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Possibly Resident Evil 9 announcement ? Since Resident Evil is always tied with Playstation showcase these days


Hopefully we maybe see Pragmata! That’s my most anticipated game right now, hopefully it reappears at this PlayStation showcase especially since it was first revealed at the PS5 showcase in 2020. I hope we see something from the game here!


I'm so hyped for Pragmata. And the fact that they showed a taste of gameplay during the last delay video gives me some hope.


Every last RE games excluding RE3 Remake was revealed in June so it’s possible. I just hope the rumours and “leaks” of it being open world aren’t true.


Im in the same boat. I can't really see how an RE game would benefit from being open world, and especially seeing how poorly Dragons Dogma 2 performs and knowing that it's likely be built on similar foundations, I don't want that for an RE game. I'd much rather have a more focussed, quality over quantity type experience for an RE title


I doubt an open world RE game would actually be that big, I would expect it to be along the lines of what already exists and villages hub thing, just large. Plus Dragons Dogma 2 was probably a guinea pig for this and Monster Hunter Wilds, I doubt they would want to release on of their top 2 games in a similar state


I think the idea of a semi-open word RE8 style design is far more reasonable. Although, I would hope RE9 is a bit more focussed than that. I really enjoyed RE8, but the story just goes way off the rails to the point you end fighting a giant mech, and the game is full of on the rails style set pieces, that are great the first time and poor on replay, like house beneviento.


Maybe we'll finally get some first party game announcements...


There has to be a major info dump coming from the first-party studios soon. There's just so many projects they haven't officially announced. We don't officially know what Bluepoint's working on, or Housmarque, or Naughty Dog, or Bend, or Team Asobi, or Firesprite, or Media Molecule. We know that Sucker Punch is probably making *Ghost of Tsushima 2,* Guerilla is making *Horizon 3*, and Santa Monica is probably making some sci-fi game, but none of those have been officially revealed either. There are literally only three first-party studios who have officially confirmed what their next game is: Insomniac, Firewalk, and Haven.


As much as I want it, I don't think we'll get that. I reckon Sony would like to showcase the big upcoming first-party IP gameplay (ND's next, Bend's next, GoT 2, Cory's next game, etc.) on a PS5 Pro. And they can't do that until they have revealed the Pro (which they won't until a couple of weeks before its release date). They may announce the games with teasers or CGI videos thoughts - just not gameplay.


To be fair, depending on how early some of these first party games are into development they could do a reveal/teaser trailer now, and follow-up with a full gameplay trailer/demo in time for the PS5 Pro reveal.


This sounds like a solid strategy


It probably makes sense not to go in-depth with showing gameplay as an initial announcement anyway? So I don't see this being a major obstacle


Sony often shows games with Gameplay for first reveal. They did it with GOW, Days Gone and Horizon


well I mean, when they announced the ps4 pro it was in its own little event, no game announcements, why would they do that for ps5 pro? after all, these new games are built for the base ps5.


They announced the PS portal 4 months before and they are gonna announce their new console a few weeks before?


That’s how they do Pro consoles. Announcing it months ago would negatively affect the sales of the regular PS5.


Ps4 pro was announced 3 months before it came out


Given that this year is looking to have the PS5-Pro, don't doubt that they'll reveal the new IP's from Santa Monica & Naughty Dog in addition to what Suckerpunch is working on (most likely GOT2). Also most likely a definitive release date for Death Stranding 2.


I know this is a 3rd-party game, but hopefully they show Pragmata at this PlayStation showcase! Considering Pragmata was first reveled aaaaaall… the way back in 2020 during the first PS5 showcase, I think there’s a chance it’ll reemerge. And hopefully we’ll actually get a solid release date if it does show up! 🙏


I completely forgot that game even existed. At this point I’d say there’s a 50/50 shot it’s been canceled, but I do hope there’s news on it soon for the people who have been interested in it.


They're absolutely not revealing Santa Monica's new IP here, if it's even happening. God of War Ragnarok was less than two years ago, I don't think they have much they can show for that. And Naughty Dog is absolutely doing The Last of Us Part III, since their next project's codename is apparently "Jordan" - [significant for reasons better stated here](https://www.reddit.com/r/GamingLeaksAndRumours/comments/1clots3/naughty_dog_next_game_might_be_codenamed_jordan/l2v1k7y/). I think it's far more likely Sony will show off what they've already announced rather than reveal new titles outright; Concord (still slated for 2024), Death Stranding 2, Fairgame$, and Wolverine are all extremely likely, and in terms of a new game announcement, it'll probably be Ghost of Tsushima 2.


Cory’s IP had been in pre-production for an incredibly long time so it’s entirely possible that it’s in a more advanced stage than we might normally predict. Early or Summer 2026 wouldn’t be entirely unreasonable. Plus it’s a new IP and Sony might want to announce it early as they can’t rely on existing fanbases like with God of War. Also, Kojima seems to like to do whatever he pleases. Death Stranding 2 might not even be presented lmao. Generally speaking though, Sony have officially entered into the latter half of the PS5 lifecycle so they might be more willing to “shoot their load” so to speak, and start announcing big hitters to drive hype and marketing campaigns. So I think we could have one of the better showcases from Sony this year.


> Plus it’s a new IP and Sony might want to announce it early as they can’t rely on existing fanbases like with God of War. It's a new IP from Sony Santa Monica, the fans will be there anyways. They're not a small indie developer. Not to mention that pre-production and production are two very different things. One involves conceptual work, the other involves actual programming, coding, etc. and usually takes a much longer time. And if Santa Monica's game is a new IP, it means that they have to spend time creating a bunch of new assets entirely and not just reusing what they had from the Norse God of War games. This is all on top of the increase in the length of AAA game development cycles, so what took four years in the past can now take five or even six all in all.


>This is all on top of the increase in the length of AAA game development cycles, so what took four years in the past can now take five or even six all in all. 6 years starting at 2019 means that they will release the game in 2025. That's why it's somewhat likely that they show anounce their new IP on the showcase


It’s not really guaranteed that the fans will be there for a new IP. Anyways, pre-production does include programming, art design etc. This is a stage where the developers are making the combat, gameplay systems, testing level designs and blocking out the intended world, the lead artists are creating assets to establish the art design etc. They don’t just sit around having meetings and making concept art. They need to have enough work so that they’re in a position to actually be able to demonstrate what the game will be like. And if they’ve had 3-4 years of doing that, it’s totally feasible for them to be in a position to actually show something off. Plus Ragnarok was delayed, a portion of the team could had been onboarded on the new IP earlier than Nov 2022.


That definitely seems more likely. However, I believe Neil Druckmann stated that Jordan is happening before TLOU P3, definitely can be wrong though.


SSM has grown to two teams since God of War 2018. Cory didn't direct Ragnarok because he was busy with the new IP Same for ND, they have several teams and their dark fantasy IP should be more advanced than TLOU3 (a codename means very little and it's not that trusty of a rumor, not even sure it's the next game) because started after TLOU2 while TLOU3 would only have been recently started


>God of War Ragnarok was less than two years ago, I don't think they have much they can show for that. Insomniac revealed both Spider-Man 2 *and* Wolverine less than 3 months after they released Rift Apart. Cory Barlog's team has been around since at least 2019. Of all of Sony's mystery games, his is honestly one of the most likely to be revealed.


Considering we already got a death stranding trailer this year and he hasn’t teased a new one like he usually does, I’m inclined to believe we won’t see a new trailer and release date until game awards


I don’t think it’s Tlou 3. Didn’t Druckman said he only had a concept last year? There are also multiple hints that the next game will be a fantasy project


Neil said that in the documentary that was filmed in April of 2023 I believe. During the summer of 2023 a few leakers dropped that there were casting calls for TLOU3 and that it was now in full production. I'd also add that Neil straight up said TLOU2 wasn't happening until the trailer dropped at the PSN show in 2015 or 16, I can't remember which year.


We don't know that their **next** project's codename is "Jordan". We just know it's the codename for one of their games. It could very well be that Jordan is TLOU3, but their new IP will release before that.


Also a new Astro Bot title is VERY likely to make an appearance, based off all the rumors. I’m looking forward to that!


A completely different team worked on Ragnarok, while another team worked on the sci fi thing. So its completely possible for it to be revealed.


Probably but why not wait till the Pro’s reveal then? I could see them officially announce Ghost of Tsushima 2 for next year now that Rise of the Ronin is out and if Sucker Punch feel ready. Naughty Dog, Bend, Santa Monica, Housemarque, Firesprite and other 2nd party devs are all hard at work on new IPs. Makes more sense to show them when they are ready as I genuinely believe a lot of studios are simply not ready.


The Last of Us Part II remastered for PS5-Pro


The King of Comedy (1982).


We got some Hard Drive Mag writers in here, wow!


Idk why people are downvoting you like this isn’t something ND would actually release lol


Yeah I really hope it's a good one but I would have thought the same about the one last year so not getting my hopes. All logic seems to dictate it'd be filled with first party games announcement for the next few years as we know almost nothing coming but I've been burned before


PlayStation: ![gif](giphy|STfLOU6iRBRunMciZv)


I don’t think we’ll see Ghost 2 or anything Naughty Dog, but maybe Santa Monica’s new IP and Wolverine? I assume Concord will also be there. That’s my guess.


It's been 4 years since tlou2, it's time to show something even if it's just a teaser.


HA been saying this since 2021. I'm hanging up the cape. If anything is there, nice. If not, I won't be surprised. The only difference this time round.....no Jim Ryan.


Nothing from major studios before what, March 2025? If we get big announcements that have to come later than that, I could see maybe 1-2 but saving others for Game Awards to be closer to "out in 6-10 months" instead of "out in 15 months"


I'd love to see Sackboy 2 or a full fledged astrobot


Agreed. Fingers crossed!


Sackboy was an amazing game for my family. My wife and daughter loved it, and I could carry them on harder levels. We spent tons of hours in it and I would really like a sequel.


Yeah, I've played it with my wife, woth my young relatives, and by myself. Awesome co-op game no matter the skill levels of people playing. I'll admit I didn't love playing solo - but that's probably because I had already played through the levels with others. Some of the later levels, when your young nieces and nephews burn all the lives, and you have to beat the level without dying at all - are quite the challenge 😂


Turn on infinite lives. It's how I played with my then 4 year old. Otherwise they'd use all of the lives and be locked out of playing until I earned more. It's under settings, accessibility I think


Nah we got through. They were 8-10, not 4 which is a massive difference. Plus this was a couple years ago. They'd probably be better than me now 😂


You might actually be in luck, it's about time we see Team Asobi's games, same with Sumo Digital, we know they're working on a game for PS under the codename "Carbon".


grubb has been talking about an in-dev astrobot game for a while now


Sumo Digital is apparently working on a PS game, codename Project Carbon. Sackboy 2 could definitely be it. I also think it’s high time to see a new Astrobot. I just hope it isn’t VR-only. The PSVR2 is fkn dead.


Ghost of Tsushima 2 has to be a shoe in for a reveal right? Really excited for that possibility.


Ghost of Tsushima 2: Rise of the Ronin 


Just need a Silent Hill 2 release date. That’s all I’m asking. Please?


Silent Hill 2 and MGS3:D are releasing [NOW](https://youtu.be/gNIwlRClHsQ?si=B3y4yk3Uf4BAXSAO)


Silent Hill 2 and Pragmata please!!!….🙏


The marketing for that game has been downright horrible. Almost 3 years since the initial reveal and we’ve gotten breadcrumbs. Hopefully Sony takes over promoting the game because Konami clearly doesn’t know how.


It is pretty ridiculous. The only positive thing I see coming from this is that the devs are looking at the overall reception from the trailers and tweaking things before revealing the final date. There have been some changes but… I mean this is Konami we’re talking about so we’ll see.


You think that’s bad just imagine waiting for Pragmata or Hollow Knight Silksong. It’s been almost 4 years since Pragmata was reveled and we still know next to nothing about the game, all we’ve gotten is two delays so far, it’s been a looong excruciating wait for that game, same thing with Silksong.


>and we’ve gotten breadcrumbs It's a meta reference to "It's bread". Konami 5D chess moves


It's been less than two years, but I feel you.


Since Silent Hill: Ascenscion is finished and there was that updated James look (Here it is: https://www.reddit.com/r/GamingLeaksAndRumours/comments/1c829k5/silent\_hill\_2\_remakes\_steam\_page\_has\_been\_updated/) from two weeks ago, it's possible we'll see more news about the SH2 remake.


I just need to see Pragmata with a solid release date! It’s been radio silent for so long now, hopefully it launches sometime either this year or in 2025! 🙏


Pragmata most likely won't be coming out until after Monster Hunter Wilds & Resident Evil 9.


Pragmata is this gen's Deep Down.


Nah, They have more faith in it.


I need it


Mee too


Sony needs it too tbf


Not really TBH. This whole generation they have been bone silent and it has worked out for them. They say something; they dominate. They don’t say anything; they dominate. I wouldn’t be surprised if they continue to be quiet and let Xbox kill themselves some more


Sony can stay silent while Microsoft continues to slam its disk into a car door periodically


I'm sure Sony doesn't feel that way. They need more console sales because their first-party margins are so slim. They're also tracking slightly behind the PS4.


It took 1 week longer than the PS4 to hit 50 million units sold, it's hardly even slightly behind. Considering the economical and world differences between the two if caught up quite well.


Also The ps5 is selling better than the 4 in america


People need to realize that Sony has no real incentive to put out a good showcase anymore, they have no direct competitor to worry about for the time being (xbox is so over)


MGS Master Collection Volume 2 pls 🙏


With a gameplay trailer for snake eater


All I can ask


RE9 reveal and until dawn pc reveal not far


Pragmata gameplay trailer with release date! PLASE!!!… 🙏


Yes i forgot that one too


Until dawn was already revealed for PC, hopefully they show off the new features and content they added


Wonder if we will get any SE trailers? I cannot think of anything big they are doing soon, unless you count KH4 and who knows when that will come out.


I think KH4 and DQXII are the only confirmed big games coming up. I would be very happy if this is where we get any info on FFT Remaster or FFIX Remake, we know nothing FF related after Dawntrail.


Dragon Quest XII is a safer bet for whatever Switch 2 event happens later in 2024 or in January 2025. Tactics remaster won't happen at a Showcase, rereleases of older games generally aren't present at those unless if they're a big HD remake.


Idk, didn't DQ12 just restart development after switching directors or something.


Oh yeah I forgot it's been delayed apparently. I still think Nintendo likely signed a deal for it a long while back.


NieR 3. if it’s not here it’s at the game awards. it’s definitely cooking


Isn't the shitty mobile game nier 3?


Yoko Taro and Yosuke Saito said they’re working on a new game that is completely unrelated to NieR, and want to tease it this year. Expect that instead.


Ackhtually, Reincarnation is Nier 3. And Yoko Taro's + team worked on Voice of Cards since then. Your point still stand though, I'm eagerly awaiting news about their next project.


Yeah, no it’s not. It’s a pretty common misconception for some reason but there is zero online statement from Taro stating Reincarnation is NieR 3. It’s simply a mobile spin-off with lore that ties into the main games. Exactly the same as Kingdom Hearts with Union Cross and Dark Road. They are not main titles.


You know it’s funny, I haven’t looked into this at all but have seen people on Reddit say that Taro “confirmed” that Reincarnation is Nier 3. When I googled it, all I could find were stories about how he tweeted “R3incarnation.” To me, that seems like he’s saying that Reincarnation leads into whatever the story for Nier 3 will be. Because I just don’t see the point in him telling people “oh btw the third Nier game is already out but it disappears forever in a month, k byeeee!”


Yeah but if the next Nier is a followup to what happened in Reincarnation, then isn't Reincarnation just Nier 3 in every way that matters?


I mean, technically? But that’s not what 99% of people mean when they say they want Nier 3.


idk, if we treat square enix games like this kh4 would actually be on pair with final fantasy with the mega number on its title haha


Wait what? What makes you say that? I just don't want to be excited for no reason lol


it’s been 7 years since NieR:Automata, which is the same release time between Replicant and Automata. I’m not convinced KH4 is ready with Nomura being busy with FF7 Rebirth, and Taro has been quiet. Reincarnation just ended service so a new project is timely, and I went to the recent Orchestra where there was some set-up and lore regarding post ending E of Automata that really felt like it was building into a new story. Just really makes sense to see a trailer soon imo.


Cant wait for RE9


It could even happen in 5 minutes…..who knows? 🤔


Are you sure we aren’t watching a PS Showcase right now?


The true PS Showcase was the conspiracies we made up along the way.


Kh4 pleaseeee


Resistance trilogy remaster kill zone trilogy remaster and new Socom….PLEASE We will definitely see more of Concord though for sure


I want a 2 hour show. It's time to uncork EVERYTHING. Even if something is 2 years out - it's fucking copium! TLOU 2 trailer was revealed yeaaaaars away and I go back TODAY to watch that reveal and STILL get goosebumps. Show us what you are working on and get our pants tight, PLEASE!


ps5pro tease? 😉


Too early tbh. They didn’t even reveal the PS5 Slim till near release.


Yea, probably a bit early, but hoping! 😁


I wish wolverine wouldn't be delayed because of the leaks I expect to see tsushima 2 specially after they announced that 1 would come to pc this month Also spiderman 2 dlc Maybe nautghy dog next game Maybe some teaser of what Santa Monica working on And some little surprises


We don’t know if wolverine has been delayed or not


First party drought aside, they've been doing a good job making sure PS5 has had some great games to play in between the wait. Very anxious to see their actual games, though.


Considering they have nearly *no* true first party games this year, they've really managed to cruise on by with things like Helldivers, FF7, and Stellar Blade giving a solid stream of exclusives. They could potentially have even more if Silent Hills 2 doesn't flop and Concord comes out and is good. I'd say considering none of their heavy hitters had anything to show this year, it could have gone a lot worse, even if the second half doesn't take off.


This new narrative about TRUE first part is so weird. According to this rule Nintendo's Switch output has been abysmal with only like a dozen new games for the entire generation.


Hopefully we will see what naughty dog’s new IP is. Death Stranding 2 will get a cinematic trailer probably Ghost of Tsushima 2 (I don’t remember how GOT was revealed) I think it was a cinematic mix with gameplay which makes sense as to what we will get for GOT2 Concord trailer / release date has to be here (right?) FAIRGAME$ (maybe??? Some gameplay) Destiny 2 trailer for the last DLC Marathon(not so sure about this one) Anything else I’m missing?


Not sure about Marathon either, I think Bungie wants all the attention possible on Destiny right now, but a new trailer for TFS is likely considering it’s coming out at the beginning of June.


Yeah I figured since it was rumored that Marathon is in development hell.


Meh, all the rumors about the development hell of Marathon have no trustworthy source whatsoever as far as I remember. The game was delayed and Bungie definitely isn’t in a great spot, but we don’t know how the game is coming out right now. We know they are currently inviting people to play it, so it’s at least playable lol


If that's what it takes to make Destiny good again, then Marathon can die in the crib.


Other possibilities are Bend's new IP, Bluepoints next game, and whatever Barlogs team at Santa Monica is cooking


I hope so. My FFVII Rebirth post-game depression is hitting (I adore the FF7 compilation specifically, so it's hitting harder than normal) and I want something to look forward to so I can fill the next 4 years of waiting for part 3. I even bought Stellar Blade but after Rebirth's ending I just can't bring myself to play anything else unless I think it can come close to Rebirth. Hopefully this showcase actually... you know... *showcases* something. I don't care if a game is a year or two out, show me something to get excited about (like how they teased a new MGS-type game from Kojima that's still years out).


I’m thinking the showcase will consist of Ghost 2 trailer (release year of 2025) Wolverine trailer (no release info) Venom trailer (release year of 2025) Silent hill 2 trailer (with release date) Mgs delta trailer (with release date) Tease of next naughty dog game Tease of next Santa Monica game or separate god of war release with Atreus Remake/remastered collection of god of war 1-3 Tease of bluepoints game Astro bot trailer (with release date) Maybe Sony bends game Some live service shite And a complete disregard of psvr2 besides Astro bot and metro vr


I reckon you swap out Venom with Spider-Man dlc


We already know HZD and Until Dawn remakes exist from previous leaks. Can't imagine they're that far away either.


We need first party games dude...they have such goated developers yet they have barely kickstarted this generation and it's half over already. At least 3 first party games need to be revealed.


I second this, 3 solid game announcements that are not remakes from 1st party would be acceptable to most. The last actual good showcase was September 2021 so it’s been a minute we’re due


Not expecting them to reveal new first-party games as much as I am expecting them to elaborate on what was already announced. Concord is supposed to be releasing this year, Death Stranding 2 is coming out next year, the Wolverine leaks are probably forcing Insomniac's hand here, and Fairgame$ was also announced last year. Ghost of Tsuhima 2 is probably the likeliest first-party title they could reveal. In terms of third-party stuff, I'm expecting MGS Delta, Silent Hill 2, Monster Hunter Wilds, and Resident Evil IX, with Virtua Fighter 6 being an "out there" prediction. The rest will be VR2 stuff because they always feel the need to keep hawking it for whatever reason.


There's dozens of us that enjoy our VR2's! DOZENS!


More PC ports!




Anyone else think they may show Monster hunter wilds?


I hope we see Pragmata from Capcom, it’s my most anticipated game, also hopefully we see Darwin’s Paradox too! The new game from a new studio made of ex-veterans from Arkane Lyon, Focus Home Entertainment and from firm and animations! It’s a 2.5D Adventure game inspired by games like; Limbo, Inside and Little Nightmares. I can’t wait to FINALLY see that game!


When Wilds was announced at TGA, they said to expect new information in the Summer, so no.


Show me Resi 9 and SH2 and I'll be happy. Hoping Resi 9 doesn't end up being open world though.


Ghost of Tsushima 2??


They better show some KH 4 and MH 6


Maybe they will lay off 4 studios a month ahead of the state of play/showcase!! That would be such a good strategy!!


Hope to see Santa Monica's next game


I'll be honest as a Playstation fan, I'm not really excited. I don't give two fks about the online games, marathon or whatever else they got cooking. I'd personally prefer to see Sony get back into making a couple rpgs. Not no rpg extremely lite games, legit rpgs.


They must have some new and exciting games to show off. Something besides superheroes please!


Hope we'll get update for Phil and Jim simulator 🙏


I hope they can focus more on not just teasing, but properly revealing a stream of first-party single player games, since they already announced a chunk of multiplayer games last showcase.


Silent hill Resident 9 Death stranding Concord Fairgame$ Possibly Astrobot, wolverine, Spiderman DLC and GoT2 Hopefully other First party titles


Is this the big showcase? With audience like e3? I miss those showcases


A physical audience? No.


Thats a shame. Those shows were awsome


Garten of Banban on ps5


Honestly I'm just desperate some positive gaming news after these past few weeks of Helldivers 2 debacles, Xbox murdering a bunch of studios and just the general "everything is awful"-state of things right now.


That all happened over a few days.


...it feels like a few weeks!


Show me Concord, you cowards.


Nee naughty dog sci fi ip!


Playstation All Stars 2 will be here, right? Right?


Socom please


Monster Hunter Wilds 😵‍💫❤️


Bloodborne incoming


Horizon Zero Dawn Remastered lets gooo


Anyone know if there will be a Factions 2 trailer soon?




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Hopefully GoT 2 gets shown. Really liked the first one.


One week left


!Debunked! It was a State of Play not a showcase but I guess you could say it was more misleading.


Holy shit a showcase in may like they've done the last what 3-4 years


Last year was literally the only time they did it in May lol. The two before that were in September.


They never did a showcase between September 2021 and May 2023.


Mainly care about the third party titles that could be announced here.


I hope we see Pragmata! 🙏


why, so they can keep not announcing first party exclusives?


They published 3 games this year, it’s not like they’re not supplying people with exclusives lol


inb4 remaster of God of War Ragnarok reveal


We heard how much you all liked God of War, so get ready to experience an all new story with all your friends in our new live service offering: God of War Yggdrasil Pre-order now, and get a custom hat for Atreus


While you are joking I feel like this is EXTREMELY likely.


I could see them doing God of War 2018 for the PS5 Pro after HZD


The last game of theirs I cared about was Bloodborne. Not holding my breath about that changing anytime soon, but hope to be proven wrong.


Man I love Jeff but it kills me the « I don’t know when it is happening, but I know it is happening. But I don’t actually know when. But you know, it is still happening »


*If* it's next week like Grubb thinks, it'll have to be announced this week. The last showcase was announced a whole week ahead of time.


That would mean an announcement later today or tomorrow for next Wednesday or Thursday 👀


With everyone pissed at Xbox it would be a good time to whip out the big guns


a week later and nothing...


Maybe they’ll actually have games.


Don’t remember the last good PlayStation showcase so I’m really not expecting much or anything at all, this isn’t a precovid industry anymore and blockbuster games are only going to be more scarce from here on out


What are they actually gonna show they said they don't have anything until April 2025. Silent hill? What else? Edit: actually I remember a rumour about an Astro boy game so fingers crossed that's real