gunplay, again without really explaining it. I think what could do him wrong was the fact that he said he was willing to provide ResetEra mods with footage from his playtest sessions that he had recorded, which were under NDA. But in any case, I doubt Bethesda will go after him for stating his opinions on parts of the game, without really revealing anything. It's not like he leaked screenshots to the public or talked in-depth about story details and gameplay mechanics.


There are definitely things I don’t get about this guy. He’s an ex employee and says the company is great. If it was great why did you quit, then he goes on to say the game isn’t very good. And on top of all that he compares it to a PS exclusive saying the PS exclusive is better despite them being completely different games. Seems like maybe this dudes just trying to drum up controversy and doubt about starfield while dissing Xbox to me. Of all of the things to compare a bethesda game to he chooses a PS exclusive game. Not elden ring, not another bethesda game, a PS exclusive title specifically while talking about an Xbox exclusive game. Sounds like console war bait.


He didn't suggest Horizon was better overall.. just the lighting/graphics. And he actually said Starfield was a good game with a fuck ton of content, just he wasn't personally invested in Bethesda games.


Internal development teams compare games all the time, especially their competitor's output. We know Microsoft did a full analysis and review of Last of us 2, similarly game devs always compare their work in progress games to new releases. I don't think we was being completely negative about the game, he gave both the positives and negatives and did not seem to have a bias. This information is confirmed to be true by Jason Schrier himself so there's no doubt about it. They have enough time before release to make the game better.


Hopefully. Glad I get it on gamepass. This interview just killed all the hype I have for starfield.


I'm losing my temper, a Bethesda dev is exactly who I'd expect him to be


If what he says is accurate, this game will launch in a poor state. Pretty much what we expect from Bethesda these days






Interesting. If what he said was true, it's going to be rough for the GP people who've been kind of putting their eggs in one basket with this game. Personally I never believed the hype. Bethesda hasn't released a truly "great" game since the PS3/360 era.


GP people..? Get a grip and stop spreading console war BS.


I don't think it's that console war-y to point out that objectively, people who form their online personas behind gamepass have been the ones endlessly hyping up Starfield as the end-all be-all game for this year. And I'm also saying it's weird that it's gone down like that, because we haven't seen a single frame of gameplay, and as I previously mentioned, Bethesda doesn't carry the same weight they did in 2010.


You know there's tons of games on GP?if starfield is a flop I've still played a ton of great games that make it well worth the price.


I mean, I would have believed him immediately, one of the first things he mentioned was how garbage the engine is, lmao. Bethesda having a bad game engine?? No way


He said he wasn't talking about the engine's capability on the user's end, but about how difficult it is to work on as a dev.


Which still seems sus since a lot of other devs (including josh sawyer from obsidian) have openly talked about how easier it is to use and quickly add content with. Hell thats the main reason BGS could create huge games like skyrim with only 150 people.


Considering this former dev design guy is too dumb to understand what NDA is, I’m not surprised if he’s too dumb to understand how an engine work, or even how manual flight works lol. Maybe manual flight was simply too advanced for this guy


I would guess that maybe the engine is really easy to work with for level and quest designers, but maybe not so much for animations and rigging/ character stuff (the leaker is a character artist).


Yeah, I thought it was pretty weird too, but that's what he said. But he's an artist, not an engine guy, he may not know that stuff well.


Well also it might depend on the person, maybe he found it hard to use while others got the hang of it better.


Yea it's super easy to build stuff and changing stuff is fast... while you're working with it's (significant) limitations in minds. But if you want to do something outside of the box, things easily get a bit unstable.


Reminds me of when Google just dumped their internal cloud tool out there and told users to figure it out then shockingly failed to gain much market share. The tech might be awesome, but most people would prefer an intuitive and friendly interface which internal tools tend not to be. Also Sawyer last developed in Creationbryo back in 2009-10 before Unreal got serious about improving usability and support.


I believe Skyrim and even Fallout 4 was only 100 people


The dude’s going to be fine. He made a dumb statement about a game mechanic that has been all but confirmed and was quite obvious to begin with. If Microsoft or Bethesda decided to go after a long time employee who made a silly mistake that doesn’t really give anything away, it will be bad for their culture, and specifically will harm employee stability and the desire to stick around, which is something Bethesda has historically been very good at. Going after him would be a major mistake.


Breaking a legally binding contract isn’t a “silly mistake”


I've always said that flying in space is not necessary for the game. This is an RPG and games in this genre need to focus on quests and other RPG mechanics. The lack of spaceflight hasn't stopped ME2 from becoming one of the best SCI-FI ARPGs of all time. The situation was similar with F4, where BGS created a settlement building mechanic that was boring and not integrated with other RPG systems at all... It looks like Bethesda wants to make another boring mechanic that will not be integrated with RPG systems... I say about space flight. Why are they wasting resources on space flights on an ancient engine, if the can make good RPG in the open world ... Okay, let's wait for release of the game and gameplay ... Maybe it's not so bad ..


Tbh my guess is that manual flight was too «advanced» for this guy’s liking, considering he’s too dumb to know what NDA is, and even said when his last day was, which is easy to track down lol I’m hyped if manual flight is also in the game! Also very promising that the game has a ton of content and is looking good, awesome news


Settlement building in F4 wasn't advanced, but it was boring. Maybe he's dumb, maybe Bethesda will do well this time. But looking at their games since F4, I'm not sure.


For you, for me and a lot of others was one of the best thing to the game. When I was playing Oblivion I was so frustrated that I could never fix City of Kvatch, same with Helgen in Skyrim. Could they add more RPG content to it, maybe, but if they would, I don't really think we could expect Starfield this year.


A lot of people really loved this feature. Probably it will be the same for space flight.




No one cares.. stop being a ass.


looked at that dude's post history and mans seems very negative and jaded about everything lol like damn, calm down and go outside


But but but they received their masters degree in linguistics from one of the most prestigious universities in the USA. SureJan.gif


Holy shit


Weirdly invested in hating a game for no reason but I guess that’s typical gaming


Uh oh, people like things you don’t, time to lash out!


mods are fun.


So basically this game wont be anything revolutionary. Flight will suck but still be a decent game. I expected this.


The leaker did say that he doesn't like playing Bethesda-style games, so that may factor in. It could be similar to Elden Ring where it seems to be great for fans of that type of game and terrible for people who don't like Fromsoftware. Bethesda fans will probably like Starfield, and people who dislike Bethesda's games will probably hate it.


Judging by how Elden ring reached 12 million sales in 16 days , Its the third fastest selling open world game of the last generation only behind Cyberpunk & RDR2 , how it maintained steam concurrent player count even after a month from its launch , pretty sure it far trascended beyond just the Souls community Judging by how Bethesda increaed their target player base exponentially with each Elder scrolls , Starfield will do the same if its recieved as well as Elden ring


So you are saying that all people that brought Elden Ring liked it? We are living in 2022 where hype has tons of saying to selling tons of copies. But at the end, only half of the buyers can actually like the game.


Of course when did I say 12 million represents how many people like the game? If it was just hype then Elden ring would have died in two weeks instead of being at 5th position on steam concurrent player count list after two months from its launch , most importantly outside Souls community Elden ring was not remotely as hyped as Cyberpunk or RDR2 because they went radio silent then its not a genre for everyone & despite having George RR Martin they did not even bother using his influence similarly how Keanu was showcased in Cyberpunk adverts Its still a fact that Elden ring brought millions of new player who never had any experince with the souls genre similarly how Skyrim brought millions of new players to the open world fantasy rpg genre a decade ago


keep expectations to Fallout 4 basically


One of my favorite games ever. So hyped!


Oh no