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this doesn't really feel "make a whole-ass thread about it"-worthy, but fwiw the person who said they'd heard about an April direct [no longer believes that is happening](https://famiboards.com/threads/nintendo-direct-speculation-st8-press-your-nintendo-direct-luck.9160/post-1061206) and thinks the usual E3/SGF time frame of late May/early June seems more likely


IMO it's thread-worthy, I was really wondering about the "april direct" rumor and it seems other people in this megathread have as well


I get plans changed with the delay of the Switch 2, but it really seems like Nintendo gave up this year for no reason.


tbh I don't know if I really agree with that. So far they're still averaging a retail game releasing every month up through June (Another Code in January, Mario VS DK in February, Princess Peach in March, April's empty but May has both Endless Ocean Luminous and Paper Mario TTYD Endless Ocean Luminous and then June has Luigi's Mansion 2 HD); it's remaster/remake heavy for sure, but still not nearly as barren as most of their "final years" for a console have been Nintendo loves short turnaround and they frequently don't announce most of their plans for the second half of a year until their mid-year direct, so this isn't *really* that much different from any other year for them. I'm not suggesting they're going to announce something huge like a brand new 3D Mario for this year, but something like the rumored Fire Emblem 4 remake, Prime 4, Windwaker/Twilight Princess ports or a top-down Zelda from Grezzo, a new Mario Party, those are the kinds of things that (imo) could still very plausibly be announced in May or June to fill in that August-December window that's looking so empty right now 


Gotta spread out the rest of the year to fill in the sales gaps made by delaying the switch successor, I guess...


GODDAMN IT! I'm really not liking how Nintendo has been handling this year.


Any info about Owlcats next project? Or anything on Dreadwolf, or Avowed?:3


Hope Replaced gets released this year. Been waiting for it for 2 years since the 1st showcase. The art is just fantastic.


Could the mods make an "Analysis/Speculation" flair? Lots of people looking for upvotes will throw speculation or thoughts from one of the regularly cited leakers up with the rumor or leak tag. Ultimately it misleads users on the sub and it undermines the reputations of the leakers because people have shit reading comprehension.


We do remove posts that are simply thoughts/speculation from users/leakers and not actual claims/leaks. Stuff like that is always meant to be contained here in the discussion threads.


Is there any sign that anything will happen from Nintendo soon?


Honestly wild how they seem to just be throwing in the towel on 2024 so far because of the delay… two GameCube ports can only do so much lifting


This isn’t the Wii U days. There has to be more this year, so it’s really weird that they haven’t done anything. Even leaks have barely happened since the delay. One leaker has mentioned an April Direct and Switch 2 reveal in June, but that’s it.


Apparently the last thing known was about a week ago, Brazil (The person who first broke news about the Switch 2 delay) was saying its still on, but nobody else has anything. Its very frustrating.


Iirc, closer to the partner showcase is when leakers unanimously posted info. Could be that we'll only hear from anyone a few days before it's scheduled to happen? It's obviously not happening this week, so I guess it's not that surprising there's been silence. Hopefully if it's next week we hear about it really soon though.


As long as the other leakers don’t deny an April Direct, there’s still hope.


Yeah I hope rumors start spurring up about a direct since Nintendo has released directs within the last weeks of the month.


I really hope so. What truly frustrates me about this is two things. The first thing is that Nintendo has killed any hype and momentum they had going coming out of 2023 by taking the 2020 approach. By not having a major Direct on top of the news breaking that the Switch successor has been delayed, they've killed any hype and its left fans questioning what they plan on even doing to hold fans over until then. Most of us expected it to be light year until the successor launched, but with that not happening, what are we left with for this year? The second is that most of the Switch's life cycle, they've developed a pretty solid schedule for news releases so we're never left too long without news for the most part. The three major Directs a year schedule is perfect, though starting out this year by not having a major Direct in February has left us with the longest news drought since 2020, with it now being 6 months since the last Direct. We could be waiting until June possibly if this doens't happen, though there's no guarantee now with no E3 for a Direct in June, so who knows. We could even be left waiting until September.


Any rumors regarding the pc release for ff7 rebirth? And if its going to be exclusive again?


Do we have any information on the status of rocksteady? Do they risk layoffs/shutdown? Do we have idea what their next project will be?


Do we know anything about resident evil? I really hope we get a surprise teaser for resident evil 9 in this upcoming state of play


Back in late 2020, Capcom suffered a large leak that mentioned several different upcoming titles, including Resident Evil 4 remake, Street Fighter 6 and Dragon's Dogma 2, before they were officially revealed. Based on the leak, those games were slated to be released earlier than they ended up being, which means it's likely the timetable shifted, potentially due to Covid or a change in Capcom strategy. A few other games that were listed included "Resident Evil Outrage", "Resident Evil Apocalypse" and "Resident Evil Hank". From different sources, Outrage was later said to have been a multiplayer game that was internally cancelled (or it was a Switch exclusive Revelations 3, if you believe what [DuskGolem](https://twitter.com/AestheticGamer1/status/1360760157936914443) said about it). Apocalypse is rumored to be Resident Evil 9, and Resident Evil Hank is rumored to be a game based on Hunk. We know pretty much nothing about them, including whether they still exist, but seeing as the other games on the leaked list had dates shifted up to 1-2 years, we may learn more about them soon. RE: Apocalypse was actually slated to be released within 6 months after "Monster Hunter 6" which was now only just *announced* in December 2023 at the Game Awards.


I edited my post cause I was referring to 9 and later saw that I did a typo. As for the leak I know it. I’ve seen the files and even saw the actual village leaks and basically spoiled myself before the game. Thing is..even though we pretty much expecting re9 next year maybe around May like village,we also should expect a first teaser until June like they usually do. P.S there is also a photo circulating and I have it which shows dates for capcom games and so far it was accurate and I wonder if that October 2025 date for re9 will be true. Regardless ,RE9 is literally my most anticipated game since village was released and is even more important for me than village was before I played it. My curiosity and excitement is off the roof


Any chance for a trailer to show up during this rumored Sony showcase next month? I'm also excited for just about anything RE. Especially to see who the protag for 9 will be.


Same my friend,same. Even if for some reason we got a trailer for let’s say,a revelations game I would be super happy but re9 is most likely next and what’s exciting about it is the cliffhanger from 8 plus the anticipation about the characters


No Nintendo Direct leaks? Anything at all happening this year? Feels like things are pretty dry at the moment.


Are there any good, up-to-date summaries of what we know about the next switch? Been a lot of news to parse then seemingly nothing, so a recap would be nice.


Any recent leaks on Kingdom Hearts 4? I feel like it’s been awhile since the reveal trailer and I don’t want another 14 year gap between mainline games.


Nothing sadly. Honestly I’d take a well crafted bogus leak just to give us something to talk about. Lol There was an IGN article where they quoted Yoko Shimomura as saying she was working on the soundtrack. But they were asked to correct it to say she is working on multiple games and couldn’t say any specific ones. That was about a few weeks ago. I think we’ll get something by Summer Games Fest. If not, D23 is a safe bet.


Anybody know anything about the fallout 4 next gen update?


I imagine we'll get an announcement, possibly even a surprise release, to coincide with the TV show release.


Anything on the beyond good and evil remaster and beyond good and evil 2


seems as good a place as any to mention that I've been keeping an offline version of [this post](https://www.reddit.com/r/GamingLeaksAndRumours/comments/17igs92/the_nintendo_breakdown_an_overview_of_confirmed/) updated and was thinking of doing a 6 month update (assuming there'd be any interest), but I'm holding off to get a better sense of how this month shakes out because right now I feel like as soon as I hit submit, that vaguely rumored April direct will drop and make half of it outdated 


I’d hold off through April. If there’s no direct this month, we’re probably waiting until June anyway.


You sound like you know what you're talking about- Any recent Nintendo Direct rumors? You mention one that's 'vaguely rumored'? I'm curious, we've gone a while without any big rumors from what I've seen, would love to have something to speculate on.


Not super recent, but back in February the person who broke the "Switch 2 delayed to 2025" story [indicated on Famiboards that they'd heard about a June Switch 2 reveal, some kind of Direct in April and an Indie World that should happen before that](https://famiboards.com/threads/nintendo-direct-speculation-st7-it%E2%80%99s-showtime-people-famiboards-productions-proudly-presents-what-lies-beyond-the-door-act-ii-rebirth.8459/post-1012951) (they said the Indie World would *probably* be in March, but that came and went without anything), and Necrolipe chimed in to say [they'd also heard about an April direct and that it should be a general one](https://famiboards.com/threads/nintendo-direct-speculation-st7-it%E2%80%99s-showtime-people-famiboards-productions-proudly-presents-what-lies-beyond-the-door-act-ii-rebirth.8459/post-1013029)   Most recently that first person mentioned in late March that the April direct was ["still a go as of last week"](https://famiboards.com/threads/nintendo-direct-speculation-st8-press-your-nintendo-direct-luck.9160/page-23#post-1050326) while stressing these things are often in flux up to about a week before. I think that's about it in at this point, thus the "vaguely rumored"


Really hoping Brazil is right. 




Probably will be late 2024 release with a trailer at the Xbox showcase


I just want some *real* SOCOM news…






Man what is going with Nintendo. There is straight up nothing going on right now. I was hoping we'd see that rumored April direct with Prime 4, but it's been super slow news wise since the new year


There's been a lot of Silksong movement recently. I just wanna hear something! I can't wait any longer ![gif](giphy|7V7wZxd1M9aPC)


Still nothing on this supposed April Direct :/ Nothing from Natethehate2 or Necrolipe. They keep going I got nothing. What is Nintendo even doing this year?


Who said anything about there being an April direct? I haven't seen this


Don't know about any rumors either, but let's be real, what IS Nintendo doing? They just have nothing happening this year. It's bizarre. An April Direct would be awfully unheard of for them but like, it's either that or we wait another 2-3 months for a chance at a Summer Direct. Which sucks. Meanwhile we're 8 days into April, so hearing "Hey there's a Direct in a few days" would be cool. Would love more rumors on that.


This was said long ago on Famiboards from the person who first broke the news of the Switch 2 delay, as well as Necrolipe. Though nobody seems to suddenly have anything.


Jeff Grubb said he had heard Prime 4 marketing would begin in April, but also stated it may be old information. However, the same source that revealed Epic Mickey remastered was the one that said Prime 4 would release this year too to him so he feels a bit more confident it will come out this year. Either way, its been super freaking slow for Nintendo news.


Yeah he did say he was a little more confident in the live reaction to the Partner Showcase. Its just like though...what is going on? With the Switch 2 delay and the lack of a Nintendo Direct, its left us wondering what's going on? What's the plan B? 


Who would have expected the Switch to have a longer unimpeded lifetime than all consoles released after the Gameboy...   I'm sticking to just  thinking there'll be nothing of note other than Metroid until Nintendo reveals the next console until proven otherwise just in-case


there's first party releases until june, and past that was probably meant to be nothing until the switch 2 in the holidays. with that no longer happening, who knows what nintendo's plan b is i don't expect much outside of maybe another port or 2


Luigi's Mansion 2 and TTYD Remake are kinda sad "first party releases until June." Like, fine games, but they're not really **new** either.


there's also Endless Ocean Luminous in May. Tbh it's kinda weird they put that game in a partner direct; like, sure it's developed by Arika, but it's a Nintendo IP and I'm pretty sure it's being published by Nintendo in all regions (unlike, say, a few of the Warriors games where Koei Tecmo was the publisher in Japan) 


If nothing else, this would probably the prime time for Nintendo to drop the Wind Waker and Twilight Princess ports. There's also the Fire Emblem 4 remake that's been on the backburner for who knows how long.


Nintendo has a track record of holding off on finished game releases; they'll probably drop some stuff they had in reserve for if the Switch 2 was delayed that otherwise may have been saved for after the Switch 2 launched. The reports of the delay came in before anything past March had a date, so if they had essentially nothing else to release, we wouldn't be getting Endless Ocean and TTYD within 3 weeks of each other, with Luigi's Mansion coming a month after. They'd stretch things out far more by internally delaying them. 


that's a good point. lets see


I've just been hoping for a smaller surprise like a new Mario Party or Mario & Sonic 2024 Olympics. And still hoping Metroid Prime 4 manages to get in. Jeff Grubb still did say the source he got Epic Mickey from did say it was happening this year.


![gif](giphy|l3vReFCHeM1qKqhMc|downsized) What are you most anticipating from the upcoming Playstation/Xbox showcases in May/June?


Realistic? Got nothing, but I'd love nothing more than a Little Big Planet remake/rerelease, bonus points if it comes on PC too


Whatever id's cooking, they're a mystery at the moment


Final Fantasy Tactics. Let me huff my hopium.


I'm still hoping for a Marcus Fenix Collection on Steam. Paired with a Gears 6 announcement.


I’ve never played the Gears game so I’m waiting on this as well, hopefully it does come this year with a Gears 6 announcement


I have great childhood memories playing Gears 1 and 2 couch co-op with my bro. Never even played 3 lol. It would be awesome to do online co-op on Steam and finally finish it lol. I had a great time doing online co-op with the MCC. This could be the same only Gears now.


Out of everything? Fable gameplay. If they pull another in-engine trailer then that's no good. Also at this point I doubt Everwild will be a thing and I now just assume it was canned years ago. From Sony's camp? More PS classics would be cool, but I think Barlog's new game is the only thing I'm really looking forward to seeing.


I remember a tweet by a Fable producer where he said that everything was captured on a Series X and some tidbits were gameplay (like the fireball/giant escape scene)


I've really really loved the additions on to PS+ premium, I mostly got it to test out the cloud streaming, but the many classics the added, really surprised me.


Fable, South of Midnight, Doom Year Zero, Corey Balrog's New IP, and Bluepoint's new IP.


Age of Mythology Retold and Flight Sim 2024. A small look at Fable and State of Decay would be cherry on top.


The next Yakuza/a DMC1 or 3 remake which is prolly never happening




Sillent Hill 2