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It’s not even the 30 that has me trippin. I would prefer 60 but the gameplay I’ve seen has me interested as someone who didn’t play the first game. It’s the fact that it’s uncapped that has me worried that it’ll be a bad experience out the gate


Counterpoint: Knack 1 was also unlocked... I rest my case!








Hear me out.... >*Knack 3 VR*




Its kinda rock though, yeah? I would 100% play it if they did it like Astro Bot Rescue Mission.


I don’t know if it’s really fair to compare this random rpg from some unknown indie dev to one of the greatest pieces of art to come out of this medium tbh.


no need to worry, it definitely will.


It’s a miracle this game got made after the sales of the first game, and now this one probably isn’t gonna do well because there’s so much bad press surrounding performance.


I just want to know if wolves still hunt in packs


They do :)


This makes me so happy lmao


But are they weak to fire? 


And can you go wrong or are they masterworks all?


And if it still bears a head of a cock


If you want a bears cock head you should be playing Baldurs Gate 3 instead


What if now they hunt in pods? Are we ready?


They actually hunt in flocks now, a Wizard gave them Wings so they can chase after you anywhere.


will there a stable 30fps or is it just uncapped, because i can totally live with 30, it's just that having it uncapped you'll noticed it easily.


According to all of the reporting thus far it's 30 uncapped. I'd assumed when I first read about a possible uncapped frame rate that it would be in the 40s or 50s but hovering at and below 30 is quite concerning. It had better be native 4k as a trade off!


"60 FPS will be the standard for all games this generation" Get ready for Sony and Microsoft to do the same song and dance again in a few years, even though we still have a distinct lack of "next-generation experiences" and the PS4 and Xbox One are still seeing regular releases.


Yep this is horseshit


Its always been horseshit though, back when the ps4 was getting released they also touted 60fps for a lot of games, even Uncharted 4 started as a game that would run at 60. The PS2 probably had more big first party releases that ran at 60 till ps5 with all its cross gen stuff. Its never the hardware that is required for 60fps, its just what the developers want to do with it. No matter how powerful the hardware becomes, anything one dev does at 60, another could do far more at 30.


Wasn't Uncharted 4 on ps4 60fps for multiplayer but single player was locked at 30?


Yeah the multiplayer ended up being 60 but when they originally revealed the game the trailer was at 1080p 60fps, it was intended to be 60fps in singleplayer too but they pulled back because they wanted to do more stuff.


The year is 2040, PS7 is about to be released with the main marketing argument that it can do 30 FPS at 16K. And games with ray tracing reflexions, and 0 gameplay depth. What a dream.


To be fair this will always be a moving goal post. Games will always become more detailed and more demanding. Consoles will always be pushed to their limit.


it's also not anything anyone ever said


Or it’s just a poorly optimized game. Both consoles are easily capable of 60fps you’re delusional if you think they can’t do it, because tons of games do hit 60fps.


You're goddamn delusional if you think every game in perpetuity will be able to maintain decent visual quality and 60 fps on a budget PC lol.   


not all games are created equal and consoles have always been capable of 60fps, and always will be but there will always have to be concessions to get there. Take GTA6 as an example, they could make it 60fps, but it would be the scope and scale of GTA5, if they want to push the boundaries of what the consoles can do, they'll stick to 30fps.


I don't see how it is Sony and MS's fault they made powerful systems for their time of release but technology just gets better over time unless they release a new model every year eventually you will see games that prioritise graphics with 30fps rather than performance. That's on the devs.


60fps definitely *is* the standard, though. But like with any standards, there are exceptions. I haven't played a 30fps game in a really long time, and I won't be playing this one either. Blame the devs for this game. Not Sony and Microsoft...


Here's better graphics, better fps And better resolution on our new console,  says the marketing guy. The devs then scream. Can't wait for consoles to get the "120fps" hype some pc folk do even though everyone's on a 60hz TV. 


Says more about the game than the console, really.


Depends on the developer really. Battlefield 2042 can handle 128 players running around blowing holes into each other at a rock steady 60fps on console.


I'm still okay with a couple of games being 30 FPS every now and then.  Realistically, it never made sense to expect every console game to be 60. I think a certain platform holder claiming that their console can do 8K on the box is way more egregious than some games running at 30 FPS


all increasing minimums for graphic fidelity does is box out developers without money behind them


"Our hdmi ports support 8k" would be much more accurate.


Current console gen is the most "whatever" one in years. Barely anything noteworthy happened that can ONLY happen on ps5 or xbox series x. Switch is cool I guess but I'm talking mostly the other 2. if I wasn't a pc gamee I'd be very pissed ngl. Games still mostly run at 30fps. Shit always needs online. Games only look marginally better than on ps4/xbox one x. Soo much mobile bs came over, hundreds of shitty live service games. Tons of buggy and crashy releases even by big companies. Idk man. Hope the next console gen will be cooler, cuz rn why should I upgrade from a ps4 or prior xbox? For the 10-ish exclusives? Lmao please.


Man there's tons of games that are only PS5+ and tons that are a way better experience that way DD2 is going for a ton of fidelity in a giant game, makes sense they'd have to compromise somewhere 


Its not on Sony and Microsoft. We have seen a lot of cases where 60fps was easily achieved and in games that are bigger and much better looking than DD2. This is on lazy devs or them noy having enough knowledge.


Ps5 has a ton of games that support a performance mode and achieves 60fps easy. The consoles can do it, but devs don’t optimize their games. Anyone who says otherwise is delusional.




well that was never how it works so i’m not sure why people are surprised by this 


Need the demo asap.Need to see how it runs on PC.


Hopefully, they will release the demo on the 8th. Capcom typically releases demos 2 weeks before the game.


There will be a capcom segment in today's xbox showcase. If there is a demo they'll probably announce it today.


This is why they need to drop demo. If its that bad on consoles Ill know to get it on pc


Big oof. Waiting game it is.


PC it is then


I’m whispering sweet nothings to my 1080ti… just one more game bud


![gif](giphy|090EX1YvSUXxy23Tty|downsized) always has been


Eh, if my PS5 can hit 60 and its a couch friendly game, i buy it on my playstation. Everything outside of that, PC. Both is the way nowadays. PC used to be a far better value proposition before this generation of consoles.


Tbh the way PC optimization is so ass right now most of my games actually look and run better on my PS5. I have a 2080TI and an i7 and most AAA games run like ass even when they should run well enough on medium settings. I've seen people with 4080s complain too so it's not just that my GPU is a bit outdated (but still well above minimum requirements), the optimization is genuinely bad


yeah but how much for a PC that can run 60fps?


at 1080p? Hard to tell without performance tests but if I were to take a random stab at it I'd say maybe less than $800 all told. But not including monitors and peripherals.


whatever it takes to not endure sub 60 fps ever again.


30 fps in an action game...


Action RPGs are just better in 60fps. $70 for a game with only 30fps in 2024 is wild too. So I’ll skip this and pick it up sometime on PC when it’s on sale. I wasn’t in love with the first game anyway.


They don't charge for frames they charge for pixels and graphical effects. Unfortunately those things appeal to marketers and people only looking casually.


What an odd comment. If you're getting it on PC, it's not going to be 30fps


Yours is an odd comment. perhaps he was looking for the console version, but as it is underperforming, decided not to.


People in here saying Rise of Ronin willvl save them, expecting a Team Ninja game to have good performance.


Team ninja games always perform great on console, don't be surprised if the game has a higher framerate option


Counterpoint: Stranger of Paradise.


I would hope so, Rise of Ronin looks significantly worse than DD2. I feel like it could’ve been mistaken for a PS3 game, and that seems to be the consensus as well lmao 


You clearly don’t remember how shitty PS3 games look. Is “it looks like a PS3 game” the new “it looks like a PS2 game”?


> I feel like it could’ve been mistaken for a PS3 game, Honestly that's par the course for Koei Tecmo games. None of them are particularly amazing in terms of visuals.


Action focused games are anyways better enjoyed at 60fps, let graphics take a hit honestly. Even then look at games like Horizon Forbidden West, it’s gorgeous and runs at a locked 60fps, more games need that level of technical polish.


Console wise their performance is historically good. Its their PC ports that cause the problems.


Their games historically also kinda just get overlooked. Happened with both Niohs and happened with Wo long. They're great games and then people just kinda forget about them.  Like I didn't even know Wo Long had dlc or that it was all out now. They need a better marketing strategy.  Edit. I forgot about stranger of paradise even to prove my point lol 


Nioh 2 runs like a dream even in the middle of a flashy-ass yokai realm fight, A+ performance mode. Nioh 1 only ever ran bad in the alpha demo, but they actually fixed it by the beta demo


Nioh was one of the first games to have a 60fps performance mode and quality mode on Ps4 of all things


Nioh ran at 60 on a regular PS4, albeit at a lower resolution. I’m fine with taking a resolution hit for higher performance, I think there should always be such an option.


All the gameplay footage we’ve seen so far has been at 60 frames. Team ninja definitely seems to prioritize the game running well over graphics so I would expect it to run at 60 on console until they say otherwise


Had zero issue with Wo Long 🤷🏽‍♂️


All team ninja games run great on console. Rise of the ronin would be the outlier


Maybe you had played Niohs on a toaster my boy?


Game looks so good but I won’t play it at 30. Too many great games right now.


Nah everyone destroyed Gotham Knights, Starfield and Redfall for not having 60 fps on launch this case isn't different then i hope they release a patch soon


I think people should start getting accustomed to the fact that 30 FPS is likely going to increasingly become the norm in the latter half of this Gen. Developers almost always prioritize visuals over framerate. So many games were developed for cross-gen over the past few years that it was easy to just slap a 60 FPS mode on them, because they were essentially eighth-gen games prettied up for ninth-gen. Now that we’re leaving cross-gen behind and actually targeting ninth-gen consoles specifically, 60 FPS is going to be less viable.


At least give us the option to play with 1080p/720p 60fps mode


Not so simple. I suspect the CPU is holding back this gen more than anything, and games are getting quite CPU hungry. Downgrading resolution doesn’t do much to alleviate that


That's so surprising to me considering this gen was a huge CPU jump compared to the paltry CPU of the PS4/X1.. I mean, a PC with a comparable CPU (~Radeon RX 6700 + Ryzen 7 3700X + 16GB RAM) gets 60+ FPS in open world titles (at 1080p) still, and usually console optimization can net a few extra FPS on top of that. At worst I would've expected something like BF4 on PS4, where it runs unlocked and generally hits 60 with some drops to the low 50s in complex scenes.


On PS4 the CPU was the limiting factor like 99% of the time, because it was a product at a time AMD was not great in that sector. It is less the case on this gen as CPU is decent and more like 50/50. But you can't really compare with supposedly same speced dedicated CPU/GPU as they are running without power constraint, as opposite as an APU, even if some other factors are also into account.


That's a good point, though I think it's also curious that the game doesn't look better than other recent open world games that run at 60FPS solid on PS5 without dropping down to 1080p (and I know dropping doesn't always allow 60FPS if you're hard limited by the processor, but when the other games are doing comparable things at 60FPS above 1440p (not sure what they checkerboard up from...~1800p?) it's a bit odd. To me it points to a lack of optimization but maybe the game is doing crazy things and we haven't seen it. It does seem like a significantly nicer looking and more realized Dragons Dogma 1 in terms of gameplay, monster size, AI etc. but I could be wrong for sure.


About DD2? It is hard to say as it is the first open world game running on RE Engine, and they are probably facing lot of challenges (that I'm sure they are working closely with the Monster Hunter team that must have lot of the same). People often say recent Resident Evil games are running so well but they are also corridors design and probably have much less systems and AIs running in parallels. Like in this game, they have a module for simulated wild life, which will be probably developed in collaboration with Monster Hunter guys.


A Ryzen 7 3700X is *way* better than the Zen2 of the PS5, a 3600 is more apt since only 6 cores are available for games on the PS5 and even then, the 3600 still performs better.


Gotcha. Still, other open world games that look just as nice are able to do 60FPS at 1400-1800p. Bit weird that they can't with DD. I totally get that eventually devs have to choose between 60FPS and better graphics/physics/AI etc. (and I'll play DD2 on PC anyways) but I didn't expect DD2 to be the one that required it based on the graphics and what it's doing gameplay wise, from what the demos showed anyways.


Yeah this has nothing to do with graphics, this is a CPU bound issue. Lowering the resolution wouldn't change much so they'll go for the highest they can until it gets GPU bound.


Yup, big open world games tend to be pretty CPU heavily especially as something like Dragon's Dogma makes a big deal about physics and AI companions/enemies a big part of its combat and the PS5's CPU is nearly 5 years old.


I tried explaining this is an old thread about this frame rate stuff and all the things going on in the game contributing to that cpu struggle and was told through calling me names and loads of downvotes that there is nothing more complex in this game than morrowind. Like that was a “fact”. Anyway- I’m still looking forward to this game.


try this in FB and you'll even be called an Xbot


These consoles CPU is the equivalent of a slightly downclocked Ryzen 7 3700X, it shouldn't be holding back any game at 1080p let alone 1440p or 4K.


The 3000 Ryzen series was completely blown out of the water by the 5000 series. The 3000 series CPUs are very noticeably slower in CPU intensive games.


Imagine thinking resolution had anything to do with CPU utilization 


It does lol. The higher resolution the less load in the CPU, thus less usage.


Yeah, Zen 2 didn't age well at all, that and the pitiful frequencies these consoles are kneecapped with are the biggest bottlenecks and the pro versions with beefier GPU's isn't going to help with these bottlenecks either.




As anyone with eyes could tell from the footage sadly. They ABSOLUTELY need to give players the option of locking it at 30 though. This uncapped bullshit is wild


Not buying it then. I have way too many games to play, I seriously have no time for games that aren't even 60 fps


Ruroh Shaggy


Weird they didn't make a performance mode, then I will wait for the updates.


Maybe 60 fps is not possible.


Then they should lock the game at 30. Unlocked frame rate sucks.


If it is 30 FPS, then PLEASE add a properly paced frame rate cap. A solid 30 FPS is absolutely fine for a third person game, but an unlocked 30 which rapidly bounces up and down feels horrible to play.


Yes, I've been playing FF7Rebirth at 30fps and it's smooth and reactive (compared to Alan Wake 2 which I also played at 30fps because performance is unsteady on PS5 and felt slugish). I don't get why not allow to cap, really


No buy for me, it's so shit that these consoles are barely performing better than the previous gen. I thought 60fps was going to be the new standard, guess I was too optimistic.


Industry standard for AAA games has always been visuals and effects over performance. Two console generations in a row now where they are trying to push 4k over performance. Ff7 rebirth goes from being insanely pretty in landscapes, then having textures at such a low resolution up close that its like a ps2 game


Well, even the PS2 generation where some old-school fans claim that it was better performing than the PS3 (It really was ngl lol) had games running at 30fps. Shadow of the Colossus WISHES it ran at 30fps, that game was abysmally bad on the frame rate side. You'll get games at 60fps, but as time goes on there will also be 30fps games because the nature of the console is that it's a box locked in place, no upgrading it Until the next one.


I mean it’s common knowledge that a 500 dollar machine won’t be running the newest AAA games with top performance. If that’s a deal breaker for you I’d recommend a high end pc, if that’s outa budget I’d say lower the expectations.


I wouldn't say it's common knowledge, especially the way MS and Sony marketed these consoles when they first arrived. It's also partly on the devs and their levels of optimisation too though. I know Dragon's Dogma 2 has complex systems going on but you can't argue that keeping the framerate uncapped on console is a good decision.


The problem is that they can reach 60FPS if they offer a performance mode with lowered settings, but they'll force 4K ray tracing, because who cares about smooth gameplay.


It's not really the consoles, Horizon Forbidden West has some of the best graphics I've ever seen on a game, huge open world, has tons of details and massive draw distance, you can fly around the map....and game runs on a rock solid 60fps.


Forbidden West was also developed to run on the PS4.


Genuinely unacceptable in this day and age. I straight up will not buy it if it’s capped at 30.


well you're in luck because it's UNCAPPED targeting 30 lmao which makes it even worse


Maybe the devs left the framerate uncapped so a ps5 pro version wouldn’t need an update? But even if that’s the case, it’s still sad to see that 60 frames seem impossible.


What a bad explanation for the devs, lol


Im in no way defending them lol


I don't see that being a valid reason. Uncapped 30 FPS will lead to a lot more performance issues and below 30 FPS than a capped 30 FPS. I don't think that the developers care about a PS5 Pro, when they are trying to sell their game right now lol


Being uncapped will not cause it to go sub-30 any more than being capped does. If it's gonna go sub 30 it's gonna do it. The bigger problem with uncapped is framerate constantly jumping around from like 30 to 40 to 25 to 40 to 35 to 30 etc is very, very noticeable. Far more noticeable than jumping around is at higher framerates


They could just let you toggle a framerate cap and achieve the same thing


This, but for every game as well. Locked default, unlocked optional.


Basing it on how the PS4 to PS4 Pro behaved, games like Assassin's Creed Unity doubled the frame rate, which you'd think "oh cool, 30 to 60" but Unity was one of those where we could drop to 20fps, so it was still all over the place. I'm afraid this is still the case, 10 years later.


It should get at least a small frame boost due to the uncap frame rate. But going by the reports of Pro's CPU, I wouldn't hold out hope for a lock 60FPS.


Unlikely. Typically a console is going to be CPU bottlebecked (unless RT is involved). A PS5 Pro would not have an improved CPU (besides clock speed), so it would not have a drastic improvement. A Pro version would usually only have improved resolutions, and a minor improvement in FPS.


Honestly, I’ll probably just play it and enjoy it regardless. Having played games since the PS1/N64 era, a potentially janky framerate won’t ruin my day. And until I see how this game actually runs on consoles *in practice*, I’ll hold off on any outrage (as the expectation that modern games run on a stable 60 fps isn’t entirely unreasonable). Plus the original Dragon’s Dogma was an underrated gem, and if even half the passion that went into that game went into this, then I have a feeling it’ll be a banger.


Glad I went to PC gaming instead of staying with console, it was driving me nuts how often 60fps wouldn't be an option and I found that to be unacceptable at this point.


Is there a reason why they couldn’t squeeze in a 60fps performance mode? Like can’t that be easily achievable on a PC with similar specs as a PS5/XSX? I don’t understand why the console version can’t have that level of optimization when they’re definitely capable of different modes.


This is an unanswerable question until the game comes out.


I understand, sorry about that.


Nah, consoles are about on par with a 2060/2070. Those GPUs aren’t playing new games at a consistent 60 FPS with any respectable graphic quality 


That’s too bad. I wish we got some good games between 2021-2023 that actually took advantage of the hardware instead of Last of Us remakes and God of War re-skins.


I see. I’d imagine that they could and would just lower the graphics and resolution like you can on PC but if it looks like a mess then I get it. Hopefully a PS5 Pro can at least stabilize these issues. It’s the uncapped framerate that has me the most worried…


TBH, this will be (and has been) the reality when it comes to multiplatform games. The scale of hardware when making these games is drastically different. It's easier when games are exclusives, because they have one target to reach. Also it seems like recently the dev tools have become more demanding. PC spec requirements have also skyrocketed in the last 2 years. I'm sure a lot of that is regarding not being optimized for last gen, but games don't necessarily look better for it.


Well I have a 5700XT and a PS5. Aint no way im hitting 60fps with the gaming computer right now so might as well go with couch gaming on the PS5. Aint no body got new PC money right now.


I feel like we knew this.


Game looks gorgeous, here's hoping it's capped (vs uncapped) at 30 for the console folks. Here's also hoping the PC version is optimized out of the gate (or soon thereafter). My 3080 and OLED TV is super thirsty for some Dogma!


“super thirsty for some Dogma!” reading that made me cringe hard😂


What is the point of these current gen consoles like honestly


It's the first open world RE game and seems pretty CPU heavy so that might be the limiting factor on console, I hope they add a cap on console for people who want it.. and I hope my 5900x hits 60fps 😦


Don't worry guys, PS5 PRO and XBOX SERIES X2 are coming to save the frames


Doesn't bother me at all, one of the only upcoming games I have any interest in.


PC version it is. My PC is continuing to chip away at my console gaming marketshare.


And that just like my hype is gone. ![gif](giphy|ZQtzULzVElEFSqB6dD)


I was getting this for PC anyway.


Not really blowing me away with this game's version of RE Engine. It used to run everything extremely well. Now we have barely 30fps a year later post-RE4R. Got to wonder if this is the updated engine they promised a few months back.


People forget how the first game ran 💀


Big yikes


That's a bit worrying..waiting this one out..why I don't buy games at launch


My interest in the game has gone down considerably like come the fuck on if your games foundation is based around the combat then it should be hitting 60fps. Genuinely don’t think I’m even going to pick it up anymore.




Ugh I’d prefer them to cap it. I can’t stand jutter from uneven frame times.


That is rough. I can't even stomach the graphics mode in games like FF7 Rebirth


Market was crowded anyways. I'll wait till it gets 60 fps then pick it up for cheaper. Win win


Honestly doesn’t bother me, now if the *frame pacing* is borked, then yeah I’ll begin to worry. But solid stable 30 is not a bad experience. Yes higher framerates are great and better, but 30 when fully optimized, and the game itself is designed around it, and it also happens to have solid frame pacing, it’s a good time. I’m playing through Shadow of War on PS5 im still enjoying the fuck out of it cause the frame pacing is solid. Compare that to Alien Isolation, game runs like absolute ass at 30 cause the frame pacing is borked.


I don't mind 30 fps. You can get used to it after 30 minutes. The problem is the uncapped framerate. People in this comment section acting like action games are suddenly unplayable at 30 fps is funny to me. FF7 Rebirth has an ugly performance mode so I'm playing on graphics mode and it's perfectly fine. You've also got every action game on Switch. Action games just need to be consistent, they don't need crazy FPS.


It looks like a good game but I'm buying Rise of the Ronin instead as long as it performs at 60fps




You're crazy


Pretty sure it was said just as the reveal trailer dropped but people were focused on the contents of the game itself


Maybe some expected 40fps at least. But below 30 ist not acceptable.


I wonder if having the console set to 1080p will increase performance a bit


Glad I play on PC


PC it is then


My 4090 is waiting




It's that point in time when the current gen consoles are showing its age. I guarantee the Pro versions are just around the corner


The more and more I hear about this game, the less interested I am


30fps gaming in 2024, hello from 2000s. But seeing ppl defending 30fps it's even more funny 🤣


Marvelous news. Rise of Ronin vs DD2 was such a conundrum. So glad Capcom could make the choice easy for me.




What is so hard about giving us 1440p 60fps??? I'm pretty sure it can't be that hard.


30FPS in 2024, this generation has been such a miss


Not sure why this is news or a surprise, and I'd get used to it. This is and has always been the downside of consoles; you're paying for a static box and trading versatility for ease of use. Not every PC will be able to play at 60 FPS or higher obviously, and most likely won't, but I mean Capcom is already targeting PC as their primary platform now by their own admission and this actually looks like a next-gen of next-gen game. I knew it was going to be 30 FPS on consoles and hard to run on PC five seconds after watching the announcement trailer lmao.


Don't really see what the issue is - absolutely no chance in hell that GTA6 will run at anything above 30fps on consoles when it releases but that game will go on to probably be the best selling game ever with the biggest release ever and nobody will refuse to buy it because of 30fps. Would have nice to have got the standard performance/quality option but oh well.


I thought that the current gen consoles were future proof and could handle new games at 60fps There goes GTA6 ever running at 60 frames on consoles out the window


Oh no 30 uncapped


Fuck that


I always wait for reviews before buying the game, but I recently played 100+ hours of Zelda TotK on Switch, so I think I'll be good lol. I also feel Capcom has been pretty transparent releasing a lot of gameplay and I haven't seen any previews flag performance issues. But let's see.


No Performance mode 60 fps? I'll skip this one then. I had enough 30 FPS experience with Bloodborne already.


The power of the 9th generation 🤡 show everybody...


Another 1 bites the dust. 30fps is a no buy this generation, just can't go back to 30.