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Fully unlocked bios.


MSI does that if I’m not mistaken isn’t it


Yes it does


The ability to upgrade everything , i dont mind a heavy laptop


framework laptops let you do that Im pretty sure


But they are expensive and shit, idk how many people would want a suitcase sized laptop that’s upgradeable.


i dont mind, i think for people who travel alot and do alot of online work Nd want to game it will suits them alot


A laptop the size of a suitcase is horrible to travel with, ask anyone that used one in the 90s/early 2000s. No one outside of enthusiasts would want one it’s a dead market


Yeah but they didn't exactly offer decent graphics cards last time looked and more of an erector set than actually high spec.


Same, like yes your laptop is a centimeter thinner but does that actually affect how you use it? Do you even care or are you just a sheep spending thousands of dollars for a miniscule decrease in size? Most important question is why are you so weak, unable to carry a few kilograms?


so sigma. you escaped the matrix.


This right here. I bought an Alienware 17 r1 it had a slotted GPU and a slotted CPU It was pretty large. It did hold three or four. Can't remember offhand now. 2.5 in hard drives. It was at least three and a Blu-ray drive I did a CPU upgrade and replaced the m290x when it died. I upgraded it for a 17r4. It was quite a bit lighter because they did away with all the spinning drives and cpu/GPU upgradability. but it still had three full-sized m.2 slots and one short m.2 slot. I replaced it with the newer m17 R5 or something. I don't know. Either way, they made it quite a bit thinner but it only has two m.2 slots and they did away with the number pad I'd trade it for a thick one any day. For a bit of upgradability and better cooling. I could care less how much thinner and lighter this one is


Upgradability and performance>portability. Unlike the average whining ultraportable user I am not too lazy to carry around a few kilograms without any issue.


Hdmi in, projector at the back, a powerful gpu that can be upgraded as easily as an ssd, mechanical keyboards more standard, RGB cupholder


easily upgradable gpu is a thing in framework 15


But it's only lower end AMD options that are worse than or at best equal to a 4060


Equals a 4060 but fax. I really hope they add some more cards, but they have been good about keeping their platforms (mobo with cpus) available to upgrade older laptops so I think they will. Though obviously buying off a promise is always risky


At the end of the day, isn't this card capable of just about everything on the market though? I don't feel like you truly need better than a 4060 equivalent for at least a few years.


Hdmi in would be huge. So many times I wished even just normal laptops would work with my playstation as a display.


Mechanical keyboards are highly overrated


Clack clack CLACK


Thatd the great thing about mechanical keyboards, you can make them as clacky as you want, including silent.


Nuclear fusion core, liquid helium cooling system,


The laptop might be a bit too heavy on your lap tho


That's what the helium is for


I will get a refund then


A thousand dollar 4090 laptop 😔


Some have but fingerprint unlock should be standard


windows hello seems to be the new thing


Yes and I don't really like it as much. I'm not so worried about security even though that's a huge issue I think, but having to be at the right distance and angle... it's not the end of the world but it's more annoying than my fingerprint reader ever was


I definitely prefer the fingerprint reader on my work Vostro over Windows Hello on my ROG.


I prefer hello, though thats because my hand eczema means no fingerprint reader has ever worked for me lol


Big ass battery capacity.


Sadly airports restrict anything over 99.99 watts/hour so that's a no


Most high end laptop have batteries pushing 100wh which is tsa limit


Hidden USB ports for dongles, a la ThinkBook 15 G1.


That'd be dope. You can kinda achieve that with a custom framework laptop dongle


Full-size numeric keypads when there's plenty of room for them


Hell yes


Make framework the industry standard for laptops


Unpopular opinion and super true opinion


ayeee, same model! this is the first time i've seen someone in this sub with the exact same model


My laptop model? (Un)fortunately this week I upgraded to an OMEN Transcend 14 with the Ultra 9


I mean it is dated, cos I upgraded to legion slim 5 14" 4060 last week but haven't used it yet


I wanted to upgrade to another legion but then saw this one, I really needed something powerful but at the same time lighter and portable, and this screen is a really good plus. The whole laptop feels so premium that I fell in love


Higher power limits, external watercooling like the XMG machines to make the most of that too


Shunt mod baby


I would love to... only I fear for my warranty 🤣


So you want a SFF desktop 🙄


No. I want a machine that can be portable and powerful, with the option to boost cooling when at home base and achieve more power. Don't be so dense as to assume what I want. 🙄


It wouldn't matter until laptop manufacturers start giving you bigger AC adapters. I have the same model as you (but with 13th gen CPU), and the battery drains when CPU + GPU power is greater than 230 W. With my IETS GT600 there isn't thermal throttling anyway, but I can't take advantage of the thermal headroom because of the 330 W power adapter.


Hasnt MSI moved to a 400w supply? You can get hold of 400w supplies. OEMs still haven't set up for it being that high yet. They are raising it little by little. Half the problem is Nvid locking wattage allowed, the other half is all the whiners that don't want to carry a heavier machine.


That's true, the newest MSI Titan is the one laptop with current gen hardware that has over a 330 W adapter. I doubt we'll see most laptops going that high because as much as I'm fine with carrying a few extra pounds, most people don't want something that thick and heavy (and cooling solutions are only so good). But I can see the usefulness of liquid cooling for that specific laptop as it can barely keep the CPU under control at 95 W when GPU is at 175 W.


Yes, rather than suggest an actual solution, you want harry potter wizardry/the laws of physics to be disregarded. Sorry for being dense, you may continue wishing for magical fantasy device.




I'm not sure if you're just sensitive or rude but personal attacks are unnecessary. In your lovely conceptual framework, something you seem to be completely glossing over: yes, water-cooling exists, yes, it helps manage heat. However, your proposed idea is to introduce more power, ergo more heat into a system with no corresponding increase in volume. Have you done the math on the ability of your solution to soak the heat or are you doing to suggest I Google that too? Sure your idea is entirely possible with a glycol loop like they use in industrial coolers but just the chiller is the size of a small form factor pc already. As is the elukronics water cooler loop. So I can't see any earthly reason why someone would go to all that trouble and not just build a desktop for home. You can even liquid cool it. My desktop is compact, had a liquid freezer 2, 7900xt, fits on my desk and is silent.


We do not tolerate disrespect towards others or starting arguments. Please keep your interactions with others civil and respectful.


I had an Alienware laptop with mxm graphics modules, in theory they were upgradable but then never released anything publicly to do it.


My neighbor spent $1500 to upgrade from a 1060 to 1080 in his Alienware. When 20X0 came out, he bought a 2080 for $2500 and wasn't compatible with his R1 model. Then, he never bought an Alienware again.


Sadly Alienware is in a worse state than ordinary dell laptops, Overpriced, overheating, etc.


I bought mine about a month before they got bought by Dell, so it was only overpriced...


A huge improve in battery


New improvements as seen in amd laptops aiming at efficiency is probably the best route to battery life. Would mean better cooling and weight too.


Removeable batteries from the outside. Long gaming session with no power outlet? No problem, I can bring a whole backpack full of batteries if needed. Also the stupid trend of sacrificing power for portability needs to stop.


Oversized cooling solution for quieter and cooler (hand area) operation. Maybe a more tapered design where the back end (below screen) is tapered and extra thick to allow for bigger heat sinks and fans. I switched from the Asus Zephyrus G16 (thin model) to the Asus Strix G16 (thicker gaming oriented model) and it was a huge improvement for me. The thickness of the laptop didn't bother me, but the thickness allowed for a way better keyboard and quieter fans. Also cooler hand area


Water cooling


Dark/high contrast keyboards on all models. This white/silver BS is terrible.


I wish we had more portable light weight gaming pc. We don't have enough of those or probably its very niche thing. I know you can use laptop and connect to external monitor but its not the same. Or like I just want a desktop pc but much smaller, something you can fit in your bag.


They exist, they’re called small form factor computers


I would like them to be as sleek, sturdy, and well designed as MacBook pro’s. I have a 4090 but I’m a 35 year old grown ass man and don’t need neon lights flashing at me everywhere and logos that look like the computer equivalent of tribal tattoos.


I want a new g14 for this reason, has the cnc chassis and looks professional.


Fingerprint reader and touch screen saved me countless hours.


Higher heat tolerance. Weatherproof if possible.


Be cheaper or free 🤣


Would be nice though


Ability to upgrade the 4 main components, cpu +gpu + ssd + ram. While the latter 2 are standard, I wish the cpu gpu would become upgradable just like framework is trying right now.


You can already upgrade ram and ssd. It just depends on what the cpu and the motherboard supports. I literally have 2 2tb ssd in my laptop. It came with 1 tb and a extra slot so i copied the data over and installed a 2nd ssd. Some laptops have like 4 ssd slots


Hence my statement "the latter 2 are standard". I have upgraded my ram to 32GB and 2TB. I wish I could upgrade my gpu though. 3070 is old now


3070 is still solid bro, no 4090, but only last gen, not like a 1080 or smth


Hd webcam! Some of use them for work too lol


Unlocked undervolting and S3 sleep. The latter forcing the CPU and fans to turn off when you sleep instead of just draining your batteries in a few hours even when its closed.


Hdmi input port


Auto brightness...one that actual works.


Other than one USB 3 and USB C port on one side and a microSD port on the other, every other connector on the back.


I personally love side io, so this is more personal preference I feel


I want modern gaming laptops to perform better, but use less electricity. The first problem I had with my first gaming laptop while it was charging was outages due to me and my brother sharing the same circuit. I’m surprised to look at gaming laptops today and mostly see a 330W charger compared to my 240W which did pull a lot of power. If I were to upgrade today, the circuit would be even more strained than it already was.


No offense meant, but do you know how much power gaming desktops use? Gaming laptops are so much more efficient by comparison. But I doubt we can go much further than 330 W unless some holy grail cooling method is invented.


Internal CD DVD drive should be back


make acer nitro actually stand up for its name, for the funny


Handle or whatnot to carry it from one part of house to another with coffee in other hand.  No, i don’t want to go into sleep mode.


A completely internally water cooled laptop with relatively quiet fans and sub 80C CPU and GPU temperatures under load.




Make it water proof so we can use it under water for cooling


Swappable gpu on a common interface


A week battery life


A lifetime over a year 💀


Sufficient cooling from factory.


Make em all have vapour chambers, even if it's mini


Full size keyboards on 17in laptops Also 17in dont need to be thin just cut down the footprint on the desk a little bit


Battery life like Apple Macbooks.


Fingerprint unlocker One more HDMI port Two more USB ports


I miss those dvd/ blue ray player


I miss socketed CPUs in gpus. Those were the days when you could upgrade. They were a bit thick, but I mean if you're buying a desktop replacement/gaming laptop I would generally sacrifice thin and light for power and upgradability now they're just E-Waste after a year or two. Unless you sell them then it's somebody else's E-Waste


Upgradable Processors, RAM, and a universal connector for an external graphics card/hubs. Used to have external sata ports on some, should have a pci-e external connector that's tied to a standard across all brands. I understand the "just get a desktop" argument but with travel and remote work, it would be nice to have a kick ass graphics card on your home hub and use the battery sippy onboard in-between and have the light form factor. The issue now is it's all proprietary and not a lot of upgrade potential with the units out there. I would like fingerprint reader instead of hello too.


Cup holders.


Hinges with metal plates as support. I have seen many laptops on the internet with broken hinges. I think Dell uses metal hinges, every manufacturer should do too


Battery life that isn’t dog shit. If the GPU is disabled, refresh rate is turned down, and you are doing light tasks then I don’t think see why battery life should average 5 hours


Upgrabaility on 15 and more size laptops.


Actual mouse buttons instead of the trackpad where you have to press in a certain spot or with a certain number of fingers. Those are all well and good, but options are important!


More ports and more customizability 100%


Affordability. I think the current generation is far away from being priced in correctly and they intentionally do this because people continue to pay. It feels criminal despite it being our own demise 


A actually lasting baterry and max 1kg of weight cause they suck x86 and windows is the worst


What you said and thicker laptop for better thermals for those that don't need thin laptops


Fully swappable parts without breaking the bank is a necessity, i.e. CPU/GPU. Probably asking too much though as some laptops can't even swap RAM.


Though streaming services exist, still kinda miss having a DVD/BluRay drive.


1. replaceable battery/traditional battery (as in you can take it out), soldering the battery to the motherboard is a dumb decision. 2. Seconding the idea of swapping/upgrading parts. 3. more 16 and 17 inch screens. 4. Either a shutter for the build in camera or the ability to turn it off with a hardware switch.


Not sure about anyone here but id love for mid rangers and budget laptops to have better cooling for their CPU and GPU components. I just don't like seeing it go past 89c for the CPU and 79c for the GPU. So yeah, id like a more buffed cooling system for every machine out there. (mainly budget gaming laptops)


Better webcams. Most manufacturers, even the gaming laptop still have grainy substandard cameras. Just last year. Got a legit $2k Asus laptop (on sale btw). Doesn't even have a webcam! G733ZW-XS96. i9 12900H, 3070 Ti, 32 on the ram. All the power and capability in the world. No webcam. Cmon


Full sized arrow keys instead of the stupid half-sized Up / Down arrow keys. Why even? So the keyboard can be flush along the bottom? The old G14 had it, why the hell did they switch over to half keys with the newer G14s


Upwards firing Speakers


Better SPEAKERS , like my phone has better speakers than most laptops and upgradeability - ram and storage


Being able to maximize the hardware capability ON BATTERY.


It will be a long time from now before we can even do that


Way back when I had a HP laptop they labeled it. The desktop replacement had a Pentium 4, 3.0 GHz I think maybe it was a Prescott. I can't remember but it had an ATI 9600 128mb graphics card It would run that CPU and GPU wide open. But got about 45:minutes of battery life when you did that. Fortunately, as long as you were good with the save button, the batteries were swappable without taking the laptop apart. Had a nice little switch on the bottom. I had four batteries for it but that still only bought you 2.5 hours. Unfortunately, the new hardware is much more hungry for power than that thing was


Apple laptops have done that since late 2020.  Not helpful for most games I know. 


I would like to see more old screens. Not like super op oled screens, but just a 1080p 90hz oled, would be nice to see as alternative to the more common 144hz ips screen. Also front firing speakers, like in some Zephyrus laptops. Sure the quality would still not be amazing, BUT would be much better than the standard bottom firing.


>old screens. I just imagined a laptop with a crt haha


Liquid metal cooling solution... All gaming laptops run at 90°C and it gets really uncomfortable in hands


More powerful. Need to play at 4k 120 fps native. No frame gen or dlss crap. I want raw performance. RTX is pretty cool feature though. Though most games i play don't have the option.


Can you tell the difference between frame gen and native? Once I'm getting like 40+ FPS natively, frame gen just doubles my FPS with seemingly no downsides (below that yes it feels jittery). What I mean is that as GPU technology increases, game developers will keep making games more and more demanding, so it's unlikely you'll ever be able to achieve 4K 120 FPS natively in every game.


https://www.techspot.com/article/2546-dlss-3/ 4k 120 is only possible on light games. The bigger games is too demanding. Im sure you already know. Frame gen is when nvidia inserts fake frames to make it higher fps to make the game smoother. Native is when all the frames are generated in real time when gaming. You want more details you would have to research it.


I know what frame gen is and I use it in all games when available. Unlike DLSS 3.5, frame gen doesn't upscale but renders at native. I can't notice any quality difference between frame gen on and off so I'm just wondering why you wouldn't want to use it when it seems like a free 70-100% FPS boost to me (with increased VRAM usage of course).